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针对DSD酸生产废水温度高,可生化性差,氨氮含量高,难于进行生化处理的特点,采用氧化-微电解-吹脱的工艺进行处理,效果良好。在进水COD和氨氮的平均质量浓度分别为533.6、319.4mg/L,色度为180倍时,处理后出水COD和氨氮的平均质量浓度分别为152.2、29.9mg/L,去除率分别达到71.5%和90.6%,对色度的去除率也达到99%。出水可达到GB8978-1996所规定的二类水质的要求。  相似文献   

采用Fenton氧化-混凝法对DSD酸还原段生产废水进行处理,得出最佳Fenton氧化条件:pH值为3、H2O2投加量为1 mL/L(分3次投加)、FeSO4.7H2O投加量为200 mg/L、反应时间为45 min;混凝条件:pH值为10,聚丙烯酰胺投加量为3 mg/L。试验结果表明,该组合工艺处理COD的质量浓度为516 mg/L、色度为500倍的废水,其COD、色度的去除率分别达到81.0%、98.0%。  相似文献   

对还原段DSD酸生产废水的处理进行试验研究,提出了混凝-SBR的处理工艺,并确定了相关的最佳运行参数,即混凝阶段硫酸铝投加量为100mg/L,聚丙烯酰胺投加量为10mg/L;SBR反应器中共基质葡萄糖投加量为40mg/L,水力停留时间为6h,pH值为7。还原段DSD生产废水通过混凝沉淀,大大降低了后续生化处理负荷。并在生化阶段,利用共基质原理有效地提高了该废水的可生化性。在最佳试验条件下,在进水COD、NH3-N的质量浓度分别为620、125mg/L,色度为200倍时,COD、NH3-N、色度的去除率分别为84.8%、91.5%和90%。  相似文献   

4,4-Diaminostilbene-2,2′disulfonic acid (DSD acid) wastewater from a reduction process is characterized by slow biodegradation. With a coagulation step as pretreatment, the contaminant can be efficiently removed by a cometabolism sequencing batch reactor (SBR) in the presence of glucose. Since a part of COD from DSD acid wastewater was colloidal and refractory, coagulation was applied as the pretreatment process, which demonstrated that the optimal concentration of aluminum sulfate was 90 mg/L. In the biological section, reduction efficiencies for COD, chromaticity and NH4+-N were 84%, 93% and 92%, respectively, when working with 10 h and pH 7.0. In addition, dehydrogenase activity was proven to be a good parameter which can characterize the microorganism activity in this study.  相似文献   

Glycyrrhizic acid (GA) is the major active ingredient of licorice which has many pharmacological activities. In the present study, separation of GA from licorice root extract has been carried out by adsorption on five different macroporous resins. Static and dynamic adsorption of GA from crude licorice root extract is studied on ion exchange resins followed by desorption. Indion 810 shows the maximum adsorption as well as desorption capacity. The adsorption experiments indicate that equilibrium can be achieved in 360 min. The adsorption equilibrium data is well fitted in the Langmuir isotherm. The separation process is optimized by investigating the effect of pH on adsorption capacity and effect of concentration of ethanol on desorption capacity. The dynamic adsorption is carried out in a column packed with Indion 810 resin and effect of feed flow rate and initial concentration of GA in extract has been studied. The results showed that increase in feed flow rate as well as initial feed concentration of GA lowers the dynamic binding capacity and mass transfer coefficient while increases the HETP. The purity of GA is increased from 14.3% to 71.5% by the dynamic desorption with 60% ethanol. Indion 810 resin can efficiently separate GA from licorice root extract with the HPLC recovery of 63.6%. This study forms the basis for large scale preparation of GA by resin adsorption.  相似文献   

采用动态混合微曝气内电解预处理DSD酸生产废水,有效提高了废水的可生化性,m(BOD5)/m(COD)由0.12上升到0.33。微曝气内电解最佳工况条件为:炭铁质量比2:1、铁炭床与内电解反应器的体积比1:4、曝气时间360 min,废水COD和色度的去除率分别达到了74.3%和95%。动态混合的合适混合比为2:1,对COD和色度的去除率分别达到了52.4%和80%。  相似文献   

用H 柱-脱气塔-Na 柱串联工艺处理"负硬水".H 柱浮动床,Na 柱固定床,均采用弱酸性阳离子交换树脂110.处理后的水在满足硬度要求的同时,碱度<1.0 mmol/L,出水体积可高达H 交换柱树脂体积的260倍以上.运行结果表明,工艺具有操作简便、出水稳定、水质良好等优点,是处理"负硬水"非常好的方法.  相似文献   

回顾了我国DSD酸工业的发展历程,指出我国DSD酸工业走新型工业化和循环经济道路还需要持续的技术创新。技术创新的主要内容是:对已取得实验室成果的后续研究工作并结合相关工程技术问题的研究;用现代科学技术改造DSD酸生产过程中传统的方法和装置;改造目前生产DSD酸过程中有悖于发展循环经济所要求的“减量化、再利用、资源化”原则的薄弱环节。强调不断提高自主创新是重中之重。促进企业成为技术创新的主体需要技术创新人才和产、学、研相结合的技术创新体系。  相似文献   

D301树脂分离衣康酸的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用弱碱性阴离子交换树脂D301对发酵法生产的衣康酸进行了分离研究。通过静态交换实验,研究了D301树脂对衣康酸的静态交换动力学,确定了传质机制和影响因素;通过动态交换实验,研究了以硫酸为洗脱剂,以氨水为再生剂的工艺过程,确定了主要工艺参数。  相似文献   

利用自行制备的吸附树脂处理磺胺间二甲氧嘧啶生产过程中产生的有机废水。考查了吸附和解吸的工艺条件,得出较佳的工艺条件为:吸附时,废水的pH值为7,流速为2 BV/h;解吸时,解吸液用6%的NaOH溶液,流速为2 BV/h。原废水的CODC r为18 100 mg/L,经吸附处理后,CODC r可以降低到2 900 mg/L,为后续处理提供了条件。  相似文献   

利用自制的吸附树脂,对难降解的二氯吡啶酸农药废水进行了处理,实验考查了pH、温度、浓度等因素对该废水吸附的影响,得出了该方法处理二氯吡啶酸废水的最佳工艺条件:室温、pH:1.0、流速为5 BV/h.在该条件下对CODCr为15 013.6 mg/L的二氯吡啶酸生产废水进行处理,其CODCr可降至100 mg/L以下,处理水量为8 BV(1 BV=30 mE),CODCr去除率及二氯吡啶酸的去除率均>99%;洗脱再生时,室温下用体积分数95%的乙醇洗脱,流速为2 BV/h.洗脱率接近100%.  相似文献   

李长海 《化工学报》2007,58(6):1494-1500
考察了废水中5-氨基-2-氯甲苯-4-磺酸(CLT)和盐酸(HCl)在弱碱性离子交换树脂D301R上的吸附。研究了吸附平衡及动力学行为。结果表明两种酸在D301R树脂上的吸附遵循Langmuir吸附平衡模型;CLT吸附动力学过程与二级反应模型相吻合;HCl与一级反应模型吻合得较好;吸附过程为孔扩散控制。CLT在树脂上的吸附度大于HCl。计算了吸附过程热力学参数并进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A physicochemical method was used to adsorb glycerin in saline wastewater by strong base anion resin (D201). Boric acid, a kind of weak acid, can combine with glycerin, and a specific complex can be produced, which possess bigger molecule than glycerin. Then, this specific complex could be adsorbed by strong base anion resin. Via the experiment, the equation of adsorption isotherm with D201 at 20°C can be shown by lgx/m = 1.74lgCe - 5.72; for column test with simulative glycerin wastewater, the treatment capability was more than nine bed volumes, and 39.77 mg glycerin could be removed by per gram resin. When the NaCl concentration was 10 g/L, five bed volumes of simulative wastewater could be treated, and the adsorb mass was 29.09 mg/g. When the NaCl concentration was 30 g/L, only three bed volumes of simulative wastewater could be treated, and the adsorb mass was 14.83 mg/g.  相似文献   

分别在静态和动态条件下用筛选出的大孔弱碱性离子交换树脂D301R进行了去除磺化泥浆体系钻井废水COD的探索研究。静态试验表明,在适宜的操作条件下,钻井废水的COD去除率可达到90%,出水COD<100mg/L;盐碱混合液(NaCl/NaOH)对树脂的再生效果较好。柱动态吸附和动态洗脱再生试验的结果表明,COD达标(<100mg/L)处理量接近100床层体积,树脂的再生率可以达到81%。  相似文献   

树脂吸附法处理苯甲醇生产废水   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
陈一良  潘丙才  张全兴 《化工学报》2007,58(5):1220-1224
研究了树脂吸附法处理苯甲醇生产废水,考察了树脂吸附-脱附的影响因素,并优化了工艺参数。结果表明,超高交联大孔吸附树脂JX-101对苯甲醇具有良好的吸附-脱附性能,废水经固定床吸附工艺处理后,苯甲醇浓度从14000 mg·L-1降至25 mg·L-1,COD从34000 mg·L-1降至100 mg·L-1以下,苯甲醇和COD去除率均超过99%,出水水质达到国家一级排放标准,同时还可以从废水中回收得到纯度高达85%的苯甲醇。该技术工艺操作简便,运行稳定可靠,为苯甲醇生产废水的治理和资源化提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

介绍了微波膜-胺基膦酯树脂法处理含镍电镀废水工艺:采用无机陶瓷微滤膜进行预过滤,防止杂质,油污带入而引起树脂中毒失效,利用胺基膦酸树脂高效回收电镀废水中的Ni^2 。该工艺简单,操作稳定,运行成本较低,回收的Ni^2 浓度大,纯度高,可直接返回电镀生产工序使用。并确定了主要技术参数:无机微滤膜孔径0.8μm,交换操作流速5.2m/h,再生液4%-5%(质量分数)H2SO4,再生液用量3-3.5BV,再生流速1-2BV/h,再生方式顺流。实际应用表明效果良好。  相似文献   

方芳  刘晓宁  王楠  王舒雅  姜岷  魏荣卿  郑涛 《化工学报》2014,65(5):1764-1770
建立了一种有效的、低能耗的从梳状弱碱性(MKF-D30X)树脂上解吸丁二酸的工艺。考察了解吸剂用量(体积)、解吸温度、分段解吸及分段循环解吸对MKF-D30X树脂解吸附丁二酸的影响。结果表明,MKF-D30X树脂对溶液中的丁二酸(25 mg·ml-1)有很好的吸附作用,吸附量高达425 mg·(g干树脂)-1。当解吸温度为50℃,每个阶段用10 ml、1.0 mol·L-1 HCl解吸剂,两阶段解吸3 g吸附饱和的树脂,第1阶段解吸得到的丁二酸浓度可高达52.4 mg·ml-1,将丁二酸浓度提高到原液浓度的209.6%;在此基础上再进行分段循环解吸,不仅可以维持第1阶段获得的高浓度丁二酸,且可同时获得第2阶段2倍收率的高浓度丁二酸,达到了高浓度、高效率解吸丁二酸的目的。另研究表明,分段循环解吸液再作为解吸剂,其中丁二酸的浓度对丁二酸解吸效果没有明显影响。  相似文献   

我国DSD酸溶剂法氧化合成工艺工业化解脱瓶颈制约的建议   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
介绍了国内有关单位用溶剂法氧化合成DSD酸的清洁生产工艺研究进展,分析了该工艺目前还未能用于工业化生产的原因:①工业化生产的一些工程技术难题还有待解决;②溶剂法工艺生产的总成本高于传统的水法工艺;③不少地区的环保执法存在"盲区",地方保护痼疾难除;④政策支持力度不够,企业缺乏积极性;⑤产能过剩竞相降价,企业无力承担科研费用。讨论了溶剂法氧化合成DSD酸工业化的瓶颈制约所在,指出了解决途径,提出了发展建议。  相似文献   

阴离子交换树脂吸附柠檬酸中的硫酸根离子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张军伟  王弦  刘志维 《应用化工》2013,42(6):1043-1046
采用动态法研究阴离子交换树脂吸附柠檬酸(CA)中硫酸根离子,通过分析溶液相和树脂相中柠檬酸与SO24-的变化趋势,确立了阴离子离交树脂上柠檬酸与硫酸根离子的交换机理。研究表明,强碱性阴离子交换树脂中吸附的CA-不能被柠檬酸液中SO24-置换出;反之,弱碱性离子交换树脂所吸附的CA-可被柠檬酸液中SO24-置换出,且功能基团为树脂吸附柠檬酸液中硫酸根离子的重要因素。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the performance of a synthetic resin for the adsorption of Li from pre-desilicated solution which is the waste liquid produced by extracting aluminum from fly ash. The adsorption kinetics and isotherms of the resin were obtained and analyzed. The saturated adsorption sites of the resin were in agreement with the quasi-second-order kinetic model. Then, the pore diffusion model (PDM) was applied to represent the lithium adsorption kinetics which confirming that the external mass is the limiting step. Moreover, we evaluated the adsorption properties of this resin in fixed-bed mode. We established a feasible extraction process for Li from strong alkaline solutions with low Li concentrations. The process parameters, such as the flow rate, initial adsorption solution concentration, water washing process, desorption agent concentration, and flow rate were studied. The desorption rate of the Li+ ions was directly proportional with the concentration of the desorption agent. The time required to accumulate Li decreased as the hydrochloric acid concentration and flow rate increased. Time of the peak appeared increased from 0.5 bed volume (BV) to 2.5 BV as the concentration was increased from 1 to 3 mol·L-1, and the peak increased from 231 to 394 mg·L-1. The resin presented good selectivity for Li+ ions and could effectively separate impurity ions from the pre-desilication solution.  相似文献   

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