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Short-Step Chebyshev Impedance Transformers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Impedance transforming networks are described which consist of short lengths of relatively high impedance transmission line alternating with short lengths of relatively low impedance line. The sections of transmission line are all exactly the same length (except for corrections for fringing capacitances), and the lengths of the line sections are typically short compared to a quarter wavelength throughout the operating band of the transformer. Tables of designs are presented which give exactly Chebyshev transmission characteristics between resistive terminations having ratios ranging from 1.5 to 10, and for fractional bandwidths ranging from 0.10 to 1.20. These impedance-transforming networks should have application where very compact transmission-line or dielectric-layer impedance transformers are desired.  相似文献   

An exact method, involving the line vector z, is developed for calculating the characteristic impedances of stepped impedance transformers having maximally-flat and Chebyshev characteristics. It is also shown that this leads to considerable economy of effort compared with earlier methods.  相似文献   

General Synthesis of Quarter-Wave Impedance Transformers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the general synthesis of a radio frequency impedance transformer of n quarter-wave steps, given an "insertion loss function" of permissible form. This procedure parallels that of Darlington for lumped constant filters by providing the connection between Collin's canonical form for the insertion loss function and Richards' demonstration that a reactance function may always be realized as a cascade of equal length impedance transformers terminated in either a short or open circuit. In particular, it is shown that insertion loss functions of the form selected by Collin are always realizable with positive characteristic impedances, and that the synthesis procedure, for maximally flat and Tchebycheff performance, involves the solution, at most, of quadratic equations. In addition, this procedure permits the proof of Collin's conjecture that, for his insertion loss function, the resulting reflection coefficients are symmetrical. Finally, closed expressions are given for the coefficients of the input impedance of a given n section transformer in terms of the n characteristic impedances and vice versa.  相似文献   

Somlo has presented a convenient procedure for obtaining the characteristic impedance and length of a single section of lossless transmission line to match two impedances. One impedance and the conjugate of the other are plotted on a circular transmission-line chart, i.e., Smith or Carter chart. A circle is drawn through the two points with its center on the X =0 axis. If the circle does not lie entirely within the R =0 circle, the two impedances cannot be matched with a single section of lossless transmission line with real characteristic impedance. However, if one does not require that the transmission line have a real characteristic impedance, it can be synthesized by a symmetrical T or /spl pi/ network consisting of either lossless inductances or capacitances.  相似文献   

Distributed element synthesis is used for obtaining edge-coupled-line impedance transformers. A gain factor is introduced in a characteristic transfer function representing a line and stub network. A redundant form of this network is identified with the equivalent circuit of the edge-coupled line pair. The transfer function is then used to synthesize Butterworth and Chebyshev coupled-line transformers. Design tables are presented for the symmetrical transformer. Transformation ratios different from unity are obtained only if the symmetrical structure is reflective. Asymmetrical transformers may exhibit nonunitary transformation ratios while being perfectly matched. Finally, applicability range is discussed.  相似文献   

A general design procedure for quarter-wavelength inhomogeneous impedance transformers having approximately equal-ripple performance is presented, based on the simplifying assumptions that the relative impedance of two waveguides of slightly different widths is a constant and that tan /spl Theta//sub i/= k/sub i/ tan /spl Theta//sub 0/ in the vicinity of /spl Theta//sub i/ and /spl Theta//sub 0/ = 90/spl deg/. The calculation of the design parameters depends on the fact that the insertion-loss function can be expressed, in closed form, in terms of the unknown parameters. When this is identified with the permissible equal-ripple function, a set of simultaneous equations in the unknown parameters results. The solution of these equations is approximated by the solution to the corresponding homogeneous transformer problem. Thus a set of simultaneous linear equations in the small differences can be obtained which provides an approximate solution to the problem. An experimental design is described and the resulting data are presented.  相似文献   

Impedance-matched ferrite-loaded waveguide nonreciprocal phase shifters are designed using the method of field expansion into eigenmodes, which includes higher order mode interaction between the step discontinuities. Computer-optimized Ku -band ferrite stepped design examples, of 45° and 90° nonreciprocal differential phase shifts, attain typically about 2° phase error and less than -25 dB input reflection within a bandwidth of about 5 percent. Compact designs are achieved by thicker uniform ferrite slabs with dielectric transformer sections at each end. The theory is verified by comparison with available results from measurements and other methods.  相似文献   

何剑岭 《视听技术》2007,(12):94-94
高中生山姆终于拥有了自己平生第一辆汽车,这车外观虽然破旧点,但是却仿佛通人性一般保卫着他和女友。有一天,这辆黄色的二手车突然变形成为了一个高大的机器人。原来,来自外星球的可变形机器人已经追踪着  相似文献   

Transmission-Line Transformers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The radio-frequency transformers described in this paper consist of matched transmission lines of equal length and characteristic impedance. The lines are connected according to rules given in the text. These transformers exhibit a very broad frequency response which can be readily estimated; two methods of analysis are presented. The computations agree well with the test results.  相似文献   

A method to determine a network transfer function with minimum phase shift, the phase of which approximates a given phase in the Chebyshev sense, is described. The approximation method is exclusively based on the solution of the linear equation system.  相似文献   

The design of uniformly dispersive quarter-wave transformers is a well explored subject. Common examples are rectangular waveguide E-plane transformers, in which the a dimension is kept constant. In this paper, it is shown that the performance of conventional quarter-wave transformers of a single section can always be improved by making the middle section less dispersive than the input and output waveguides, and a formula for the optimum a dimension is given. The theory was verified experimentally. In this instance, the improved transformer measured 50 per cent more bandwidth than did the conventional one, and was 25 per cent shorter besides.  相似文献   

可承载40A的自屏蔽SMT电感器 HM73系列钼铁镍合金粉末自屏蔽SMT电感器从0.1~8.2μH有16种额定值,最高可承受40A和400μJ/cm~3。它们是用导体密度比圆形导线高20%的超薄矩形导线制造的,它们还具有0.08~15.2mΩ的DCR。  相似文献   

简述铁氧体磁芯平面变压器的制作方法及其应用。  相似文献   

A design method for low frequency current transformers for inverter and motor drive applications is presented. Toroidal and E-I cores based design alternatives are studied and compared.  相似文献   

Chebyshev multilevel absorber design concept   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pyramidal- and wedge-absorber materials are used extensively in anechoic measurement chambers to attenuate stray signals. Typical absorber layouts result in large absorber walls in which the absorber tips and bases are roughly aligned in the same plane. Such a quasi-periodic configuration produces a strong coherent specular reflection which dominates the absorber scattered field. Based on the multisection impedance transformer concept, one can divide absorber elements into different levels (layers) so that this coherence can be destroyed to reduce the specular absorber scattering level. The synthesis of this desired behavior can be implemented by the Chebyshev transformer technique, which provides the largest bandwidth given a passband ripple threshold. The resulting reflected field is then the product of the original absorber response times the Chebyshev reduction factor, which is independent of polarization and absorber properties. Various measured results are used to show that more than a 10-dB improvement can be achieved at the critical low end of the frequency band using this approach. This improvement cannot be achieved using conventional design concepts unless the absorber size is doubled  相似文献   

滤波器是一种选频装置,即将一部分频率范围内的信号滤掉,而允许另一部分频率范围内的信号通过。本文通过Labview,组成切比雪夫滤波器。  相似文献   

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