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The cytokine Eta-1/osteopontin is secreted by activated macrophages and may constitute the most abundant molecule secreted by activated T-lymphocytes. It causes macrophages to migrate and suppress production of reactive oxygen species. It enhances generation of immunoglobulins or proliferation of B-lymphocytes. Its biochemical characteristics suggest that Eta-1/osteopontin may be the T-lymphocyte suppressor factor. The apparently conflicting effects on individual immune functions may reflect homeostatic mechanisms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Delays in the appearance of osteoclasts at compression sites occur after orthodontic appliance reactivation, when this is done during both the period of osteoclast recruitment and the peak expansion in the osteoclast population. This experiment examines osteoclasts and tooth movement in alveolar bone after appliance reactivation coinciding with alveolar bone formation and the time when reactivation osteoclasts first appear (ie, 10 days after initial appliance activation). METHODS: Bilateral orthodontic appliances were activated to mesially tip maxillary molars with 40 cN in 144 rats. After 10 days, all rats were randomized into two groups of 72. Group I had appliances reactivated in precisely the same manner as the first activation. Group II had appliances sham-reactivated. Nine to 12 rats were then sacrificed at 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 14 days in both groups (eg, day 1 represents an interval of 11 days after the first appliance activation and 1 day after either sham or real reactivation). Orthodontic movement was measured cephalometrically; changes in osteoclasts and root resorption were assessed at both compression and tension sites histomorphometrically. RESULTS: Teeth in the reactivated group (Group I) displayed linear tooth movement (62.6 micrometers/day), and 0.9 mm tooth movement by day 10. Significant increases in osteoclast numbers, osteoclast surface percentage, and surface per individual osteoclast were evident in these animals by 1 day postreactivation (P <.01). Significant treatment-related increases in root resorption were not evident at compression sites at any time. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that, after appliance reactivation during the time when reactivation osteoclasts appear, a second cohort of osteoclasts can be recruited immediately, along with immediate and substantial tooth movement and no greater risk of root resorption.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate stability of occlusion in adult cases at least 4 years after orthodontic treatment and to clarify parameters influencing this stability. The subjects were 25 cases (mean age: 19 y 8 m) who had been treated with Edgewise technique involving first-premolar extraction. During orthodontic treatment, decreases in the maxillary and mandibular incisors' irregularity index (Max.I.I. and Mand.I.I.), posterior movement of the upper and lower incisors, increases in upper incisal height, decreases in lower incisal height, and increases in upper and lower canine width were noted. In the posttreatment period, increases in Max.I.I. and Mand.I.I., anterior movement of incisors, increases in incisal height, and decreases in canine width were observed. The amounts of overjet and overbite decreased during the treatment period and increased during the post-treatment period. Multiple regression analysis was useful to deduce which parameters influenced stability of occlusion after orthodontic treatment.  相似文献   

The possible role of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases in mediating the stimulatory actions of Fundulus heteroclitus pituitary extract (FPE) during ovarian steroidogenesis and oocyte maturation in vitro was investigated. Follicle-enclosed oocytes were cultured in the presence of FPE and/or N-[2-Methylamino)ethyl]-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide (H-8), a compound that inhibits protein kinase A (PKA) and cGMP-dependent protein kinase. H-8 alone (0.1-1 mM) promoted oocyte germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in a dose-dependent manner. However, the process of GVBD initiated by H-8 was much slower that that triggered by 17 alpha, 20 beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20 betaP), the natural inducer of oocyte maturation in F. heteroclitus. Treatment with H-8 also increased 17,20 betaP production by the follicles and the accumulation of this steroid in the media was much slower than that initiated by FPE. However, in contrast to the FPE action on the oocyte, which is mediated by 17,20 betaP, the stimulatory action of H-8 on GVBD appears to be independent of follicular steroid production, since aminoglutethimide (AGI), an inhibitor of steroidogenesis, did not-block H-8-induced GVBD while inhibiting H-8 induced 17, 20 betaP production. Moreover, addition of H-8 to FPE-treated follicles significantly reduced 17,20 betaP secretion and the percentage of GVBD. These results provide further support for the involvement of PKA in the mechanism by which FPE stimulates ovarian steroidogenesis in F. heteroclitus. Furthermore, the fact that H-8 alone increased 17,20 betaP levels may imply that basal follicular production of this steroid could be induced by inactivation of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases. Data also indicate that inhibition of PKA and/or c-GMP-dependent protein kinase in the oocyte may be involved in the mechanism leading to resumption of meiosis in this species.  相似文献   

Individuals with HIV disease face ongoing and phasic challenges that may generate psychological stress or clinically significant distress. Such distress may in part be understood as a response to challenges to fundamental personal conceptions of self and world. The authors describe models generated from social cognition research and the stress response literature and then apply them to common psychological themes that are salient for persons with HIV disease. Implications for psychotherapeutic assessment and intervention are discussed, and a case report is presented to illustrate the use of this approach with HIV and AIDS patients.  相似文献   

Vertical phoria (vertical vergence in the absence of binocular feedback) can be trained to vary with non-visual cues such as vertical conjugate eye position, horizontal conjugate eye position and horizontal vergence. These prior studies demonstrated a low-level association or coupling between vertical vergence and several oculomotor cues. As a test of the potential independence of multiple eye-position cues for vertical vergence, context-specific adaptation experiments were conducted in three orthogonal adapting planes (midsagittal, frontoparallel, and transverse). Four vertical disparities in each of these planes were associated with various combinations of two specific components of eye position. Vertical disparities in the plane were associated with horizontal vergence and vertical conjugate eye position; vertical disparities in the frontoparallel plane were associated with horizontal and vertical conjugate eye position; and vertical disparities in the transverse plane were associated with horizontal vergence and horizontal conjugate eye position. The results demonstrate that vertical vergence can be adapted to respond to specific combinations of two different sources of eye-position information. The results are modeled with an association matrix whose inputs are two classes of eye position and whose weighted output is vertical vergence.  相似文献   

Hypertonic-hyperoncotic solutions are a supplementary possibility in the acute treatment of hypovolemia. The main mechanism of action of this solution is, induced by the tonicity of the infusion (approximately 2400 mOsm/l), the transcapillary fluid shift from the intracellular and interstitial to the intravascular compartment. Additionally the fluidity of blood is improved (due to an increase in the diameter of the capillaries), the adherence of leucocytes to the endothelial wall is reduced, and the arteriolar vasomotion is restarted. Due to the available prehospital and clinical results it can be concluded, that hypertonic-hyperoncotic solutions offer advantages compared to conventional fluid therapy regimes: rapid stabilization of hemodynamics, reduction of posttraumatic volume deficiency, of posttraumatic edema and of posttraumatic complications and an improvement of the outcome of the patients. If the therapeutic recommendations are followed, such as a dose of 4 ml/kg body weight, infusion time of about 3-5 minutes and after the end of the infusion application of colloids or crystalloids in an amount as needed, no side effects will occur. Only immediately after the end of infusion sodium, chloride and osmolarity will slightly increase, however these parameters will normalize within the first posttraumatic day. Hypertonic-hyperoncotic solutions are trigger-solutions, as with the infusion of these types of solution it is possible to restore hemodynamics adequately and to prevent shock-induced complications.  相似文献   

The Mini-Mental-State Examination (MMSE) is widely used as a screening tool for dementia in epidemiological studies. Its applicability in population-based studies is nevertheless limited by its low specificity. The effect of age and educational level have been usually ignored when cut-off scores have been selected. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of age and educational level on the MMSE scores in a representative sample of subjects older than 70 and provide adjusted normalised data according to these two variables, after excluding subjects with dementia or cognitive decline. Population-based, cross-sectional and longitudinal study of a representative cohort of 1367 subjects older than 70. All subjects with suspected dementia or cognitive decline received a neurological evaluation where clinical and etiological diagnosis were established. Normal MMSE scores, as defined by the 10th percentile, varied significantly across age and educational level groups. Exclusion of demented or cognitively declined patients from the reference population reduced the variability and "range of normality", but this remained excessively high in the older and less educated groups. The use of different cut-off points for each age and educational level groups may improve the specificity and applicability of the MMSE in population-based epidemiological studies. However, the wide amplitude of the range of normality suggests that different approaches, other than this vibariate analysis, may prove more adequate in the selection of cut-off scores for the MMSE.  相似文献   

To investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in paramyxovirus-induced cell fusion, the function and structure of synthetic peptide analogs of the sequence from the leucine zipper region (heptad repeat region 2) of the Newcastle disease virus fusion protein (F) were characterized. As previously reported (Young et al., Virology, 238, 291), a peptide with the sequence ALDKLEESNSKLDKVNVKLT (amino acids 478-497 of the F protein) inhibited syncytia formation after transfection of Cos cells with the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase and F protein cDNAs. A peptide analog which had an alanine residue in place of the first leucine residue in the zipper motif (ALDKAEESNSKLDKVNVKLT) retained inhibitory activity but less than the original peptide. Further loss in activity was observed in a peptide in which two of the leucine residues were replaced with alanine (ALDKAEESNSKADKVNVKLT), and a peptide which had all leucine residues in the zipper motif replaced with alanine (ALDKAEESNSKADKVNVKLT) had no inhibitory activity. The three-dimensional conformations of these peptides in aqueous solution were determined through the use of nuclear magnetic spectroscopy and molecular modeling. Results showed that while the wild-type peptide formed a helix with properties between an alpha-helix and a 3(10) helix with leucine residues aligned along one face of the helix, progressive substitution of leucine residues with alanine resulted in the progressive loss of helical structure. The results suggest that alterations of leucine residues in the zipper motif disrupt secondary structure of the peptide and that this structure is critical to the inhibitory activity of the peptide.  相似文献   

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