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针对工程设计中形变部件的限元模型的碰撞检测问题,提出了一种基于AABB树的快速碰撞检测算法.对于需要分析的有限元,对几何表面进行三角化,随后建立AABB包围盒,并采用优化的AABB树算法进行空间划分;利用AABB树与包围盒排除不相交图形,采用Devillers算法测试三角形相交,并利用并行方式加快计算.实验结果表明,本算法有效提高了碰撞检测的效率,适用于复杂有限元模型的碰撞检测.  相似文献   

空间三角形快速相交检测算法 *   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
综述了典型的快速稳定的三角形相交检测算法的原理及实现方法 ,并根据算法原理将其分为标量判别型和矢量判别型算法。从计算量角度对各种算法的适用场合和性能进行了分析比较及验证 ,结果显示矢量判别型算法中的 Olivier Devillers & Philippe Guigue算法整体性能最优 ,而标量判别型算法中的 Oren Tropp算法最适合于三角形相交率较高的场合。  相似文献   

基于动态OBB层次结构的曲面相交算法*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高大曲面相交算法的效率,提出一种基于新的碰撞检测的曲面相交算法。该算法采用动态OBB层次结构碰撞算法获取相交区域,准确计算交点并构成交线;再利用分治三角化算法重构相交区域,以基于交线平均长度的方法去除窄小三角形,同时对空间闭合交线进行三角化,更新相交区域的三角形,并以闭合交线区分不同的区域。通过分析和实验结果证明,该算法能够对由大量三角形组成且相交情况比较复杂的曲面进行较快的处理。  相似文献   

Fast and reliable collision culling using graphics hardware   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a reliable culling algorithm that enables fast and accurate collision detection between triangulated models in a complex environment. Our algorithm performs fast visibility queries on the GPUs for eliminating a subset of primitives that are not in close proximity. In order to overcome the accuracy problems caused by the limited viewport resolution, we compute the Minkowski sum of each primitive with a sphere and perform reliable 2.5D overlap tests between the primitives. We are able to achieve more effective collision culling as compared to prior object-space culling algorithms. We integrate our culling algorithm with CULLIDE and use it to perform reliable GPU-based collision queries at interactive rates on all types of models, including nonmanifold geometry, deformable models, and breaking objects.  相似文献   

We present an efficient and accurate algorithm for self‐collision detection in deformable models. Our approach can perform discrete and continuous collision queries on triangulated meshes. We present a simple and linear time algorithm to perform the normal cone test using the unprojected 3D vertices, which reduces to a sequence point‐plane classification tests. Moreover, we present a hierarchical traversal scheme that can significantly reduce the number of normal cone tests and the memory overhead using front‐based normal cone culling. The overall algorithm can reliably detect all (self) collisions in models composed of hundreds of thousands of triangles. We observe considerable performance improvement over prior continuous collision detection algorithms.  相似文献   

The triangle‐to‐triangle intersection test is a basic component of all collision detection data structures and algorithms. This paper presents a fast method for testing whether two triangles embedded in three dimensions intersect. Our technique solves the basic sets of linear equations associated with the problem and exploits the strong relations between these sets to speed up their solution. Moreover, unlike previous techniques, with very little additional cost, the exact intersection coordinates can be determined. Finally, our technique uses general principles that can be applied to similar problems such as rectangle‐to‐rectangle intersection tests, and generally to problems where several equation sets are strongly related. We show that our algorithm saves about 20% of the mathematical operations used by the best previous triangle‐to‐triangle intersection algorithm. Our experiments also show that it runs 18.9% faster than the fastest previous algorithm on average for typical scenarios of collision detection (on Pentium 4). Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的 碰撞检测是虚拟现实,特别是虚拟装配中的关键技术。针对基于包围盒的碰撞检测算法的准确性和检测效率不足的问题,提出一种结合AABB轴对齐包围盒和空间划分的碰撞检测算法。方法 本文算法采用分步检测的方法,利用AABB算法来确定两包围盒的相交区域后,结合模型移动方向和运动趋势进行空间划分,利用碰撞检测的时空相关性,对时空相关的部分进行相交测试,通过将包围盒还原成三角面以及点的方式来保证检测的准确性。结果 本文算法与AABB层次包围盒二叉树算法、k-Dops包围盒算法以及BPS空间分割树算法进行对比实验分析。在碰撞的几何精度上,本文算法在大部分情况下与AABB算法和k-Dops算法的距离差超过阈值0.02,证明本文算法在碰撞几何精度上有明显的提高。在碰撞检测时耗上,随着碰撞检测难度的不断增加,本文算法在平移自由度下比AABB算法和BSP算法、在旋转自由度下比AABB算法和k-Dops算法的检测时间均降低了50%以上。在三角面数对算法碰撞检测时耗的影响上,当运动模型的三角面数较多时,本文算法表现出更高的稳定性。结论 结合AABB包围盒和空间划分方法的碰撞检测算法,在减少碰撞检测所需时间的同时提高了碰撞检测的准确性,可以满足虚拟装配技术中对碰撞检测算法准确性的要求,同时也能满足使用者实时性的交互习惯。  相似文献   

基于线性规划的碰撞检测算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了虚拟环境中一种基于凸多面体面信息对偶线性规划模型(DualModel)的快速旋转和移动物体之间干涉碰撞实时检测方法。该文详细介绍了建模过程和求解步骤,物体由构成凸多面体的三角形面信息表示,而物体的运动由一组虚拟现实环境中的全局移动和旋转矩阵表示。这种数学编程方法具有数据结构简单、算法可靠和速度快等优点,同时能够很好地解决高速(运动帧)碰撞的问题。这一方法通过使用主-对偶(primal-dual)内点方法来解线性规划方程,具有很好的效果,能够检测多物体对之间的碰撞。实验结果表明,基于数学编程的方法相对两种著名的工具包I-COLLIDE和SOLID,具有速度快和稳定可靠的优点,而I-COLLIDE和SOLID工具包基于两种著名的算法:LinCanny(LC)最近特征算法和GJK算法(EnhancedGilbertJohnsonandKeethialgorithm)。  相似文献   

Interactive collision detection for deformable models using streaming AABBs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present an interactive and accurate collision detection algorithm for deformable, polygonal objects based on the streaming computational model. Our algorithm can detect all possible pairwise primitive-level intersections between two severely deforming models at highly interactive rates. In our streaming computational model, we consider a set of axis aligned bounding boxes (AABBs) that bound each of the given deformable objects as an input stream and perform massively-parallel pairwise, overlapping tests onto the incoming streams. As a result, we are able to prevent performance stalls in the streaming pipeline that can be caused by expensive indexing mechanism required by bounding volume hierarchy-based streaming algorithms. At runtime, as the underlying models deform over time, we employ a novel, streaming algorithm to update the geometric changes in the AABB streams. Moreover, in order to get only the computed result (i.e., collision results between AABBs) without reading back the entire output streams, we propose a streaming en/decoding strategy that can be performed in a hierarchical fashion. After determining overlapped AABBs, we perform a primitive-level (e.g., triangle) intersection checking on a serial computational model such as CPUs. We implemented the entire pipeline of our algorithm using off-the-shelf graphics processors (GPUs), such as nVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX, for streaming computations, and Intel Dual Core 3.4G processors for serial computations. We benchmarked our algorithm with different models of varying complexities, ranging from 15K up to 50K triangles, under various deformation motions, and the timings were obtained as 30 approximately 100 FPS depending on the complexity of models and their relative configurations. Finally, we made comparisons with a well-known GPU-based collision detection algorithm, CULLIDE [4] and observed about three times performance improvement over the earlier approach. We also made comparisons with a SW-based AABB culling algorithm [2] and observed about two times improvement.  相似文献   

The triangle‐to‐triangle intersection test is the most basic component of collision detection. And our algorithm, which firstly computes the line segment between triangle A and the plane of triangle B and uses a new method to detect the intersection between this line and triangle B, can reduce about 10% of time on average, compared with the previous fastest algorithm. Our new method divides the plane of triangle B into four quarter planes by two edges of B, and detects intersection depending on the location of the two endpoints of the segment. After using some techniques like avoiding division and projecting the segment and triangle B on XY, YZ, or ZX plane, the total number of arithmetic operations is reduced to at most 87, which is less than any existing algorithms. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

介绍了从存储空间角度来改进基于AABB树的碰撞检测算法的方法.根据有关三角形间快速相交测试算法和三角形与包围盒间的快速相交测试算法,略过包围盒间的相交测试,从叶节点结构里去掉包围盒信息,将叶节点从存储结构中删除.对一棵含有N个节点的 AABB 树而言,可以节约一半节点的内存空间.实验表明,利用 AABB 树叶节点的内存优化,减少了算法所需的内存空间且加快了算法的执行时间.  相似文献   

Image‐based collision detection algorithms make efficient use of the graphics rendering hardware and reduce the computational cost of CPU. In this article, a fast collision detection algorithm based on image space is presented, which combines graphics hardware capabilities with a simplified geometric representation (oriented bounding box) in order to rapidly detect collisions between complex objects. The method can deal with arbitrary polyhedra, while preserving the merits of image‐based collision detection algorithms. This is achieved by decomposing the surfaces of an object into a list of convex pieces. High efficiency of the algorithm is obtained by organizing the convex pieces into a binary tree with each node representing a convex piece, and by adopting triangle strip compression. The algorithm has been implemented and compared with related algorithms. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

三角形和三角形相交测试技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
许强  吕晓峰  马登武 《计算机仿真》2006,23(8):76-78,145
高效率的“三角形和三角形相交测试”对于提高碰撞检测算法效率,增强虚拟场景的真实感和沉浸感起着至关重要的作用。该文深入研究了“三角形和三角形相交测试”的基本原理和典型算法,根据算法思想提出两个概念:标量判别法和矢量判别法,并对两种算法进行验证,对仿真计算结果进行分析、比较得出:矢量判别算法是对标量判别算法的改进和优化,条件相同时检测效率提高约7%,算法更加简单快捷,具有较高的理论意义和实际工程应用价值。  相似文献   

We present algorithms for evaluating and performing modeling operations on NURBS surfaces using the programmable fragment processor on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). We extend our GPU-based NURBS evaluator that evaluates NURBS surfaces to compute exact normals for either standard or rational B-spline surfaces for use in rendering and geometric modeling. We build on these calculations in our new GPU algorithms to perform standard modeling operations such as inverse evaluations, ray intersections, and surface-surface intersections on the GPU. Our modeling algorithms run in real time, enabling the user to sketch on the actual surface to create new features. In addition, the designer can edit the surface by interactively trimming it without the need for retessellation. Our GPU-accelerated algorithm to perform surface-surface intersection operations with NURBS surfaces can output intersection curves in the model space as well as in the parametric spaces of both the intersecting surfaces at interactive rates. We also extend our surface-surface intersection algorithm to evaluate self-intersections in NURBS surfaces.  相似文献   

基于层次包围盒的碰撞检测算法的存储优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了基于层次包围盒的碰撞检测算法的存储优化方法。该方法从存储空间的角度来改进基于AABB树的碰撞检测算法。根据AABB树的构造过程,减少内部节点的AABB包围盒的存储字节数;基于快速三角形相交测试算法,从叶节点结构里去掉包围盒信息,将叶节点从存储结构中删除。实验表明,利用AABB包围盒和叶节点的存储优化,既减少了算法的存储空间又加快了算法的执行时间。  相似文献   

为了在虚拟环境中更加真实地模拟现实环境中物体的运动,需要在仿真系统中加入碰撞检测模块。现有的碰撞检测算法虽然能够快速检测两个物体是否相交,但在物体数量非常多的场景中,因需要对物体两两进行判断,所以仍无法达到较高的检测速度。利用GPU并行计算的特性,在GPU上增加一个预先剔除的过程,大幅度地快速排除不相交的物体,提高了检测的速度。  相似文献   

Collision Detection for Animation using Sphere-Trees   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The detection of collisions between moving polyhedral objects is one of the most computationally intensive tasks in the computer animation process. The use of object-oriented techniques to encapsulate data within the objects' structures compounds this problem through the requirement for inter-object message passing in order to obtain geometric information for collision detection. The REALISM system decreases the time for collision detection by using a three stage process. The first stage identifies objects in the same locality using a global bounding volume table. The second stage locates regions of possible collision using a sphere-tree data structure (a hierarchical tree of spheres based on octree-type spatial subdivision). The final stage finds intersections between polygonal faces of the objects that are contained within the intersecting pairs of leaf nodes. Hence the algorithm uses a spherical geometry approximation rapidly to locate regions of potential collisions and then uses a local intersection test with actual object geometry information. The system is therefore fast and accurate. Tests for various geometric objects support this and show performance improvements of jive times over traditional polyhedral intersection tests.  相似文献   

针对虚拟现实中碰撞检测的快速计算问题,提出一种新的粗略碰撞检测与精确碰撞检测相结合的检测算法。首先利用AABB包围盒法排除不可能相交的物体,然后对可能发生碰撞的包围盒采用八叉树算法进行空间分割,在包围盒内找到由型值点形成的三角形面片,利用三角形面片的碰撞检测算法精确地判断物体是否碰撞。通过与OBB包围盒算法的碰撞检测数据对比,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

三角形和三角形相交测试是碰撞检测数据结构和算法的基本组成部分,基于支持向量机的一类分类方法对三维空间中三角形和三角形相交测试提出了一种新的算法,首先用核函数把其中一个三角形(记为Ta)训练成球心为a半径为R的超球体,然后依据另一个三角形(记为Tb上的某些点到超球体的球心a的距离dii=1,2,…,n)与R的关系,判断这些点是否在超球体内。如果Tb有点在超球体内,则断定两个三角形发生相交,反之则没有。理论分析和实验结果都表明,该算法速度很快,效率较高,能够满足动画中运动物体的实时交互碰撞检测。  相似文献   

We introduce a reliable intersection algorithm for manifold surface meshes. The proposed algorithm builds conforming surface meshes from a set of intersecting triangulated surfaces. This algorithm effectively handles all degenerate triangle–triangle intersection cases. The key idea of the algorithm is based on an extensive set of triangle–edge intersection cases, combined with an intersection curve tracking method. The intersection operations do not rely on global spatial search operations and no remeshing steps are needed. The intersection curves are introduced into each surface mesh using a unique curve imprinting algorithm. The imprinting algorithm naturally handles degenerate intersection cases of many surfaces at an edge or at a point. The algorithm produces a consistent mesh data structure for subsequent mesh optimization operations. The mesh intersection algorithm is used within a general framework for modelling and meshing of geological formations, which are essential for reliable mathematical modelling of oil reservoirs.  相似文献   

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