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Optimum Layout of Technical Plants for Straight Distillation of Natural Fatty Acids The present study is concerned with the suitable layout and construction of individual elements and costs of plant operation for straight distillation of fatty acids with respect to increasing cost of energy and quality improvement by mild treatment of fatty acids, especially those containing double bonds, which are sensitive to heat and oxidation. The principle of distillation, developed by the author, involves the processing for such a sensitive system in three different parts of the plant: Preliminary degassing, dehydration and deodorization, the main distillation and subsequent separation of pitch. Aspects considered are environmental safety, influence of heating, residence time, leaks and corrosion.  相似文献   

Some Characteristic Values of Free Acids of Natural Fats after Irradiation with γ-Rays The alteration of some characteristic values of palmitic, stearic, linoleic and oleic acids after irradiation with γ-rays at 25, 40, 60 and 90 Mrad was investigated. With increasing dose of irradiation the acid value indicated a falling tendency in all cases, whereas the iodine value after γ-irradiation showed varying values. Benzidine value which could be measured at 25 Mrad only, showed a slight increase. At the highest dose of irradiation, peroxide value of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids behaved in different manner; compared to the value obtained at 40 Mrad, a relatively strong increase was observed with saturated fatty acids and a rather considerable decrease was found with unsaturated fatty acids. The refractive index of oleic and linoleic acids increased steadily, corresponding to the dose of irradiation on individual fatty acids.  相似文献   

A New Process for the Continuous Deacidification of Edible Oils and Fats by Extraction with Dilute Alkali Solution The known technical process for the deacidification of natural oils and fats, and hardened fats, using dilute alkali in batch operation is associated with certain difficulties. Ziehl's extraction column provided with moving elements permits a continuous operation of the aforesaid process with short hold-up time, low space requirement and considerably less saponification loss. The different operations involved, e. g. deacidification, washing with salt solution and with water, are carried out in the same unit.  相似文献   

Plant Phenolics as Naturally Occurring Antioxidants Phenolic compounds largely occuring in nature such as flavonols, flavones, hydroxybenzoic acids and hydroxycinnamic acids and their esters have antioxydative properties, which can be considerable in some cases. The antioxydative properties of vegetables and spices may often depend on plant phenolics. Further on the protective effect of flavonoids on ascorbic acid is reviewed.  相似文献   

TLC-Separation of Mixtures of Isomeric and Natural Triglycerides Triglycerides can be separated by reverse phase as well as by argentation chromatography. In both of these methods critical pairs are formed whose separation can be effected to a large extent by a combination of the two methods. However, isomeric triglycerides can not be separated by the latter procedure. According to their structure, the isomeric triglycerides can be classified into positional isomers, geometric isomers, isomers having the same number of double bonds and C-atoms but containing different fatty acids, and glycerides containing the positional isomers of unsaturated fatty acids. The difficulties involved in the separation of these isomers are pointed out and examples for the TLC-separation of triglycerides of each class are shown. In addition to the resolution of model substances, the TLC-separations of cottonseed, sunflower, olive, peanut and palm kernel oils are given.  相似文献   

γ-Tocopherol as Natural Antioxidant The antioxidative efficacy of γ-tocopherol has been examined in various oils and fats in comparison with other tocopherols and antioxidants. The prooxidative effect of different tocopherols and antioxidants in higher concentrations has been compared. Stabilization trials with a special frying fat have been carried out. The possibility of the stabilisation of vitamin A (in cod liver oil) was also tested. Generally, the γ-tocopherol has shown higher antioxidative efficacy than the other antioxidants.  相似文献   

Natural hail impact tests are scarcely available because hailstorms are limited to a small area and cannot be predicted regarding time, place and intensity. Therefore we relied on laboratory tests simulating natural hailstones by polyamide balls (5-50 mm dia.) whose final velocity could be varied according to meteorological data. So the influence of diameter (weight) and velocity of the artificial hailstones could be taken into consideration independently. The energy of damage or equivalent natural hailstone diameter were determined for 16 mm double skin sheet from PMMA as 0.2 J (14 mm dia.) for star shaped cracks and 2 J (26 mm dia.) for holes. These values do not significantly decrease after 10 years weathering. 10 mm double skin sheets from PC show an extremly high energy of damage of abt. 10 J (38 mm dia.) which decreases to a medium level of 2 J (26 mm dia.) after several years weathering. This decrease is remarkably reduced by weather resistant protective coating. As hailstorms consist to more than 80% of hailstones below 10 mm dia. (0.04 J) the mentioned sheet materials are quite hail resistant also after long weathering periods, but they cannot withstand an extreme hail catastrophe as in Munich July 12, 1984.  相似文献   

New Observations on the Natural and Artificial Light Protection of Skin The hitherto known properties and mechanism of action of artificial light protection agents on human skin have been compared with author's own investigations pertaining to the base on which the preparations are formulated, significance of the UV B-absorption and the interrelationships between erythema and pigment reaction. Following results could be established: 1. Solutions of light filters in volatile solvents can act strongly light protecting; 2. the light protecting action is not only dependent on the protective film formed on the skin; 3. substances without appreciable UV B-absorption (purines and pyrimidines) have light protecting action; 4. intensity of browning of the skin is dependent on the preceding erythema reaction.  相似文献   

Occurrence of Phenolic Substances in Natural Fatty Raw Materials and their Removal Various phenols in amounts of 10-2 to 10-5 Wt.% were detected in coconut oil and in products derived from the same. The origin of these substances is discussed. A recent process employing formaldehyde for the removal of phenols from the above products is described.  相似文献   

Fractionation of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from Various Natural Oil Sources Blackcurrant seed oil, borage oil and evening primrose oil are known to be sources of γ-linolenic acid (GLA) with values of up to 25% for borage oil. These GLA concentrations are sufficient for most of the applications of these oils as such but some particular utilisations require higher concentrations of up to 70% γ-linolenic acid or more. Different fractionation techniques have been evaluated. Distillation as well as fractionated crystallization at various temperatures did not give any reasonable results. Preparative high performance liquid chromatography gives only separations on reversed phase columns of the RP 18 type. However, specific enrichment in γ-linolenic acid is obtained by urea fractionation in methanol, also with blackcurrant seed oil which contains up to 14% α-linolenic acid. On a large scale basis of around ton scale it was possible to enrich blackcurrant seed oil fatty acids to 70-80% γ-linolenic acid in a preferably 2-stage fractionation process.  相似文献   

Vestolen A 6016 and Vestolen P 5200 were acceleratedly weathered in a Xenotext 1200 and a Xenotest 450. By variation of operating conditions of Xenotest 1200 different spectral distributions in the UV region (with and without UV filter) were obtained. In Xenotest 450 polyethylene and polypropylene showed approximately the same process of damage, wheras polyethylene and polypropylene showed clear different “spectral sensitivities” in Xenotest 1200. The maximum of UV capacity which is possible in Xenotest 1200 enables a maximum of time accelerating effect - also when light protecting systems are used - but it does not admit a more exact evaluation of the quality of a light protecting formulation. The test of light protecting formulations based on UV absorber, HALS and combinations thereof showed, that evaluation can be very different and does not always conform with the results of out door weathering.  相似文献   

Characterization of Naturally Occuring Saturated Wax Acids and Wax Alcohols by Thermo-micro Methods Thermo-microchemical data e. g. melting point, eutectic temperature, refractive index and critical solution temperature for the wax acids and wax alcohols are presented. Ethylene carbonate is suggested as a test liquid for the fatty acids as well. With the help of the presented data, especially the critical solution temperature, it is possible to identify the acids and alcohols under investigation.  相似文献   

Lysolecithin from Cereal Starch - An Easily Accessible Natural Lysophosphatide From cereal starch, especially wheat starch, a well defined lysolecithin is obtained preparatively by relatively simple means. The lipids are quantitatively extracted with butanol-water (65:35). After purification one obtains a lysolecithin having the fatty acid rest in 1-position. Linoleic acid is the major fatty acid, followed by palmitic acid. The lysolecithin isolated is highly sensitive towards autoxidation, however, as clathrate with amylose it is well protected against alterations.  相似文献   

The Fatty Acid Compostion of Threadweeds Collected in Natural Waters The authors investigated the fatty acid composition of thereadweeds (Spirogira spec.) collected in natural waters with different pH values. Fatty acids with shorter carbon chains were present to the same extent, whereas the content of the longer chain fatty acids varied. As regards unsaturated fatty acids, differences upto 50% were noted. A considerable part of the unsaturated fatty acids (83 to 75%) was polyunsaturated.  相似文献   

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