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基于比特可靠性的LDPC码编译码算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于比特可靠性的低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码编码算法和一种加权置信传播(BP)译码算法.该编码算法首先利用蒙特卡罗仿真得到LDPC码各个比特节点的出错概率,然后用已知信息替换易出错比特节点进行编码;该译码算法根据比特节点可靠性的差异,在译码时为每个比特节点赋予相应的权值,以调整它们对译码的影响程度.仿真表明,新的编译码算法使得系统性能大大提高,同时加快了译码迭代收敛速度.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了删除信道,及删除信道下LDPC码的优势,重点讨论了几种优化设计LDPC图的算法。其次,提出了一种限制环长加边算法,该算法比以往的优化算法有更小的复杂度和更好的性能。最后,对算法进行了仿真。  相似文献   

极化码是目前唯一被理论证明可以达到香农极限的线性纠错信道编码,已经成为5G标准的信道编码技术方案.针对具有线性复杂度的接续删除译码算法进行了仿真.针对接续删除算法的高译码时延,深入研究了每个时钟周期的计算特点,并且介绍了各种改进方案.针对上述存在的不足进行分析和总结得到了新的研究方向,最后说明了极化码与LDPC码、Turbo码多模译码器的研究可行性.  相似文献   

针对目前缺少对LDPC码TDMP算法理论分析的问题,提出了TDMP算法的高斯近似.基于BP算法和对称条件,得到结果收敛的TDMP算法的高斯近似.利用高斯近似来分析TDMP算法的译码收敛性,为论证TDMP算法的优越性能提供了理论依据.基于Wimax标准,分别对BP算法和TDMP算法的高斯近似进行仿真.仿真结果表明,在相同情况下,TDMP算法译码收敛速度更快,需要的迭代次数更少.同时,给出了TDMP算法分别采用高斯近似和密度进化时的门限值,它们的差别仅为0.03~0.08dB.  相似文献   

极化码在CRC-SCL译码方面需要逐层判决逐比特取值的比特依赖,是整个译码系统复杂度与延迟的主要来源.所以,本文在CRC-SCL译码的基础上提出一种新型的译码算法,即APC-SCL译码算法,并通过理论分析和MATLAB仿真,验证了在码长为1 024情况下译码的性能,在列表长度相同的条件下,APC-SCL译码算法相比CRC-SCL译码平均搜索宽度减少了26.5%,降低了系统复杂度,该算法在低信噪比区间效果更加明显.  相似文献   

丁溯泉  黄晓非  杨知行 《高技术通讯》2007,17(12):1234-1237
基于协同优化算法推导出一种Reed-Solomon(RS)码的迭代软判决译码(SDD)算法。该算法属于消息传递算法,具有严格的理论基础。仿真结果表明,该算法相对于硬判决译码(HDD)能够获得有效的软判决译码增益,对于(15,9)RS码在误帧率(FER)为4×10-4时有0.3~1.3dB的增益;同时译码复杂度低,具有很好的工程实用性。此外该算法是一类软输入软输出(SISO)译码算法,能够应用于以RS码为子码的复合码,如级连码和乘积码的迭代译码。  相似文献   

针对LT码在短信息字长度时采用置信传播(BP)译码和最大似然(ML)译码存在大的性能差异问题,提出了一种BP/ML混合译码算法来实现LT码在二进制删除信道(BEC)中译码复杂度和性能的合理折中.此算法在BP译码失败时只需运用ML译码确定少数猜测比特就可实现成功译码.仿真结果显示,相比于BP译码,BP/ML混合译码的译码...  相似文献   

LDPC译码器性能直接影响接收机性能的优劣.该文详细分析基于EEE802.11 ac的下一代无线局域网中LDPC码的编码参数,介绍了BP译码算法、Log-BP算法、最小和译码算法、分层修正MS译码算法的优缺点,并利用Matlab搭建IEEE802.11ac系统测试链路,测试了4种算法的误码性能.分层修正译码算法最适合ASIC实现,同时经测试得到适合硬件实现的译码迭代次数为20,归一化因子为0.75,为LDPC译码器设计提供参考.  相似文献   

LDPC码是迄今为止试验中最接近Shamon极限的信道编码,也为短波通信指出了发展方向。本文分析了在短波信道下LDPC码的性能随码长、迭代次数、编码速率的变化,展示了其优良的性能。  相似文献   

针对普通低密度校验(LDPC)码制约行列联合(JRC)译码算法并行度提高的问题,基于块渐进边增长(BPEG)算法,提出了一种用于并行JRC译码的LDPC码构造方法.该方法构造的准循环LDPC码(QC-LDPC)基矩阵由含r(r为大于1的整数)行的行组构成,允许一个行组内的r行进行并行JRC运算.仿真结果表明,用上述构造方法构造的LDPC码与BPEG码的误码性能相当.硬件实现表明,用此构造码的并行译码器的速率能达到典型传统准循环译码器的3倍以上,为面向译码器的LDPC码构造提供了范例.  相似文献   

Improved parallel weighted bit-flipping decoding algorithm for LDPC codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Communications, IET》2009,3(1):91-99
Aiming at seeking a low-complexity decoder with fast decoding convergence speed for short or medium low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, an improved parallel weighted bit-flipping (IPWBF) algorithm, which is applied flexibly for two classes of codes is presented here. For LDPC codes with low column weight in their parity check matrix, both bootstrapping and loop detection procedures, described in the existing literature, are included in IPWBF. Furthermore, a novel delay-handling procedure is introduced to prevent the codeword bits of high reliability from being flipped too hastily. For large column weight finite geometry LDPC codes, only the delay-handling procedure is included in IPWBF to show its effectiveness. Extensive simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves a good tradeoff between performance and complexity.  相似文献   

The current study proposes decoding algorithms for low density parity check codes (LDPC), which offer competitive performance-complexity trade-offs relative to some of the most efficient existing decoding techniques. Unlike existing low-complexity algorithms, which are essentially reduced complexity variations of the classical belief propagation algorithm, starting point in the developed algorithms is the gradient projections (GP) decoding technique, proposed by Kasparis and Evans (2007). The first part of this paper is concerned with the GP algorithm itself, and specifically with determining bounds on the step-size parameter, over which convergence is guaranteed. Consequently, the GP algorithm is reformulated as a message passing routine on a Tanner graph and this new formulation allows development of new low-complexity decoding routines. Simulation evaluations, performed mainly for geometry-based LDPC constructions, show that the new variations achieve similar performances and complexities per iteration to the state-of-the-art algorithms. However, the developed algorithms offer the implementation advantages that the memory-storage requirement is significantly reduced, and also that the performance and convergence speed can be finely traded-off by tuning the step-size parameter.  相似文献   

We consider matrix-product codes ${[C_1\cdots C_s] \cdot A}$ , where ${C_1, \ldots , C_s}$ are nested linear codes and matrix A has full rank. We compute their minimum distance and provide a decoding algorithm when A is a non-singular by columns matrix. The decoding algorithm decodes up to half of the minimum distance.  相似文献   

We show how to find s-PD-sets of the minimal size \(s+1\) for the \(\left[ \frac{q^n-q^u}{q-1},n,q^{n-1}-q^{u-1}\right] _q \) MacDonald q-ary codes \(C_{n,u}(q)\) where \(n \ge 3\) and \(1 \le u \le n-1\). The construction of [6] can be used and gives s-PD-sets for s up to the bound \(\lfloor \frac{q^{n-u}-1}{(n-u)(q-1)} \rfloor -1\), of effective use for u small; for \(u \ge \lfloor \frac{n}{2} \rfloor \) an alternative construction is given that applies up to a bound that depends on the maximum size of a set of vectors in \(V_u(\mathbb {F}_q)\) with each pair of vectors distance at least 3 apart.  相似文献   

We introduce a new low-density parity-check (LDPC) decoding algorithm that exploits the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) information of data segments. By using the error detection property of the CRC, we can successively decode data segments of a codeword corrupted by random errors and erasures. The key idea is that the messages from the variable nodes with correct checksum are fixed to deterministic log likelihood ratio values during LDPC iterative decoding. This approach improves the decoding speed and codeword error rate without significant modification of the LDPC decoding structure. Moreover, the CRC is also used for an early stopping criterion of LDPC decoding. Simulation results verify our claims.  相似文献   

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