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The presence of taste and odor compounds can greatly reduce the quality of drinking water supplies. Because the monetary costs associated with the removal of these compounds can be high, it is impractical for most facilities to continuously treat their raw water. Instead, new tools are needed to help predict when taste and odor events may be most likely to occur. Water quality data were collected between June and October in 2006-2007 from five Kansas (USA) reservoirs in order to develop predictive models for geosmin, a major taste and odor compound; two of these reservoirs were also sampled during specific taste and odor events in December 2006 and January 2007. Lake trophic state alone was not a good predictor of geosmin concentrations as the highest average geosmin concentration was observed in the reservoir with the lowest nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations. In addition, taste and odor events were not confined to summer months; elevated geosmin concentrations were observed in several reservoirs during the winter. Growth limitation by inorganic phosphorus appeared to be the primary determinant of geosmin production by algal cells in these reservoirs.  相似文献   

Molot LA  Dillon PJ 《Water research》2003,37(8):1759-1768
Steady-state mass balance models have been successfully used to predict annual loads and concentrations of numerous substances in lakes. A major limitation of the model is that the value of the mass transfer coefficient, nu(X), for some substance, X, is assumed constant and is taken as a mean value of a set of calibration lakes. The range in mean values between lakes for nu(X) is typically two- to three-fold. Thus, there is some potential for error in model predictions if the true but unknown value for a given lake differs from the mean, calibration value. Moreover, the use of a region-specific value for nu(X) for all lakes in a region means that when environmental conditions change, the model will have to be re-calibrated requiring many more years of monitoring. In this study, mass balances for two substances, total iron and aluminum, are presented along with simple empirical relationships that predict mass transfer coefficients for iron as a function of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and aluminum as a function of DOC and pH. The relationships, which are consistent with current understanding of iron and aluminum behavior, account for >90% of the variation in nu(X). Improvements in mass balance model predictions are expected when these coefficients are used in place of constant values.  相似文献   

The Windermere Humic Aqueous Model (WHAM) incorporating Humic Ion-Binding Model VI was applied to analytical data from the United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network, collected for 22 streams and lakes over the period 1988-2007, to calculate the chemical speciation of monomeric aluminium (Almon) in 3087 water samples. Model outputs were compared with analytical measurements of labile and non-labile Almon concentrations, the former being equated with inorganic forms of Almon and the latter with organically-complexed metal. Raw analytical data were used, and also data produced by applying a correction for the possible dissociation of organically-complexed Almon, and therefore its underestimation, during passage through the analytical cation-exchange column. Model calibration was performed by finding the conversion factor, FFADOC, between the concentration of isolated fulvic acid, with default ion-binding properties, required by the model, and the measured concentration of dissolved organic carbon, [DOC]. For both uncorrected and corrected data, the value of FFADOC for streams was greater than for lakes, indicating greater binding activity towards aluminium. Model fits were better using uncorrected analytical data, but the values of FFADOC obtained from corrected data agreed more closely with previous estimates. The model provided reasonably good explanations of differences in aluminium speciation between sampling sites, and of temporal variations at individual sites. With total monomeric concentration as input, WHAM calculations might substitute for analytical speciation measurements, or aid analytical quality control. Calculated Al3+ activities, aAl3+, showed a pH-dependence similar to that previously found for other surface waters, and the modelling exercise identified differences between waters of up to two orders of magnitude in the value of aAl3+ at a given pH. The model gives the net charge of dissolved organic matter, which is calculated to have risen significantly at 15 of the AWMN sites, due to increases in pH and decreases in aluminium concentration.  相似文献   

Nanomolar concentrations of steroid hormones such as 17β-estradiol can influence the reproductive development and sex ratios of invertebrate and vertebrate populations. Thus their release into surface and ground waters from wastewater facilities and agricultural applications of animal waste is of environmental concern. Many of these compounds are chromophoric and susceptible to photolytic degradation. High intensity UV-C radiation has been demonstrated to degrade some of these compounds in engineered systems. However, the degradation efficacy of natural solar radiation in shallow fresh waters is less understood. Here photolytic experiments with 17β-estradiol demonstrated modest photodegradation (~ 26%) when exposed to simulated sunlight between 290 and 720 nm. Photodegradation significantly increased (~ 40-50%) in the presence of 2.0-15.0 mg/l of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) derived from humic acids of the Suwannee River, GA. However, rates of photodegradation reached a threshold at approximately 5.0 mg/l DOC. Observed suppression of photolysis in the presence of a radical inhibitor (i.e. 2-propanol) indicated that a significant proportion of the degradation was due to radicals formed from the photolysis of DOC. Although photodegradation was greatest in full sunlight containing UV-B (290-320 nm), degradation was also detected with UV-A (320-400 nm) and visible light (400-720 nm) alone.  相似文献   

Methylisoborneol (MIB) and geosmin are cyanobacterial metabolites that occur at nanograms per liter levels in surface water supplies and are responsible for many taste and odor complaints about the aesthetics of drinking water. This study evaluated three water supply reservoirs with bottom-release (hypolimnion) outlet structures in Arizona. MIB concentrations were always higher than geosmin concentrations, but both followed similar seasonal trends. MIB concentrations increased from spring to late summer, and stratified vertically with depth in the water column; the highest concentrations were always in the upper 10 m of the water column. Thermal destratification in the autumn increased MIB concentrations released from the outlet of reservoirs and impacted downstream utilities for several months. By winter of each year MIB concentrations were non-detectable. Mass balance analyses on MIB indicated that in-reservoir reactions were more important in changing MIB concentrations than conservative hydraulic "flushing" of the reservoir. Maximum net loss rates for MIB in the field (R(F,max)) were on the order of 0.23-1.7 ng/L-day, and biodegradation appeared more important than volatilization, photolysis or adsorption. Using lake water in laboratory experiments, bacterial biodegradation rates (R(L)) ranged from 0.5-1 ng/L-day and were comparable to R(F,max) values. Based upon these rates, MIB concentrations in a reservoir would decrease by approximately 30 ng/L over a period of 1 month. This was the magnitude change in MIB concentrations commonly observed after autumn thermal destratification of the reservoirs.  相似文献   

Considerations on ultra-trace analysis of phthalates in drinking water   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Serôdio P  Nogueira JM 《Water research》2006,40(13):2572-2582
Stir bar sorptive extraction with liquid desorption followed by large volume injection and capillary gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (SBSE-LD/LVI-GC-MS), had been applied for the determination of ultra-traces of seven-phthalates (dimethyl phthalate, diethyl phthalate, di-n-butyl phthalate, butyl benzyl phthalate, bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and bis(1-octyl) phthalate) in drinking water samples, which are included in the priority lists set by several international regulatory organizations. Instrumental calibration under the selected-ion monitoring mode acquisition (LVI-GC-MS(SIM)), experimental parameters that could affect the SBSE-LD efficiency, as well as, the control of the contamination profile are fully discussed. Throughout systematic assays on 30 mL water samples spiked at the 0.40 microg/L level, it had been established that stir bars coated with 47 microL of polydimethylsiloxane, an equilibrium time of 60 min (1,000 rpm) and methanol as back extraction solvent, allowed the best analytical performance to monitor phthalates in water matrices. From the data obtained, good accuracy and a remarkable reproducibility (< 14.8%) were attained, providing experimental recovery data in agreement with the theoretical equilibrium described by the octanol-water partition coefficients (K(PDMS/W) approximately K(O/W)), with the exception of bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and bis(1-octyl) phthalate, for which lower yields were measured. Additionally, a remarkable linear dynamic range between 25 and 2,000 ng/L (r(2)>0.99) and low detection limits (3-40 ng/L) were also achieved for the seven-phthalates studied. The application of the present method to monitor phthalates in tap and bottled mineral water samples, allowed convenient selectivity and high sensitivity up to 1.0 microg/L level, using the standard addition methodology. The proposed method showed to be feasible and sensitive with a low sample volume requirement to monitor phthalates in drinking water matrices at the ultra-trace level, in compliance with international regulatory directives on water quality.  相似文献   

Practical experience has shown that slope movement can be controlled by the placement of a berm near the toe of the moving mass. During construction of the Revelstoke project (British Columbia, Canada), excavation of a large highway rock cut triggered movement of a 250,000 m3 rock slide. A 15,000 m3 toe-berm was used as a temporary measure to control the displacements of the slide and allow permanent remedial measures to be completed. The rock slide was extensively investigated and monitored. The Sarma limit equilibrium method and the three-dimensional distinct element program, 3DEC were used to investigate the stabilizing effect of the toe-berm on the slope deformations. In addition, 3DEC was used to investigate the effect of internal discontinuities on slope displacements. The numerical model responded in a manner that is in general agreement with field observations and supported the observations that a small toe-berm can be an effective remedial measure in controlling slope displacements.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the characteristics of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in raw water from the Huangpu River and also in water undergoing treatment in the full-scale Yangshupu drinking water treatment plant (YDWTP) in Shanghai, China. The average DON concentration of the raw water was 0.34 mg/L, which comprised a relatively small portion (~ 5%) of the mass of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN). The molecular weight (MW) distribution of dissolved organic matter (DOM) was divided into five groups: > 30, 10-30, 3-10, 1-3 and < 1 kDa using a series of ultrafiltration membranes. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), UV absorbance at wavelength of 254 nm (UV254) and DON of each MW fraction were analyzed. DON showed a similar fraction distribution as DOC and UV254. The < 1 kDa fraction dominated the composition of DON, DOC and UV254 as well as the major N-nitrosodimethylamine formation potential (NDMAFP) in the raw water. However, this DON fraction cannot be effectively removed in the treatment line at the YDWTP including pre-ozonation, clarification and sand filtration processes. The results from linear regression analysis showed that DON is moderately correlated to DOC, UV254 and trihalomethane formation potential (FP), and strongly correlated to haloacetic acids FP and NDMAFP. Therefore, DON could serve as a surrogate parameter to evaluate the reactivity of DOM and disinfection by-products FP.  相似文献   

Kim YI  Bae BU 《Water research》2007,41(10):2256-2264
Based on the concept of hydraulic flocculator, a baffled-channel powdered activated carbon (PAC) contactor, placed before the rapid-mixing basin, was designed and evaluated for removal of taste and odor (T&O) in drinking water. PAC adsorption kinetic tests for raw water samples were conducted for selection of design parameters related to contact time and degree of mixing. Within the tested range of velocity gradient (G) from 18 to 83s(-1), mixing had a relatively minor effect on the adsorption kinetics of the PAC. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the pilot-scale horizontally and vertically baffled-channel PAC contactor were investigated by tracer tests. It was found that the plug flow fractions of vertically baffled-channel PAC contactor (vBPC) were higher than those of the horizontally baffled-channel PAC contactor (hBPC) for the same bend width or bend height. However, the hBPC seems to be more appropriate than the vBPC in terms of construction and maintenance. The geosmin and MIB removal rate increased with the number of baffles, PAC dose and contact time increased regardless of bend width in the pilot-scale hBPC. The pair of full-scale hBPCs at Pohang water treatment plant, having a design capacity of 6.5x10(4)m(3)/d with 20min of hydraulic retention time with a safety factor of 2, was designed based on lab- and pilot-scale experimental results. Under a velocity gradient of 20s(-1), the number of baffles to be installed was calculated to be 20 with a space of about 2m between each baffle, resulting in a hydraulic head loss through the contactor of about 0.056m. The successful application of hBPC for T&O removal from drinking water supplies should provide momentum for developing more effective treatment methods.  相似文献   

Artificial neural network (ANN) models were developed to predict disinfection by-product (DBP) formation during municipal drinking water treatment using the Information Collection Rule Treatment Studies database complied by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The formation of trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs), and total organic halide (TOX) upon chlorination of untreated water, and after conventional treatment, granular activated carbon treatment, and nanofiltration were quantified using ANNs. Highly accurate predictions of DBP concentrations were possible using physically meaningful water quality parameters as ANN inputs including dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm and one cm path length (UV254), bromide ion concentration (Br), chlorine dose, chlorination pH, contact time, and reaction temperature. This highlights the ability of ANNs to closely capture the highly complex and non-linear relationships underlying DBP formation. Accurate simulations suggest the potential use of ANNs for process control and optimization, comparison of treatment alternatives for DBP control prior to piloting, and even to reduce the number of experiments to evaluate water quality variations when operating conditions are changed. Changes in THM and HAA speciation and bromine substitution patterns following treatment are also discussed.  相似文献   

In Canada, the Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) is a critically endangered species with only three known populations and an estimated breeding population of less than 400 located in isolated sites in the extreme south-west corner of British Columbia. Floating Nitex cages were used to assess embryonic survivorship in two populations of Oregon spotted frogs from 2002-2005. One population, near Aldergrove, BC experienced declines in population size while the other population, at Maria Slough, increased during the period 1997-2001. During embryo development, we measured trace metals, nutrients and physical parameters in the water at each site. These were used to test the hypothesis that water quality parameters were correlated with embryonic survivorship. During the study period in the declining population at Aldergrove R. pretiosa bred at two distinct sub sites (A and B) located 500 m apart within the wetland. Mean embryonic survivorship varied from 9% to 36% at sub site A and from 78% to 88% at sub site B whereas in the population in Maria Slough, the mean embryonic survivorship varied from 77% to 84%. Sulphate was the only water chemistry variable that differed significantly between the two study sites and was the highest at Maria Slough. A weak significant positive correlation was found between chloride and embryonic survivorship and conductivity and embryonic survivorship. A multiple regression model found conductivity was the only significant variable. We concluded that natural water chemistry conditions of low chloride and consequently low conductivity may be contributing to low embryonic survivorship in the population of R. pretiosa at MD Aldergrove, BC.  相似文献   

The impact of treated wastewater discharges on downstream water quality was evaluated in an effluent-dominated stream in the Southwest USA. The fate and transport of effluent organic matter (EfOM) and disinfection by-product (DBP) precursors was studied. Nitrification and biodegradation were important mechanisms. Changes in DBP formation potential along the river appeared to correlate with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and organic nitrogen concentrations and specific ultraviolet absorbance. The mean oxidation state of carbon (MOC) decreased in value along the river. MOC decreases paralleled decreases in the biodegradability of residual DOC (i.e., lower biodegradable DOC/DOC ratio). The EfOM was biodegradable by up to 40 percent, both in the stream and in a laboratory reactor, and many DBP precursors (e.g., haloacetonitriles, certain nitrosamines) decreased in concentration. Alternatively, the DBP yields for trihalomethanes or haloacetic acids either remained the same or increased slightly, suggesting that these precursors were part of the recalcitrant organic matter (OM).  相似文献   

An apparatus with flame ionization and photometric detectors was assembled for the simultaneous determination of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and phosphorus (DP) in waters. The optimum operating conditions were described. The long-term precision (relative standard deviation) is 5.8% for DOC and 5.2% for DP. The detection limits are 0.09 μg ml−1 for DOC and 0.03 μg ml−1 for DP. The responses for various DOC and DP compounds agreed almost with those obtained by combustion-infrared and persulfate digestion-colorimetric methods, respectively. DOC and DP in several water samples were determined by this method and other methods, and the results obtained by those methods were discussed.  相似文献   

A systematic study was conducted on seasonal and spatial patterns of taste and odor (T&O) compounds with relation to biotic and abiotic parameters at fifteen sites in Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu in 2008. We developed a sensitive and automated method to simultaneously analyze eight T&O compounds (boiling points ranging from 38 °C to 239 °C) by using Purge-and-Trap (P&T) coupled with GC/MS. Maximum particulate dimethyl trisulfide (DMTS, 69.6 ng/L) exceeded its odor threshold concentrations (OTC, 10 ng/L) and maximum dissolved DMTS was 6.1 ng/L, but still far below concentration in the drinking water pollution incident of Wuxi City in 2007 when DMTS reached 1768-11,399 ng/L. Geosmin (GEO), 2-methylisoborneol (MIB), β-cyclocitral, β-ionone and 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine (IBMP) occasionally or frequently exceeded their OTCs, whereas 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine (IPMP) and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) did not. We found for the first time significant correlations between particulate β-cyclocitral and β-ionon concentrations and intracellular and extracellular microcystin concentrations. Spatially, Nanquan Waterworks faced more risk by T&O contamination than Xidong Waterworks. High concentrations of NO3-N, TDN and TN could be risky signs of taste and odor events by DMS, DMTS, IPMP, IBMP and GEO.  相似文献   

Organophosphate ester flame retardants and plasticizers like tris-(2-chloro-, 1-methyl-ethyl)phosphate (TCPP), tris-(2-chloro-, 1-chloromethyl-ethyl)phosphate (TDCP), tris-(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (TCEP), tributylphosphates, triphenylphosphate (TPP), ethylhexyldiphenylphosphate (EHDPP) and tris-(butoxyethyl)phosphate (TBEP) have been studied in diverse processes for drinking water purification. The elimination efficiency of these different treatment processes, e.g., biological active slow underground passage, soil passage and technical treatment processes such as ozonization or multilayer and activated carbon filtration have been studied in three waterworks in the catchment area of the river Ruhr. In the untreated surface water the concentrations of the chlorinated organophosphates ranged 50-150 ng L(-1) TCPP, 10-130 ng L(-1) TCEP and 10-40 ng L(-1) TDCP. The amounts of the non-chlorinated alkylphosphates were in the same order of magnitude (40 ng L(-1) of the tributylphosphates, 170 ng L(-1) of TBEP and 10 ng L(-1) TPP) depending on weather and water flow. EHDPP was detected in the range of 1 ng L(-1). After the drinking water purification process in all waterworks in this study, the concentrations of the selected substances were below the respective limit of quantification (0.3-3 ng L(-1)). While activated carbon filtration as well as extended passage through soil (10-15 days residence time) were effective in eliminating all selected compounds, ozonization and multilayer filtration did not contribute to the elimination of the chlorinated compounds. The elimination effect of slow underground passage combined with soil passage concerning the halogenated compounds seemed to depend on the hydraulic residence time.  相似文献   

Surf scoters are part of a community of sea ducks on the western coast of North America that have shown signs of long-term, unexplained declines in breeding bird numbers. Substantial numbers of scoters winter in the major harbours on the west coast, after breeding in the west-central northern boreal forest. To address the potential for contaminants to impact the health and survival of those birds, we investigated the condition and contamination of surf scoters during the winters of 1998-2001 at four foraging locations in the Strait of Georgia region of the Pacific coast of Canada. Vitamin A status was evaluated in liver and plasma samples collected from adults and juveniles, as part of a larger assessment of tissue contamination, body condition and biomarker responses. Individuals collected from a relatively contaminated site, Howe Sound, showed consistently low hepatic concentrations of retinol and retinyl palmitate forms of vitamin A, and gender-specific associations of retinyl palmitate with hepatic EROD activity. The relationship of hepatic retinol to retinyl palmitate was not constant across geographic locations, and a clear, linear relationship between the two forms of vitamin A was only evident in birds from the relatively uncontaminated site. This study also identified strong positive relationships between vitamin A and tissue burdens of cadmium and zinc. The positive association between hepatic retinyl palmitate and renal cadmium is similar to one observed in laboratory rats, in which a mechanism of interference with the controlled release of retinol from the liver was suggested.  相似文献   

Long-term and seasonal changes in concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and their possible drivers were evaluated for an upland stream in central Europe during 1969–2000. Two periods have been detected within this data set—years with decreased DOM until the middle of 1980s and then years with increased DOM until 2000. Temperature, hydrological regime of runoff from the catchment (namely the amount of interflow), and changes in atmospheric deposition of acidity coincided with the variations in DOM concentrations. The analysis of single runoff events confirmed the relation between the export of increased DOM concentrations from the catchment and interflow. A multiple linear regression model based on monthly averages of temperature and interflow explained 67% of DOM variability. This model suggested a 7% increase in DOM concentration under the scenarios of possible future climate change related to doubled CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. The scenarios were based on results of several global circulation models.  相似文献   

Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured in the drinking water in Province of Izmir, Turkey, and associated health risks due to ingestion of these compounds were investigated using population weighted random samples. A total of 100 houses were visited in different districts of Izmir and drinking water samples were collected from consumers' drinking water source. Questionnaires were administered to one participant in each house to determine demographics and drinking water consumption rates. Oral exposure and risks were estimated for each participant and Izmir population by deterministic and probabilistic approaches, respectively. The four trihalomethane (THM) species (i.e., chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform), benzene, toluene, p-xylene, and naphthalene were the most frequently detected VOCs with concentrations ranging from below detection limit to 35 microg/l. The risk estimates were found to be less than the values reported in the literature with few exceptions. Noncarcinogenic risks attributable to ingestion of VOCs for Izmir population were negligible, whereas the mean carcinogenic risk estimates for bromodichloromethane and dibromochloromethane were above the de minimis level of one in a million (10(-6)). For all VOCs, the concentrations measured in metropolitan area were greater than those in other districts. All THM species were detected in higher concentrations in tap water, whereas nontap water contained more benzene, toluene, p-xylene, and naphthalene. Therefore, the concentrations of the latter four compounds and associated risks increased with increasing income and education level since bottled water was used in larger proportions within these subgroups. The results of this study showed that oral exposure to drinking water contaminants and associated risks may be higher than the acceptable levels even if the concentrations fall below the standards.  相似文献   

Aström M  Corin N 《Water research》2003,37(2):273-280
The abundance, fractionation and physicochemical forms of rare earth elements (REEs) were determined in five boreal humus-rich streams (dissolved organic carbon, DOC = 14-40 mg/l) affected by acid sulphate soils. The sampling was carried out during high-water flow in autumn when the acid sulphate soils are extensively flushed. The analytical procedures included ion-exchange experiments in field and ICP-MS determination. There was a general decrease in pH (range 4.5-6.2) and increase in the REE concentrations (La range 0.82-23 microg/l) as the proportion of the catchment cover of acid sulphate soils increased, explained by high amounts of REEs in the acidic runoff from such soils. In each stream, four different REE fractions were identified: (1) A cationic fraction, which is dominant in the REE-rich runoff from the acid sulphate soils and which is depleted in HREEs due to hydrochemical and/or geochemical processes, (2) an anionic fraction identified as humus-REE complexes, which in general is more abundant the higher the DOC concentrations and which also becomes increasingly abundant across the lanthanide series, (3) a fraction having a well-developed MREE enrichment, presumably consisting of colloidal REEs, and (4) a minor uncharacterised particle-associated fraction. The REE pool in the streams thus consists of several coexisting and contrasting REE species. The identification and quantification of such species is a prerequisite for the precise and accurate characterisation of the REE hydrochemistry of the streams.  相似文献   

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