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本文介绍一种自动翻页扫描机器人,它能根据设定的扫描参数自动完成翻页、通过数码相机拍摄文字图片、页码识别,然后进行简单地图像处理并按指定的格式存贮,可实现图书电子化过程的自动化。本机器人主要用于代替扫描中繁杂的手动操作,在办公室、图书馆等需要大量扫描书本等印刷物的场所具有广泛的应用前景。 相似文献
本文详细介绍了以西门子S7-200系列PLC为核心的自动翻页设备控制系统的设计与开发。该系统包括:自动翻页机构,PLC控制器,摄像模块等,该装置还配备人机界面,方便人们对控制参数的设置以及实时在线监控。 相似文献
程序设计时实现屏幕翻页的两种方法王礼成军械工程学院计算中心河北石家庄(050003)1问题的提出我们在设计应用程序时,常常需要设计一个用来屏幕翻页的程序。譬如目前微机上安装的文字处理软件WPS、WS等,为方便用户学习与使用,为用户提供了“帮助信息”,... 相似文献
本文介绍一种全自动贴瓷砖机器人系统的硬件,软件及其工作方式,通过人-机界面可以输入工作参数,感知系统自动测量地面和同的位置箐面形状及测定所取瓷砖的位置,此系统可高速,高质量地完成涂粘地料,取瓷砖和贴瓷砖的工作。 相似文献
日本UTEC公司的自动清洗机器人 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
陈厉仁 《机器人技术与应用》1995,(4):11-11
日本UIEC(全称U-Technology)公司是一家高科技发展公司。在日本大型造船厂和电力公司的协助下,该公司开发出了一种新型的自动爬壁机器人,有四种不同的型号。迄今为止,这种机器人已经成功地对船舶、贮气罐、烟筒、高层大楼、火力及核发电站等进行过清扫作业,实现了自动化。 以往的清扫工作,喷砂或喷丸研磨主要靠人力,伴随作业过程产生大量有害油漆和粉尘。这样不仅需要耗费大量的人力和物力,而且粉尘等有害物质到处飞扬,严重损害工人身体健康,影响安全生产、劳务管理正常化,对缩短工期和降低成本产生负面作用。因此解决这些问题,用机器代替人工乃是燃眉之急。 相似文献
In this paper, we present Robot Entertainment as a new field of the entertainment industry using autonomous robots. For feasibility studies of Robot Entertainment, we have developed an autonomous quadruped robot, named MUTANT, as a pet-type robot. It has four legs, each of which has three degree-of-freedom, and a head which also has three degree-of-freedom. Micro camera, stereo microphone, touch sensors, and other sensor systems are coupled with newly developed behavior generation system, which has emotion module as its major components, and generates high complex and interactive behaviors. Agent architecture, real-world recognition technologies, software component technology, and some dedicated devices such as Micro Camera Unit, were developed and tested for this purpose. From the lessons learned from the development of MUTANT, we refined the design concept of MUTANT to derive requirements for a general architecture and a set of interfaces of robot systems for entertainment applications. Through these feasibility studies, we consider entertainment applications a significant target at this moment from both scientific and engineering points of view. 相似文献
为了快速和准确地鉴别有关人员的身份,开发一个指纹和语音自动识别系统。该系统通过采集指纹图像和语音信号,采用参考模型和相似度计算分别实现了指纹和语音识别。实验结果表明该系统不仅能自动地识别指纹和语音,而且还能实时地将识别结果与指纹和语音数据库进行比对,从而迅速地获得被识别人员的身份信息。该系统在监控出入境关口、机场车站、机关大院、住宅小区、以及刑事侦察等场合有着广泛的应用前景。 相似文献
综合嵌入式系统、自动化、虚拟样机、无线通信、智能控制等技术、模块化设计及嵌入式系统方法,设计了配网导线自动喷涂机器人系统;该系统包括线上行走机器人机械移动本体、机载控制系统及地面站三部分,机械本体采用模块化结构形式,机载控制系统采用ATmega 128A8位MCU;地面站软件采用TurboDelphi设计,与机载控制系统之间采用433MHz无线通信形式,系统工作电压为24V;实验表明,该系统最大运行速度约12m/s,最大涂漆厚度2mm,鲁棒性强,可稳定、高效地实现配网导线的绝缘漆自动喷涂作业。 相似文献
《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(6):767-784
The purpose of this study is to develop an interactive and emotional robot that is designed with passive characteristics and a delicate interaction concept using the interaction response: 'Bruises and complexion color due to emotional stimuli'. In order to overcome the mismatch of cue realism issues that cause the Uncanny Valley, an emotional interaction robot, Mung, was developed with a simple design composed of a body and two eyes. Mung could recognize human emotions from human–robot or human–human verbal communications. The developed robot expresses its emotions according to its emotional state modeled by a mass-spring-damper system with an elastic-hysteresis spring. The robot displays a bruise when it is in a negative emotional state, the same as a human becomes bruised when being physically hurt, and the robot shows a natural complexion when its emotional wound is removed. The effectiveness of the emotional expression using color with the concepts of bruising and complexion colors is qualified, and the feasibility of the developed robot was tested in several exhibitions and field trials. 相似文献