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电子政务是指政府机构运用现代网络通讯与计算机技术,将政府管理和服务职能通过精简、优化、整合、重组后在互联网上实现,以打破时间、空间以及条块分割的制约,从而加强对政府业务运作的有效监管,提高政府的运作效率,并为社会公众提供高效、优质、廉洁的一体化管理和服务。电子政务强调政府业务通过电子化手段运作及其实现过程,而电子政府则是通过电子化手段来运作政府业务特征的政府形态的描述。本文以位于内蒙古最西部的兴安盟为例,对边远地区发展政府信息化的重要性、现状、存在的问题和困难以及今后的发展提出了阐述。  相似文献   

Semantic publishing is the use of Web and Semantic Web technologies to enhance the meaning of a published journal article, to facilitate its automated discovery, to enable its linking to semantically related articles, to provide access to data within the article in actionable form, and to facilitate integration of data between articles. Recently, semantic publishing has opened the possibility of a major step forward in the digital publishing world. For this to succeed, new semantic models and visualization tools are required to fully meet the specific needs of authors and publishers. In this article, we introduce the principles and architectures of two new ontologies central to the task of semantic publishing: FaBiO, the FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology, an ontology for recording and publishing bibliographic records of scholarly endeavours on the Semantic Web, and CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology, an ontology for the characterization of bibliographic citations both factually and rhetorically. We present those two models step by step, in order to emphasise their features and to stress their advantages relative to other pre-existing information models. Finally, we review the uptake of FaBiO and CiTO within the academic and publishing communities.  相似文献   

Embedded systems contain several layers of target processing abstraction. These layers include electronic circuit, binary machine code, mnemonic assembly code, and high-level procedural and object-oriented abstractions. Physical and temporal constraints and artifacts within physically embedded systems make it impossible for software engineers to operate at a single layer of processor abstraction. The Luxdbg embedded system debugger exposes these layers to debugger users, and it adds an additional layer, the extension language layer, that allows users to extend both the debugger and its target processor capabilities. Tcl is Luxdbg's extension language. Luxdbg users can apply Tcl to automate interactive debugging steps, to redirect and to interconnect target processor input-output facilities, to schedule multiple processor execution, to log and to react to target processing exceptions, to automate target system testing, and to prototype new debugging features. Inclusion of an extension language like Tcl in a debugger promises additional advantages for distributed debugging, where debuggers can pass extension language expressions across computer networks.  相似文献   

张明胜  王艳华 《计算机工程》2006,32(11):165-166
对于现在的互联网络通信状况,负载均衡显示其越来越多的重要性,通常实现负载均衡是使用软件并结合相应的算法,该文所描述的是利用Cisco公司的CSM模块来实现安全可靠的负载均衡,CSM模块将客户机的请求分发到不同的虚拟服务器,配合Cisco MSFC模块并合理地进行DNS的配置,实现网络服务的负载均衡。简要介绍了CSM模块的工作原理,如何配置DNS,如何设置虚拟主服务器,以及如何对系统CSM模块进行设置做了描述。  相似文献   

Semantic publishing is the use of Web and Semantic Web technologies to enhance the meaning of a published journal article, to facilitate its automated discovery, to enable its linking to semantically related articles, to provide access to data within the article in actionable form, and to facilitate integration of data between articles. Recently, semantic publishing has opened the possibility of a major step forward in the digital publishing world. For this to succeed, new semantic models and visualization tools are required to fully meet the specific needs of authors and publishers. In this article, we introduce the principles and architectures of two new ontologies central to the task of semantic publishing: FaBiO, the FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology, an ontology for recording and publishing bibliographic records of scholarly endeavours on the Semantic Web, and CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology, an ontology for the characterization of bibliographic citations both factually and rhetorically. We present those two models step by step, in order to emphasise their features and to stress their advantages relative to other pre-existing information models. Finally, we review the uptake of FaBiO and CiTO within the academic and publishing communities.  相似文献   

目前在智能建筑弱电工程中一些工程商及业主往往忽视防雷接地,给工程遗留下安全隐患;鉴于大多从事智能建筑弱电工程的工程商来自与IT行业的转型,不太了解弱电工程防雷接地技术及施工,本文较深入地探讨了智能建筑弱电工程防雷接地设计和施工,供相关工程商及技术人员参考,以起抛砖引玉之效。  相似文献   

GIS技术在城市建设决策支持系统中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了以地理信息系统(Goeographical Information System,GIS)为基础的城市建设决策支持系统及总体设计框架,它是具有信息分析与存贮,信息评价与预见到信息决策与生理的面向对象、空间和用户的决策系统,它提供了快速、多后次、高质量的信息服务和辅助决策。  相似文献   

The US workforce is aging. At the same time, there are a record number of open positions in the transportation sector, which has traditionally been a well-paying, but stressful and schedule-dependent, occupation. Due to increasing longevity, need, and ability to work, a possible solution to the transportation workforce shortfall may lie within the retention and recruitment of older workers. This paper uses a socio-technical framework to examine the pertinent, though scant, literature and data related to older workforce demographics and operational needs, the regulatory environment, requisite knowledge, skills and abilities, and application of support technology and training. Although there is evidence of age-related changes in physiology and cognition, the current science remains unable to resolve how an older workforce may most appropriately be applied to transportation to maximize system safety and minimize negative impact to worker well-being.  相似文献   

Entrainment and musicality in the human system interface   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
What constitutes our human capacity to engage and be in the same frame of mind as another human? How do we come to share a sense of what ‘looks good’ and what ‘makes sense’? How do we handle differences and come to coexist with them? How do we come to feel that we understand what someone else is experiencing? How are we able to walk in silence with someone familiar and be sharing a peaceful space? All of these aspects are part of human ‘interaction’. In designing interactive technologies designers have endeavoured to explicate, analyse and simulate, our capacity for social adaptation. Their motivations are mixed and include the desires to improve efficiency, improve consumption, to connect people, to make it easier for people to work together, to improve education and learning. In these endeavours to explicate, analyse and simulate, there is a fundamental human capacity that is beyond technology and that facilitates these aspects of being, feeling and thinking with others. That capacity, we suggest, is human entrainment. This is our ability to coordinate the timing of our behaviours and rhythmically synchronise our attentional resources. Expressed within the movements of our bodies and voices, it has a quality that is akin to music. In this paper, disparate domains of research such as pragmatics, social psychology, behaviourism, cognitive science, computational linguistics, gesture, are brought together, and considered in light of the developments in interactive technology, in order to shape a conceptual framework for understanding entrainment in everyday human interaction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper (which is based on the presidential address to the Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society of Australia and New Zealand, at Melbourne University on 19 August 1971) is to consider ways in which ergonomics could contribute to the quality, even maintenance, of life, and to consider the need and justification for ergonomics to adopt this role. The author discusses society unhealth, environmental degradation, drug abuse and death as examples of social issues in which ergonomics could be applied with advantage. He concludes that ergonomics has much to contribute, and responsibility to contribute, to the quality of living, particularly in bringing and interdisciplinary and scientific approach to such issues, whose improvement is presently hindered by uninformed enthusiasm, prejudice, sectional interests and apathy.  相似文献   

遗传规划算法在化合物设计、筛选研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用计算机科学中新兴的遗传规划算法思想,结合化学物质的本质特点,运用进化操作来实现化合物的合成设计和筛选。文中针对算法运用讨论了函数集、终止集问题,通过计算元素组成的字符串的化合价的结果来确定适应度函数,既符合化学学科的本质规律,又满足了算法的要求。通过复制、交换和突变操作,经过多代次的进化终止,取得了满意的结果。文章还针对其实用性,从化学本质出发,提出了建议和研究方向。可以说本文是遗传规划在化学化合物合成筛选中运用的成功探索,同时也为进一步研究打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Advocates of the World Wide Web speak in glowing terms of its ability to provide greater access to information resources and to promote active reading and learning. Furthermore, students are now encouraged to construct Web pages, using hypertext as an alternative to traditional linear written documents. Although the ability to navigate the Web and to construct Web pages is not without merit, instructors who emphasize these skills are likely to sacrifice the stated objectives of most composition programs: to help students learn to write clear, coherent prose, to read critically and analytically, and to conduct meaningful research.  相似文献   

The convergence of mobile communications and handheld computers offers the opportunity to develop technology that will assist individuals and groups to learn anytime, anywhere. We describe the theory-informed design, implementation and evaluation of a handheld learning device. It is intended to support children to capture everyday events such as images, notes and sounds, to relate them to web-based learning resources, to organise these into a visual knowledge map, and to share them with other learners and teachers. A working prototype system, for children aged 9–11, is discussed and evaluated, as an exemplar of personal mobile systems for life-long learning.  相似文献   

Recent advances in computers, networking, and telecommunications offer new opportunities for using simulation and gaming as methodological tools for improving crisis management. It has become easy to develop virtual environments to support games, to have players at distributed workstations interacting with each other, to have automated controllers supply exogenous events to the players, to enable players to query online data files during the game, and to prepare presentation graphics for use during the game and for post-game debriefings. Videos can be used to present scenario updates to players in “newscast” format and to present pre-taped briefings by experts to players. Organizations responsible for crisis management are already using such technologies in constructing crisis management systems (CMSs) to coordinate response to a crisis, provide decision support during a crisis, and support activities prior to the crisis and after the crisis. If designed with gaming in mind, those same CMSs could be easily used in a simulation mode to play a crisis management game. Such a use of the system would also provide personnel with opportunities to rehearse for real crises using the same tools they would have available to them in a real crisis. In this paper, we provide some background for the use of simulation and gaming in crisis management training, describe an architecture for simulation and gaming, and present a case study to illustrate how virtual environments can be used for crisis management training.  相似文献   

In parallel to the changes in both the architecture domain–the move toward chip multiprocessors (CMPs)–and the application domain–the move toward increasingly data-intensive workloads–issues such as performance, energy efficiency and CPU availability are becoming increasingly critical. The CPU availability can change dynamically due to several reasons such as thermal overload, increase in transient errors, or operating system scheduling. An important question in this context is how to adapt, in a CMP, the execution of a given application to CPU availability change at runtime. Our paper studies this problem, targeting the energy-delay product (EDP) as the main metric to optimize. We first discuss that, in adapting the application execution to the varying CPU availability, one needs to consider the number of CPUs to use, the number of application threads to accommodate and the voltage/frequency levels to employ (if the CMP has this capability). We then propose to use helper threads to adapt the application execution to CPU availability change in general with the goal of minimizing the EDP. The helper thread runs parallel to the application execution threads and tries to determine the ideal number of CPUs, threads and voltage/frequency levels to employ at any given point in execution. We illustrate this idea using four applications (Fast Fourier Transform, MultiGrid, LU decomposition and Conjugate Gradient) under different execution scenarios. The results collected through our experiments are very promising and indicate that significant EDP reductions are possible using helper threads. For example, we achieved up to 66.3%, 83.3%, 91.2%, and 94.2% savings in EDP when adjusting all the parameters properly in applications FFT, MG, LU, and CG, respectively. We also discuss how our approach can be extended to address multi-programmed workloads.  相似文献   

以视频交通流检测和车辆识别系统的设计和实现为引导,对目标检测和目标识别的原理做了介绍,并对图像处理过程中的图像滤波降噪、图像增强、图像分割、特征提取,以及图像目标识别等问题进行了描述。并且进行了视频交通流检测和车辆识别的系统设计和实现。  相似文献   

该文通过分析ASP的工作原理,来阐述目前针对ASP的网络安全性问题。通过一个具体的实例,讲解了如何利用ASP的漏洞攻击服务器的过程,并对常见的安全性问题进行了介绍和归纳。希望通过实例的方式,让广大读者了解其攻击原理,并引起注意。在运用ASP编写程序时,避免安全性问题的发生,保证网站的运行和用户数据的安全性,为营造一个安全和谐的网络世界贡一点力量。  相似文献   

This paper considers the nature of medical work and how new telemedicine technologies can be developed to support that work. Telemedicine developers attempt to increase communication and collaboration between medical practitioners and between patients and medics, with the goal being to make medical care and information more easily accessible. However, the focus of telemedicine systems appears to have so far been technology centred, and the work they are trying to support is often ignored. We argue that to develop appropriate telemedicine technologies, it is important to understand the nature of medical work, and to examine the manner in which medical practiceactually occurs. Only then will we be in a position to design appropriate telemedicine technologies to support these activities. Unless designers have an insight into the work itself, new technologies will continue to fail to support what telemedicine effectively aims to promote — collaboration and access to distributed knowledge.  相似文献   

为保障电力部门对于台区内设备的维护,需要预测台区的负荷。因此供电部门就必须具备预测未来一年以至更长时间的台区负荷的能力,防止因负荷过载对变压器造成损坏,并保证城市的可靠供电。对台区负荷的预测难点在于对于城中村的预测,城中村流动人口多,产业类型复杂多样,受就业环境、经济发展的影响深,表现为负荷的变化相较于其他的台区随机性更强。鉴于此原因,我们以大数据平台为依托,进行单因素变量的预测,采用季节分解模型对历史用电负荷进行季节分解;然后分别用线性回归和自回归积分滑动平均模型(ARIMA)对季节分解出来的趋势和季节、残差成分进行预测,获得精度良好的负荷预测模型,最后选择两个特征鲜明的行业进行比较,分析其负荷增长特征。  相似文献   

针对网页正文提取算法缺乏通用性,以及对新闻网页的提取缺乏标题、时间、来源信息的问题,提出一种新闻关键信息的提取算法newsExtractor。该算法首先通过预处理将网页转换成行号和文本的集合,然后根据字数最长的一句话出现在新闻正文的概率极高的特点,从正文中间开始向两端寻找正文的起点和终点提取新闻正文,根据最长公共子串算法提取标题,构造正则表达式并以行号辅助判断提取时间,根据来源的格式特点并辅以行号提取来源;最后构造了数据集与国外开源软件newsPaper进行提取准确率的对比实验。实验结果表明,newsExtractor在正文、标题、时间、来源的平均提取准确率上均优于newsPaper,具有通用性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

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