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通过水雾化法制备了Fe74Cr1Si9B10P4C2非晶合金粉末,该成分合金过冷液相区可达35 K,具有良好的大块非晶形成能力,粒径在100 μm左右的粉末依然为非晶态.同时该成分非晶合金还具有优异的软磁性能,其饱和磁感Bs可达1.3T,矫顽力Hc=4.6 A/m.通过对非晶粉末表面进行钝化绝缘处理可极大提高非晶磁粉芯的高频特性,粉芯磁导率在10 MHz左右依然保持稳定,同时磁心损耗也极大降低,在Bm=100 mT,f=100 kHz测试条件下,其损耗Pcv=592.9 kW/m3. 相似文献
以金属Zr、Cu和Al为原料,通过真空熔炼和气体雾化制备Zr-Cu-Al合金粉末,再经高能球磨得到Zr50Cu40Al10非晶合金粉末。采用氮/氧分析仪、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和热分析仪(DSC)对其非晶形成能力及晶化行为进行研究。结果表明,球磨120h后可获得Zr50Cu40Al10非晶合金粉末,且随球磨时间增加,粉末的颗粒尺寸逐渐减小,90h后达到亚微米级。球磨过程中由于铁的增加,使合金的结构"混乱度"增加、负混合热增大,因而热稳定性增强,其过冷区间ΔTx为62K,约为雾化法制备的非晶合金粉末的2倍。此外,采用非等温晶化方法,用KISSINGER方程计算出机械合金化Zr50Cu40Al10非晶合金的玻璃转变和初始晶化的表观激活能分别为152.6kJ/mol和172.4kJ/mol,远小于相应的气体雾化法制备的Zr50Cu40Al10非晶合金粉末表观激活能,其原因是粉末中氧含量和体系自由能较高。 相似文献
本文通过对机械球磨方法制备的FeSiAl非昌粉末进行Mossbaur谱分析,研究非晶的形成过程。经12小时球磨后,基体组织中非晶含量达80%以上,将其非晶粉末压退火后仍为原来的DO3结构。 相似文献
采用高压水雾化方法制备了成分为(Fe0.76Si0.09B0.10P0.05)98C2的非晶粉末,由该成分非晶粉末制备出的磁粉芯具有较高的抗直流偏置性能及优异的损耗特性.研究了制备工艺对样品磁性能的影响.研究结果表明,非晶磁粉芯压制后的去应力退火处理能够有效的提高磁导率和降低损耗,过高的热处理温度会使非晶粉末晶化,导致涡流损耗急剧升高,恶化磁性能,最佳的退火温度为693K,绝缘包覆是制备高性能磁粉芯的必备工艺,通过最优化工艺制备的磁粉芯,其损耗为Pcv =320 kW/m3(f=100 kHz,Bm=0.1 T),抗直流偏置性能为:在H=100 Oe(1 Oe=7.9578×10A/m)外加磁场下,磁导率μa=60的磁粉芯样品对应电感下降为原感值的60%.通过与同规格其他类型磁粉芯的对比,发现FeSiBPC非晶磁粉芯具有极低的损耗及优异的高频磁性能. 相似文献
采用水雾化方法制备了Fe-Si-B-C四元非晶合金粉末。研究了粉末的粒度分布、相结构、微观形貌、热稳定性以及基本软磁性能,并通过Kissinger峰移法计算了其晶化时所需的激活能。结果表明,通过水雾化方法制备的Fe-Si-B-C四元软磁粉末的粒度分布合理;粒径小于38μm的粉末为完全非晶结构,且粉末表面光滑,内部成分均匀;非晶粉末的初始结晶温度为542.15℃,且升温过程中存在2个晶化放热峰;2个晶化反应对应的晶化激活能分别为463.92 k J/mol和910.21 k J/mol;粉末的饱和磁感应强度和矫顽力分别为1.08 T和111.4 A/m。 相似文献
采用行星式高能球磨机,通过室温下球磨纯元素混合粉末制备出原子数分数比为Co80Zr20的非晶合金粉末。应用X射线衍射(XRD)、差示扫描量热分析仪(DSC)、扫描电镜及透射电镜对不同球磨时间的混合粉末进行了研究。结果发现,球磨时间对混合粉末的结构及颗粒形貌存在显著影响。原始混合粉末由密排六方的β-Co和α—Zr组成,经过0.5h球磨,β—Co转变为同素异构的面心立方的α—Co,随着球磨时间的增加,Co、Zr颗粒都发生严重塑性变形,并且通过冷焊团聚起来,形成具有层状结构的复合颗粒。球磨导致基体元素Co品格中的晶体缺陷密度大大增加,使得合金元素Zr原子向Co品格中扩散迁移,扩散迁移到Co晶格中的Zr原子数量随球磨时间的增加而增加,导致Co元素的品格常数单调增大。当球磨时间达到8h时,形成Co80Zr20固溶体,继续球磨至10~20h,固溶体转变为非晶。球磨20h得到的非晶粉末的玻璃化转变温度为759K,它可以在840K通过单一放热过程或者继续球磨至40h而发生晶化反应,这两种不同晶化工艺所得到的晶化产物完全相同,均为面心立方的Co23Zr6。 相似文献
开展了采用紧耦合气雾化方法制备Al基合金粉末的实验和理论研究.利用X射线衍射仪、差热分析仪、扫描电镜和透射电镜分析了粉末的表面形貌、显微组织和结构特征,根据气雾化过程中熔滴的破碎模式和冷却行为确定了Al基合金的非晶化临界冷却速率及相应粉末粒径.结果表明:气雾化粉末中存在部分非晶粉末,非晶粉末的粒径小于26μm;Al基合金的非晶化临界冷却速率大致为106K·s-1;雾化中熔体的破碎和冷却是两个相互耦合(矛盾)的过程,快速冷却(大于104K·s-1)极大地阻碍熔体的充分雾化,同时熔滴的破碎模式对其冷却行为具有显著的影响.目前紧耦合气雾化技术还只能制得非晶/晶态混合的Al基合金粉末. 相似文献
AbstractThe strength of extruded and heat-treated bar of 18Ni 350 maraging steel produced from prealloyed powder has been found to be comparable to that of conventional, wrought 18Ni 350 maraging steel. Impact toughness was considerably higher. In contrast, properties of bar Obtained from an elemental powder mix were markedly inferior to wrought 18Ni 350 maraging steel. The high toughness of Charpy V-notch specimens produced from prealloyed powder was partly attributed to the presence of continuous, aluminium-rich stringers.This resulted in delamination of the specimens during testing and led to a fibrous fracture. Charpy V-notch specimens produced from the elemental powders also contained stringers. However, these were not continuous and therefore did not cause delamination. The resulting fracture surface was flat and relatively featureless. Electron-microprobe analysis has shown that the morphology of the stringers is largely determined by their composition and the composition at the stringer/matrix interface. 相似文献
AbstractNickel carbonyl, formed by the reaction of carbon monoxide with a nickel concentrate, can be decomposed in a heated space to produce pure nickel in powder form. By varying the decomposition conditions it is possible to achieve a wide range of powders, differing in particle shape and size distribution.The properties of carbonyl-nickel powders now commercially available or in an advanced stage of development are discussed, and it is shown how such powders can be used for some applications in which specific properties are required. 相似文献
AbstractSome twenty different iron powders are available in Europe for the manufacture of sintered bearings and structural parts. These powders can be grouped under four headings: reduced, atomized, comminuted, and electrolytic. Details are given of the experience gained in testing these types of powder by the methods in common use in the metal-powder industry.The influence of the data thus obtained on the processing, in particular the pressing and sintering conditions, of iron powders is discussed in detail. Consideration is given to the way in which the properties of the powders affect their sinterability, the pressing operation and tool design, and also the physical characteristics of the finished product. 相似文献
湿化学法制备纳米粉的热力学条件 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
阐明了湿化学制备纳米粉的热力学条件以及如何借助于材料的腐蚀状态图(E-pH图)确定沉淀成胶条件。实验结果证明,这种方法具有简单,直观,快捷等优点,不但可以方便地确定单组分沉淀成胶条件,而且对多组分分共沉淀条件的确定具有更显著的优越性。 相似文献
AbstractThe specimen in a field-ion microscope is in the form of a fine wire,elcctropolished to a sharp point. The observed end region of the specimen is roughly hemispherical, with a radius of curvature in the range 200–1500 Å. The end region may be considered as a model of a single (small) particle of a metal powder. This can be cleaned, contaminated with various gases, oxidized, heat-treated, or coated with another metal, as desired. The resulting changes in surface morphology, the occurrence of surface reactions, and the nature of surface-transport processes can be studied at the atomic level. Examples of this approach are drawn from the authors’ work on tungsten, rhenium, iridium, and iron. The effects of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon on these materials are described. A pronounced surface reaction when a tungsten specimen is coated with approximately one monolayer of nickel is reported. This is believed to be related to the phenomenon of the nickel-activated sintering of tungsten. 相似文献
AbstractCopper powders were rolled to form strip in a normal two-high mill. Satisfactory green strip was obtained from the low-density powder produced by hydrogen reduction from aqueous solution, provided that a mechanical method was used to feed the powder into the rolls. All the types of powder investigated required considerable further rolling after compaction, with at least two heat-treatments, to produce normal mechanical properties. 相似文献
AbstractExperiments have been carried out to determine the relationship between the properties of tantalum powder and its compressibility, and to examine the effect of carbon and niobium on the hardness and tensile and electrical properties of semi-manufactured products of tantalum. The influence of the particle-size distribution of niobium powder upon the properties of sintered bars has also been studied, with particular reference to the problem of swelling of the bars during sintering. 相似文献
AbstractBy the application of several modern techniques, a fairly thorough characterization of even the finest oxide powders with respect to particle and crystallite size and shape may be obtained. The application of these techniques is discussed with particular reference to the characterization of a sample of Mg(OH2) and the oxides prepared from it by calcination in vacuo. The techniques described are, however, exacting and time consuming and whilst invaluable for any basic study cannot, in general, be considered practicable in routine work. For this reason a final section is devoted to a discussion of attempts to “calibrate” the results from conventional techniques in terms of the more fundamental parameters of powder characterization. 相似文献