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目的为了解决分数阶控制器参数整定复杂问题,引入内模控制思想,从而得到分数阶内模控制器控制的被控对象。方法依据最大灵敏度整定所得分数阶内模控制器中的参数,避免参数整定的盲目性。结果相对于传统的分数阶控制器,基于内模控制思想设计得到的分数阶内模控制其设定值跟踪及抗干扰性能更优。结论仿真结果表明基于文中方法设计所得的分数阶内模控制器在模型失配时,仍具有较好的鲁棒性和控制精度。  相似文献   

针对具有大时滞、大惯性和时变等动态特性的空调房间对象,综合模糊控制与分数阶PID控制理论,提出了模糊分数阶PID室温控制器的设计方法.首先,对于空调房间温度对象,进行数学建模.然后,运用模糊控制规则,获取相应的分数阶PID室温控制器的控制参数,从而构建出空调房间温度的模糊分数阶PID控制系统.并且,通过数值仿真对其进行验证.结果表明,该模糊分数阶PID室温控制器是可行的,与分数阶PID控制器相比,具有更好的控制性能.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new image encryption scheme is presented based on time-delay chaos synchronization. Compared with existing methods, a new method is proposed and a lot of coupled items can be taken as zero items to simplify the whole system. A simple linear controller is introduced to realize time-delay chaos synchronization and image encryption. The positions of the image pixels are firstly shuffled and then be hidden in the carrier image. The address codes of the chaotic sequences are adopted to avoid the disturbances induced by the initial value and computer accuracy error. Simulation results for color image are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. It can be seen clearly that the system can converge quickly and the image can be encrypted rapidly.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the study is to present a numerical approach to investigate the numerical performances of the fractional 4-D chaotic financial system using a stochastic procedure. The stochastic procedures mainly depend on the combination of the artificial neural network (ANNs) along with the Levenberg-Marquardt Backpropagation (LMB) i.e., ANNs-LMB technique. The fractional-order term is defined in the Caputo sense and three cases are solved using the proposed technique for different values of the fractional order α. The values of the fractional order derivatives to solve the fractional 4-D chaotic financial system are used between 0 and 1. The data proportion is applied as 73%, 15%, and 12% for training, testing, and certification to solve the chaotic fractional system. The acquired results are verified through the comparison of the reference solution, which indicates the proposed technique is efficient and robust. The 4-D chaotic model is numerically solved by using the ANNs-LMB technique to reduce the mean square error (MSE). To authenticate the exactness, and consistency of the technique, the obtained performances are plotted in the figures of correlation measures, error histograms, and regressions. From these figures, it can be witnessed that the provided technique is effective for solving such models to give some new insight into the physical behavior of the model.  相似文献   

石坤泉  魏文国  杨震伦 《包装工程》2018,39(13):199-207
目的为了解决当前图像加密技术因在置乱和扩散过程忽略了明文像素特性,导致其抗明文攻击能力较弱,并且整个像素扩散均采用相同的加密机制来实现,存在安全性不理想问题,文中设计基于加权直方图位混淆和分阶混沌异扩散的快速图像加密算法。方法该算法充分利用整个明文的像素值,将其嵌入到整个置乱与扩散阶段,且在扩散过程中,利用不同的加密函数对不同的像素进行扩散。首先,联合Logistic与Tent映射,利用非线性组合思想构建新的低维混沌系统,并分析其混沌性能;考虑输入明文的像素值,建立像素加权直方图,借助外部密钥,生成复合混沌系统的初值,通过迭代输出随机序列;再将明文的每个像素在位水平上进行扩展,利用离散化的随机序列在位水平上实现明文混淆;随后,将分数阶理论嵌入Logistic映射中,构建分阶Logistic混沌映射,利用像素的加权直方图对其迭代,输出混沌数组;对混淆密文的像素进行分类,结合混沌数组,设计异扩散模型,对三类像素进行不同的加密。结果测试结果显示,与当前混沌加密算法相比,所提加密机制具有更强的抗明文攻击能力,其输出密文的像素分布更为均匀。结论所提加密技术兼顾了较高的安全性与效率,能够较好地保护图像在网络中安全传输。  相似文献   

有限时间控制能获得更快的收敛速度,是一种有效的控制策略.混沌系统有限时间同步明显优于渐近同步.本文研究了具有输入死区的分数阶Victor-Carmen系统的有限时间同步问题,为了使Victor-Carmen系统在给定时间内收敛到平衡点,提出了一种自适应滑模控制策略.设计了一种非奇异分数阶滑模面,为了将同步误差系统的轨迹驱动到滑模面上引入了自适应滑模控制律,实现了主从系统的混沌同步.通过算例说明了所提出的有限时间控制器的有效性和适用性,并验证了本文的理论结果.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to introduce the simulation studies of the vector-host disease nonlinear system (VHDNS) along with the numerical treatment of artificial neural networks (ANNs) techniques supported by Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation (LMQBP), known as ANNs-LMQBP. This mechanism is physically appropriate, where the number of infected people is increasing along with the limited health services. Furthermore, the biological effects have fading memories and exhibit transition behavior. Initially, the model is developed by considering the two and three categories for the humans and the vector species. The VHDNS is constructed with five classes, susceptible humans , infected humans , recovered humans , infected vectors , and susceptible vector based system of the fractional-order nonlinear ordinary differential equations. To solve the number of variations of the VHDNS, the numerical simulations are performed using the stochastic ANNs-LMQBP. The achieved numerical solutions for solving the VHDNS using the stochastic ANNs-LMQBP have been described for training, verifying, and testing data to decrease the mean square error (MSE). An extensive analysis is provided using the correlation studies, MSE, error histograms (EHs), state transitions (STs), and regression to observe the accuracy, efficiency, expertise, and aptitude of the computing ANNs-LMQBP.  相似文献   

基于提取微分信号在工业控制及航天控制中的重要作用,介绍了一种可提取高品质微分信号的自适应高阶微分反馈控制器(AHODFC),并将其应用于交流调速系统中。考虑到在工程应用中,VC++易于实现交互界面、数据采集和端口操作等操作,基于VC++平台编制了该调速系统的控制界面,并介绍了高阶微分控制器算法的编程过程,还详细介绍了该调速系统的控制界面操作。通过仿真运行和实际系统的运行,证明高阶微分反馈控制与PID控制相比,具有控制效果好,参数调节容易,鲁棒性能好等特点,具有可行性及实用价值。  相似文献   

研究一类新混沌系统与Genesio-Tesi混沌系统的改进投影同步,并对新混沌系统未知参数进行估计。依据主动控制原理,设计了非线性控制器和参数自适应更新律,用Lyapunov稳定性理论证明了误差系统原点的渐进稳定性。数值仿真结果验证了设计的非线性控制器和参数自适应更新律的有效性及其在有界噪声干扰下的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

This article describes the implementation of early warning feature in an over-current protection module designed for limiting the surge-current in communication applications. The early warning signal is generated by a surge-current sensor and a temperature sensor mounted on the protection module. Described solution decreases fault latency and consequently improves the efficiency of the on-line fault detection mechanism. It can be used for diagnostic on-line monitoring in dependable adaptive computing systems.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于分数阶傅里叶变换(Fractional Fourier Transform, FRFT)的邻近阶比分离方法。根据变速器输入轴转速信号及传动比确定FRFT最佳阶次,对变速器升速过程振动信号进行最佳阶次FRFT,在该分数阶域分离邻近阶比分量,并对分离出的单分量信号进行阶比分析。试验结果表明,根据转速信号确定FRFT最佳阶次,准确、快速、鲁棒性好,并具有自适应性;最佳阶次的FRFT能准确分离提取邻近阶比分量,对分离出的目标阶比分量进行单分量分析,能有效解决邻近阶比胶合问题。  相似文献   

D C Reddy  K Deergha Rao 《Sadhana》1991,16(3):263-274
There are several methods — fixed, adaptive, recursive — for the identification of linear and bilinear systems from input-output measurements that are noisy. However, literature is rather scarce as far as such techniques are concerned for the identification of nonlinear systems. The objective of this paper, therefore, is to suggest an iterative technique for the identification of nonlinear system parameters from measurements that are noisy. This technique requires the transformation of a nonlinear system in the state variable form into an input-output autoregressive moving average exogenous (armax) model. The pseudo linear regression algorithm, which has been extensively used for the identification of linear systems, can then be used to identify the nonlinear system parameters. Using this technique simulation studies were carried out which, indeed, confirm the efficacy of the method.  相似文献   

We consider theoretically static and dynamic properties of multicomponent Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) composed of a mixture of 174Yb and 176Yb atoms. The condensate of 176Yb atoms has an attractive interaction, collapsing above a certain critical particle number. This criterion is modified by the presence of another repulsive condensate of 174Yb atoms. We discuss the stability condition of this condensate mixture and collapsing dynamics due to the instability.   相似文献   

The mean time to escape from a region of desired operations is one the basic reliability measures in stochastic dynamics. In general, a precise solution of the first-exit time problem is unavailable. This paper demonstrates an exact solution of the mean exit time problem for a multidimensional non-dissipative Lagrangian system excited by additive Gaussian white noise. We identify the Fokker–Planck equation whose solution characterizes the mean time needed to reach a critical energy and explicitly construct the solution. For illustration, we apply the developed theory to engineering examples. We calculate the mean time of the standard operation for a flexural nanotube with likely noise-induced buckling and analyze the mean time of the stable functioning for a gyroscope subjected to random and dissipation torques. It is demonstrated that the solution of the first-exit time problem for a non-dissipative system gives a quite good approximation to a numerical solution of a similar problem for a system with small dissipation.  相似文献   

用离散混沌系统状态变量的前向演化偏差设计了一个新控制器,对混沌吸引子中不稳定低周期轨道进行闭环稳定化控制.用非线性系统稳定性理论,证明了受控系统在原系统不稳定不动点处的稳定性系数的绝对值小于1.通过对一类新离散混沌系统的数值仿真,证实了本文提出的闭环前馈控制方法的有效性与鲁棒性.  相似文献   

将分数阶引入到形状记忆合金振子模型中,针对分数阶对其系统动力学的影响进行了研究。首先基于分数阶微分方程理论,构建了分数阶形状记忆合金系统,并给出了该系统的稳定性和Hopf分岔存在性条件。其次,设计了时滞反馈控制器,用来控制分数阶形状记忆合金系统的稳定性。研究结果表明,形状记忆合金系统中的时滞和分数阶对系统的动力学性质有着重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

《Quality Engineering》2012,24(4):306-316

Blocking is one means of shielding comparisons of interest from unwanted sources of variation. When the experimental units are time (or spatially) ordered and are suspected of producing a trend in the errors, certain run orders provide an alternative means of isolating such variation. Beginning with Daniel and Wilcoxon (1966 Daniel , C. , Wilcoxon , F. ( 1966 ). Factorial 2p-q plans robust against linear and quadratic trends . Technometrics , 8 : 259278 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), statisticians have proposed run orders for 2 k and 2 k − p designs that are robust to linear and quadratic trend. This article discusses the rationale for using such designs and presents an example to illustrate the analysis of trend-robust designs.  相似文献   

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