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The effect of acute administration of morphine on cerebral excitability was investigated in rats with two convulsant drugs: flurothyl (hexafluorodiethyl ether) and pentylenetetrazol (PTZ). In the flurothyl study, adult male Sprague-Dawley (S-D) rats were injected subcutaneously with morphine sulfate in doses ranging from 0.5 to 256 mg/kg. At 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes after morphine injection, flurothyl was administered by inhalation and the seizure thresholds were determined. In the PTZ study, 64 mg/kg of morphine sulfate were injected subcutaneously into both S-D and CFN (Wistar-derived) rats. Thresholds to PTZ seizures were measured after administering the convulsant either by the intraperitoneal or intravenous route. The data revealed an anticonvulsant action of morphine on both flurothyl and PTZ. Peak time for this effect on flurothyl seizures was 30 minutes after subcutaneous administration of the opiate, with the maximal anticonvulsant activity appearing at the 64-mg/kg dose. The increase in seizure threshold in S-D rats at this dose was 36% with flurothyl, 94% with intravenous PTZ and 352% with i.p. PTZ. Morphine had a less dramatic influence on raising the latter seizure threshold in the CFN than in the S-D strain. The graded dose-related anticonvulsant action is independent of the respiratory depression associated with morphine administration and appears to be a reflection of an altered central nervous system excitability produced by the narcotic in rats.  相似文献   

There is evidence that sympathetic nerve activity leads to endothelium-derived nitric oxide release, which in turn attenuates neurogenic vasoconstriction. Here we tested in vivo (1) whether the magnitude of the vasoconstriction induced by N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester given systemically is altered when ongoing sympathetic activity is abolished by sectioning the lumbar sympathetic trunk, and (2) whether hindlimb sympathetic vasoconstriction elicited by electrical stimulation of the lumbar sympathetic trunk is enhanced after inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis. Blood flow in the microvascular beds of hairless skin and skeletal muscle of the rat hindlimb was measured with laser Doppler flowmetry. Sectioning the lumbar sympathetic trunk resulted in an increase of blood flow in both tissues, indicating that tonic neurogenic vasoconstriction was abolished. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis resulted in vasoconstriction in both vascular beds. This vasoconstriction was more pronounced after abolition of sympathetic activity than with intact sympathetic supply in skin but was smaller in skeletal muscle. The vasoconstriction elicited by graded electrical stimulation of the centrally sectioned lumbar sympathetic trunk with frequencies less than 5 Hz was significantly enhanced after blockade of nitric oxide in skeletal muscle but not in skin microvasculature. These findings suggest that under physiological conditions, sympathetic nerve impulses directly promote the release of nitric oxide in skeletal muscle but not in cutaneous blood vessels. Therefore, basal nitric oxide release is probably in part dependent on sympathetic activity in skeletal muscle, whereas it appears to be mainly due to flow-dependent shear stress in hairless skin microvasculature.  相似文献   

1. The chronotropic effect of angiotensin II (5 micrograms in 1 ml of Tyrode solution), injected directly into the sinus node artery of 24 anaesthestized and vagotomized dogs pretreated with a beta-adrenoceptor antagonist, was evaluated before and after the administration of: (a) an angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonist (losartan, 50 micrograms kg-1 min-1 infused i.v. for 120 min), (b) an alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist (prazosin, 1 mg kg-1 i.v. bolus injected), (c) a Ca2+ channel blocker (nifedipine 50, 100 and 200 micrograms kg-1 i.v. bolus injected) and (d) a protein kinase inhibitor (staurosporine, 800 nM infused via the sinus node artery at 0.6 ml min-1 for 15 min). 2. Losartan and staurosporine by themselves had no effect on basal systemic arterial pressure and heart rate, whereas prazosin and nifedipine caused significant diminutions of both parameters. 3. Angiotensin II induced significant increases in heart rate, the mean augmentations being 29 +/- 2 beats min-1. Losartan, nifedipine and staurosporine significantly decreased the chronotropic effect of angiotensin II, the mean respective diminutions being 65 +/- 8, 40 +/- 9 and 64 +/- 10%, whereas prazosin had no effect. 4. This work has demonstrated that angiotensin II exerts in vivo a significant positive chronotropic effect that is mediated via AT1 receptors located in the region of the sinoatrial node. This effect is independent of the adrenergic system. It is decreased by the inhibition of the production of protein kinases, most probably of protein kinase C, and by the blockade of the voltage-sensitive L-type Ca2+ channels. Other studies are obviously needed to ascertain the role of angiotensin II in the control of heart rate and/or the genesis of arrhythmias.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the plasma concentrations and cardiovascular changes that occur in healthy dogs and dogs with aortic stenosis that are given an infusion of lidocaine during isoflurane anesthesia. STUDY DESIGN: Phase 1, controlled randomized cross-over trial; Phase 2, before and after trial ANIMALS: Phase 1, 6 healthy dogs (4 female, 2 male) weighing 23.8 +/- 7.4 kg; Phase 2, 7 dogs (4 female, 3 male) with moderate to severe subaortic stenosis (confirmed by Doppler echocardiography) weighing 31.1 +/- 14.5 kg. METHODS: After mask induction, intubation, and institution of positive pressure ventilation, instrumentation was performed to measure hemodynamic variables. After baseline, measurement at an end-tidal isoflurane concentration of 1.9% (phase 1) or 1.85% (phase 2), a loading dose infusion of lidocaine at 400 microg/kg/min was given. Phase 1: Maintenance doses of lidocaine were administered consecutively (40, 120, and 200 microg/kg/min) after the loading dose (given for 10, 10, and 5 minutes, respectively) in advance of each maintenance concentrations. Measurements were taken at the end of each loading dose and at 25 and 35 minutes during each maintenance level. The same animals on a different day were given dextrose 5% and acted as the control. Phase 2: Dogs were studied on a single occasion during an infusion of lidocaine at 120 microg/kg/ min given after the loading dose (10 minutes). Measurements occurred after the loading dose and at 25 and 35 minutes. A blood sample for lidocaine concentration was taken at 70 minutes. Data were compared using a one-way ANOVA for phase 1, and between phase 1 and 2. Statistical analysis for phase 2 was performed using a paired t-test with a Bonferroni correction. A P value < or = .05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Phase 1: Plasma lidocaine concentrations achieved with 40, 120, and 200 microg of lidocaine/kg/min were 2.70, 5.27, and 7.17 microg/mL, respectively. A significant increase in heart rate (HR) (all concentrations), central venous pressure (CVP), mean pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP), and a decrease in stroke index (SI) (200 microg/kg/min) were observed. An increase in systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and mean PAP, and a decrease in SI also followed the loading dose given before the 200 microg/kg/min infusion. No other significant differences from the control measurements, during dextrose 5% infusion alone, were detected. Phase 2: Plasma lidocaine concentrations achieved were 5.35, 4.23, 4.23, and 5.60 microg/mL at 10, 25, 35, and 70 minutes, respectively. They were not significantly different from concentrations found in our healthy dogs at the same infusions. A significant but small increase in CVP compared with baseline was noted after the loading dose. There were no significant differences from baseline shown in all other cardiovascular data. There were no statistically significant differences in any measurements taken during the lidocaine infusion between the dogs in phase 1 and phase 2. Dogs with aortic stenosis tended to have a lower cardiac index than healthy dogs at baseline (88 v 121 mL/kg/min) and during lidocaine infusion (81 v 111 mL/kg/min). A small, statistically significant difference in systolic PAP was present at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: There does not appear to be any detrimental cardiovascular effects related to an infusion of lidocaine at 120 microg/kg/min during isoflurane anesthesia in healthy dogs or dogs with aortic stenosis. The technique used in this study resulted in therapeutic plasma concentrations of lidocaine.CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Methods shown in the study can be used in clinical cases to achieve therapeutic lidocaine levels without significant cardiovascular depression during isoflurane anesthesia.  相似文献   

Five patients with Bartter's syndrome were investigated. Sodium restriction (less than 10 mEq/day for at least 5 days) showed a renal sodium wastage in only two patients (I and II) in spite of increased aldosterone secretion rate (from 151-427 to 680-842 mug/day). The effect of angiotensin II (A II) 80ng/kg/min for 30-180 min, on plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma aldosterone, and urinary sodium excretion was compared with the effect of a previous infusion of 5% dextrose given at the same rate, 0.5 ml/min for 1 hr. A II infusion resulted in increased plasma aldosterone levels: from 236-330 pg/ml to 800-881 pg/ml in 30 min. This increase was also observed in patient II (from 139 to 600 pg/ml). PRA was decreased by A II infusion (from 1,142-2,462 to 121-1,625 ng/liter/min). In patient IV, this decrease in PRA was also observed when he was on a salt-restricted diet (from 1,934 to 370 ng/liter/min); but the minimal PRA was still higher (370 ng/liter/min) than with a normal diet (121 ng/liter/min). In no case could normal PRA level be obtained. A II infusion induced an increase in urinary sodium excretion only in the two patients with renal sodium wastage (from 80-90 to 265-230 muEq/min in 30 min). Urinary sodium excretion decreased in the other patients from (37.5-213 to 4.30-46 muEq/min) and fractional sodium excretion was reduced in patient V (from 0.56% to 0.45% at 30 min and to 0.29% at 120 min). No significant change with A II infusion was observed in patient IV when he was on a sodium-restricted diet (from 1 to 2.5 muEq/min in 30 min). Urinary potassium excretion was similar to sodium excretion. No change was observed in plasma potassium and sodium.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the effects of the injection into the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of non-peptide AT1- and AT2-angiotensin II (ANG II) receptor antagonists, DuP753 and PD123319, as well as of the arginine-vasopressin (AVP) receptor antagonist d(CH2)5-Tyr(Me)-AVP, on water and 3% NaCl intake induced by the injection of ANG II into the medial septal area (MSA). The effects on water or 3% NaCl intake were assessed in 30-h water-deprived or in 20-h water-deprived furosemide-treated adult male rats, respectively. The drugs were injected in 0.5 microliter over 30-60 s. Controls were injected with a similar volume of 0.15 M NaCl. Antagonists were injected at doses of 20, 80 and 180 nmol. Water and sodium intake was measured over a 2-h period. Previous administration of the AT1 receptor antagonist DuP753 into the SON decreased water (65%, N = 10, P < 0.01) and sodium intake (81%, N = 8, P < 0.01) induced by the injection of ANG II (10 nmol) into the MSA. Neither of these responses was significantly changed by injection of the AT2-receptor antagonist PD123319 into the SON. On the other hand, while there was a decrease in water intake (45%, N = 9, P < 0.01), ANG II-induced sodium intake was significantly increased (70%, N = 8, P < 0.01) following injection of the V1-type vasopressin antagonist d(CH2)5-Tyr(Me)-AVP into the SON. These results suggest that both AT1 and V1 receptors within the SON may be involved in water and sodium intake induced by the activation of ANG II receptors within the MSA. Furthermore, they do not support the involvement of MSA AT2 receptors in the mediation of these responses.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of angiotensin II (AII) receptors type 1 (AT1) and type 2 (AT2) and the effects of a low sodium intake on these two subtypes of receptors in male rat adrenals. Binding studies on adrenal slices, on cell membranes and on cell suspensions were performed using [125I]AII and specific analogs for AT1 (Losartan) and AT2 (PD 123319) receptors. The distribution of AT1 was also studied by immunofluorescence. Complementary approaches were necessary to reach our goal. Indeed, by autoradiography on adrenal slices, [125I]AII was shown to bind to the zona glomerulosa (ZG) and to the medulla (M). When coincubated with [125I]AII, PD 123319 displaced [125I]AII from the medulla and from the ZG, indicating the presence of AT2 receptors in both zones. Losartan partially displaced [125I]AII from the ZG, indicating the presence of AT1 receptors in that zone. Furthermore, the labeling intensity of the medulla (AT2 receptors) was much stronger in adrenal sections from rats kept on a low sodium regimen than from controls. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that AT1 receptors were located mainly in the ZG of control rats. After sodium restriction, AT1 receptors appeared to be uniformly distributed within an enlarged ZG; furthermore AT1 receptor-positive cells were found to a limited degree in the zona fasciculata and possibly in the zona reticularis, and a greater number of these positive cells appeared in these zones under sodium restriction. Cell suspensions from rats fed a low sodium diet showed a 2.7- and 2.1-fold increase in total AII receptors in adrenal ZG and ZFR + M cells when compared with controls. Based on Losartan displacement, we calculated that [125I]AII bound to AT1 and to AT2 receptors was increased in both ZG and ZFR + M cell preparations under sodium restriction. Results of binding studies on cell membranes were also indicative of an increasing effect of sodium restriction on AT1 and AT2 receptors binding capacity. Furthermore, Northern blotting analysis revealed 3.0- and 2.5-fold increases in the level of AT1 receptor mRNA in the ZG and the ZFR + M of rats fed a low sodium diet as compared with those fed a normal diet. The low sodium intake resulted in a weaker increase (1.5-fold) in the level of AT2 receptor messenger RNA in the ZG, with no changes in the ZFR + M preparations. In conclusion, in this study complementary approaches were needed to determine the localization of AT1 and AT2 receptors in the rat adrenal, and to show the increasing effects of a low sodium regimen on the adrenal level of these receptors. Immunofluorescence studies revealed AT1 receptors mainly in the ZG and also in some cells of the inner adrenal cortex zones; in adrenals of rats kept on a low sodium diet the ZG was markedly enlarged, and an increased number of immunoreactive cells with AT1 receptors were observed throughout that zone; also more immunoreactive cells were present in the inner zones of the adrenal cortex. Furthermore in the adrenals of rats kept on a low sodium diet, we observed: 1) an increased number of AT1 and AT2 receptors in cell suspensions from the ZG, and in cell suspensions of the ZFR + M; 2) an increased level of AT1 and AT2 receptor mRNAs in the ZG; 3) an increased level of AT1 receptor mRNA, with no changes in the AT2 mRNA level in the ZFR + M. These results suggest a role for AT1 as well as for AT2 receptors in controlling adrenal function and differentiation under normal as well as under physiological stimulation of AII production following sodium restriction.  相似文献   

1. Animal studies have shown that angiotensin II has a biphasic effect on urinary sodium excretion. To examine whether this is also true in man, we studied seven salt-replete male subjects in a single-blind placebo-controlled manner. 2. While undergoing maximum diuresis, subjects were infused with 0, 1, 2, 5 or 10 ng of angiotensin II min-1 kg-1 over 80 min. Subjects were studied while seated, and stood every 20 min for urine collection. 3. Angiotensin II produced a dose-dependent antidiuretic effect. The urine flow rate, in ml/min expressed as the change from baseline with increasing dose of angiotensin, was: +3.4 +/- 1.77, -1.26 +/- 0.49 (P < 0.05), -2.75 +/- 1.23 (P < 0.05), -4.21 +/- 0.82 (P < 0.05) and -6.51 +/- 1.07 (P < 0.01). 4. In contrast, the effect of angiotensin II on sodium excretion showed a flat dose-response curve beyond 5 ng min-1 kg-1. The urinary sodium excretion, in mumol/min expressed as the change from baseline with increasing dose of angiotensin, was: 9.5 +/- 21.2, -18.9 +/- 29.6, -37.0 +/- 11.6 (P < 0.05), -67.7 +/- 19.6 (P < 0.01) and -63.8 +/- 14.3 (P < 0.01). 5. The fractional distal reabsorption of sodium, determined by using the lithium clearance technique, showed a rise with all doses of angiotensin II used and reached statistical significance with the top two doses. 6. Unlike antidiuresis, antinatriuresis after graded doses of angiotensin II in human subjects showed a flat dose-response curve beyond 5 ng min-1 kg-1. Pressor doses of angiotensin II also have a significant effect on the distal tubule in promoting sodium reabsorption.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hypoperfusion and necrosis in free flaps used to correct tissue defects remain important clinical problems. The authors studied the effects of two vasoactive drugs, sodium nitroprusside and phenylephrine, which are used frequently in anesthetic practice, on total blood flow and microcirculatory flow in free musculocutaneous flaps during general anesthesia. METHODS: In a porcine model (n = 9) in which clinical conditions for anesthesia and microvascular surgery were simulated, latissimus dorsi free flaps were transferred to the lower extremity. Total blood flow in the flaps was measured using ultrasound flowmetry and microcirculatory flow was measured using laser Doppler flowmetry. The effects of sodium nitroprusside and phenylephrine were studied during local infusion through the feeding artery of the flap and during systemic administration. RESULTS: Systemic sodium nitroprusside caused a 30% decrease in mean arterial pressure, but cardiac output did not change. The total flow in the flap decreased by 40% (P < 0.01), and microcirculatory flow decreased by 23% in the skin (P < 0.01) and by 30% in the muscle (P < 0.01) of the flap. Sodium nitroprusside infused locally into the flap artery increased the total flap flow by 20% (P < 0.01). Systemic phenylephrine caused a 30% increase in mean arterial pressure, whereas heart rate, cardiac output, and flap blood flow did not change. Local phenylephrine caused a 30% decrease (P < 0.01) in the total flap flow. CONCLUSIONS: Systemic phenylephrine in a dose increasing the systemic vascular resistance and arterial pressure by 30% appears to have no adverse effects on blood flow in free musculocutaneous flaps. Sodium nitroprusside, however, in a dose causing a 30% decrease in systemic vascular resistance and arterial pressure, causes a severe reduction in free flap blood flow despite maintaining cardiac output.  相似文献   

The noradrenaline storage capacity of vesicles in hypothalamic synaptosomes was measured by incubating them with [3H]noradrenaline under saturating conditions. The normal noradrenaline content is 52% of storage capacity. Incubation or superfusion with 50 mM-potassium causes calsium-dependent release from the vesicles. Such release reduces not only the vesicular content, but also the noradrenaline storage capacity. This suggests that after exocytosis vesicles cannot refill with noradrenaline.  相似文献   

Three adult spayed female hunting dogs had an unusual form of chronic active gastritis. The disease lasted for months to several years. Vomiting was the most consistent clinical sign. One dog had leukocytosis with 30 percent eosinophils. The stomach of each dog was enlarged and greatly thickened. Collagen deposits, granulation tissue and eosinophils replaced most of the gastric wall. Disease of the gastric arteries ranged from fibrinoid necrosis to panarteritis. Granulation tissue obstructed the omental arteries of one dog. There also was splenic reticuloendothelial hyperplasia with fibrosis, hemorrhage and congestion, and chronic eosinophilic lymphadenitis. Although the cause of this disease was not determined, its basis probably was immunologic.  相似文献   

The effect of the blockade of the renin angiotensin system (RAS) on thermoregulatory, cardiovascular and renal function during moderate exercise in a hot [mean (SEM) 34.4 (0.1) degrees C] environment was evaluated. Six men and three women cycled at 60% peak oxygen uptake for 45 min following acute administration of a placebo (PLAC) or enalapril (ENAL), an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I). Resting mean arterial pressure (MAP) was reduced by ENAL, but the pressor response to exercise was unaffected [delta MAP = 7.8 (1.4)mmHg for both trials (P > 0.05)]. Peak esophageal temperature [T(es) = 38.7 (1.0) degrees C (PLAC) vs 38.4 (0.2) degrees C (ENAL)] and mean skin temperatures [Tsk = 36.5 (0.1) degrees C (PLAC) vs 36.6 (0.1) degrees C (ENAL)] were similar for both drug treatments during the exercise. Both aldosterone and plasma renin activity (PRA) increased five fold above resting values during exercise; however, only the PRA response [16.7 (3.2) ng angiotensin I (Ang I).ml-1.h-1 (ENAL) vs 7.4 (1.2)ng Ang I.ml-1.h-1 (PLAC)] was significantly altered by ENAL treatment (P < 0.05). Urine flow, sodium excretion and glomerular filtration rates, determined from creatinine clearance, were similarly reduced following exercise for both ENAL and PLAC treatments. These results suggest acute administration (5 mg) of ACE-I does not impair thermoregulatory, cardiovascular or renal responses during moderate exercise in the heat.  相似文献   

Sodium nitroprusside (disodium nitroferricyanide) has been suggested to cause cytotoxicity through either the release of cyanide and/or nitric oxide. The present study investigated a possible mechanism that after a brief release of nitric oxide, iron moiety of breakdown products of sodium nitroprusside could cause a long lasting oxidative stress, such as hydroxyl radical generation, lipid peroxidation and cytotoxicity. Intranigral administration of sodium nitroprusside (0-16.8 nmol) to rats induced an acute increase in lipid peroxidation in the substantia nigra and a chronic dopamine depletion in the caudate nucleus. Photodegraded (nitric oxide-exhausted) sodium nitroprusside, however, still produced lipid peroxidation and neurotoxicity in the midbrain. Moreover, non-iron containing nitric oxide-donor compounds, such as S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, did not cause oxidative brain injury in vivo suggesting that nitric oxide may not mediate neurotoxicity induced by sodium nitroprusside. Additional in vitro studies demonstrated that both freshly prepared (nitric oxide donor) and photodegraded (nitric oxide-exhausted) sodium nitroprusside generated hydroxyl radicals in the presence of ascorbate and also increased lipid peroxidation in brain homogenates. These pro-oxidative effects of sodium nitroprusside were blocked by nitric oxide, S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, oxyhemoglobin, and deferoxamine (iron chelator). The present results suggest that iron moiety, rather than nitric oxide, may mediate the pro-oxidative properties of sodium nitroprusside. With this new information in mind, the misuse of sodium nitroprusside as a selective nitric oxide donor in both basic and clinical uses should be urgently addressed.  相似文献   

Renal blood flow (RBF) was measured with a noncannulating electromagnetic flow transducer in anesthetized rats which had been maintained for 3-5 wk on low, normal, or high salt plus deoxycorticosterone diets. After base-line observations, one of two dissimilar inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system, angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor SQ 20881 or the structural analogue [Sar1,Ala8]angiotensin II was administered intravenously. The employed doses of SQ 20881 and [Sar1,Ala8]angiotensin II effectively inhibited the pressor and renal vasoconstrictor responses induced by exogenous angiotensin I and II, respectively, in each dietary group. Both inhibitors vasodilated kidneys in salt-restricted rats; however, neither affected base-line renal hemodynamics in salt-loaded rats. Pressure-flow relationships were evaluated by clamping the aorta to reduce renal perfusion pressure. Renal blood flow was autoregulated between 100 and 140 mmHg with the same efficiency before and during inhibition of angiotensin II in each dietary group. These data indicate that angiotensin II modifies base-line RBF and renal vascular resistance and are consistent with the view that the renin-angiotensin system is not an essential mechanism responsible for autoregulation of RBF in the rat.  相似文献   

Des-Asp angiotensin II (des-Asp AII) is a naturally occurring heptapeptide metabolite of angiotensin II (AII) which is formed by the enzymatic action of aminopeptidase A. Angiotensin II and des-Asp AII were infused into unanesthetized rats while direct mean arterial pressure, serum aldosterone and serum corticosterone were measured. Both AII and des-Asp AII caused a dose-related increase in serum aldosterone with a significant increase occurring with a dose as low as 1 ng/min. This effect was blocked by pretreatment with 1-Sar-8-Ala-angiotensin II, a competitive inhibitor of AII; however, the inhibitor was more effective in blocking the effects of AII (101%) than of des-Asp AII (82%). Both angiotensins induced a dose-related increase in serum corticosterone and mean arterial pressure. Des-Asp AII was however only 1/10 as potent as AII in elevating mean arterial pressure. 1-Sar-8-Ala-AII was also effective in inhibiting the pressor effects of AII and des-Asp AII. These data illustrate a high degree of organ specificity or selectivity for des-Asp AII and a low specificity for AII. Aminopeptidase A and leucine aminopeptidase were identified in the adrenal cortex and medulla in large amounts. Des-Asp AII may thus be formed from AII locally in the adrenal gland prior to exerting its action at that site.  相似文献   

Adjuvant treatment modalities, nutritional parameters, and allogenic blood transfusions are investigated as possible contributing variables which may adversely affect wound healing after tumor resections for musculoskeletal sarcomas. Statistical analysis determined that preoperative chemotherapy, depressed preoperative hematocrit, and allogenic blood transfusions (probably immunosuppression mediated) were the only significant factors affecting wound healing outcome. Suggestions to improve postoperative infection rates are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Unreduced human subcomponent C1q was shown by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels run in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate to be composed of two types of non-covalently linked subunits of apparent mol.wts. 69 000 and 54 000. The ratio of the two subunits was markedly affected by the ionic strength of the applied sample. At a low ionic strength of applied sample, which gave the optimum value for the 54 000-apparent mol.wt. subunit, a ratio of 1.99:1.00 was obtained for the ratio of the 69 000-apparent mol.wt. subunit to the 5400-apparent-mol.wt. subunit. The amount of the 54 000-apparent-mol.wt. subunit detected in the expected position on the gel was found to be inversely proportional to increases in the ionic strength of the applled sample. 2. Human subcomponent C1q on reduction and alkylation, or oxidation, yields equimolar amounts of three chains designated A, B and C [Reid et al. (1972) Biochem. J. 130, 749-763]. The results obtained by Yonemasu & Stroud [(1972) Immunochemistry 9, 545-554], which showed that the 69 000-apparent-mol.wt. subunit was a disulphide-linked dimer of the A and B chains and that the 54 000-apparent-mol.wt. subunit was a disulphide-linked dimer of the C chain, were confirmed. 3. Gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 in 6.0M-guanidinium chloride showed that both types of unreduced subunit were eluted together as a single symmetrical peak of apparent mol.wt. 49 000-50 000 when globular proteins were used as markers. The molecular weights of the oxidized or reduced A, B and C chains have been shown previously to be very similar all being in the range 23 000-24 000 [Reid et al. (1972) Biochem. J. 130, 749-763; Reid (1974) Biochem. J. 141, 189-203]. 4. It is proposed that subcomponent C1q (mol.wt. 410000) is composed of nine non-covalently linked subunits, i.e. six A-B dimers and three C-C dimers. 5. A structure for subcomponent C1q is proposed and is based on the assumption that the collagen-like regions of 78 residues in each of the A, B and C chains are combined to form a triple-helical structure of the same type as is found in collagens.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural immunocytochemical studies were performed on sections of bone marrow from three patients with beta-thalassaemia major and two patients with haemoglobin H (HbH) disease. Some sections were reacted with either a polyclonal or a monoclonal anti-human-ubiquitin antibody and the reaction visualized using a gold-labelled secondary antibody. The inclusions of precipitated globin chains found within the erythropoietic cells of all five patients reacted much more strongly than the surrounding inclusion-free cytoplasm with both of the anti-ubiquitin antibodies, indicating that the precipitated globin chains were ubiquitinated. A non-specific reaction between the anti-ubiquitin antibodies and the inclusions was excluded by demonstrating that various other antibodies, including a polyclonal anti-human cathepsin D antibody, did not react with the inclusions. The data suggest that the ubiquitin proteolytic pathway is involved in the degradation of precipitated globin chains in alpha- and beta-thalassaemia.  相似文献   

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