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In this paper a machine model is defined whose access to the storage cells is controlled by means of address registers. It is shown that every set acceptable by such a machine within time boundcn p,p , is accepted by a deterministic 2p-head two-way pushdown automaton which has additional counters of length log2 n. On the other hand every set acceptable by a deterministicp-head two-way pushdown automaton can be accepted by this machine model within time boundcn plog2 n. A result similar to one of the main theorems (theorem 4) of this paper has been proved also by S. A. Cook. Both proofs are based on the same idea but have been found independently.  相似文献   

On the complexity of graph self-assembly in accretive systems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We study the complexity of the Accretive Graph Assembly Problem (). An instance of consists of an edge-weighted graph G, a seed vertex in G, and a temperature τ. The goal is to determine if the graph G can be assembled by a sequence of vertex additions starting from the seed vertex. The edge weights model the forces of attraction and repulsion, and determine which vertices can be added to a partially assembled graph at the given temperature. A vertex can be added when the total weight to its already built neighbors in the graph is at least τ. The assembly process is sequential meaning that only one vertex can be added at a time. Our first result is that is NP-complete even on planar graphs with maximum degree 3 when edges have only two different types of weights. This resolves the complexity of in the sense that the problem is poly-time solvable when either the maximum degree is at most 2 or the number of distinct edge weights is one, and is NP-complete otherwise. Our second result is a dichotomy theorem that completely characterizes the complexity of on graphs with maximum degree 3 and two distinct weights: w p and w n . We give a simple system of linear constraints on w p , w n , and τ that determines whether the problem is NP-complete or is poly-time solvable. In the process of establishing this dichotomy, we give a poly-time algorithm to solve a non-trivial class of Finally, we consider the optimization version of where the goal is to assemble a largest-possible induced subgraph of the given input graph. We show that even on graphs that can be assembled and have maximum degree 3, it is NP-hard to assemble a (1/n 1-ε)-fraction of the input graph for any here n denotes the number of vertices in G.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method of partition, named-splitting, of a point set ind-dimensional space. Given a pointG in ad-dimensional simplexT, T(G;i) is the subsimplex spanned by G and the ith facet ofT. LetS be a set ofn points inT, and let be a sequence of nonnegative integers 1, ..., nd+1 satisfying i=1 d+1 1=n The-splitter of (T, S) is a pointG inT such thatT(G;i) contains at least i points ofS in its closure for everyi=1, 2, ...,d + 1. The associated dissection is the re-splitting.The existence of a-splitting is shown for any (T, S) and, and two efficient algorithms for finding such a splitting are given. One runs inO(d2n logn + d3n) time, and the other runs inO(n) time if the dimensiond can be considered as a constant. Applications of re-splitting to mesh generation, polygonal-tour generation, and a combinatorial assignment problem are given.  相似文献   

A transformation is presented which converts any pushdown automaton (PDA)M 0 withn 0 states andp 0 stack symbols into an equivalent PDAM withn states and n 0 /n2 p 0 stack symbols into an equivalent ofn, 1n 0. This transformation preserves realtime behavior but not derterminism. The transformation is proved to be the best possible one in the following sense: for each choice of the parametersn 0 + 1 stack symbols for any desired value realtime PDAM 0 such that any equivalent PDAM (whether realtime or not) havingn states must have at least (n 0 /n)2 p0 stack symbols. Furthermore, the loss of deterministic behavior cannot be avoided, since for each choice ofn 0 andp 0, there is a deterministic PDAM 0 such that no equivalent PDAM with fewer states can be deterministic.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants MCS76-10076 and MCS76-10076A01.  相似文献   

Chang and Kadin have shown that if the difference hierarchy over NP collapses to levelk, then the polynomial hierarchy (PH) is equal to thekth level of the difference hierarchy over 2 p . We simplify their poof and obtain a slightly stronger conclusion: if the difference hierarchy over NP collapses to levelk, then PH collapses to (P (k–1) NP )NP, the class of sets recognized in polynomial time withk – 1 nonadaptive queries to a set in NPNP and an unlimited number of queries to a set in NP. We also extend the result to classes other than NP: For any classC that has m p -complete sets and is closed under conj p -and m NP -reductions (alternatively, closed under disj p -and m co-NP -reductions), if the difference hierarchy overC collapses to levelk, then PH C = (P (k–1)–tt NP ) C . Then we show that the exact counting class C_P is closed under disj p - and m co-NP -reductions. Consequently, if the difference hierarchy over C_P collapses to levelk, then PHPP(= PHC_P) is equal to (P (k–1)–tt NP )PP. In contrast, the difference hierarchy over the closely related class PP is known to collapse.Finally we consider two ways of relativizing the bounded query class P k–tt NP : the restricted relativization P k–tt NP C and the full relativization (P k–tt NP ) C . IfC is NP-hard, then we show that the two relativizations are different unless PH C collapses.Richard Beigel was supported in part by NSF Grants CCR-8808949 and CCR-8958528. Richard Chang was supported in part by NSF Research Grant CCR 88-23053. This work was done while Mitsunori Ogiwara was at the Department of Information Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.  相似文献   

The center of area of a convex polygonP is the unique pointp * that maximizes the minimum area overlap betweenP and any halfplane that includesp *. We show thatp * is unique and present two algorithms for its computation. The first is a combinatorial algorithm that runs in timeO (n 6 log2 n). The second is a numerical algorithm that runs in timeO(GK(n+K)) whereK represents the number of desired bits of precision in the output coordinates andG the number of bits used to represent the coordinates of the input polygon vertices. We conclude with a discussion of implementation issues and related results.Research partially supported by the second author's NSF grant CCR-8351468, at Johns Hopkins University and Smith College.  相似文献   

LetG be a graph ofn vertices that can be drawn in the plane by straight-line segments so that nok+1 of them are pairwise crossing. We show thatG has at mostc k nlog2k–2 n edges. This gives a partial answer to a dual version of a well-known problem of Avital-Hanani, Erdós, Kupitz, Perles, and others. We also construct two point sets {p 1,,p n }, {q 1,,q n } in the plane such that any piecewise linear one-to-one mappingfR 2R 2 withf(pi)=qi (1in) is composed of at least (n 2) linear pieces. It follows from a recent result of Souvaine and Wenger that this bound is asymptotically tight. Both proofs are based on a relation between the crossing number and the bisection width of a graph.The first author was supported by NSF Grant CCR-91-22103, PSC-CUNY Research Award 663472, and OTKA-4269. An extended abstract of this paper was presented at the 10th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, Stony Brook, NY, 1994.  相似文献   

LetG denote an infinite,-compact, locally compact topological group. In this paper a construction is given for a topological transformation groupH G with the Hilbert spaceL 2 (G × G) as a phase space such that any topological transformation group (G, X, ) can be embedded inH G , providedX is a separable metrizable space and is a bounded action. The class of such topological transformation groups contains all actions ofG on separable, metrizable, locally compact spaces.  相似文献   

We consider existence of curves which minimize an energy of the form ∫c(k)p (k=1,2,… , 1<p<∞) under side-conditions of the form Gj(c(t1,j),…,c(k−1)(tk,j))Mj, where Gj is a continuous function, ti,j[0,1], Mj is some closed set, and the indices j range in some index set J. This includes the problem of finding energy minimizing interpolants restricted to surfaces, and also variational near-interpolating problems. The norm used for vectors does not have to be Euclidean.It is shown that such an energy minimizer exists if there exists a curve satisfying the side conditions at all, and if among the interpolation conditions there are at least k points to be interpolated. In the case k=1, some relations to arc length are shown.  相似文献   

Rigid-plastic stepped annular plates under uniform pressure load are considered. Both plate edges are supported. Four types of boundary conditions are studied. Tresca's yield condition is used. Such plate dimensions are sought for which the plate of constant volume has the maximal load carrying capacity.Notation a, d, R, h 1, h2 plate dimensions (Fig. 1) - Q * shear force - Q dimensionless shear force - M r * radial bending moment - M 1 dimensionless radial bending moment - M t * circumferential bending moment - M 2 dimensionless circumferential bending moment - M k maximum value of bending moments in the rigid region - p * uniform pressure load - p dimensionless uniform pressure load - r radial coordinate - x dimensionless radial coordinate - , , dimensionless parameters for plate (5) - V plate volume - dimensionless plate volume - M 0 * yield moment - 0 yield stress - p 0 load carrying capacity - p 0 m maximum value of the load carrying capacity - p 0 u load carrying capacity for uniform plate - m, m optimal parameters, which correspond to the maximum value ofp 0 - s i radius of circle between different plastic stages - () /x  相似文献   

On ACC     
We show that every languageL in the class ACC can be recognized by depth-two deterministic circuits with a symmetric-function gate at the root and AND gates of fan-in log O(1) n at the leaves, or equivalently, there exist polynomialsp n (x 1 ,..., x n ) overZ of degree log O(1) n and with coefficients of magnitude and functionsh n :Z{0,1} such that for eachn and eachx{0,1} n ,XL (x) =h n (p n (x 1 ,...,x n )). This improves an earlier result of Yao (1985). We also analyze and improve modulus-amplifying polynomials constructed by Toda (1991) and Yao (1985).  相似文献   

The existence of setsnot being tt P -reducible to low sets is investigated for several complexity classes such as UP, NP, the polynomial-time hierarchy, PSPACE, and EXPTIME. The p-selective sets are mainly considered as a class of low sets. Such investigations were done in many earlier works, but almost all of these have dealt withpositive reductions in order to imply the strongest consequence such as P=NP under the assumption that all sets in NP are polynomial-time reducible to low sets. Currently, there seems to be some difficulty in obtaining the same strong results undernonpositive reducibilities. The purpose of this paper is to develop a useful technique to show for many complexity classes that if each set in the class is polynomial-time reducible to a p-selective set via anonpositive reduction, then the class is already contained in P. The following results are shown in this paper.(1) If each set in UP is tt P -reducible to a p-selective set, then P=UP.(2) If each set in NP is tt P -reducible to a p-selective set, then P=FewP and R=NP.(3) If each set in 2 P is tt P -reducible to a p-selective set, then P=NP.(4) If each set in PSPACE is tt P -reducible to a p-selective set, then P=PSPACE.(5) There is a set in EXPTIME that is not tt P -reducible to any p-selective set.It remains open whether P=NP follows from a weaker assumption that each set in NP is tt P -reducible to a p-selective set.  相似文献   

The recursive circulant RC(n2,4) enjoys several attractive topological properties. Let max_?G(m) denote the maximum number of edges in a subgraph of graph G induced by m nodes. In this paper, we show that , where p0>p1>?>pr are nonnegative integers defined by . We then apply this formula to find the bisection width of RC(n2,4). The conclusion shows that, as n-dimensional cube, RC(n2,4) enjoys a linear bisection width.  相似文献   

LetG andG 0 be context-free grammars. Necessary and sufficient conditions onG 0 are obtained for the decidability ofL(G 0) L((G) It is also shown that it is undecidable for whichG 0,L(G) is decidable. Furthermore, given thatL(G) is decidable for a fixedG 0, there is no effective procedure to determine the algorithm which decidesL(G) IfL(G 0) is a regular set,L(G) = L(G 0) is decidable if and only ifL(G 0) is bounded. However, there exist non-regular, unboundedL(G 0) for whichL(G) = L(G 0) is decidable.  相似文献   

Truth maintenance (TM) has been an active area of artificial intelligence (AI) research in recent years. In particular, truth maintenance systems (TMSs) in many variant types have become popular mechanisms for implementing nonmonotonic inference systems. Knowledge about the computational foundations of a TMS is indispensable for their use. We present a classification of computational complexity of tasks performed by basic existing TMS types. Our results include the proof 2 p -completeness of the clause maintenance system's computation task. This is the first problem in AI proved to be 2 p -complete. It is likely to provide a basis for proving 2 p -completeness of other problems in logic and AI. As part of the proof, we prove the 2 p -completeness of the generalized node deletion problem, one of the first natural graph problems to be complete for any one of the classes i p , forp>1. We also prove the polynomial equivalence of Boolean Constraint Propagation-based (logic-based) approaches (LTMSs) and justification-based approaches (JTMSs) to TM, and exhibit efficient algorithms for transforming an LTMS into a JTMS and vice versa.  相似文献   

The linear complexityL K(A) of a matrixA over a fieldK is defined as the minimal number of additions, subtractions and scalar multiplications sufficient to evaluateA at a generic input vector. IfG is a finite group andK a field containing a primitive exp(G)-th root of unity,L K(G):= min{L K(A)|A a Fourier transform forKG} is called theK-linear complexity ofG. We show that every supersolvable groupG has amonomial Fourier Transform adapted to a chief series ofG. The proof is constructive and gives rise to an efficient algorithm with running timeO(|G|2log|G|). Moreover, we prove that these Fourier transforms are efficient to evaluate:L K(G)8.5|G|log|G| for any supersolvable groupG andL K(G)1.5|G|log|G| for any 2-groupG.  相似文献   

LetF andG be elements of aC *-algebraA. Assume that, for each irreducible*-representation ofA on a Hilbert space210B; , there is a bounded linear operatorL B( ) such that the spectrum of(F) –(G)L is contained in the open left half plane. We prove that there is then an elementL A such that the spectrum ofF — GL is contained in the open left half plane. That is, if the system (F, G) is locally stabilizable, then it is stabilizable. We also consider the analogous problem with the open left half plane replaced by the open unit disk.This paper was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant NSF-MCS-8002138.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with optimization of a damped column subjected to a follower load. The aim is to determine the colum of least volume which has the same critical load as a uniform reference column. The stability analysis is based on the finite element method. The optimization problem is solved by sequential linear programming. By only including a constraint on the flutter load in the volume minimization, a very large volume reduction is possible but the static buckling load (by a pure conservative loading) becomes very small.In applications, it may be important that the optimal column also is capable of supporting a conservative load. Consequently, the volume is minimized with constraints on both the flutter load and the static buckling load. The constraint on the buckling loadp b has the formp b opt cp b 0 , 0c1, where the upper index opt refers to the optimal design while the upper index 0 refers to the uniform initial design. It is found that, as the constantc approaches 1, the optimal column approaches the optimal Euler column of Tadjbakhsh and Keller (1962).Notation c slack parameter on the constraint on the static buckling load; defined by (9) - c int,c ext dimensionless internal and external damping parameters defined by (3) - d j eigenvalue margin defined by (9) - d vector of time-independent nodal displacements and rotations - e length of thee-th finite element - L total length of the column - vector of element lengths defined by (11) - m, m(x) mass distribution function - m i design variables; the mass distribution function evaluated at the nodal points - upper and lower bounds on the design parameters - m design vector with elementsm i - M mass matrix - N e the number of finite elements used - p load parameter - Q load matrix - S stiffness matrix - t time - x distance along the column, measured from the clamped end - y lateral deflection of the column - y vector of nodal displacements and rotations - complex eigenvalue - b refers to buckling (static instability by conservative loading) - d refers to divergence (static instability by nonconservative loading) - f refers to flutter (dynamic instability by nonconservative loading)  相似文献   

Let R be a commutative ring with 1, let RX1,…,Xn/I be the polynomial algebra in the n≥4 noncommuting variables X1,…,Xn over R modulo the set of commutator relations I={(X1+···+Xn)*Xi=Xi*(X1+···+Xn)|1≤in}. Furthermore, let G be an arbitrary group of permutations operating on the indeterminates X1,…,Xn, and let RX1,…,Xn/IG be the R-algebra of G-invariant polynomials in RX1,…,Xn/I. The first part of this paper is about an algorithm, which computes a representation for any fRX1,…,Xn/IG as a polynomial in multilinear G-invariant polynomials, i.e., the maximal variable degree of the generators of RX1,…,Xn/IG is at most 1. The algorithm works for any ring R and for any permutation group G. In addition, we present a bound for the number of necessary generators for the representation of all G-invariant polynomials in RX1,…,Xn/IG with a total degree of at most d. The second part contains a first but promising analysis of G-invariant polynomials of solvable polynomial rings.  相似文献   

In this note we deal with abelian lattice ordered groups G having direct summands G1 and G2 such that GG1G2, G is isomorphic to G2 but not to G1. Further, we investigate an analogous condition for MV-algebras.Supported by grant VEGA 1/9056/22  相似文献   

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