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Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems - Episodic nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from Vertisols used for furrow-irrigated cotton production mainly occur in response to early season irrigation events....  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) flux measurements from an Irish spring barley field managed under conventional and reduced tillage and different N fertilizer applications at the Teagasc Oak Park Research Centre were made for two consecutive seasons. The aim was to investigate the efficacy of reduced tillage and reduced N fertilizer on seasonal fluxes and emission factors of N2O and to study the relationship between crop yield and N-induced fluxes of N2O. The soil is classified as a sandy loam with a pH of 7.4 and a mean organic carbon and nitrogen content at 15 cm of 19 and 1.9 g kg−1 dry soil, respectively. Reduced tillage had no significant effect on N2O fluxes from soils or crop grain yield. Multiple regression analysis revealed that soil moisture and an interaction between soil moisture and soil nitrate are the main significant factors affecting N2O flux. The derived emission factor was 0.6% of the applied N fertilizer, approximately 50% of the IPCC default EF of 1.25% used by the Irish EPA to estimate GHG or the IPCC revised EF of 0.9%. This resulted in huge overestimations of 2,275 and 1,050 tonnes of N2O-N for using the old and revised IPCC default factors respectively. By reducing the applied nitrogen fertilizer by 50% compared to the normal field rate, N2O emissions could be reduced by 57% with no significant decrease on grain yield or quality. This was consistent over the 2 years of measurements.  相似文献   

A 2-year field experiment was conducted to study effects of application rate of controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) and urea on N2O emission from a wheat cropping system. Two kinds of N fertilizers, CRF and urea, and four application rates (0, 100, 200 and 270?kg?N?ha?1) were used. Results indicate that the application of either urea or CRF, increased total N2O emission during the wheat growing period linearly from 32 to 164?%, with increasing N rate (p?<?0.05), compared to the zero N control, and the increase was less significant in CRF than urea treatments. Compared with urea, CRF significantly reduced N2O emission by 25?C56?% during the wheat growing period (p?<?0.05), and the effect was more significant when N rate was higher. Grain yield increased in a power pattern from 24 to 43?% in urea treatments and from 30 to 45?% in CRF treatments with increasing N rate (p?<?0.05). Specific N2O emission (N2O emission per unit of yield) increased linearly from 31 to 114?% in urea treatments (p?<?0.05), and from 2 to 50?% in CRF treatments (p?<?0.05), with increasing N rate. Compared with urea, CRF significantly inhibited specific N2O emission (p?<?0.05), and the effect increased with increasing N rate. Peaks of N2O emission did not occur immediately after fertilization, but did immediately after rainfall events. CRF released fertilizer-N slowly, prolonging nitrogen supply and reducing peaks of N2O fluxes stimulated by rainfall. The application rate of CRF could be reduced by 26?C50?% lower than that of urea for mitigating N2O emission without sacrificing grain yield. We would not risk any significant loss of wheat yield while achieving economic and environmental benefits by reducing urea or CRF application rate from 270?kg to 200?kg?N?ha?1.  相似文献   

Direct emission of nitrous oxide from agricultural soils   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
This analysis is based on published measurements of nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from fertilized and unfertilized fields. Data was selected in order to evaluate the importance of factors that regulate N2O production, including soil conditions, type of crop, nitrogen (N) fertilizer type and soil and crop management. Reported N2O losses from anhydrous ammonia and organic N fertilizers or combinations of organic and synthetic N fertilizers are higher than those for other types of N fertilizer. However, the range of management and environmental conditions represented by the data set is inadequate for use in estimating emission factors for each fertilizer type. The data are appropriate for estimating the order of magnitude of emissions. The longer the period over which measurements are made, the higher the fertilizer-induced emission. Therefore, a simple equation to relate the total annual direct N2O–N emission (E) from fertilized fields to the N fertilizer applied (F), was based on the measurements covering periods of one year: E=1+1.25×F, with E and F in kg N ha-1 yr-1. This relationship is independent of the type of fertilizer. Although the above regression equation includes considerable uncertainty, it may be appropriate for global estimates.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emission from three soils was measured using a chamber technique. Treatments sampled were unfertilized soil, and soil fertilized with 60 or 80 kg N ha–1 of band-applied anhydrous ammonia ± nitrapyrin. The flux of nitrous oxide from unfertilized soil was very low (1.1 to 1.6 g N ha–1 day–1).Application of anhydrous ammonia caused a significant increase in the cumulative emission of nitrous oxide in two soils over 27 or 29 days compared with unfertilized soil. Fertilizer-induced loss of nitrous oxide was highest in a calcareous clay soil which had the highest nitrification rate and accumulated the highest concentration of nitrite within the fertilizer bands. Fertilizer-induced losses of nitrous oxide were < 0.05% of the applied fertilizer.Addition of nitrapyrin inhibited nitrification in all soils and reduced nitrite accumulation in the fertilizer bands. Nitrapyrin addition significantly reduced fertilizer-induced loss of nitrous oxide only in the calcareous clay soil. In the other soil, nitrapyrin had a lower bioactivity (relative inhibition of nitrification) which may have been due to its higher organic matter content.
Resumo Este trabalho constitui de uma avaliação da quantidade de óxido nitroso emitido por três solos. A emissão de óxido nitroso foi determinada em solos não fertilizados e onde a amônia-anidra (60 e 80 kg de N ha–1) foi aplicada, em bandas, com e sem nitrapyrin. O fluxo diário de óxido nitroso nos solos onde não se aplicou o fertilizante variou entre 1.1 e 1.6 g N ha–1. A aplicação da amônia-anidra causou um significativo aumento na emissão de óxido nitroso em dois solos. A emissão de óxido nitroso induzida pela aplicação do fertilizante foi mais alta em um solo calcáreo-argiloso. Foi neste solo onde a nitrificação ocorreu mais intensamente e um maior acúmulo de nitrito foi observado. As perdas de óxido nitroso induzidas pela aplicação da amônia-anidra foram menores do que 0.05% do fertilizante aplicado. A aplicação conjunta de nitrapyrin com o fertilizante inibiu parcialmente a nitrificação nos três solos e reduziu o acúmulo de nitrito nas bandas do fertilizante. A adição de nitrapyrin reduziu significativamente a emissão de óxido nitroso somente no solo calcáreo-argiloso. No outro solo, a inibição relativa da nitrificação (bio-atividade) foi a mais baixa observada. A baixa bio-atividade do nitrapyrin sugere um efeito causado pelo mais alto teor de matéria orgânica verificado neste solo.

About 40% of the agricultural land in the European Union (EU) is grassland used for animal production. When grassland is tilled, organically bound carbon and nitrogen are released, providing substrates for nitrifying and denitrifying microorganisms. The aim of this study was to examine the immediate effects of tillage of a perennial grassland carried out on different dates, on the emissions of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O), monitored intensively over a 5-day period, in a humid, dairy farming area of northern Spain. Soil was tilled 12 days and 2 days prior to fertiliser application. Tillage, time of tillage, and N fertiliser application affected NO and N2O emissions. Tillage 12 days before the start of the flux measurements resulted in higher emissions than tillage one day before, the difference being related to differences in soil mineral N and water-filled pore space (WFPS). Emissions of NO peaked at a WFPS of 50–60%, while N2O fluxes peaked at 70–90% WFPS. Loss of N was greater as N2O than as NO. The total loss of N as N2O plus NO ranged from 0.027 kg N ha–1 in unfertilised plots to 0.56 kg N ha–1 in the tilled and N fertilised plot. Thereafter emissions decreased rapidly to low values. The results of this study indicate that tillage of perennial grassland may release large amounts of NO and N2O, the amounts also depending on moisture conditions and addition of N fertiliser. We suggest that in order to reduce such emissions, application of N fertiliser should not immediately follow tillage of perennial grassland, as there is an extra supply of N from mineralisation of organic matter at this time.  相似文献   

The zero tillage (ZT) system is used in a large area (>24 Mha) of crop production in Brazil. This management system can contribute to soil C sequestration, but many studies in other countries have registered greater nitrous oxide emissions under ZT compared to conventional tillage (CT), which may reduce greenhouse gas mitigation benefits. The aim of this study was to estimate the emission of N2O from cropping systems under conventional and zero tillage in an 18-year-old experiment conducted on a Rhodic Ferralsol in the South of Brazil. Fluxes of N2O were measured over two years using static-closed chambers in the two tillage systems with three crop rotations. Soil water filled pore space (%WFPS) and soil mineral N were monitored along with rainfall and air temperature. Estimates of N2O emissions were obtained by integrating the fluxes with time and also by applying the IPCC direct emission factor (EF1 = 1%) to the amounts of N added as fertilisers and returned as crop residues. Fluxes of N2O were relatively low, apart from a short period at the beginning of measurements. No relationship between N2O fluxes and %WFPS or mineral N were observed. Nitrous oxide emissions were not influenced either by tillage system or crop rotation. For the crop rotation receiving high rates of N fertiliser in the second year, field-measured N2O emissions were significantly underestimated by the IPCC emission factor 1 (EF1). For the other treatments measured N2O emissions fell within the EF1 uncertainty range, but always considerably lower than the EF1 estimate, which suggests IPCC EF1 overestimates true N2O emissions for the Ferralsol under evaluation.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emission factors (EFs) were calculated from measurements of emissions from UK wheat crops and grassland, that were part of a wider research programme on N loss pathways and crop responses. Field studies were undertaken in 2003, 2004 and 2005??a total of 12 site-seasons. Nitrous oxide emissions were measured by the closed static chamber method, following the application of various N fertilizer forms (ammonium nitrate (AN), calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), urea (UR), urea ammonium sulphate and urea ammonium nitrate) at the recommended rates. Emission factors for the growing season (March?CSeptember) ranged from less than 0.1?C3.9?%. In the 2nd year, measurements continued at three sites until the following February; the resulting annual EFs were one-third greater, on average, than those for the growing season. There was some evidence that N2O emissions from UR were smaller than from AN or CAN, but when this was adjusted for loss of ammonia by volatilization, there was generally little difference between different forms of N. Emissions from UR modified by the addition of the urease inhibitor nBTPT (UR?+?UI) were lower than corresponding emissions from nitrate forms, except under conditions where emissions were generally low, even allowing for indirect emissions, suggesting that the use of a urease inhibitor can provide some mitigation of N2O, as well as NH3, emissions. The emission data broadly bear out the relationships obtained in earlier UK studies, showing a strong dependence of N2O emission on soil wetness, temperature and the presence of sufficient mineral N in the soil, which decreases rapidly after N application mainly as a result of plant uptake. Overall net mean EFs for the whole season (after subtracting background emissions from unfertilized controls) covered a range wider than the 0.3?C3.0?% range of IPCC (2006).  相似文献   

In Italy, managed soils account for about 50% of annual national emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), thus the effect of agricultural practices on N2O emissions must be studied in order to develop mitigation strategies. Soil N2O emissions were measured in two field campaigns (2013–2014 and 2014–2015) on durum wheat in a Mediterranean environment to test the mitigation potential of reduced tillage and nitrogen (N) fertilization rate. N2O emissions were measured with a fully-transportable instrument developed during the project LIFE?+?IPNOA “Improved flux Prototypes for N2O emission reduction from Agriculture” and equipped with an infrared laser detector. Reducing tillage from ploughing to minimum tillage had no effect on average daily N2O flux, while decreasing the N rate from 170 to 110 kg N ha?1 reduced the average daily N2O flux, without negatively affecting the grain yield. Furthermore, N2O daily flux were positively correlated with soil water filled pore space, NO3-N, and NH4-N concentrations, and they were largely variable between the two field campaigns as a result of different environmental and management conditions (i.e.: rainfall, different amount of crop residues incorporated in soil). Overall, the innovative fully-transportable instrument performed well in the field and allowed us to conclude that decreasing the N fertilizer rate was a valuable option to mitigate N2O emissions without negative effects on wheat productivity.  相似文献   

Long-term use of soil, crop residue and fertilizer management practices may affect some soil properties, but the magnitude of change depends on soil type and climatic conditions. Two field experiments with barley, wheat, or canola in a rotation on Gray Luvisol (Typic Cryoboralf) loam at Breton and Black Chernozem (Albic Argicryoll) loam at Ellerslie, Alberta, Canada, were conducted to determine the effects of 19 or 27 years (from 1980 to 1998 or 2006 growing seasons) of tillage (zero tillage [ZT] and conventional tillage [CT]), straw management (straw removed [SRem] and straw retained [SRet]) and N fertilizer rate (0, 50 and 100 kg N ha−1 in SRet, and 0 kg N ha−1 in SRem plots) on pH, extractable P, ammonium-N and nitrate–N in the 0–7.5, 7.5–15, 15–30 and 30–40 cm or 0–15, 15–30, 30–60, 60–90 and 90–120 cm soil layers. The effects of tillage, crop residue management and N fertilization on these chemical properties were usually similar for both contrasting soil types. There was no effect of tillage and residue management on soil pH, but application of N fertilizer reduced pH significantly (by up to 0.5 units) in the top 15 cm soil layers. Extractable P in the 0–15 cm soil layer was higher or tended to be higher under ZT than CT, or with SRet than SRem in many cases, but it decreased significantly with N application (by 18.5 kg P ha−1 in Gray Luvisol soil and 20.5 kg P ha−1 in Black Chernozem soil in 2007). Residual nitrate–N (though quite low in the Gray Luvisol soil in 1998) increased with application of N (by 17.8 kg N ha−1 in the 0–120 cm layer in Gray Luvisol soil and 23.8 kg N ha−1 in 0–90 cm layer in Black Chernozem soil in 2007) and also indicated some downward movement in the soil profile up to 90 cm depth. There was generally no effect of any treatment on ammonium-N in soil. In conclusion, elimination of tillage and retention of straw increased but N fertilization decreased extractable P in the surface soil. Application of N fertilizer reduced pH in the surface soil, and showed accumulation and downward leaching of nitrate–N in the soil profile.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide can be produced during nitrification, denitrification, dissimilatory reduction of NO 3 - to NH 4 + and chemo-denitrification. Since soils are a mosaic of aerobic and anaerobic zones, it is likely that multiple processes are contributing simultaneously to N2O production in a soil profile. The N2O produced by all processes may mix to form one pool before being reduced to N2 by denitrification. Reliable methods are needed for measuring the fluxes of N2O and N2 simultaneously from agricultural soils. The C2H2 inhibition and 15N gas-flux methods are suitable for use in undisturbed soils in the field. The main disadvantage of C2H2 is that as well as blocking N2O reductase, it also blocks nitrification and dissimilatory reduction of NO 3 - to NH 4 + . Potentially the 15 N gas-flux method can give reliable measurements of the fluxes of N2O and N2 when all N transformation processes proceed naturally. The analysis of 15N in N2 and N2O is now fully automated by continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometry for 12-ml gas samples contained in septum-capped vials. Depending on the methodology, the limit of detection ranges from 4 to 11 g N ha-1day-1 for N2 and 4 to 15 g N ha-1day-1 for N2O. By measuring the 15N content and distribution of 15N atoms in the N2O molecules, information can also be obtained to help diagnose the sources of N2O and the processes producing it. Only a limited number of field studies have been done using the 15N gas-flux method on agricultural soils. The measured flux rates and mole fractions of N2O have been highly variable. In rain-fed agricultural soils, soil temperature and water-filled pore space change with the weather and so are difficult to modify. Soil organic C, NO 3 - and pH should be amenable to more control. The effect of organic C depends on the degree of anaerobiosis generated as a result of its metabolism. If conditions for denitrification are not limiting, split applications of organic C will produce more N2O than a single application because of the time lag in the synthesis of N2O reductase. Increasing the NO 3 - concentration above the K m value for NO 3 - reductase, or decreasing soil pH from 7 to 5, will have little effect on denitrification rate but will increase the mole fraction of N2O. The effect of NO 3 - concentration on the mole fraction of N2O is enhanced at low pH. Manipulating the interaction between NO 3 - supply and soil pH offers the best hope for minimising N2O and N2 fluxes.  相似文献   

Poor N fertilizer use efficiency by flooded rice is caused by gaseous losses of N. Improved fertilizer management and use of nitrification inhibitors may reduce N losses. A microplot study using15N-labelled urea was conducted to investigate the effects of fertilizer application method (urea broadcast, incorporated, deep-placed) and nitrification inhibitor [encapsulated calcium carbide (ECC)] treatments on emission of N2+N20 and total loss of applied N on a grey clay near Griffith, NSW, Australia. Both incorporation and deep placement of urea decreased N2+N2O emission compared to urea broadcast into the floodwater. Addition of ECC significantly (P < 0.05) reduced emission of N2+N20 from incorporated or deep-placed urea and resulted in increased exchangeable ammonium concentrations in the soil in both treatments. Fifty percent of the applied N was lost when urea was broadcast into the floodwater. Total N loss from the applied N was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced when urea was either incorporated or deep placed. In the presence of ECC the losses were reduced further and the lowest loss (34.2% of the applied N) was noted when urea was deep-placed with ECC.  相似文献   

No-tillage cropping can increase soil carbon (C) stocks and aggregation, and subsequently impact the internal nitrogen (N) cycle and gas loss. The 15N pool dilution method was used to study gross N transformations, and relative proportions of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions derived from denitrification versus nitrification-related processes under long-term tillage systems (no-tillage, rotary tillage and conventional tillage) in the North China Plain. In-field incubation experiments were repeated in successive growing seasons during April?CNovember in 2007. Gross mineralization rates for rotary and mouldboard plough tillage (3.6?±?0.3?C10.6?±?1.5?mg?N?kg?1?days?1) were significantly higher than for no-tillage (1.7?±?0.8?C6.8?±?1.1?mg?N?kg?1?days?1). Gross mineralization was positively correlated with soil moisture and temperature, as well as with microbial biomass N and C. However, there was no consistent tillage effect on gross nitrification, and gross nitrification was positively correlated with soil moisture, but not with gross mineralization and microbial biomass. N2O emissions were higher in no-tillage (NT) than for conventional tillage (CT) during May?CAugust. The 15N labelling indicated that 26?C92?% of the N2O was directly derived from the soil ammonium (NH4 +) pool. Emission rates of N2O from both nitrification and denitrification were positively correlated with NH4 + supply as expressed by gross mineralization, but not correlated with supply of nitrate as expressed by gross nitrification. The fraction of nitrified N emitted as N2O was positively correlated with changes in soil moisture and varied within 0.01?C2.51???. Our results showed that the tillage management impact on gross N transformation was not consistent with N2O emission, and more detailed information on the controls over N2O formation needs to be sought.  相似文献   

Urea powder and granules of varying size (1 to 8 mm diameter) were surface applied to a ryegrass/white clover pasture. Evolution of NH3 was measured using a continuous air flow enclosure method. At 30 kg N ha–1, the percentage of urea-N lost as NH3 from powder or granules of 1–2, 3–4, 5.6 and 8 mm diameter was 18, 17, 20, 22 and 32 respectively. As the particle size increased, the rate of urea hydrolysis decreased and delayed the time at which the maximum rate of volatilization occurred. Mineral-N and soil surface pH measurements confirmed that during the period of volatilization, urea moved less than 30 mm from the application point.For the powder and 3–4 mm granule treatments, when the application rate was increased from 30 to 300 kg N ha–1, the percentage of urea-N volatilized increased, but at any particular rate there was no significant difference in percentage loss between the powder and 3–4 mm granules.  相似文献   

The decomposition of nitrous oxide was studied over Fe-ferrierite, Me-ferrierites and Fe/Me-ferrierites (Me: Pt, Rh and Ru). Flow as well as batch experiments were carried out and showed a synergy between Fe and Me ions. Ions of noble metals in Fe-ferrierite increased the catalytic activity in the sequence Pt < Rh ≅ Ru. Addition of NO substantially decreased the decomposition of N2O over Rh/ferrierite and Ru/ferrierite, but not over bimetallic ferrierites. NO x species created during the decomposition of nitrous oxide alone as well as with addition of NO, and employment of nitrous oxide labeled with 18O allowed us to assume a changing decomposition mechanism in the presence of Me ions in Fe-ferrierites.  相似文献   

Catalytic decomposition of nitrous oxide into nitrogen and oxygen has been carried out on ‘in situ' thermally calcined hydrotalcites of general formula M(II)–M(III)-CHT where M(II)=Mg, Co, Ni, Cu or Zn and M(III)=Al, Fe or Cr having different M(II)/M(III) atomic ratios. The reaction was performed in a recirculatory static reactor at 50 Torr (133.3 Pa) initial pressure of N2O in the temperature range 423–773 K. Among the catalysts screened, Ni and Co containing catalysts with Al as the trivalent cation showed good activity (even at 423 K) wherein 50% and 100% conversion was achieved at 463 K and 523 K, respectively. Results on effect of composition for Co–Al system indicated that the activity increased with increase in the active metal ion concentration (Co2+), with closer dependence on the surface concentration (as determined by XPS). The observed activity pattern is explained on the basis of redox property and electronic effects. These materials were further evaluated under flow conditions (at Air Products and Chemicals, USA) simulating the industrial process streams (10% N2O, 2% H2O, 2% O2 and balance N2 and GHSV=18,500). Among the non-precious metal ions investigated, cobalt-based catalysts offered comparable activity similar to metal-exchanged zeolites for removing N2O from combustion and Nylon-6,6 processes.  相似文献   

The antecedent effect of lime on the gaseous products of denitrification (N2O and N2) was examined in a laboratory study using a clay loam soil (Soil 1) with a starting pH of 5.4, and a sandy loam soil (Soil 2) with a starting pH of 5.3. The soils were amended with 0, 2.3, 5.7 and 18.9 g CaCO3 kg?1, and were incubated for a period of 3 years at 4 °C during which time the soil equilibrated at pH values of 4.7, 5.8, 7.3 and 7.7 (Soil 1) and pH 4.7, 5.2, 6.6 and 7.6 (Soil 2). Ammonium nitrate, labelled with 15N (15NH4NO3, NH4 15NO3 and 15NH4 15NO3) was added to each incubation jar at a rate of 7.14 μmol N g?1 oven dried (OD) soil. Headspace gas samples were extracted daily over a 5 days incubation period at 20 °C. The amount of N2O and N2, and 15N enrichment of N2O-N in the headspace, was determined using continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. As pH increased, the quantity of N2 and N2O emitted significantly increased in both soils (P < 0.001), with a peak N2 flux of 0.179 μmol N g?1 OD soil h?1, and a peak N2O flux of 0.002 μmol N g?1 OD soil h?1 occurring at pH 7.6, 2 days after the addition of NH4NO3. The loss as N2 far exceeded the loss of N2O, which remained at less than 1 % of the total mineral N content of the soil. Lime generally lowered the N2O:N2 ratio, however the results from this study suggest that it is not a mitigation strategy for GHG emissions.  相似文献   

论述由施肥致自农业释出的NH3与N2O两种气体的生成与释出过程。N2O是重要的温室气体之一,而自农业挥发的NH3则不仅标志化肥(含农家肥)的损失,亦系一种资源浪费,且可导致环境问题。治理此二种气体将是化肥工业今后的使命。  相似文献   

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