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汕头市工商行政管理局办公设备招标采购公告招标编号:SCG2010003招标代理:汕头市政府采购中心业主单位:汕头市工商行政管理局报名截止:2010-02-22招标内容:汕头市工商行政管理局办公设备采购。数量:台式电脑150套,笔记本电脑100套,主机防护系统10套开标时间:2010年2月22日开标地点:汕头市政府采购中心招标厅采购人名称:汕头市工商行政管理局地址:汕头市龙眼路18号  相似文献   

正财政局办公设备招标采购招标编号:汉政采招2012-002招标代理:汉源县政府采购中心项目名称:汉源县财政局办公设备采购报名截止:2012-02-16采购内容:电脑、打印机、复印机、数码相机等办公设备一批采购人:汉源县财政局地址:汉源县新县城联系人:周先生电话:0835-4223267、15983531360采购代理机构:汉源县政府采购中心  相似文献   

广西平果县财政局打印机、电脑数码产品等办公设备招标采购公告,广东东莞市塘厦安监分局办公设备数码复印机招标采购公告,上海阂行区2010年下半年协议供货(台式计算机等)项目招标公告。  相似文献   

昆明市纪委监察局信息化办公设备招标公告招标编号:昆采公2008112035业主单位:昆明市纪委监察局报名截止:2009-01-18发布人:昆明市市级机关事务管理局政府采购办公室招标内容:信息化办公设备笔记本计算机20台,台式计算机40台,服务器2台,数码相机30台,  相似文献   

四川省成都市中级人民法院办公设备招标采购公告招标编号:成都市政采招[2009]200-1号招标代理:成都市政府采购服务中心报名截止:2010-02-04招标内容:包件1:台式计算机/数量:151台包件2:笔记本电脑/数量:114台开标时间:2010年2月4日开标地点:成都市政府采购服务中心开第三开评标室(成都市少城路25号少城大厦2楼203室)。  相似文献   

广东省机电设备招标中心计算机及办公设备招标公告广东省机电设备招标中心受广东省政府采购中心委托,对以下货物及相关服务进行国内公开竞争性招标(招标编号:GMTC025003ZH004)。现邀请合格的投标人提交密封投标。一、招标内容品目一:台式电脑(4台)、笔记本电脑(4台)品目二:笔记本电脑(19台)品目三:A4激光彩色网络打印机(1台)、A4激光网络打印机(5台)、A3激光网络打印机(11台)品目四:网络交换机(3台)品目五:台式电脑(18台)、打印机(18台)、传真机(2台)详细技术要求和服务内容见招标文件相关部分。二、合格投标人基本条件1、具备投标条件的中华人民共和国的法人或其他组织。  相似文献   

湖南省公安厅办公设备公开招标采购信息公告招标编号:HNSZZFCG-2008-054A招标代理:湖南省省直机关政府采购中心报名截止:2008-06-10  相似文献   

湖南国信招标咨询有限责任公司路由器交换机等招标公告湖南国信招标咨询有限责任公司受湖南省地方税务局的委托,对下列产品及服务进行国内竞争性招标,现邀请合格的投标人参加投标。一、招标产品的名称、数量: 第一包: 品目一、市州局枢纽路由器14套;品目二、大市州局主交换机(大数据量交换)2套;品目三、市州局主交换机(中等数据量交换)11套;品目四、部分CISCO  相似文献   

<正>河源职业技术学院办公设备采购公告招标编号:GDHY2011HG010招标代理:河源市政府采购中心设备内容:商用电脑、多媒体教学等设备(详细见招标文件)。投标截止时间:201 1年7月27日上午9时30分集中采购机构联系人:李先生采购人联系人:钟老师电话:0762-3388332电话:0762-3800 1 03传真:0762-3388339  相似文献   

办公设备、办公家具招标采购公告招标编号:晋政采[2010-176]G82-A150招标代理:山西省省级政府采购中心业主单位:山西省万家寨引黄工程管理局招标内容:台式电脑90台、文件柜10个、三门柜15个、桌子15个、椅子15把、转椅110把、沙发8套、1.2米床7张、1.5米床1张。投标时间:2010年11月24日上午10:00(北京时间)投标地点:山西省省级政府采购中心  相似文献   

An exact solution for the M/G/c/K model is only possible for special cases, such as exponential service, a single server, or no waiting room at all. Instead of basing the approximation on an infinite capacity queue as is often the case, an approximation based on a closed-form expression derivable from the finite capacity exponential queue is presented. Properties of the closed-form expression along with its use in approximating the blocking probability of M/G/c/K systems are discussed. Extensive experiments are provided to test and verify the efficacy of our approximate results.  相似文献   

为解决标准设计模式演化后难以检测的问题,引入设计模式变体思想,以Bridge模式为例,给出了八种常用的变体实现,并以人工形式挖掘了四种开源系统中Bridge模式变体的基准数,接着在Apache Ant1.6.2与JHotDraw5.1开源系统中通过六种主流设计模式检测工具进行了变体检测实验。试验结果表明,FCA-CBR方法简单有效,对2种开源系统中Bridge模式变体检测的精确率达到60%与48.1%,与先前方法相比有了较大的提高。  相似文献   

We report performance measurements made on the 2-CPU CRAY X-MP at ECMWF, Reading. Vector (SIMD) performance on one CPU is interpreted by the two parameters (r, n12), and we find for dyadic operations using FORTRAN r = 70 Mflop/s, n12 = 53 flop. All vector triadic operations produce r = 107 Mflop/s, n12 = 45 flop; and a triadic operation with two vectors and one scalar gives r = 148 Mflop/s and n12 = 60 flop. MIMD performance using both CPUs on one job is interpreted with the two parameters (r, s12), where s12 is the amount of arithmetic that could have been done during the time taken to synchronize the two CPUs. We find, for dyadic operations using the TSKSTART and TSKWAIT synchronization primitives, that r = 130 Mflop/s and s12 = 5700 flop. This means that a job must contain more than ~ 6000 floating-point operations if it is to run at more than 50% of the maximum performance when split between both CPUs by this method. Less expensive synchronization methods using LOCKS and EVENTS reduces s12 to 4000 flop and 2000 flop respectively. A simplified form of LOCK synchronization written in CAL code further reduces s12 to 220 flop. This is probably the minimum possible value for synchronization overhead on the CRAY X-MP.  相似文献   

“Complex Random Sample Scheduling(CRSS)” was proposed in this paper as an efficient heuristic method for solving any permutation scheduling problems. To show the effectiveness of the proposed CRSS, it was applied to an N-job, M-machine, permutation flowshop scheduling problem to minimize makespan, N/M/F/Fmax. Numerical experiments made it clear that the proposed CRSS provides a schedule very close to the near-optimal schedule obtained by the existing promising heuristic methods such as taboo search and simulated annealing, within less computation time than these heuristic methods.  相似文献   

Consideration was given to the discrete-time queuing system with inversive servicing without interrupts, second-order geometrical arrivals, arbitrary (discrete) distribution of the customer length, and finite buffer. Each arriving customer has length and random volume. The total volume of the customers sojourning in the system is bounded by some value. Formulas of the stationary state probabilities and stationary distribution of the time of customer sojourn in the system were established.  相似文献   

Several efficient algorithms of O(n log n) computational complexity, for the Johnson's rule to schedule a set of simultaneously available jobs on two machines in a flowship to minimize the maximum job flowtime have appeared in the literature. A modified version of one of these algorithms is presented which not only simplifies the programming effort for implementation but is also able to generate all possible optimal sequences obtainable from Johnson's rule.  相似文献   

We obtain the exact analytic expression of the probability distribution of the number of units in a single server queue with Poisson arrivals and Coxian service time distribution (notated as M/Ck/1). A recursive procedure for calculating this probability distribution is given. The well-known queues M/Ek/1 and M/D/1 are re-derived as special cases of the M/Ck/1 queue. Finally, the cases of M/C2/1 and M/C3/1 are fully worked out.  相似文献   

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