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Multimedia Tools and Applications - Video streaming over Internet has been gaining momentum and several quality adaptation schemes have been reported to improve quality of the streamed videos. Most...  相似文献   

Encryption is one of the fundamental technologies that is used in the security of multimedia data. Unlike ordinary computer applications, multimedia applications generate large amount of data that has to be processed in real time. This work investigates the problem of efficient multimedia data encryption. A scheme known as the Randomized Huffman Table scheme was recently proposed to achieve encryption along with compression. Though this scheme has several advantages it cannot overcome the chosen plaintext attack. An enhancement of this Huffman scheme is proposed in this work which essentially overcomes the attack and improves the security. The proposed encryption approach consists of two modules. The first module is the Randomized Huffman Table module, the output of which is fed to the second XOR module to enhance the performance. Security analysis shows that the proposed scheme can withstand the chosen plaintext attack. The efficiency and security of the proposed scheme makes it an ideal choice for real time secure multimedia applications.  相似文献   

去雾技术已经在单幅图像上取得了较大的进展,但是由于时间复杂度较高,无法满足高清视频去雾的实时性要求。针对该问题,提出了基于硬件架构优化的暗通道先验去雾算法,通过硬件导向的双尺度联合滤波法和阈值比较法来简化透射率和大气光值的计算复杂度,同时利用帧间依赖性约束来抑制视频去雾中的闪烁噪声。实验结果表明,所提算法的去雾速度达到了148.2 Mpixel/s,相比软件的方式提高了约55倍,实际对1920×1080分辨率全高清视频的去雾速度达到69 fps,满足实时性要求且去雾质量高。  相似文献   

针对现有煤矿井下视频传输系统存在视频清晰度低、传输速率不稳定、兼容性差等问题,设计了一种矿用实时视频传输系统。该系统采用960 nm红外激光作为辅助光源,利用MCCD图像传感器采集视频信号,提高了低光照强度或黑暗环境下视频清晰度;通过视频解码模块TVP5150将采集的PAL制式模拟视频信号转换为YUV数字信号,数字信号经多格式编码器进行H.264压缩编码,并在此基础上添加UDP报文头进行RTP封装,提高了视频数据传输的时效性;通过Live555流媒体服务器进行数据流化,使用ONVIF标准封装RTSP视频流,通过Socket网络编程实现实时视频流数据网络传输,提高了系统兼容性和传输速率稳定性。测试结果表明,该系统视频传输速率为2.190 Mbit/s,丢包率约为1.256%,达到实时视频传输要求。  相似文献   

针对TCP重传易导致延时抖动大、降低流媒体播放质量的问题,提出了使用TCP传输实时视频时,播放质量不受TCP重传影响的必要条件,即视频帧发送延时、播放缓冲区延时与网络往返时间需要满足一定的关系式。建立了视频帧发送延时的预测模型,该模型通过输入视频帧长度、丢包率、网络往返时间、TCP拥塞窗口大小与TCP超时重传时间,预测视频帧的发送延时。NS2模拟结果表明,可以通过发送延时的预测值来判断视频帧是否适合采用TCP传输。  相似文献   

基于HTTP的动态自适应流媒体DASH传输协议可以使用户根据自身的终端显示能力和信道条件选择合适的视频质量,是网络视频服务技术的发展方向。如何根据网络吞吐量的变化自适应地选择视频码率,以获得最佳的用户体验质量QOE,在已有的DASH系统中还没有得到很好的解决。 提出了一种基于模糊控制的自适应传输算法,将缓存的视频余量以及用户申请的视频码率和网络吞吐量的码率失配度作为输入,将预期的缓存变化量作为输出,通过模糊逻辑实现以下控制目的:(1)将缓存稳定在一个安全的区间;(2)使传输视频的平均质量最大化;(3)避免因带宽波动所造成的视频播放中断。最后,分别在两种虚拟网络环境和两种实际网络环境下进行性能测试,实验结果表明,与已有的算法相比较,本文提出的算法可以给用户带来更好的QOE。  相似文献   

认知无线电技术通过动态频谱接入提高了频谱资源利用率。针对动态频谱环境中进行实时流媒体传输缺乏仿真手段,提出了一种基于NS2的视频传输仿真架构,它能够支持实时视频编码、实时播放模拟与跨层优化传输。实验结果证明了仿真架构的正确性。  相似文献   

为应对日益严重的盗版问题,提出了一种针对AVS标准的视频信息加密算法。通过加密运动矢量,使得视频图像重建时无法找到匹配的参考块,并通过误差扩散,引起视频图像错乱,从而达到对视频信息加密的目的。加密算法不改变码流结构,因此,接收端未经解密的视频码流可以由标准解码器正常解码,但是解码重建的视频图像质量明显下降,而经解密的视频重建图像可完全恢复到加密前的水平。实验结果表明,提出的加密方案具有良好的加密效果,其算法复杂度低,对编码效率影响也很小,基本上不影响视频的主客观质量。  相似文献   

实时视频传输的自适应调节方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实时视频是互联网上的一种重要应用.在视频传输过程中,网络状况的改变会影响视频质量.在对IP网络视频传输技术研究的基础上,提出了一种用于实时视频传输的自适应调节方法.这种方法实时监测网络资源状况,在网络资源变化时采用相应的调节手段,使所传输的视频流能够适应当前网络状况.结合一个即时视频通信系统的实现,给出了这种自适应调节方法的应用方式,并进行了实际测试,显示了自适应调节功能的运行效果.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - Video communication gained wide popularity since it offers a more real-time mode of face-to-face interaction. This paper mainly aims to enhance the video...  相似文献   

罗际炜  瞿涛  邓徳祥 《计算机应用》2020,40(4):1119-1126
无线视频传输和视频压缩技术是当前众多物联网(IoT)应用和嵌入式系统的基础和核心。而在多通道传输时无线网络状态的不断变化,会导致视频丢帧和延时抖动问题。虽然自适应算法能够在一定程度上解决在PC或服务器平台下的视频传输问题,但在嵌入式平台和无线网络下仍不能满足实时性和服务质量(QoS)要求。为此,基于DM368芯片设计了一从视频采集、压缩、WiFi传输、控制单元接收到上位机显示的完整平台。同时充分考虑了嵌入式平台的特点,提出一种结合信号质量、网络带宽、缓存状态和拥塞控制的码率自适应算法。该算法利用高斯函数统计网络带宽,使用分段反比例函数调整缓存状态,利用加权移动法对码率进行平滑,并使用极值抑制法进行码率均衡。该算法实现了码率的平滑调整,并被应用于所提平台来实现控制单元对多个WiFi相机的管理、多通道传输和负载均衡。以QoS为评价指标进行实验验证,结果表明:该算法在设计的嵌入式平台上性能良好,平滑性和缓存稳定性都有很大提升,多通道状态下的公平性和带宽利用率也有显著提高。在单相机信号质量动态变化或多相机竞争带宽等多种情况下,相对于MDI(McGinely Dynamic Indicator)算法,该算法的平滑性提升了16%~59%;相对于BBA(Buffer-Based Algorithm),该算法的缓存抖动降低了15%~72%,时延抖动降低了12%~76%。  相似文献   

Periodic broadcast is a cost-effective solution for large-scale distribution of popular videos. Regardless of the number of video requests, this strategy guarantees a constant worst service latency to all clients, making it possible to serve a large community with a minimal amount of broadcast bandwidth. Although many efficient periodic broadcast techniques have been proposed, most of them impose rigid requirements on client receiving bandwidth. They either demand clients to have the same bandwidth as the video server, or limit them to receive no more than two video streams at any one time. In our previous work, we addressed this problem with a Client-Centric Approach (CCA). This scheme takes into consideration both server broadcast bandwidth and client receiving bandwidth and allows clients to use all their receiving capability for prefetching broadcast data. As a result, given a fixed broadcast bandwidth, a shorter broadcast period can be achieved with an improved client communication capability. In this paper, we present an enhanced version of CCA to further leverage client bandwidth for more efficient video broadcast. The new scheme reduces the broadcast latency up to 50% as compared to CCA. We prove the correctness of this new technique and provide an analytical evaluation to show its performance advantage as compared with some existing techniques.
Johnny WongEmail:

利用通用的UDP传输实时视频,接收端所显示的视频图像往往存在延时较长、丢帧及单帧图像显示不完整等问题,这些现象在无线局域网环境中尤为明显.针对上述问题提出了一种基于帧内压缩的视频实时传输方法.在发送图像数据之前进行帧内压缩,然后分组发送;在接收端进行数据包接收、重组并解码.在局域网环境下进行了多次实验,对相关参数进行优化和调整,最终将延时减少到0.5~2 s.结果表明,由于采用了压缩算法并提高了拆包、组包的效率,视频传输的实时性得到了明显的改善,传输的准确性和稳定性都有明显的提高.  相似文献   

邓杨  谢宁  杨阳 《计算机应用》2019,39(12):3440-3444
目前,在视频追踪领域中,大部分基于孪生网络的追踪算法只能对物体的中心点进行定位,而在定位快速形变的物体时会出现定位不准确的问题。为此,提出基于孪生检测网络的实时视频追踪算法——SiamRFC。SiamRFC算法可直接预测被追踪物体位置,来应对快速形变的问题。首先,通过判断相似性来得到被追踪物体的中心点位置;然后,运用目标检测的思路,通过选取一系列的预选框来回归最优的位置。实验结果表明,所提SiamRFC算法在VOT2015|16|17的测试集上均有很好的表现。  相似文献   

Over the last few years, the research community has devoted great attention to video transmission on wireless sensor networks, and in particular to their recent evolution, the one based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard. This cost-efficient wireless technology is aimed at transmitting information at low rates and short distances. Extending the use of this technology for intensive bandwidth applications is a challenge that offers the opportunity to support value-added services. This paper deals with this issue and evaluates, by analysis and computer simulation as well as by developing a first prototype, the feasibility of transmitting MPEG-4 video information over an IEEE 802.15.4 network. The study of power-consumption is also considered and so are the Quality of Service parameters together with the human quality perception of the received video streaming. A detailed cross-layer solution is offered, and the results obtained are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Recent advances in technology have resulted in a significant growth in wireless communications and widespread access to information via the Internet, which have resulted in a strong demand for reliable transmission of video data. The challenge of robust video transmission is to protect the compressed data against hostile channel conditions while bringing little impact on bandwidth efficiency. In motion-compensated video-coding schemes, such as MPEG-1 or MPEG-2, an I frame normally is followed by several P frames and possibly B frames in a group-of-pictures (GOP). In error-prone environments, error happening in the previous frames in a GOP may propagate to all the following frames until the next I frame, which is the beginning of the next GOP. In this paper, we propose a novel GOP structure for robust transmission of MPEG video bitstream. By selecting the optimal position of the I frame in a GOP, robustness can be achieved without reducing any coding efficiency. Another advantage of the proposed GOP structure is also analyzed: compared with the conventional GOP structure, it provides reverse-play operation for MPEG video streaming with much less requirement on the network bandwidth. Experimental results demonstrate both the robustness of the proposed GOP structure and the efficient reverse-play functionality it leads to.  相似文献   

A generic video smoothing algorithm named video step buffer (VSB) considering image quality and delay guarantee is discussed in this paper. A wide-range scenario consisting of different video coders and sequences were investigated in order to measure the impact of the smoothing procedure on image quality and delay. The VSB experimental tests presented successful results for both real and non-real-time variable bit rate (VBR) video sources. The VSB controls rate variability while providing video source arrival prediction. The video arrival distribution is obtained by a special Markov-chain model that exploits the real VSB coding parameters. The statistical multiplexing gain (SMG) results for the different video coders and sequences are also discussed.  相似文献   

An adaptive control for video transmission over bluetooth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with transmission of a moving picture expert group (MPEG) video stream over a Bluetooth channel, using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy technique. MPEG variable bit rate (VBR) video sources over a network generally experience long delay and unacceptable data loss, due to high variations in bit rate. Furthermore, transmission rate could be unpredictable in a Bluetooth network due to interferences by other wireless devices or general Bluetooth channel noises. Subsequently, it is almost impossible to transmit VBR data sources over Bluetooth without excessive delay or data loss. In this work, an adaptive scheme is introduced so that the controller may adjust itself to the current state of the system under control. This paper utilizes a traffic-shaping buffer to prevent excessive back-to-back transmissions of MPEG VBR data sources. A novel adaptive neuro-fuzzy scheme regulates the output rate of the buffer to ensure that the video stream from the host conforms to the traffic conditions of the Bluetooth channel during the transmission period. The computer simulation results show that the use of the neuro-fuzzy controller reduces excessive delay and data loss at the host-controller-interface, as compared with a conventional VBR video transmission and a rule-based fuzzy controller (RBF1) in Bluetooth.  相似文献   

随着可用频谱的日益稀缺和无线业务量剧增,认知无线网相关的研究逐渐成为热点;视频流具有延迟敏感、高带宽需求等特征,动态频谱分配环境下的路由设计和服务质量具有挑战性。针对该问题,为视频业务提出一种基于分簇的路由方法。考虑到频谱的异构性和动态分配特征,对网络节点的分簇规模进行分析和优化,获取能够降低传输失真的分簇方案,并提出一个基于重要度的簇头选举规则;在分簇的基础上设计了与频谱选择相结合的多媒体路由算法。仿真结果表明,该文提出的算法能够为认知环境下的视频传输提供可靠的峰值信噪比、视觉效果和服务质量保障。  相似文献   

This paper investigates variable rate control strategies for real-time multimedia variable bit rate (VBR) services over IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless networks. A data rate control mechanism is derived for the case where the uplink channel provides real-time services and the traffic rate parameter remains constant. This paper shows that the common queuing scheduling algorithms have some bandwidth allocation fairness problems for the real-time polling service (rtPS) in the MAC layer. In other words, the use of a VBR for the rtPS by a WiMAX system results in additional access latency jitter and bandwidth allocation disorder in the transmitted multimedia streams during the regular time interval polling of subscribe stations (SSs) for the contention bandwidth request period. However, the proposed scheduling algorithm solves these SSs contending with bandwidth resource allocation problems based on an extended rtPS (ertPS) of quality-of-service (QoS) pre-programming for a ranging response non-contention polling period. The adopted bandwidth allocation of max–min fairness queue scheduling uses a time constraint condition to transmit real-time multimedia VBR streaming in an IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless environment. In addition, we use the ns-2 simulation tool to compare the capacity of multimedia VBR stream and show that the proposed ertPS scheduling algorithm outperforms other rtPS scheduling algorithms.  相似文献   

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