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时变等温线接触弹流润滑问题求解的多重网格技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了用多重网格技术求解时变等温线接触弹流润滑问题的方法,在算法上对压力迭代过程进行了简化;最底层网格上采用Newton-Raphson方法,在其它各层网格上使用Gauss-Seidel低松驰迭代。作为算例,研究了脉冲载荷对弹流润滑特性的影响。  相似文献   

求得了带单粗糙峰时变等温线接触弹流润滑问题的完全数值解,分析了单粗糙峰对压力、膜厚的影响。结果表明,单粗糙峰造成接触区对应位置油膜压力剧烈变化而膜厚变薄。讨论了单粗糙峰半波长、速度和载荷参数分别变化时对压力和膜厚的影响,最后比较了时变解和准稳态解。  相似文献   

选取Ree-Eyring流体、Bair-Winer流体和Carreau流体建立非牛顿流体等温弹流润滑模型,研究不同流变模型对最小膜厚和中心膜厚影响,并与Newton流体进行比较,同时讨论环境黏度对油膜压力和膜厚的影响。结果表明:基于Carreau流变模型得到的最小膜厚与实测结果最吻合;与Newton流体模型相比,Carreau流变模型和Ree-Eyring流变模型得到的油膜中心厚度较高,其中Carreau流变模型的油膜中心厚度最高,Bair-Winer流变模型得到的中心膜厚最小;与Roelands黏压模型相比,采用Doolittle自由体积黏压模型在中心区域产生较低的黏度;环境黏度高的润滑油油膜厚度增加,第二压力峰值也增大。  相似文献   

应用多重网格解法,求得了指数率非牛顿流体在稳态等温线接触条件下的弹流润滑数值解,分析了油膜压力和油膜厚度随指数及滑滚比的变化关系,并与相同工况下牛顿流体弹流润滑的结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

考虑了时变效应、轴承表面海水润滑膜温度场和两固体表面横向粗糙度等因素,对塑料轴承的弹流润滑问题进行研究.利用压力求解的顺解法及温度求解的逐列扫描技术,得到塑料轴承时变微观热弹流润滑问题的完全数值解.讨论了粗糙度函数幅值和波长及载荷、转速对于海水润滑膜压力及膜厚的影响.数值计算结果表明,粗糙度的几何参数对润滑性能有着不同程度的影响;随载荷的增大,压力增大,膜厚减小;转速对压力影响较小,随转速的增大,膜厚增大.  相似文献   

一个表面带单粗糙峰的线接触时变微弹流润滑数值分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
通过数值求解研究了一个固体表面的单粗糙峰对两固体形成的线接触时变弹流润滑区压力、膜厚分布曲线的影响。结果表明:粗糙峰的出现,使其对应位置上的压力、膜厚发生急剧变化;粗糙峰的移动,对压力和膜厚的变化、固体表面的凹陷现象以及Hertz接触区的出口颈缩均有不同的影响;另外,压力峰和油膜形状随着粗糙峰幅值和半波长的变化而变化。结果亦表明:准稳态解比时变解过高地估计粗糙峰对压力和膜厚的影响。  相似文献   

应用数值分析方法求解了线接触往复运动工况下的热弹性流体动力润滑特性.假设所研究的润滑油服从Ree-Eyring流变模型.计算结果显示:由于挤压效应,油膜在行程末端形成凹陷.在行程中由于楔形效应和挤压效应的共同作用出现波动. 即使油膜中温升很小,热效应对摩擦因数和膜厚仍起重要作用.  相似文献   

线接触弹流润滑综合数值分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
应用多重网格法和多重网格积分法数值求解rNewton流体和Ree-Eyring流体线接触等温和热弹流润滑问题,分析了滑滚比对摩擦因数的影响,指出了润滑油的流变性和热效应对线接触弹流润滑油膜粘度的影响,以及不同滑滚比时压力、膜厚和温度的分布规律。结果表明:等温润滑时的摩擦因数随着滑滚比的增加而增加,热弹流润滑时的摩擦因数随着滑滚比的增加先增加后减小,热效应和非牛顿流体的剪稀作用均会使润滑油的等效粘度降低,从而影响摩擦因数;热效应的存在使油膜变薄,且在所讨论的工况条件下Newton流体的膜厚比Ree-Eyring流体的稍薄,热效应使第二压力峰变矮,且Ree-Eyring流体的第二压力峰矮于Newton流体的第二压力峰;纯滚动时,Ree-Eyring流体的温度比Newton流体的温度高,有滑滚比时,Newton流体的温度比Ree-Eyring流体的温度高,且油膜的温度随滑滚比的增加而增加。  相似文献   

本文提出了Nowton-Raphson迭代与低松驰迭低联合求解一般非稳态弹流问题的数值方法。该方法参数范围广,收敛速度快。通过对各种非稳态弹流润滑过程的数值模拟,阐明了一些非稳态弹流润滑的特征,发现了压力“双峰”现象。最后,本文针对凸轮-挺柱副非稳态弹流润滑问题的实例,进行了完全数值模拟,获得了成功。  相似文献   

用多重网格法 ,求得了Ree Eyring流体润滑的渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮瞬时等温弹流润滑完全数值解 ,给出了油膜压力、厚度沿啮合线随时间变化的关系 ,并与相同工况下的牛顿流体润滑的结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

A general procedure for determining the equivalent radius of curvature and entraining velocity of various oscillating and reciprocating cam and follower mechanisms has been developed. This procedure requires as input the motion of the follower, i.e., the lift curve, the angular velocity of the cam and the basic geometry of the cam and follower mechanism. The radius of curvature of the cam at the point of contact was determined using the method of kinematic coefficients. A vector loop superimposed on the cam and follower was used to determine the entraining velocity of the mechanism at the point of contact.  相似文献   

D. Zhu  H. S Cheng 《摩擦学汇刊》2013,56(3):364-370
General Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Code (GEHLC) is a FORTRAN code for calculating the lubrication performance of line and point contacts used in machine elements such as gears, rolling bearings, cam and follower systems, and traction drives, etc. It adopts the most recent results published by Chittenden and Dowson et al. (1), to evaluate isothermal film thickness of point contacts, and uses the thermal reduction factor (2) to account for the inlet heating effects on the film thickness. By using Bair and Winer's analysis (3), a viscoelastic fluid model has been employed in this program to calculate shear stress in the film with bisection technique and In predict the coefficient of friction. Using this program one can also obtain flash temperature distribution on the two solid surfaces from a simplified heat conduction analysis based on work by Bolt (4), Jaeger (5), and Archard (6), et al. Typical results are presented for elliptical contacts used in rolling bearings.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of oil-supply condition on the lubrication performance of machine components, such as gears and roll bearings, a full numerical solution of the isothermal finite line contact elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) problem under different oil-supply conditions was obtained. The supplied oil quantity was given with the thicknesses of layers of oil films on both solid surfaces, and an equivalent thickness of such supplied oil films was introduced. An algorithm similar to that proposed by Elrod in 1981 was developed to determine the pressure starting position automatically. The pressure field was solved with a multi-grid solver which enables the difficulty of the huge mesh differences in two directions be overcome easily. The surface deformation produced by pressure was calculated with a multilevel multi-integration method. Based on the Newtonian lubricant assumption, comparisons of solutions between the starved and fully flooded contacts have been made. Results show that the pressure starting position and the central and minimum film thicknesses vary with different oil-supply thicknesses. In addition, the influence of the thickness of the oil-supply layer, the end profile radius, the entrainment velocity, and the maximum Hertzian pressure on the starved fluid film thickness has been investigated. In conclusion, the optimum quantity of the supplied oil is very important for the discussed problem.  相似文献   

在人工关节弹流润滑中,如果润滑剂供应不足,则会出现乏液现象.分析了球坐标系下不同的供液膜厚、载荷及径向间隙对乏液润滑行为的影响.结果表明:当供液膜厚较小时,压力区也较小,乏液现象较严重,但润滑液利用率较高.当载荷逐渐增大时,压力区增大,润滑液膜产生的压力变大,液膜起始处膜厚值也较大.径向间隙越大,压力区越小,润滑液膜产生的压力越高,液膜起始处的膜厚值也越大,但起始位置更接近于接触区中心.  相似文献   

研究了推力球轴承的钢球与滚道间形成的椭圆接触等温弹流润滑问题。据此问题建立的数学模型既有沿接触椭圆短轴方向的卷吸速度分量,又有沿其长轴方向的卷吸速度分量,且速度值处处各异。运用多重网格法求得了几组参数下的完全数值解,并分析了转动速度、中心距、椭圆比等参数对结果的影响。  相似文献   

应用多重网格法,求解得到了指数率(Power Law)非牛顿流体在线接触时变变温条件下的弹流润滑数值解。分析了稳态条件下流变指数n对压力、油膜厚度及温度的影响;时变条件下流变指数n对承载量和摩擦因数的影响。结果表明:稳态条件下,随着流变指数n的减小,油膜厚度增大,油膜人口压力和第二压力峰也在增大,出口温度减小,其它部分温度升高;时变条件下,流变指数n对承载量的影响主要集中在π/2与3π/2附近且在π/2附近影响显著;随着流变指数n的增大摩擦因数明显增大,且时变周期内摩擦因数的波动变大。  相似文献   

In recent years there have been substantial improvements in the capabilities of numerical modeling of elastohydrodynamic lubricant (EHL) films and it is now possible to analyze a very wide range of conditions rather than needing to rely on extrapolation using classical film thickness regression equations such as those of Dowson and Higginson. However, a new controversy has arisen concerning the film thickness-velocity dependence in EHL contacts at very low speeds and high loads, with some predictions showing a film thickness much less than that predicted by the classical equations. The present article applies the well-established limiting analysis, first presented by Grubin-Ertel, to the inlet of the EHL contact. It is shown that when the load is high and the speed is low (and the pressure gradient is very high in the inlet) an accurate resolution of the inlet pressure rise is critical for the determination of the film thickness. Discretization errors of this type might be responsible for discrepancies between the classical equations and some recently published numerical predictions.  相似文献   

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