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We report the case of a 38-year-old man who, 2 weeks after a laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication, was referred to our Unit because of acute wrap herniation and intrathoracic gastric perforation. Although both of these complications have already been described, this is the first case in which they have occurred simultaneously and not as an immediate consequence of the operation. Intraoperative findings suggested that diaphragmatic crura had not been reapproximated and that the gastric wrap had not been fixed to them. This observation and the fact that immediately after hospital discharge the patient had sustained intense physical efforts can explain acute wrap herniation. Placement of full-thickness sutures may account for gastric perforation. These pathogenetic determinants and their preventive measures are discussed in the light of a review of the literature.  相似文献   

To study genome evolution in allopolyploid plants, we analyzed polyploid wheats and their diploid progenitors for the occurrence of 16 low-copy chromosome- or genome-specific sequences isolated from hexaploid wheat. Based on their occurrence in the diploid species, we classified the sequences into two groups: group I, found in only one of the three diploid progenitors of hexaploid wheat, and group II, found in all three diploid progenitors. The absence of group II sequences from one genome of tetraploid wheat and from two genomes of hexaploid wheat indicates their specific elimination from these genomes at the polyploid level. Analysis of a newly synthesized amphiploid, having a genomic constitution analogous to that of hexaploid wheat, revealed a pattern of sequence elimination similar to the one found in hexaploid wheat. Apparently, speciation through allopolyploidy is accompanied by a rapid, nonrandom elimination of specific, low-copy, probably noncoding DNA sequences at the early stages of allopolyploidization, resulting in further divergence of homoeologous chromosomes (partially homologous chromosomes of different genomes carrying the same order of gene loci). We suggest that such genomic changes may provide the physical basis for the diploid-like meiotic behavior of polyploid wheat.  相似文献   

The thesis describes the first extensive DNA sequence analysis that demonstrated that the tandemly repeated alphoid DNA in the centromere of the human chromosomes consists of distinct subfamilies and in a number equal to or exceeding the number of chromosomes. The expected presence of only one or a few distinct subfamily on individual chromosomes was supported by the characterization of an extremely well-defined subfamily specific for chromosome 7 and represented in the original collection of subfamilies. The pattern of chromosome-specificity breaks down among the acrocentric chromosomes where chromosomes 13 and 21 were found to share one and chromosomes 14 and 22 to share another specific subfamily. By in situ hybridization these subfamilies were shown not to be shared by other chromosomes. The remarkable pairwise pattern of sequence homogenization was present also in the chimpanzee genome raising the question of its biological role. However, the subfamilies on these human and chimpanzee chromosomes are not orthologous but were shown to originate from two evolutionarily different repeat families. It follows that dramatic sequence evolution has occurred in one or both species during or after separation. The sequence evolution might even occur at a higher rate in humans. This possibility was studied in orthologous alphoid sequences on the X chromosome of humans and the great apes. The analysis supports the general view that our closest relative is the chimpanzee and indicates that the rate of recombination is increased in the human repeat DNA. A "molecular clock" running faster in this DNA may have evolutionary implications. Finally, the usefulness of alphoid subfamilies as chromosome-specific markers is illustrated in a cytogenetic dissection of the centromeric region of Robertsonian translocations. The breakpoints were located to satellite III DNA leaving these chromosomes dicentric. The order of the different tandem DNAs on the p-arm of the acrocentric chromosomes could also be established.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Meiosis is a process of universal importance in eukaryotic organisms, generating variation in the heritable haploid genome by recombination and re-assortment of chromosomes. The intranuclear movement of chromosomes is expected to achieve pairing and recombination of homologous chromosomes during meiosis. Meiosis in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been extensively studied, both genetically and by molecular biology; here we report cytological observations of meiotic chromosomal events in this organism. RESULTS: Using fluorescence microscopy, we have examined the behaviour of chromosomes and microtubules during meiosis in S. cerevisiae. We first observed the dynamic behaviour of nuclei in living cells using jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused with nucleoplasmin, a Xenopus oocyte nuclear protein. The characterization of nuclear movement in living cells was extended by an analysis of chromosomes and microtubules in fixed specimens. In addition, the nuclear localization of centromeres and telomeres was determined by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy in synchronous populations of meiotic cells. While telomeres remain in clusters of 5-8 throughout meiosis, centromeres change their nuclear localization dramatically during the progression of meiosis: centromeres are first clustered at a single site near the spindle-pole body before the induction of meiosis, and become scattered during the meiotic prophase. CONCLUSIONS: Our observations have demonstrated that nuclear and cytoskeletal reorganization take place with meiosis in S. cerevisiae. In particular, the distinct relocalization of centromeres during meiosis indicates a considerable movement of chromosomes within the meiotic prophase nucleus.  相似文献   

We present a method for unified statistical analysis of short and long range correlations between various nucleotides in genomic DNA strands. The approach is based on the mutual study of Fourier structure factor spectra and pair correlation functions. The analysis of cross correlations in the different ranges of structural spectra permits identification of the main sources of correlations, namely, the coherent point mutations, coincident periodicities or large scale density variations. The technique for assessment of structural coupling between various genes in the genome is also described.  相似文献   

A physical mapping method for unique nucleotide sequences on specific chromosomal regions was developed combining objective chromosome identification and highly sensitive fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Four unique nucleotide sequences cloned from rice genomic DNAs, varying in size from 1.3 to 400 kb, were mapped on a rice chromosome map. A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clone with a 399 kb insert of rice genomic DNA was localised at the distal end of the long arm of rice chromosome (1q2.1) and a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone (180 kb) containing the rice leaf blast-resistant gene (Pi-b) was shown to occur at the distal end of the long arm of chromosome 2 (2q2.1). A cosmid (35 kb) with the resistance gene (Xa-21) against bacterial leaf blight was mapped on the interstitial region of the long arm on chromosome 11 (11q1.3). Furthermore a single RFLP marker, 1.29 kb in size, was mapped successfully to the distal region of the long arm of rice chromosome 4 (4q2.1). For precise localisation of the nucleotide sequences within the chromosome region, image analyses were effective. The BAC clone was localised to the specific region, 2q2.1:96.16, by image analysis. The result was compared with the known location of the BAC clone on the genetic map and the consistency was confirmed. The effectiveness and reliability in physically mapping nucleotide sequences on small plant chromosomes achieved by the FISH method using a variety of probes was unequivocally demonstrated.  相似文献   

Analysis of the organization of nucleotide sequences in mouse genome is carried out on total DNA at different fragment size, reannealed to intermediate value of Cot, by Ag+--Cs2SO4 density gradient centrifugation.--According to nuclease S-1 resistance and kinetic renaturation curves mouse genome appears to be made up of non-repetitive DNA (76% of total DNA), middle repetitive DNA (average repetition frequency 2X10(4) copies, 15% of total DNA), highly repetitive DNA (8% of total DNA) and fold-back DNA (renatured density 1.701 g/ml, 1% of total DNA).--Non-repetitive sequences are intercalated with short middle repetitive sequences. One third of non-repetitive sequences is longer than 4500 nucleotides, another third is long between 1800 and 4500 nucleotides, and the remainder is shorter than 1800 nucleotides.--Middle repetitive sequences are transcribed in vivo. The majority of the transcribed repeated sequences appears to be not linked to the bulk of non-repeated sequences at a DNA size of 1800 nucleotides.--The organization of mouse genome analyzed by Ag+--Cs2SO4 density gradient of reannealed DNA appears to be substantially different than that previously observed in human genome using the same technique.  相似文献   

In virtually all eukaryotic organisms, telomeric DNA is composed of a variable number of short direct repeats. While the primary sequence of telomeric repeats has been determined for a great variety of species, the actual physical DNA structure at the ends of a bona fide metazoan chromosome with a centromere is unknown. It is shown here that an overhang of the strand forming the 3' ends of the chromosomes, the G-rich strand, is found at mammalian chromosome ends. Moreover, on at least some telomeres, the overhangs are > or = 45 bases long. Such surprisingly long overhangs were present on chromosomes derived from fully transformed tissue culture cells and normal G0-arrested peripheral leukocytes. Thus, irrespective of whether the cells were actively dividing or arrested, a very similar terminal DNA arrangement was found. These data suggest that the ends of mammalian and possibly all vertebrate chromosomes consist of an overhang of the G-rich strand and that these overhangs may be considerably larger than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

A human artificial chromosome (HAC) vector was constructed from a 1-Mb yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) that was selected based on its size from among several YACs identified by screening a randomly chosen subset of the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) (Paris) YAC library with a degenerate alpha satellite probe. This YAC, which also included non-alpha satellite DNA, was modified to contain human telomeric DNA and a putative origin of replication from the human beta-globin locus. The resultant HAC vector was introduced into human cells by lipid-mediated DNA transfection, and HACs were identified that bound the active kinetochore protein CENP-E and were mitotically stable in the absence of selection for at least 100 generations. Microdissected HACs used as fluorescence in situ hybridization probes localized to the HAC itself and not to the arms of any endogenous human chromosomes, suggesting that the HAC was not formed by telomere fragmentation. Our ability to manipulate the HAC vector by recombinant genetic methods should allow us to further define the elements necessary for mammalian chromosome function.  相似文献   

The nature of the endogenous viral DNA sequences in guinea pig cells was studied by hybridization. A segment of the viral RNA (r-VRNA) hybridizing to abundant (or reiterated) DNA sequences (R-VDNA) was isolated by recycling to a Cot of 300. The hybridization of the recycled VRNA, as well as the total VRNA, was followed by determining their kinetics and by Wetmur-Davidson analysis. The kinetics of hybridization of total VRNA were complex, did not follow a second-order kinetics, and revealed two slopes by Wetmur-Davidson analysis. The recycled RNA, on the other hand, had a second-order reaction rate expected of the hybridization between a single species of RNA and DNA sequences and yielded a single straight line in a Wetmur-Davidson plot. The Cot1/2 and slope of the recycled r-VRNA was almost identical to that of the abundant VDNA sequences obtained from the hybridization data of the total VRNA. Guinea pig 28S rRNA with or without recycling was used in monitoring hybridization rate. The kinetics of hybridization of 28S RNA followed a second-order reaction and produced a single straight line by Wetmur-Davidson plot, with a second-order reassociation rate constant of 9.6 x 10(-3) liters/mol-s, a Cot1/2 of 104 mol-s/liter, and reiteration frequency of 146. There was no difference in the kinetics of hybridization of 28S RNA before and after recycling. These experiments showed that guinea pig cells contain two classes of VDNA sequences. (i) R-VDNA sequences with a second-order reassociation rate constant of 8.2 x 10(-4) liters/mol-s, a Cot1/2 of 1,219 mol-s/liter, and a reiteration frequency of 12 represent 37.5% of the viral genome. (ii) Unique VDNA sequences with a second-order reassociation rate constant of 1.2 x 10(-4) liters/mol-s, a Cot1/2 of 7,692 mol-s/liter, and a reiteration frequency of 2 represent 62.5% of the viral genome.  相似文献   

Betaine improves the co-amplification of the two alternatively spliced variants of the prostate-specific membrane antigen mRNA as well as the amplification of the coding cDNA region of c-jun. It is suggested that betaine improves the amplification of these genes by reducing the formation of secondary structure caused by GC-rich regions and, therefore, may be generally applicable to ameliorate the amplification of GC-rich DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The 8.8-kb amplifiable unit of DNA of Streptomyces achromogenes subsp. rubradiris, AUD-Sar 1, which carries 0.8-kb terminal direct repeats and a spectinomycin resistance determinant, can mediate high-level amplification of an AUD-Sar 1-derived 8.0-kb DNA sequence not only in S. achromogenes but also in the heterologous host Streptomyces lividans. This was seen upon introduction of AUD-Sar 1 into chloramphenicol-sensitive strains of S. lividans via the temperature-sensitive (39 degrees C) plasmid pMT660, which contains the thiostrepton resistance gene tsr. Following the cultivation of transformants at 39 degrees C on media containing spectinomycin, a number of strains which were unable to grow on thiostrepton and which carried the amplified 8.0-kb DNA sequence as arrays of 200 to 300 copies of tandem 8.0-kb repeats were found. Chloramphenicol-resistant strains of S. lividans did not yield amplified sequences under similar conditions. Studies with plasmids carrying inserted antibiotic resistance genes at two sites of AUD-Sar 1 yielded coamplified sequences which contain the inserted DNA. Transformation with a plasmid carrying a 1.0-kb deletion in AUD-Sar 1 followed by growth under similar conditions yielded a 7.0-kb repeated DNA sequence. Southern analysis revealed the absence of vector sequences located on the right side of AUD-Sar 1 in the input plasmids in all examined DNA samples of amplified strains. In contrast, a majority of the samples revealed the presence at unit copy level of AUD-Sar 1 left-adjacent sequences which are part of the input plasmids and in several samples the presence of certain vector sequences located near them. The results suggest input plasmid integration into the S. lividans chromosome prior to the generation of the amplified sequences and the deletion of AUD-Sar 1 adjacent sequences.  相似文献   

The relationship between the hidden periodicities in DNA sequences and the nucleosome units is investigated. It is shown that in the vicinity of lengths of about 200 bases there are statistically significant periodicities which remain approximately universal for exon-intron sequences both in the different genes and the different eukaryotic species. The additional analysis displays, nevertheless, that these approximately coincident universal periodicities can be generated by a variety of mechanisms. The relevance of the features observed to the structure of chromatin is discussed.  相似文献   

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