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林业院校城市规划专业教学质量保障体系的构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林业院校城市规划专业(FUUP)建设,需要依托风景园林学科背景,构建合理的教学质量保障体系(TQGS),可以借鉴全面质量管理(TQM)中全程性、全面性和全员性的思路以及ISO9000教学质量管理体系中系统化、规范化、文件化的思路,从而突出自己的特色,提高林业院校城市规划专业的生存能力,培养优秀的应用型规划人才。  相似文献   

通过ISO9000认证不等于质量无忧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对当前ISO9000认证活动效益不高的原因,指出要使得ISO9000认证活动能够更加有效,政府应当正确引导ISO9000认证活动,企业应当正确的认识ISO9000认证活动,并采用多种方法弥补ISO9000标准自身的缺陷来进行质量管理。  相似文献   

宋立法 《中国电梯》2008,19(7):31-33
ISO9000标准是国际标准化组织(ISO)为适应国际经济、贸易发展的需要而制定的质量管理和质量保证标准。该系列国际标准于1987年首次发布,1994年修改发布了第2版标准.2000年12月发布了第3版新标准。目前世界上已有80多个国家和地区等同或等效采用了ISO9000系列标准。企业取得ISO9000质量管理体系认证,作为提供质量保证和建立客户质量信心的必备条件,这已成为当今世界的共识。推行ISO9000系列标准是与国际接轨,参与国际市场竞争的重要手段,是世界经济、贸易发展的大趋势。取得了ISO9000质量管理体系认证,无疑就等于其产品取得了进入国际市场的通行证。  相似文献   

秦水法 《山西建筑》2002,28(1):126-127
建筑施工企业不要盲目搞ISO9000认证,要正确认识ISO9000认证且忌不分场合,不讲条件,一味要求贯彻ISO9000标准认证,而将认证ISO9000标准绝对化。通过ISO9000贯标,使建筑施工企业能全面提高技术水平,管理水平、工程质量水平,促进改革、尽快与国际惯接轨,以创造更大的经济效益。  相似文献   

本讲主要介绍了ISO9000标准的产生与发展,阐述了岩土工程企业贯彻ISO9000标准的意义,分析了国内岩土工程企业贯彻ISO9000标准的现状,探讨了岩土工程企业贯彻ISO9000标准的特点。  相似文献   

1987年,国际标准化组织(ISO)发布了ISO9000《质量管理和质量保证》系列标准,目前共有70多个国家和地区采用了ISO9000标准,全世界大约有7万个企业取得了ISO9000认证证书。我国已决定采用ISO9000系列标准,并已有约400家企业取得了ISO9000认证证书。从已取得证书的企业来看,主要集中于第二产业,作为我国国民经济新兴产业的房地产业,至今尚未有一家获得ISO9000认证。本文试图根据ISO9000系列标准的指导原则,结合房地产开发过程特点,对房地产企业的质量保证框架及建立质量体系时应当考虑的主要质量体系要素进行初步探讨,以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

刘志伟 《四川建材》2012,38(6):266-267
随着国际贸易发展的需要和标准实施中出现的问题,国际标准化组织提出了ISO9000国际质量管理标准体系,随着ISO9000国际质量标准引入工程物资管理中,也使建筑业中物资管理更为规范化、科学化、标准化,高质量的物资供应也能够确保高质量的工程产品的实现。笔者从ISO9000质量管理的重要意义分析起,阐述了ISO9000质量管理的重要意义以及ISO9000标准对物资管理的要求,最后重点分析了基于ISO9000标准的物资管理途径。  相似文献   

本文根据作者学习ISO9000族标准的体会,对质量体系、质量保证体系、ISO9000的推动方式、质量体系认证等问题进行探讨,并提出了贯彻ISO9000族标准的几点意见。  相似文献   

根据笔者参加一些生产塔式起重机、施工升降机、建筑卷扬机等建筑机械企业的生产许可证评审发现.许多企业对ISO9000的理解是不够全面、模糊不清.其运行模式及文件化的形式,往往会显示出繁琐、重复、可操作性差等弱点,一些中小型企业甚至是流于形式,花钱买证。这些都势必影响产品质量.严重阻碍企业发展。市场竞争就是产品质量的竞争.随着我国加入WTO.这些问题将会变得越来越严重。其实ISO9000只是一套指导性的标准而已.具体怎么做.企业应根据自身情况建立一套合理质量管理体系.文件编制应简化、可操作。本文通过现状分析.对ISO9000标准的理解,讲述企业如何建立简单易行的质量管理体系。  相似文献   

<正>本文针对目前一些企业在宣贯ISO9000标准和推行TQC中出现的两种错误认识,即片面夸大贯标认证的作用,认为企业宣贯了ISO9000标准,就不用推行TQC了和搞不清ISO9000标准对企业发展没有有关系。通过对ISO9000与TQC联系和区别的分析,提出在ISO9000与TQC两种质量管理方式中,以标准为基础的ISO9000是质量管理的基础,以人的因素为基础的TQC是指导企业不断进行质量改进的管理科学,两者并不矛盾,而是相互补充,取长补短,是基础与核心,基础与发展的关  相似文献   

Client driven ‘pushes’ for ISO 9000 certification in Hong Kong are observed to have overtaken any spontaneous ‘pull factors’ (motivators) towards quality improvements ‘for their own sake’. For example, the need for ISO 9000 certification as a prerequisite for even being considered for public sector construction works appears to have distracted some organizations from a more comprehensive organization-specific development of their quality management systems. Both positive (beneficial) and negative (detrimental) outcomes from ISO 9000 certification, as observed from relevant previous studies, are summarized herein. These provide a useful background against which to present perceptions derived from the current study in Hong Kong construction. The target groups were predominantly from consultants in the initial survey and all from contractors in the second and more comprehensive survey. The more significant positive and negative outcomes from ISO 9000 certification as derived from the two current surveys are identified. Recommendations are made for realigned approaches to ISO 9000 certification and for seamless integration with other quality management approaches such as TQM, as well as with other management subsystems, such as for productivity improvement and dispute minimization.  相似文献   

ISO 9000, the quality management system standards developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO), is widely used in the construction industry, as it is in all industries in the world. Recently, a growing interest has been paid to the use of this system in the construction industry. Despite the growing interest, ISO 9000 use of construction firms has not been sufficiently studied from the perspective of developing countries. In this article, with regard to the ISO 9000 quality management system (QMS) in Turkey, the characteristics of contractor firms in the construction industry, the perceptions, behavior and experiences of the firms in regard to ISO 9000 QMS are discussed. A field study has been executed, and a questionnaire has been carried out. In total, 138 construction firms, members of Turkish Contractors Association and representing the top-level firms operating both in Turkey and in the international market, have been selected for this study. The evaluation of the data points to the fact that the surveyed construction firms generally have a positive approach toward ISO 9000 QMS and that ISO 9000 QMS provides important advantages for the firms. However ISO 9000 QMS cannot be made widespread and applied effectively due to certain disadvantages and difficulties in practice.  相似文献   

Quality has been a key issue in Singapore's construction industry since the late 1980s. ISO 9000 certification is now compulsory for large construction enterprises and is an important feature of the industry. Following the global trend, environmental issues are gaining prominence in the country. A few companies have been certified to the ISO 14000 standard. It is predicted that this standard will have an impact which is similar to that of ISO 9000. Organisations are being urged to implement integrated management systems (IMS).

A study was undertaken to assess the perceptions and expectations of contractors concerning ISO 9000 certification and the costs and benefits in practice. Contractors’ expectations of ISO 14000 certification were also ascertained, together with their environmental awareness, policies and current practices, and their views on measures which could promote its widespread adoption. The study was based on a postal survey. It was found that contractors had derived benefits from ISO 9000 but were driven by short-term cost-benefit considerations. Their attitude to ISO 14000 certification was generally similar. Suggestions for increasing the likelihood of a high uptake of ISO 14000, and IMS are made.  相似文献   

The construction industry is predominantly project based and quality is one of the client's prime concerns in their construction projects. Many clients, especially those in the Hong Kong public sector, require their contractors to have a Quality Management System (QMS) certified under ISO9000. Also, several contractors as well as clients themselves voluntarily implemented an ISO9000-based QMS in their respective organizations in order to target the various benefits perceived from such initiative. It was considered timely and worthwhile to explore the effectiveness of ISO9000-based QMSs in the Hong Kong. This paper portrays the key findings from a focused study that relate to the client satisfaction aspects from implementation of the ISO9000-based QMSs in the contractor organizations.  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2001,36(3):299-312
Productivity and quality are two inter-related issues of utmost importance in the construction industry. The buildability concept and ISO 9000 quality management systems are used to help raise productivity and quality standards in construction. However, both buildability principles and ISO 9000 quality system elements are frequently considered separately in many consulting and construction firms. Many of these firms have also developed and implemented ISO 9000 quality management systems in their organisations. To achieve synergy, this paper argues by means of a case study of a private condominium project that buildability principles can be integrated within ISO 9000 quality management systems.  相似文献   

The world of quality is changing and the responsibility for implementing these changes lies firmly in the hands of top management. Organisations can no longer afford to leave this hot potato with the quality manager; everyone must be aware and involved. ISO 9000 is the quality system used by many organisations throughout the world. The current version, ISO 9000:1994, is being revised and the final version of the latest revision is expected to be published as ISO 9000:2000 in the last quarter of 2000. Firms that are registered with ISO 9001, 9002 or 9003 in the 1994 versions will have three years in which to bring their existing systems into line with the new requirements. The basis of the new ISO 9000:2000 series is rather different from before in the following respects: the '20 elements', so familiar in the 1994 version of ISO 9001, are not actually present in individual clauses, but are identifiable; the new structure is process based, more generic and clearly based on the Plan→Do→Check→Act principle; the major features are: management responsibilities, resource management, product and/or service realisation, measurement, analysis and improvement, and customer satisfaction; and ISO 9001:2000 aligns with ISO 14001, the environmental standard  相似文献   

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