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We have extended the shadow wave function for excited states by including an explicit backflow term in the shadow variables. The variational computation gives a roton energy 9.18 K, only 6% above experiment. Similar agreement is found at freezing density. Also the strength Zq of the single excitation peak greatly improves. The uniform agreement between theory and experiment at all wave vectors suggests that there is no qualitative difference in the wave function of phonon, maxon and roton excitations. Only the amount of backflow and short range correlations greatly varies with k. 相似文献
The excitation spectrum of superfluid
He is discussed on the basis of a shadow wave function. The potential and kinetic energies of the excitations are computed at different densities. The theory has been extended at finite temperature and we obtain the roton contribution to the radial distribution function, to the depletion of the condensate and to the dynamical structure factor S(q,). We present also the first realistic microscopic computation of the roton energy at finite T. Possible role of thermally excited vortices on rotons is considered. With a simple model we show that some discrepancies between the linewidth of the roton response in neutron and in Raman scattering can be resolved. 相似文献
A beam of rotons is directed toward the liquid surface at normal incidence. At the surface some rotons will evaporate atoms, with a wave-vector dependant probability p(q). The kinetic energy of the evaporated atom is equal to the difference in energy between the energy of the roton and the binding energy of a4He atom to the surface (7.16 K). The atoms which are evaporated are detected by a bolometer above the surface. The path length of the roton in the liquid, and the atom in the vacuum, are varied by changing the liquid level in the cell. By thus changing the liquid level, we change the flight time between heater and bolometer for a given wavevector of roton. We analyse the time-of-flight spectra received by the bolometer to reveal the product n(q)p(q) where n(q) is the distribution of rotons. If we assume that n(q) reflects the temperature of the phonons in the heater used to inject the rotons, we can deduce p(q). The resulting p(q) shows an unexpected decrease towards roton minimum at q < 2.1 Å–1. 相似文献
Sadao Nakajimia Susumu Kurihara Kiyoshi Tohdoh 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1980,39(5-6):465-475
The Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation is derived from Landau two-fluid hydrodynamics applied to the thickness oscillation of the superfluid 4He film at low temperatures, where the main restoring force is van der Waals attraction from the substrate and the thermomechanical force due to phonons is a small correction. Since the usual third-sound generators and detectors are far wider than the individual solitons, the asymptotic solution of the KdV equation provided by the inverse scattering method is coarse-grained by regarding it as a continuous train of sharp pulses. The envelope so obtained still shows a singular front proportional to (t–t
0)–1/2, where t
0 is the arrival time of the fastest soliton, and should therefore be observable with the appropriate experimental arrangement. 相似文献
A. Lastri F. Dalfovo L. Pitaevskii S. Stringari 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1995,98(3-4):227-250
The excitations of the free surface of liquid4He at zero temperature are studied, with special emphasis to the short wave length region. The hybridization mechanism between surface and bulk modes is discussed on a general basis, investigating the scattering of slow rotons from the surface. An accurate density functional, accounting for backflow effects, is then used to determine the dispersion of both bulk and surface excitations. The numerical results are close to the experimental data obtained on films and confirm in an explicit way the general reflection mechanism exhibited by rotons. Moreover they reveal the occurrence of a damped ripplon branch above the roton threshold. 相似文献
Rigorous lower and upper bounds for the static response function in superfluid4He at zero temperature are derived using a sum rule approach. The ingredients needed to calculate the bounds are taken from recent Monte Carlo simulations for the ground state. The new bounds improve significantly the Feynman approximation and provide estimates of the static response function in agreement with the experimental data at zero pressure. 相似文献
We study superfluid4He near T in a homogeneous metastable state where a finite superfluid velocity vs is present. Neglecting vortices we perform a renormalization-group calculation of the critical velocity vsc(T) at which the superfluid state becomes unstable. We apply this result to the situation where the superfluid velocity is induced by a finite heat current Q. A critical heat current Qc(T) corresponding to vsc(T) is found which implies a transition temperature T (Q)=T[1–AoQx]. We determine the exact exponent x=[(d–1)v]
0.744 in d=3 dimensions and calculate Ao in one-loop order. Our results for Ao and x are compared with recent experimental data. 相似文献
A.P. Severijns 《低温学》1980,20(3):115-121
A novel dilution refrigerator system is proposed, which offers the potentiality of very high circulation rates. The design of this refrigerator is described and the construction and performance of a prototype are discussed. He4 is circulated by means of a multi-stage thermomechanical or fountain pump, which can build up high fountain pressures. 相似文献
We report new measurements of the effective thermal conductivity Keff and relaxation time τ in dilute mixtures of3He in superfluid4He, with molar concentrationsX≤10−3. The temperature range extended fromT≈1.4 K toT
λ. Both Kcff and τ are found to agree with theoretical predictions, in contrast to previous experiments where significant differences
were observed. A new thermal conductivity cell design was used which almost completely eliminates extraneous volumes and surfaces,
and the earlier results are explained in relation to these design changes. 相似文献
In the microscopic theory of Bose-condensed liquids, the condensate wave function leads to a coupling of the density fluctuations and the single-particle excitations. A simple parametrized model of this based on coupling weakly damped zero-sound modes with strongly damped free-particle-like excitations Q
2/2m* explains why the phonon-roton resonance inS(Q, ) for superfluid4He exists above and belowT
but only plays the role of an elementary excitation belowT
. It is pointed out that this model also predicts thatS(Q, ) should exhibit a weak, low-frequency peak centered atQ
2/2m*, with weight roughly proportional to the condensate fractionn
0. As a stimulus to further experimental searches for this branch, some model calculations are given forS(Q, ) forQ1 Å–1. 相似文献
A theory of second-viscosity phenomena in dilute solutions of3He in superfluid4He is presented. The theory considers only phonon and3He quasiparticle excitations and is therefore valid at temperatures below about 0.6 K. It is shown, by an exact calculation, that within the framework of the Landau-Pomeranchuck model for the3He quasiparticle excitation energy, the four second-viscosity coefficients are related to one another and that only one of them is actually an independent kinetic coefficient. The relations between the second-viscosity coefficients are applied to analyze the expressions for the dissipative function and the first- and the second-sound attenuation coefficients. It is shown that the second-viscosity contribution to the second-sound attenuation is smaller by an order of magnitude than its contribution to the first-sound attenuation. 相似文献
E. Varoquaux O. Avenel M. Bernard S. Burkhart 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1995,101(3-4):821-826
Phase slips by 2 in the critical flow of superfluid 4He through an orifice have been known to exist for some time. Besides these small, regular events, large and precipitous drops of the velocity which may cause up to a full collapse of the flow through the orifice have been observed by a number of authors. We have found that collapses are robust and repeatable features during the same cool-down and correspond to events involving n quantized vortices. They depend on temperature, pressure, 3He content and resonator drive level. At a given pressure, their appearance is governed solely by the magnitude of the superfluid velocity vs. 相似文献
In 1970, Ruvalds and Zawadowski (RZ) outlined a microscopic theory of the two-roton pair excitation spectrum in superfluid4He. They pointed out that because of a Base condensate-induced coupling into the density fluctuation spectrum, these pair excitations show up in inelastic neutron data for S(Q, ) as high energy multiparticle scattering above the maxon-roton quasiparticle peak. Stimulated by recent high-resolution neutron data from ILL, we have carried out an extensive study of the single-particle 1(Q, ) and the two-particle 2(Q, ) spectral densities within the RZ scenario, over a wide range of wavevectors (1 Q 3 Å–1), frequencies and temperatures. We extend the original RZ analysis (which concentrated on the two-roton spectrum) to include the multiparticle structure associated with the maxonroton and maxon-maxon spectra and present numerical results for both attractive and repulsive quasiparticle interactions. We also point out that the microscopic theory of S(Q, ) in a Bose-condensed fluid shows that it involves a weighted sum of both 1(Q, )and 2(Q, ). As a result, multiparticle structure exhibited by S(Q, ) is not easily related to theoretical results for 1(Q, ) and 2(Q, ). Previous attempts in the literature to fit neutron data for S(Q, ) to either 1(Q, ) or 2(Q, ) would not appear to have much quantitative basis, especially in the two-roton frequency region 2R. 相似文献
Masashi Morishita Tatsuaki Kuroda Anju Sawada Takeo Satoh 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1989,76(5-6):387-415
The mean free path effects in superfluid He II was studied with a vibrating wire method in the temperature range from T down to 20 mK under the saturated vapour pressure. The transition from the hydrodynamic regime to the ballistic regime was clearly observed at around 0.7 K with a 47 µm diameter wire. In the hydrodynamic regime the usual Stokes' approximation was found to be insufficient to interpret the results. In the ballistic regime the results can be explained quantitatively with the kinetic theory of phonons. However, below about 0.15 K there appear non-linear effects such as the distortion of the resonance line shape and a hysteresis behavior, which become stronger with decreasing temperature. 相似文献
Sadao Nakajima Kiyoshi Tohdoh Susumu Kurihara 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1980,41(5-6):521-528
It is shown that there should exist in saturated films of superfluid 4He at low temperature a nonlinear surface wave described by the Korteweg-de Vries equation. The effect of surface tension makes the solitary wave cold, in contrast to very thin films discussed in a preceding paper. An electrostatic method is proposed to generate cold solitary waves. The asymptotic behavior can be found theoretically by the inverse scattering method. Estimates of parameters imply the possibility of observing each solitary wave separately. 相似文献
Hans Haucke Yoshiteru Maeno Paul Warkentin John Wheatley 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1981,44(5-6):505-533
Time-dependent thermal convection can occur in a unity-aspect-ratio Rayleigh-Beard convection cell containing a dilute solution of 3He in superfluid 4He when the fluid is heated from above. Results are presented primarily for a 0.24 mole % He solution at 0.925 K. Means is provided for introducing heat at the top and separately for a central plug and an outer ring such that both are at a constant temperature gDT above the bottom. A critical temperature difference T
cfor convection can be defined above which both steady and time-dependent convection occur. The time-dependent effects include a region of T. near T
cand characterized only by excessive noise, a region of somewhat higher T where there are intermittent major changes in the plug heating rate with a time distribution like that for random events, and a region at still higher T where periodic but nonsinusoidal variation of the heat flow is observed. When a long enough time, several months, has elapsed after cooling down the apparatus, time-dependent states no longer occur, and the heat flow above T
cis limited to steady convection. Briefly raising the temperature of the apparatus to 77 K is sufficient to restore the possibility of time-dependent states. 相似文献
High-amplitude second sound in superfluid4He is used to generate vortex turbulence. By the use of a novel resonator designed to avoid nonlinear effects, a steady-state ac counterflow field is produced with amplitudes high enough to generate the turbulent state. The transition to the turbulent state shows hysteresis similar to that observed in dc superflow measurements. Critical velocities were measured as a function of both temperature and frequency. The frequency dependence agrees with the predictions of dynamic scaling theory, and the temperature dependence is the same as that observed in dc counterflow experiments. 相似文献
H. Alles A. V. Babkin P. J. Hakonen J. P. Ruutu J. T. Salojärvi J. P. Saramäki 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1996,102(1-2):21-29
We have investigated the spreading of superfluid4He on top of a polished fused silica plate which is coated by a thin layer of MgF2. Our interferometric experiments indicate that a superfluid4He film of about 100 nm thickness is not able to spread uniformly over a nearly horizontal substrate, and hence these films cannot be governed by the Van der Waals forces only. Even in the stationary state, we observe nonzero (1 – 20 mrad) contact angles which display hysteresis, spatial variation, and strong history dependence. 相似文献