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陶攀  付忠良  朱锴  王莉莉 《计算机应用》2017,37(5):1434-1438
提出了一种基于深度卷积神经网络自动识别超声心动图标准切面的方法,并可视化分析了深度模型的有效性。针对网络全连接层占有模型大部分参数的缺点,引入空间金字塔均值池层化替代全连接层,获得更多空间结构信息,并大大减少模型参数、降低过拟合风险,通过类别显著性区域将类似注意力机制引入模型可视化过程。通过超声心动图标准切面的识别问题案例,对深度卷积神经网络模型的鲁棒性和有效性进行解释。在超声心动图上的可视化分析实验表明,改进深度模型作出的识别决策依据,同医师辨别分类超声心动图标准切面的依据一致,表明所提方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

Singh  Rishav  Om  Hari 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2017,76(18):19005-19015
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Development of expertise in Face Recognition has led researchers to apply its various techniques for newborn recognition as some of the problems such as...  相似文献   

卷积神经网络的多字体汉字识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 多字体的汉字识别在中文自动处理及智能输入等方面具有广阔的应用前景,是模式识别领域的一个重要课题。近年来,随着深度学习新技术的出现,基于深度卷积神经网络的汉字识别在方法和性能上得到了突破性的进展。然而现有方法存在样本需求量大、训练时间长、调参难度大等问题,针对大类别的汉字识别很难达到最佳效果。方法 针对无遮挡的印刷及手写体汉字图像,提出了一种端对端的深度卷积神经网络模型。不考虑附加层,该网络主要由3个卷积层、2个池化层、1个全连接层和一个Softmax回归层组成。为解决样本量不足的问题,提出了综合运用波纹扭曲、平移、旋转、缩放的数据扩增方法。为了解决深度神经网络参数调整难度大、训练时间长的问题,提出了对样本进行批标准化以及采用多种优化方法相结合精调网络等策略。结果 实验采用该深度模型对国标一级3 755类汉字进行识别,最终识别准确率达到98.336%。同时通过多组对比实验,验证了所提出的各种方法对改善模型最终效果的贡献。其中使用数据扩增、使用混合优化方法和使用批标准化后模型对测试样本的识别率分别提高了8.0%、0.3%和1.4%。结论 与其他文献中利用手工提取特征结合卷积神经网络的方法相比,减少了人工提取特征的工作量;与经典卷积神经网络相比,该网络特征提取能力更强,识别率更高,训练时间更短。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In recent years, several technologies have been utilized to bridge the communication gap between persons who have hearing or speaking impairments and those who...  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - This paper addresses the demand for an intelligent and rapid classification system of skin cancer using contemporary highly-efficient deep convolutional neural...  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - This study uses a deep learning approach to forecast ozone concentrations over Seoul, South Korea for 2017. We use a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). We...  相似文献   

深度卷积神经网络以多层次的特征学习与丰富的特征表达能力,在目标检测领域取得了突破进展。概括了卷积神经网络在目标检测领域的研究进展,首先回顾传统目标检测的发展及存在的问题,引出卷积神经网络的目标检测基本原理和基本训练方法;然后分析了以R-CNN为代表的基于区域建议的目标检测框架,介绍以YOLO算法为代表的将目标检测归结为回归问题的目标检测框架;最后,对目前目标检测的一些问题进行简要总结,对未来深度卷积神经网络在目标检测的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

Wang  Weixing  Liu  Quanli  Wang  Wei 《Applied Intelligence》2022,52(2):1825-1837

Statistics on crowds in crowded scenes can reflect the density level of crowds and provide safety warnings. This is a laborious task if conducted manually. In recent years, automated crowd counting has received extensive attention in the computer vision field. However, this task is still challenging mainly due to the serious occlusion in crowds and large appearance variations caused by the viewing angles of cameras. To overcome these difficulties, a pyramid-dilated deep convolutional neural network for accurate crowd counting called PDD-CNN is proposed. PDD-CNN is based on a VGG-16 network that is designed to generate dense attribute feature maps from an image with an arbitrary size or resolution. Then, two pyramid dilated modules are adopted, each consisting of four parallel dilated convolutional layers with different rates and a parallel average pooling layer to capture the multiscale features. Finally, three cascading dilated convolutions are used to regress the density map and perform accurate count estimation. In addition, a novel training loss, combining the Euclidean loss with the structural similarity loss, is employed to attenuate the blurry effects of density map estimation. The experimental results on three datasets (ShanghaiTech, UCF_CC_50, and UCF-QNRF) demonstrate that the proposed PDD-CNN produces high-quality density maps and achieves a good counting performance.


针对多种放大倍数的人脸超分辨率重建问题,提出一种基于极深卷积神经网络的人脸超分辨率重建方法,并通过实验发现增加网络深度能够有效提升人脸重建的精度。首先,设计一个包含20个卷积层的网络从低分辨率图片和高分辨率图片之间学习一种端到端的映射关系,并通过在网络结构中将多个小的滤波器进行多次串联以扩大提取纹理信息的范围。其次,引入了残差学习的方法来解决随着深度的提升细节信息丢失的问题。另外,将不同放大因子的低分辨率人脸图片融合到一个训练集中训练,使得该卷积网络能够解决不同放大因子的人脸超分辨率重建问题。在CASPEAL测试集上的结果显示,该极深卷积神经网络的方法比基于双三次插值的人脸重建方法在峰值信噪比(PSNR)和结构相似度上有2.7 dB和2%的提升,和SRCNN的方法比较也有较大的提升,在精度和视觉改善方面都有较大提升。这显示了更深的网络结构能够在重建中取得更好的结果。  相似文献   

基于深度卷积神经网络的行人检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行人检测一直是目标检测研究与应用中的热点。目前行人检测主要通过设计有效的特征提取方法建立对行人特征的描述,然后利用分类器实现二分类。卷积神经网络作为深度学习的重要组成,在图像、语音等领域得到了成功应用。针对人工设计的特征提取方法难以有效表达复杂环境下行人特征的问题,提出采用多层网络构建深度卷积神经网络实现对行人检测的方法。系统分析了卷积神经网络层数、卷积核大小、特征维数等对识别效果的影响,优化了网络参数。实验结果表明该方法对于行人检测具有很高的识别率,优于传统方法。  相似文献   

目的 显著性检测问题是近年来的研究热点之一,针对许多传统方法都存在着特征学习不足和鲁棒检测效果不好等问题,提出一种新的基于深度卷积神经网络的显著性检测模型.方法 首先,利用超像素的方法聚类相似特征的像素点,仿人脑视皮层细胞提取目标边缘,得到区域和边缘特征.然后,通过深度卷积神经网络学习图像的区域与边缘特征,获取相应的目标检测显著度置信图.最后,将深度卷积神经网络输出的置信度融入到条件随机场,求取能量最小化,实现显著性与非显著性判别,完成显著性检测任务.结果 在两个常用的视觉检测数据库上进行实验,本文算法的检测精度与当前最好的方法相比,在MSAR数据库上检测精度相对提升大约1.5%,在Berkeley数据库上提升效果更加明显,达到了5%.此外,无论是自然场景还是人工建筑场景、大目标与小目标,检测的效果都是最好的.结论 本文融合多特征的深度学习方法与单一浅层人工特征的方法相比更有优势,它避免了手工标定特征所带来的不确定性,具有更好的鲁棒性与普适性,从主观视觉愉悦度和客观检测准确度两方面说明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

Ling  Hefei  Wu  Jiyang  Huang  Junrui  Chen  Jiazhong  Li  Ping 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(9-10):5595-5616
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Discriminative feature embedding is of essential importance in the field of large scale face recognition. In this paper, we propose an attention-based...  相似文献   

基于深度卷积神经网络的图像检索算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决卷积神经网络在提取图像特征时所造成的特征信息损失,提高图像检索的准确率,提出了一种基于改进卷积神经网络LeNet-L的图像检索算法。首先,改进LeNet-5卷积神经网络结构,增加网络结构深度。然后,对深度卷积神经网络模型LeNet-L进行预训练,得到训练好的网络模型,进而提取出图像高层语义特征。最后,通过距离函数比较待检图像与图像库的相似度,得出相似图像。在Corel数据集上,与原模型以及传统的SVM主动学习图像检索方法相比,该图像检索方法有较高的准确性。经实验结果表明,改进后的卷积神经网络具有更好的检索效果。  相似文献   


Diagnosis, detection and classification of tumors, in the brain MRI images, are important because misdiagnosis can lead to death. This paper proposes a method that can diagnose brain tumors in the MRI images and classify them into 5 categories using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The proposed network uses a Convolutional Auto-Encoder Neural Network (CANN) to extract and learn deep features of input images. Extracted deep features from each level are combined to make desirable features and improve results. To classify brain tumor into three categories (Meningioma, Glioma, and Pituitary) the proposed method was applied on Cheng dataset and has reached a considerable performance accuracy of 99.3%. To diagnosis and grading Glioma tumors, the proposed method was applied on IXI and BraTS 2017 datasets, and to classify brain images into six classes including Meningioma, Pituitary, Astrocytoma, High-Grade Glioma, Low-Grade Glioma and Normal images (No tumor), the all datasets including IXI, BraTS2017, Cheng and Hazrat-e-Rassol, was used by the proposed network, and it has reached desirable performance accuracy of 99.1% and 98.5%, respectively.


Multimedia Tools and Applications - With over 172 Million people infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) globally and with the numbers increasing exponentially, the dire need of a fast...  相似文献   

显著性检测在图像处理领域应用广泛,当前显著性检测主要有自底而上与自顶而下及一些相关或改进算法,它们各有优势和缺陷。提出了一种基于卷积神经网络的显著性检测算法,利用卷积神经网络在图像处理方面强大的功能提取图像特征,进行特征融合,最后得到显著性图,用于显著性检测。将本文方法与传统的显著性检测方法进行对比,发现本文方法效果显著。  相似文献   

目的 海冰分类是海冰监测的主要任务之一。目前基于合成孔径雷达SAR影像的海冰分类方法分为两类:一类是基于海冰物理特性与SAR成像特征等进行分类,这需要一定的专业背景;另一类基于传统的图像特征分类,需要人为设计特征,受限于先验知识。近年来深度学习在图像分类和目标识别方面取得了巨大的成功,为了提高海冰分类精度及海冰分类速度,本文尝试将卷积神经网络(CNN)和深度置信网络(DBN)用于海冰的冰水分类,评估不同类型深度学习模型在SAR影像海冰分类方面的性能及其影响因素。方法 首先根据加拿大海冰服务局(CIS)的冰蛋图构建海冰的冰水数据集;然后设计卷积神经网络和深度置信网络的网络架构;最后评估两种模型在不同训练样本尺寸、不同数据集大小和网络层数、不同冰水比例的测试影像以及不同中值滤波窗口的分类性能。结果 两种模型的总体分类准确率达到93%以上,Kappa系数0.8以上,根据分类结果得到的海冰区域密集度与CIS的冰蛋图海冰密集度数据一致。海冰的训练样本尺寸对分类结果影响显著,而训练集大小以及网络层数的影响较小。在本文的实验条件下,CNN和DBN网络的最佳分类样本尺寸分别是16×16像素和32×32像素。结论 利用CNN和DBN模型对SAR影像海冰冰水分类,并进行性能分析。发现深度学习模型用于SAR影像海冰分类具有潜力,与现有的海冰解译图的制作流程和信息量相比,基于深度学习模型的SAR影像海冰分类可以提供更加详细的海冰地理分布信息,并且减小时间和资源成本。  相似文献   


Deep learning models have attained great success for an extensive range of computer vision applications including image and video classification. However, the complex architecture of the most recently developed networks imposes certain memory and computational resource limitations, especially for human action recognition applications. Unsupervised deep convolutional neural networks such as PCANet can alleviate these limitations and hence significantly reduce the computational complexity of the whole recognition system. In this work, instead of using 3D convolutional neural network architecture to learn temporal features of video actions, the unsupervised convolutional PCANet model is extended into (PCANet-TOP) which effectively learn spatiotemporal features from Three Orthogonal Planes (TOP). For each video sequence, spatial frames (XY) and temporal planes (XT and YT) are utilized to train three different PCANet models. Then, the learned features are fused after reducing their dimensionality using whitening PCA to obtain spatiotemporal feature representation of the action video. Finally, Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is applied for action classification process. The proposed method is evaluated on four benchmarks and well-known datasets, namely, Weizmann, KTH, UCF Sports, and YouTube action datasets. The recognition results show that the proposed PCANet-TOP provides discriminative and complementary features using three orthogonal planes and able to achieve promising and comparable results with state-of-the-art methods.


As is well known, activity level measurement and fusion rule are two crucial factors in image fusion. For most existing fusion methods, either in spatial domain or in a transform domain like wavelet, the activity level measurement is essentially implemented by designing local filters to extract high-frequency details, and the calculated clarity information of different source images are then compared using some elaborately designed rules to obtain a clarity/focus map. Consequently, the focus map contains the integrated clarity information, which is of great significance to various image fusion issues, such as multi-focus image fusion, multi-modal image fusion, etc. However, in order to achieve a satisfactory fusion performance, these two tasks are usually difficult to finish. In this study, we address this problem with a deep learning approach, aiming to learn a direct mapping between source images and focus map. To this end, a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) trained by high-quality image patches and their blurred versions is adopted to encode the mapping. The main novelty of this idea is that the activity level measurement and fusion rule can be jointly generated through learning a CNN model, which overcomes the difficulty faced by the existing fusion methods. Based on the above idea, a new multi-focus image fusion method is primarily proposed in this paper. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can obtain state-of-the-art fusion performance in terms of both visual quality and objective assessment. The computational speed of the proposed method using parallel computing is fast enough for practical usage. The potential of the learned CNN model for some other-type image fusion issues is also briefly exhibited in the experiments.  相似文献   

在无人驾驶技术中,道路场景的理解是一个非常重要的环境感知任务,也是一个很具有挑战性的课题。提出了一个深层的道路场景分割网络(Road Scene Segmentation Network,RSSNet),该网络为32层的全卷积神经网络,由卷积编码网络和反卷积解码网络组成。网络中采用批正则化层防止了深度网络在训练中容易出现的“梯度消失”问题;在激活层中采用了Maxout激活函数,进一步缓解了梯度消失,避免网络陷入饱和模式以及出现神经元死亡现象;同时在网络中适当使用Dropout操作,防止了模型出现过拟合现象;编码网络存储了特征图的最大池化索引并在解码网络中使用它们,保留了重要的边缘信息。实验证明,该网络能够大大提高训练效率和分割精度,有效识别道路场景图像中各像素的类别并对目标进行平滑分割,为无人驾驶汽车提供有价值的道路环境信息。  相似文献   

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