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Bank cheques (checks) are still widely used all over the world for financial transactions. Huge volumes of handwritten bank cheques are processed manually every day in developing countries. In such a manual verification, user written information including date, signature, legal and courtesy amounts present on each cheque has to be visually verified. As many countries use cheque truncation systems (CTS) nowadays, much time, effort and money can be saved if this entire process of recognition, verification and data entry is done automatically using images of cheques. An attempt is made in this paper to present the state of the art in automatic processing of handwritten cheque images. It discusses the important results reported so far in preprocessing, extraction, recognition and verification of handwritten fields on bank cheques and highlights the positive directions of research till date. The paper has a comprehensive bibliography of many references as a support for researchers working in the field of automatic bank cheque processing. The paper also contains some information about the products available in the market for automatic cheque processing. To the best of our knowledge, there is no survey in the area of automatic cheque processing, and there is a need of such a survey to know the state of the art.  相似文献   

Pattern Analysis and Applications - Time–frequency representations of the speech signals provide dynamic information about how the frequency component changes with time. In order to process...  相似文献   

In recent years, the success and capabilities of embedded vision have showed up in embedded applications. The embedding of vision into electronic devices such as embedded medical applications is being driven by the availability of high-performance processors, integrating with deep learning algorithms, as well as advances in image processing technology. But, including image processing in embedded vision systems need huge amount of computational capabilities even to process a single image to detect an object and it's extremely challenging to implement in embedded systems. Implementing deep learning algorithms and testing it on a task specific data set could provide enhanced results. In this paper, an approach for enhancing image processing architecture using deep learning for embedded vision systems is proposed and analyzed. Implementing deep learning algorithms and testing it on embedded vision yielded effective results.  相似文献   

目的 图像修复是计算机视觉领域研究的一项重要内容,其目的是根据图像中已知内容来自动地恢复丢失的内容,在图像编辑、影视特技制作、虚拟现实及数字文化遗产保护等领域都具有广泛的应用价值。而近年来,随着深度学习在学术界和工业界的广泛研究,其在图像语义提取、特征表示、图像生成等方面的应用优势日益突出,使得基于深度学习的图像修复方法的研究成为了国内外一个研究热点,得到了越来越多的关注。为了使更多研究者对基于深度学习的图像修复理论及其发展进行探索,本文对该领域研究现状进行综述。方法 首先对基于深度学习图像修复方法提出的理论依据进行分析;然后对其中涉及的关键技术进行研究;总结了近年来基于深度学习的主要图像修复方法,并依据修复网络的结构对现有方法进行了分类,即分为基于卷积自编码网络结构的图像修复方法、基于生成式对抗网络结构的图像修复方法和基于循环神经网络结构的图像修复方法。结果 在基于深度学习的图像修复方法中,深度学习网络的设计和训练过程中的损失函数的选择是其重要的内容,各类方法各有优缺点和其适用范围,如何提高修复结果语义的合理性、结构及细节的正确性,一直是研究者们努力的方向,基于此目的,本文通过实验分析总结了各类方法的主要特点、存在的问题、对训练样本的要求、主要应用领域及参考代码。结论 基于深度学习图像修复领域的研究已经取得了一些显著进展,但目前深度学习在图像修复中的应用仍处于起步阶段,主要研究的内容也仅仅是利用待修复图像本身的图像内容信息,因此基于深度学习的图像修复仍是一个极具挑战的课题。如何设计具有普适性的修复网络,提高修复结果的准确性,还需要更加深入的研究。  相似文献   

International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) - Automatic processing of offline signature verification (in general) can be considered as a low-cost solution to problems in...  相似文献   

Zhang  Jiawei  Li  Chen  Rahaman  Md Mamunur  Yao  Yudong  Ma  Pingli  Zhang  Jinghua  Zhao  Xin  Jiang  Tao  Grzegorzek  Marcin 《Artificial Intelligence Review》2022,55(4):2875-2944

Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi play essential roles in many application fields, like biotechnique, medical technique and industrial domain. Microorganism counting techniques are crucial in microorganism analysis, helping biologists and related researchers quantitatively analyze the microorganisms and calculate their characteristics, such as biomass concentration and biological activity. However, traditional microorganism manual counting methods, such as plate counting method, hemocytometry and turbidimetry, are time-consuming, subjective and need complex operations, which are difficult to be applied in large-scale applications. In order to improve this situation, image analysis is applied for microorganism counting since the 1980s, which consists of digital image processing, image segmentation, image classification and suchlike. Image analysis-based microorganism counting methods are efficient comparing with traditional plate counting methods. In this article, we have studied the development of microorganism counting methods using digital image analysis. Firstly, the microorganisms are grouped as bacteria and other microorganisms. Then, the related articles are summarized based on image segmentation methods. Each part of the article is reviewed by methodologies. Moreover, commonly used image processing methods for microorganism counting are summarized and analyzed to find common technological points. More than 144 papers are outlined in this article. In conclusion, this paper provides new ideas for the future development trend of microorganism counting, and provides systematic suggestions for implementing integrated microorganism counting systems in the future. Researchers in other fields can refer to the techniques analyzed in this paper.


Science China Information Sciences -  相似文献   

视觉环境感知在自动驾驶汽车发展中起着关键作用,在智能后视镜、倒车雷达、360°全景、行车记录仪、碰撞预警、红绿灯识别、车道偏移、并线辅助和自动泊车等领域也有着广泛运用。传统的环境信息获取方式是窄角针孔摄像头,视野有限有盲区,解决这个问题的方法是环境信息感知使用鱼眼镜头,广角视图能够提供整个180°的半球视图,理论上仅需两个摄像头即可覆盖360°,为视觉感知提供更多信息。处理环视图像目前主要有两种途径:一是对图像先纠正,去失真,缺点是图像去失真会损害图像质量,并导致信息丢失;二是直接对形变的鱼眼图像进行建模,但目前还没有效果比较好的建模方法。此外,环视鱼眼图像数据集的缺乏也是制约相关研究的一大难题。针对上述挑战,本文总结了环视鱼眼图像的相关研究,包括环视鱼眼图像的校正处理、环视鱼眼图像中的目标检测、环视鱼眼图像中的语义分割、伪环视鱼眼图像数据集生成方法和其他鱼眼图像建模方法等,结合自动驾驶汽车的环境感知应用背景,分析了这些模型的效率和这些处理方法的优劣,并对目前公开的环视鱼眼图像通用数据集进行了详细介绍,对环视鱼眼图像中待解决的问题与未来研究方向做出预测和展望。  相似文献   

乳腺癌病理图像的自动分类具有重要的临床应用价值。基于人工提取特征的分类算法,存在需要专业领域知识、耗时费力、提取高质量特征困难等问题。为此,采用一种改进的深度卷积神经网络模型,实现了乳腺癌病理图像的自动分类;同时,利用数据增强和迁移学习方法,有效避免了深度学习模型受样本量限制时易出现的过拟合问题。实验结果表明,该方法的识别率可达到91%,且具有较好的鲁棒性和泛化性。  相似文献   

Lin  Songyue  Hao  Xuejiang  Liu  Yan  Yan  Dong  Liu  Jianwei  Zhong  Mingjun 《Neural computing & applications》2023,35(11):8295-8306
Neural Computing and Applications - Dental X-ray image segmentation is helpful for assisting clinicians to examine tooth conditions and identify dental diseases. Fast and lightweight segmentation...  相似文献   

深度学习技术在医学图像分析领域发展得非常好,但医学图像注释成本高,使得深度学习技术在医学图像分析领域受到阻碍.主动学习算法是目前解决注释成本高的一个研究热点.文章介绍了在医学图像分析领域中采用主动深度学习降低注释成本的技术手段和方法,以便相关人员了解目前的研究进展.最后对主动学习方法仍存在的问题和发展趋势进行了总结和展...  相似文献   

针对遥感图像由于雾霾的存在导致图像清晰度下降的问题,提出了一种基于深度学习的图像去雾算法.首先将原有大气散射模型进行变形得到一个端到端的去雾模型,再将多个未知参数统一在一个参数中,运用多尺度卷积神经网络对未知参数进行估计,最后将参数估计值代入去雾模型中得到无雾图像.针对无参考图像数据集,先运用现有数据集对网络进行初步训练,再加入自建数据集对网络进行二次训练.实验结果表明,与相关去雾算法进行对比,该算法在视觉效果和客观指标上都有不同程度的提高,有效提升了遥感图像在雾霾天气状况下的清晰度.  相似文献   

目的 糖尿病性视网膜病变(DR)是目前比较严重的一种致盲眼病,因此,对糖尿病性视网膜病理图像的自动分类具有重要的临床应用价值。基于人工分类视网膜图像的方法存在判别性特征提取困难、分类性能差、耗时费力且很难得到客观统一的医疗诊断等问题,为此,提出一种基于卷积神经网络和分类器的视网膜病理图像自动分类系统。方法 首先,结合现有的视网膜图像的特点,对图像进行去噪、数据扩增、归一化等预处理操作;其次,在AlexNet网络的基础上,在网络的每一个卷积层和全连接层前引入一个批归一化层,得到一个网络层次更复杂的深度卷积神经网络BNnet。BNnet网络用于视网膜图像的特征提取网络,对其训练时采用迁移学习的策略利用ILSVRC2012数据集对BNnet网络进行预训练,再将训练得到的模型迁移到视网膜图像上再学习,提取用于视网膜分类的深度特征;最后,将提取的特征输入一个由全连接层组成的深度分类器将视网膜图像分为正常的视网膜图像、轻微病变的视网膜图像、中度病变的视网膜图像等5类。结果 实验结果表明,本文方法的分类准确率可达0.93,优于传统的直接训练方法,且具有较好的鲁棒性和泛化性。结论 本文提出的视网膜病理图像分类框架有效地避免了人工特征提取和图像分类的局限性,同时也解决了样本数据不足而导致的过拟合问题。  相似文献   

语义分割任务是很多计算机视觉任务的前提与基础,在虚拟现实、无人驾驶等领域具有重要的应用价值。随着深度学习技术的快速发展,尤其是卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network,CNN)的出现,使得图像语义分割取得了长足的进步。首先,本文介绍了语义分割概念、相关背景和语义分割基本处理流程。然后,总结开源的2D、2.5D、3D数据集和其相适应的分割方法,详细描述了不同网络的分割特点、优缺点及分割精确度,得出监督学习是有效的训练方式。同时,介绍了权威的算法性能评价指标,根据不同方法的侧重点,对各个分割方法的相关实验进行了对比分析,指出了目前实验方面整体存在的问题,其中,DeepLab-V3+网络在分割精确度和速度方面都具有良好的性能,应用价值较高。在此基础上,本文针对国内外的研究现状,提出了当前面临的几点挑战和未来可能的研究方向。通过总结与分析,能够为相关研究人员进行图像语义分割相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

磁共振成像(MRI)作为一种典型的非侵入式成像技术,可产生高质量的无损伤和无颅骨伪影的脑影像,为脑肿瘤的诊断和治疗提供更为全面的信息,是脑肿瘤诊疗的主要技术手段。MRI脑肿瘤自动分割利用计算机技术从多模态脑影像中自动将肿瘤区(坏死区、水肿区、非增强肿瘤区和增强肿瘤区)和正常组织区进行分割和标注,对于辅助脑肿瘤的诊疗具有重要作用。本文对MRI脑肿瘤图像分割的深度学习方法进行了总结与分析,给出了各类方法的基本思想、网络架构形式、代表性改进方案以及优缺点总结等,并给出了部分典型方法在BraTS(multimodal brain tumor segmentation)数据集上的性能表现与分析结果。通过对该领域研究方法进行综述,对现有基于深度学习的MRI脑肿瘤分割研究方法进行了梳理,作为新的发展方向,MRI脑肿瘤图像分割的深度学习方法较传统方法已取得明显的性能提升,已成为领域主流方法并持续展现出良好的发展前景,有助于进一步推动MRI脑肿瘤分割在临床诊疗上的应用。  相似文献   

多聚焦图像融合是一种以软件方式有效扩展光学镜头景深的技术,该技术通过综合同一场景下多幅部分聚焦图像包含的互补信息,生成一幅更加适合人类观察或计算机处理的全聚焦融合图像,在数码摄影、显微成像等领域具有广泛的应用价值。传统的多聚焦图像融合方法往往需要人工设计图像的变换模型、活跃程度度量及融合规则,无法全面充分地提取和融合图像特征。深度学习由于强大的特征学习能力被引入多聚焦图像融合问题研究,并迅速发展为该问题的主流研究方向,多种多样的方法不断提出。鉴于国内鲜有多聚焦图像融合方面的研究综述,本文对基于深度学习的多聚焦图像融合方法进行系统综述,将现有方法分为基于深度分类模型和基于深度回归模型两大类,对每一类中的代表性方法进行介绍;然后基于3个多聚焦图像融合数据集和8个常用的客观质量评价指标,对25种代表性融合方法进行了性能评估和对比分析;最后总结了该研究方向存在的一些挑战性问题,并对后续研究进行展望。本文旨在帮助相关研究人员了解多聚焦图像融合领域的研究现状,促进该领域的进一步发展。  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - Tackling air pollution has become of utmost importance since the last few decades. Different statistical as well as deep learning methods have been proposed till...  相似文献   

Digital images are more important in numerous contemporary applications, and the need for images in the technical field is also increasing drastically. It is used to recognize signatures and faces in many industries and is applicable for intelligent departments. The images are usually associated with the noise content; this may happen due to the instrument imperfections, troubleshooting while collecting data from the acquisition process, and another natural phenomenon. Poisson noise, also known as photon noise, is caused in the images due to the statistical essence of electromagnetic waves. X-ray, visible light, and gamma rays are electromagnetic waves. The enhancement of the convolution model in addressing images is challenging due to the various constituents such as optical aberrations, noise level, and optical setup. The modeling configuration of the image is attained using the point spread function (PSF), which is responsible for the system's impulse response. The quality image is retrieved by denoising and super-resolution (SR) methods; these methods simultaneously eliminate the noise content from the images. A Richardson–Lucy and alternating direction method of multipliers type of non-blind iterative algorithmic approaches associated with the PSF performance in addressing image is comparatively analyzed. The deep learning approach, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), is also employed to understand the nonlinear mapping relationship between the observed data and ground reality. The performance of the various network approaches is compared in this article. The result obtained shows that the deep learning CNNs achieved higher accuracy in producing denoising images. The goal of the proposed system model is to remove the interference noise in images. The high-resolution images are obtained by implementing a SR-based CNN model.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) illustrates that the physique determines the susceptibility of human to certain diseases and treatment programs for illness....  相似文献   

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