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Effect of backwashing on perchlorate removal in fixed bed biofilm reactors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Choi YC  Li X  Raskin L  Morgenroth E 《Water research》2007,41(9):1949-1959
The influence of backwashing on biological perchlorate reduction was evaluated in two laboratory scale fixed bed biofilm reactors using 1- or 3-mm glass beads as support media. Influent perchlorate concentrations were 50 microg/L and acetate was added as the electron donor at a concentration of 2 mg C/L. Perchlorate removal was evaluated at various influent dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. Complete perchlorate removal was achieved with an influent DO concentration of 1mg/L resulting in bulk phase DO concentrations below the detection limit of 0.01 mg/L. The influence of increasing influent DO concentrations for 12 h periods was evaluated before and after individual backwash events. Partial perchlorate removal was achieved with an influent DO concentration of 3.5 mg/L before a strong backwash (bulk phase DO concentrations of approximately 0.2mg/L), while no perchlorate removal was observed after the strong backwash at the same influent DO level (bulk phase DO concentrations of approximately 0.8 mg/L). The immediate effect of backwashing depended on influent DO concentrations. With influent DO concentrations of 1 mg/L, strong backwashing resulted in a brief (<12 h) increase of effluent perchlorate concentrations up to 20 microg/L; more pronounced effects were observed with influent DO concentrations of 3mg/L. Daily weak backwashing had a small and, over time, decreasing negative influence on perchlorate reduction, while daily strong backwashing ultimately resulted in the breakdown of perchlorate removal with influent DO concentrations of 3 mg/L.  相似文献   

Flow rate, electron donor addition, and biomass control were evaluated in order to optimize perchlorate (ClO4) removal from drinking water using biologically active carbon (BAC) filtration. Influent dissolved oxygen (DO) was lowered from ambient conditions to approximately 2.5 mg/L for all experiments using a nitrogen sparge. When influent nitrate concentration was 0-2.0 mg/L, 1.6-2.8 mg/L as carbon of acetate or ethanol was required to achieve and sustain the complete removal of 50 μg/L perchlorate in a BAC filter. Most or all of the exogenous acetate and ethanol was removed during biofiltration. When a 72-h electron donor feed failure was simulated, a maximum perchlorate breakthrough of 18 μg/L was observed and, once electron donor was reapplied, 9 days were required to reestablish complete perchlorate removal. During a 24-h electron donor feed failure simulation, the maximum effluent perchlorate concentration detected was 6.7 μg/L. Within 24 h of reactivating the electron donor, the filter regained its capacity to consistently remove 50 μg/L perchlorate to below detection. Although biomass growth diminished the filter's ability to consistently remove perchlorate, a cleaning procedure immediately restored stable, complete perchlorate removal. This cleaning procedure was required approximately every 50 days (4800 bed volumes) when influent DO concentration was 2.5 mg/L. Empty-bed contact time (EBCT) experiments showed that 80% perchlorate removal was achieved using a 5-min EBCT, and complete perchlorate removal was observed for an EBCT of 9 min. It was also demonstrated that BAC filtration consistently removed perchlorate to below detection for influent perchlorate concentrations ranging from 10 to 300 μg/L, influent sulfate concentrations between 0 and 220 mg/L, influent pH values of 6.5-9.0, and operating temperatures of 5-22°C.  相似文献   

Parette R  Cannon FS 《Water research》2005,39(16):4020-4028
In rapid small-scale column tests, cationic surfactant-tailored activated carbons (ACs) effectively removed perchlorate to below detection levels for up to 30 times longer than virgin AC. By pre-loading bituminous AC with dicocodimethylammonium chloride, tallowtrimethylammonium chloride, cetyltrimethylammonium chloride, or cetylpyridinium chloride, 75 ppb perchlorate was removed for 27,000-35,000 bed volumes before the effluent perchlorate rose above 1 ppb. These tests employed a natural groundwater that also contained 30 mg/L sulfate, 26 mg/L nitrate (as NO3-), and other ions. By the time of 25 ppb perchlorate breakthrough, 7.3-10.1% of quaternary ammonium sites had perchlorate associated with them. Although some of the surfactants leached out of the tailored carbon beds (0.6-21.2% of the amount loaded), the leached surfactant could be removed to below detectable limits with a virgin AC polishing bed that chased the tailored bed.  相似文献   

Liang CH  Chiang PC  Chang EE 《Water research》2007,41(15):3241-3250
This investigation developed a non-steady-state numerical model to differentiate the adsorption and biodegradation quantities of a biological activated carbon (BAC) column. The mechanisms considered in this model are adsorption, biodegradation, convection and diffusion. Simulations were performed to evaluate the effects of the major parameters, the packing media size and the superficial velocity, on the adsorption and biodegradation performances for the removal of dissolved organic carbon based on dimensionless analysis. The model predictions are in agreement with the experimental data by adjusting the liquid-film mass transfer coefficient (k(bf)), which has high correlation with the Stanton number. The Freundlich isotherm constant (N(F)), together with the maximum specific substrate utilization rate (k(f)) and the diffusion coefficient (D(f)), is the most sensitive variable affecting the performance of the BAC. Decreasing the particle size results in more substrate diffusing across the biofilm, and increases the ratio of adsorption rather than biodegradation.  相似文献   

Bo L  Quan X  Chen S  Zhao H  Zhao Y 《Water research》2006,40(16):3061-3068
A microwave (MW) assisted oxidation process was investigated for degradation of p-nitrophenol (PNP) from aqueous solution. The process consisted of a granular activated carbon (GAC) fixed bed reactor, a MW source, solution and air supply system, and a heat exchanger. The process was operated in continuous flow mode. Air was applied for oxygen supply. GAC acted as a MW energy absorption material as well as the catalyst for PNP degradation. MW power, air flow, GAC dose, and influent flow proved to be major factors which influenced PNP degradation. The results showed that PNP was degraded effectively by this new process. Under a given condition (PNP concentration 1330mg/L, MW power 500 W, influent flow 6.4 mL/min, air flow 100 mL/min), PNP removed 90%, corresponding to 80% of TOC removal. The pathway of PNP degradation was deduced based on GC-MS identification of course products. PNP experienced sequential oxidation steps and mineralized ultimately. Nitro-group of PNP converted to nitrite and nitrate. Biodegradability of the solution was improved apparently after treatment by MW assisted oxidation process, which benefit to further treatment of the solution using biochemical method.  相似文献   

从试验原水中分离出28株高活性菌株,采用人工循环固定方式启动生物增强活性炭工艺,处理低温微污染原水,通过对其处理效能和活性炭上微生物特性的研究,结果表明:原水经生物增强活性炭工艺处理后,其对UV254、TOC、THMFP平均去除率分别为57.4%,45.2%,33.5%;活性炭上微生物量在长时期内保持相对稳定,上层和下层微生物量为分别为(4~5)×108和(2~3)×108CFU/g,而生物活性随着运行时间的延长缓慢下降.上层和下层SOUR值分别从最初1.1 ×10-3和0.75×10-3mg O2/(cm3·h)下降到0.8×10-3和0.6×10-3mg O2/(cm3·h),其主要原因为土著杂菌低量、持续侵入系统,对高活性菌群的生态位造成了一定的冲击.  相似文献   

Strong electric fields for disinfection of wastewaters have been employed already for several decades. An innovative approach combining low strength (7 V/cm) alternating electric fields with a granular activated carbon fluidized bed electrode (FBE) for disinfection was presented recently. For disinfection performance of FBE several pure microbial cultures were tested: Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis as representatives from Gram positive bacteria and Erwinia carotovora, Pseudomonas luteola, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Escherichia coli YMc10 as representatives from Gram negative bacteria. The alternating electric field amplitude and shape were kept constant. Only the effect of alternating electric field frequency on disinfection performance was investigated. From the bacteria tested, the Gram negative strains were more susceptible and the Gram positive microorganisms were more resistant to FBE disinfection. The collected data indicate that the efficiency of disinfection is frequency and strain dependent. During 6 h of disinfection, the decrease above 2 Log units was achieved with P. luteola and E. coli at 10 kHz and at dual frequency shift keying (FSK) modulated signal with frequencies of 10 kHz and 140 kHz. FBE technology appears to offer a new way for selective bacterial disinfection, however further optimizations are needed on treatment duration, and energy input, to improve effectiveness.  相似文献   

Granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorbers are often the penultimate stage of surface water treatment and provide ideal habitats for invertebrates. Proliferation of chlorine-resistant invertebrates in GAC adsorbers may lead to their efflux into distribution systems, possibly resulting in contamination of customers' tap water. GAC adsorber sampling and laboratory experiments were undertaken to determine the effects of routine backwashing on GAC adsorber populations of the chlorine-resistant snail Potamopyrgus jenkinsi at a water treatment works. GAC adsorber sampling results suggested that routine backwashing altered the spatial distribution of snails, but not their overall abundance. In small-scale glass columns 40-50% of the smallest (0.3-0.6 mm shell height) juvenile snails were removed by a GAC backwash bed expansion of 30-40%; however, bed expansions of greater than 20% were not possible in the GAC adsorbers.  相似文献   

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