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This paper proposes a new subspace method that is based on image covariance obtained from windowed features of images. A windowed input feature consists of a number of pixels, and the dimension of input space is determined by the number of windowed features. Each element of an image covariance matrix can be obtained from the inner product of two windowed features. The 2D-PCA and 2D-LDA methods are then obtained from principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis, respectively, using the image covariance matrix. In the case of 2D-LDA, there is no need for PCA preprocessing and the dimension of subspace can be greater than the number of classes because the within-class and between-class image covariance matrices have full ranks. Comparative experiments are performed using the FERET, CMU, and ORL databases of facial images. The experimental results show that the proposed 2D-LDA provides the best recognition rate among several subspace methods in all of the tests.  相似文献   

小样本问题和对局部变化(如遮挡、表情、光照等)识别的不鲁棒性是线性判别分析(LDA)在处理人脸图像时所常面临的问题。针对LDA的这些不足,提出了一种基于LDA的半随机子空间方法(SemiRS-LDA)。与传统的基于整个人脸样本特征集采样的随机子空间方法不同的是,SemiRS-LDA将随机采样建立在人脸图像的子图像上。该方法首先将人脸图像集划分成若干个子图像集,然后将随机子空间方法应用于每个子图像集上并构建多个LDA分类器,最后使用投票方法将各分类器进行组合。在两个标准人脸数据库(AR、ORL)上进行了实验,结果表明了所提方法不仅能获得较高的识别性能,而且对图像的光线、遮挡等也具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Tang  Linlin  Li  Zuohua  Su  Jingyong  Lu  Huifen  Li  Zhangyan  Pang  Zhen  Zhang  Yong 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2019,78(22):32007-32021
Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, a novel classifier named Kernel Nearest-Farthest Subspace (KNFS) classifier is proposed for face recognition. Inspired by the kernel-based...  相似文献   

A unified framework for subspace face recognition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PCA, LDA, and Bayesian analysis are the three most representative subspace face recognition approaches. In this paper, we show that they can be unified under the same framework. We first model face difference with three components: intrinsic difference, transformation difference, and noise. A unified framework is then constructed by using this face difference model and a detailed subspace analysis on the three components. We explain the inherent relationship among different subspace methods and their unique contributions to the extraction of discriminating information from the face difference. Based on the framework, a unified subspace analysis method is developed using PCA, Bayes, and LDA as three steps. A 3D parameter space is constructed using the three subspace dimensions as axes. Searching through this parameter space, we achieve better recognition performance than standard subspace methods.  相似文献   

Unified model in identity subspace for face recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Human faces have two important characteristics: (1) They are similar objects and the specific variations of each face are similar to each other; (2) They are nearly bilateral symmetric. Exploiting the two important properties, we build a unified model in identity subspace (UMIS) as a novel technique for face recognition from only one example image per person. An identity subspace spanned by bilateral symmetric bases, which compactly encodes identity information, is presented. The unified model, trained on an obtained training set with multiple samples per class from a known people group A, can be generalized well to facial images of unknown individuals, and can be used to recognize facial images from an unknown people group B with only one sample per subject. Extensive experimental results on two public databases (the Yale database and the Bern database) and our own database (the ICT-JDL database) demonstrate that the UMIS approach is significantly effective and robust for face recognition.  相似文献   

对步态空时数据的连续特征子空间分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种基于空时特征提取的人体步态识别算法。连续的特征子空间学习依次提取出步态的时间与空间特征:第一次特征子空间学习对步态的频域数据进行主成分分析,步态数据被转化为周期特征矢量;第二次特征子空间学习对步态数据的周期特征矢量形式进行主成分分析加线性判别分析的联合分析,步态数据被进一步转化为步态特征矢量。步态特征矢量同时包含运动的周期特征以及人体的形态特征,具有很强的识别能力。在USF步态数据库上的实验结果显示,该算法识别率较其他同类算法有明显提升。  相似文献   

One of the main challenges in face recognition is represented by pose and illumination variations that drastically affect the recognition performance, as confirmed by the results of recent face recognition large-scale evaluations. This paper presents a new technique for face recognition, based on the joint use of 3D models and 2D images, specifically conceived to be robust with respect to pose and illumination changes. A 3D model of each user is exploited in the training stage (i.e. enrollment) to generate a large number of 2D images representing virtual views of the face with varying pose and illumination. Such images are then used to learn in a supervised manner a set of subspaces constituting the user's template. Recognition occurs by matching 2D images with the templates and no 3D information (neither images nor face models) is required. The experiments carried out confirm the efficacy of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

Recognizing face images across pose is one of the challenging tasks for reliable face recognition. This paper presents a new method to tackle this challenge based on orthogonal discriminant vector (ODV). The result of our theoretical analysis shows that an individual’s probe image captured with a new pose can be represented by a linear combination of his/her gallery images. Based on this observation, in contrast to the conventional methods which model face images of different individuals on a single manifold, we propose to model face images of different individuals on different linear manifolds. The contribution of our approach includes: (1) to prove that the orthogonality to ODVs is a pose-invariant feature.; (2) to categorize each person with a set of ODVs, where his/her face images posses zero projections while other persons’ images are characterized by maximum projections; (3) to define a metric to measure the distance between a face image and an ODV, and classify the face images based on this metric. Our experimental results validate the feasibility of modeling the face images of different individuals on different linear manifolds. The proposed method achieves higher accuracy on face recognition and verification than the existing techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new linear subspace analysis algorithm, called orthogonal neighborhood preserving discriminant analysis (ONPDA). Given a set of data points in the ambient space, a weight matrix is firstly built which describes the relationship between the data points. Then optimal between-class scatter matrix and within-class scatter matrix are defined such that the neighborhood structure can be preserved. In order to improve the discriminating power, a new method is presented for orthogonalizing the basis eigenvectors. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm for face recognition with the use of different databases. Consistent and promising results demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm.  相似文献   

Dictionary learning plays an important role in sparse representation based face recognition. Many dictionary learning algorithms have been successfully applied to face recognition. However, for corrupted data because of noise or face variations (e.g. occlusion and large pose variation), their performances decline due to the disparity between domains. In this paper, we propose a face recognition algorithm based on dictionary learning and subspace learning (DLSL). In DLSL, a new subspace learning algorithm (SL) is proposed by using sparse constraint, low-rank technology and our label relaxation model to reduce the disparity between domains. Meanwhile, we propose a high-performance dictionary learning algorithm (HPDL) by constructing the embedding term, non-local self-similarity term, and time complexity drop term. In the obtained subspace, we use HPDL to classify these mapped test samples. DLSL is compared with other 28 algorithms on FRGC, LFW, CVL, Yale B and AR face databases. Experimental results show that DLSL achieves better performance than those 28 algorithms, including many state-of-the-art algorithms, such as recurrent regression neural network (RRNN), multimodal deep face recognition (MDFR) and projective low-rank representation (PLR).  相似文献   

针对化妆对人脸识别准确率的负面影响,提出了基于补丁集成学习的改进鲁棒人脸识别算法。首先,将每张人脸图像嵌入补丁中并用一组特征描述符描述每个补丁,即本地梯度Gabor模式(LGP)、Gabor空间定序定比测量直方图(HGSFRM)和密集采样局部多值模式(DSLMP )。然后,使用改进的随机子空间线性判别分析(SRS-LDA)方法采样补丁,并在化妆之前和化妆之后图像之间建立多个公共子空间进行集成学习。最后,利用协作和稀疏表示分类器比较这个子空间中的特征向量,同时通过求和规则联合得到的分数。实验将提出的算法在多种化妆数据集上进行评估分析,结果表明提出的算法相比于其他专为妆后人脸识别设计的算法有更高的识别精度。  相似文献   

极端学习机以其快速高效和良好的泛化能力在模式识别领域得到了广泛应用,然而现有的ELM及其改进算法并没有充分考虑到数据维数对ELM分类性能和泛化能力的影响,当数据维数过高时包含的冗余属性及噪音点势必降低ELM的泛化能力,针对这一问题本文提出一种基于流形学习的极端学习机,该算法结合维数约减技术有效消除数据冗余属性及噪声对ELM分类性能的影响,为验证所提方法的有效性,实验使用普遍应用的图像数据,实验结果表明本文所提算法能够显著提高ELM的泛化性能。  相似文献   

人脸识别是一种通过提取人脸视觉特征信息进行身份鉴别的计算机技术。在非负矩阵分解NMF 算法的基础上提出了改进的基于子域的NMF求解算法,将其应用于人脸识别领域,分别在Yale和ORL公共人脸数据库进行测试,得到了100%和95%的识别率。与其他求解算法相比具有夹逼性好,识别率高等优点。  相似文献   

目的 现实中采集到的人脸图像通常受到光照、遮挡等环境因素的影响,使得同一类的人脸图像具有不同程度的差异性,不同类的人脸图像又具有不同程度的相似性,这极大地影响了人脸识别的准确性。为了解决上述问题对人脸识别造成的影响,在低秩矩阵恢复理论的基础上提出了具有识别力的结构化低秩字典学习的人脸识别算法。方法 该算法基于训练样本的标签信息将低秩正则化以及结构化稀疏同时引入到学习的具有识别力的字典上。在字典学习过程中,首先利用样本的重建误差约束样本与字典之间的关系;其次将Fisher准则应用到稀疏编码过程中,使其编码系数具有识别能力;由于训练样本中的噪声信息会影响字典的识别力,所以在低秩矩阵恢复理论的基础上将低秩正则化应用到字典学习过程中;接着,在字典学习过程中加入了结构化稀疏使其不丢失结构信息以保证对样本进行最优分类;最后再利用误差重构法对测试样本进行分类识别。结果 本文算法在AR以及ORL人脸数据库上分别进行了实验仿真。在AR人脸数据库中,为了分析样本不同维数对实验结果造成的影响,选取了第一时期拍摄的每人6幅图像,包括1幅围巾遮挡,2幅墨镜遮挡以及3幅脸部表情变化以及光照变化(未被遮挡)的图像作为训练样本,同时选取相同组合的样本图像作为测试样本,无论哪种方法,图像的维度越高识别率越高。对比SRC (sparse representation based on classification)算法与DKSVD (discriminative K-means singular value decomposition)算法的识别率可知,DKSVD算法通过字典学习减缓了训练样本中的不确定因素对识别结果的影响;对比DLRD_SR (discriminative low-rank dictionary learning for sparse representation)算法与FDDL (Fisher discriminative dictionary learning)算法的识别率可知,当图像有遮挡等噪声信息存在时,字典低秩化可以提高至少5.8%的识别率;对比本文算法与DLRD_SR算法可知,在字典学习的过程中加入Fisher准则后识别率显著提高,同时理想稀疏值能保证对样本进行最优的分类。当样本图像的维度达到500维时人脸图像在有围巾、墨镜遮挡的情况下识别率可达到85.2%;其中墨镜和围巾的遮挡程度分别可以看成是人脸图像的20%和40%,为了验证本文算法在不同脸部表情变化、光照改变以及遮挡情况下的有效性,根据训练样本的具体图像组合情况进行实验。无论哪种样本图像组合,本文算法在有遮挡存在的样本识别中具有显著优势。在训练样本只包含脸部表情变化、光照变化以及墨镜遮挡图像的情况下,本文算法的识别率高于其他算法至少2.7%,在训练样本只包含脸部表情变化、光照变化以及围巾遮挡图像的情况下,本文算法的识别率高于其他算法至少3.6%,在训练样本包含脸部表情变化、光照变化、围巾遮挡以及墨镜遮挡图像的情况下,其识别率高于其他算法至少1.9%。在ORL人脸数据库中,人脸图像在无遮挡的情况下识别率达到95.2%,稍低于FDDL算法的识别率;在随机块遮挡程度达到20%时,相比较于SRC算法、DKSVD算法、FDDL算法以及DLRD_SR算法,本文算法的识别率最高;当随机块遮挡程度达到50%时,以上算法的识别率均不高,但本文算法的其识别率仍然最高。结论 本文算法在人脸图像受到遮挡等因素的影响时具有一定的鲁棒性,实验结果表明该算法在人脸识别方面具有可行性。  相似文献   

This work presents a novel dictionary learning method based on the l2l2-norm regularization to learn a dictionary more suitable for face recognition. By optimizing the reconstruction error for each class using the dictionary atoms associated with that class, we learn a structured dictionary which is able to make the reconstruction error for each class more discriminative for classification. Moreover, to make the coding coefficients of samples coded over the learned dictionary discriminative, a discriminative term bilinear to the training samples and the coding coefficients is incorporated in our dictionary learning model. The bilinear discriminative term essentially resolves a linear regression problem for patterns concatenated by the training samples and the coding coefficients in the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS). Consequently, a novel classifier based on the bilinear discriminative model is also proposed. Experimental results on the AR, CMU PIE, CAS-PEAL-R1, and the Sheffield (previously UMIST) face databases show that the proposed method is effective to expression, lighting, and pose variations in face recognition as well as gender classification, compared with the recently proposed face recognition methods and dictionary learning methods.  相似文献   

为了充分利用人脸图像的潜在信息,提出一种通过设置不同尺寸的卷积核来得到图像多尺度特征的方法,多尺度卷积自动编码器(Multi-Scale Convolutional Auto-Encoder,MSCAE)。该结构所提取的不同尺度特征反映人脸的本质信息,可以更好地还原人脸图像。这种特征提取框架是一个卷积和采样交替的层级结构,使得特征对旋转、平移、比例缩放等具有高度不变性。MSCAE以encoder-decoder模式训练得到特征提取器,用它提取特征,并融合形成用于分类的特征向量。BP神经网络在ORL和Yale人脸库上的分类结果表明,多尺度特征在识别率和性能上均优于单尺度特征。此外,MSCAE特征与HOG(Histograms of Oriented Gradients)的融合特征取得了比单一特征更高的识别率。  相似文献   

提出了一种局部非参数子空间分析算法(Local Nonparametric Subspace Analysis,LNSA),将其应用在人脸识别中。LNSA算法结合了非参数子空间算法(Nonparametric Subspace Analysis,NSA)与局部保留投影算法(Locality Preserving Projection,LPP)。它利用LPP算法中的相似度矩阵重构NSA的类内散度矩阵,使得在最大化类间散度矩阵的同时保留了类的局部结构。在ORL人脸库和XM2VTS人脸库上作了实验并证明LNSA方法要优于其他方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach for online subspace learning based on an incremental version of the nonparametric discriminant analysis (NDA). For many real-world applications (like the study of visual processes, for instance) it is impossible to know beforehand the number of total classes or the exact number of instances per class. This motivated us to propose a new algorithm, in which new samples can be added asynchronously, at different time stamps, as soon as they become available. The proposed technique for NDA-eigenspace representation has been used in pattern recognition applications, where classification of data has been performed based on the nearest neighbor rule. Extensive experiments have been carried out both in terms of classification accuracy and execution time. On the one hand, the results show that the Incremental NDA converges towards the classical NDA at the end of the learning process and furthermore. On the other hand, Incremental NDA is suitable to update a large knowledge representation eigenspace in real-time. Finally, the use of our method on a real-world application is presented.  相似文献   

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