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小麦及其面粉品质对馒头品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
综合分析了小麦与面粉的蛋白质品质、淀粉品质、酶、脂类物质等对馒头品质的影响。  相似文献   

小麦粉对馒头品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
馒头品质的主要影响因素之一是小麦面粉品质。对小麦粉中的蛋白质含量、蛋白质质量、蛋白质组分及面团的流变学特性,淀粉含量、淀粉组成及小麦淀粉的黏度特性等各因素对馒头品质的影响进行了较为详细的论述。  相似文献   

脂肪酶对面包粉品质的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过流变学试验、面包烘焙试验,探讨了国产脂肪酶对面包粉品质的影响。试验表明,与对照组相比较,在添加脂肪酶后,面团的流变学性质、面包品质都得到一定改善。由烘焙试验结果可知,脂肪酶对面包制品的内部组织结构,面包芯柔软度等指标都有较好的改良作用。本试验条件下,添加脂肪酶20ppm为最适添加量。  相似文献   

Summary Wheat doughs elaborated with microbial mass fromSaccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida boidinii, Lactobacillus plantarum andStreptococcus faecium, individually and in up to 13 combinations have been investigated for: (a) changes during fermentation in short chain (C3–C6) volatile organic acids, and (b) headspace gas composition (alcohols, esters and carbonyl compounds) of fermented doughs. Lactic acid bacteria, when used individually, did not produce C3–C6 volatile organic acids, but when added to doughs with yeasts promoted an increase in propionic and isobutyric acids and a decrease in isovaleric acid concentration in relation to the amounts produced by the yeasts alone.n-Butyric andn-valeric acids were present in very low amounts that did not change during fermentation in any of the samples studied. The headspace gas from doughs with lactic acid bacteria contained very small amounts of volatile flavor compounds; diacetyl was the most relevant component. Yeasts had the same qualitative headspace composition, but they differed quantitatively.S. cerevisiae produced larger amounts of all the components thanC. boidinii. Ethanol was the most abundant compound followed by acetaldehyde,n-propanol, hexanal+isobutanol and isoamyl alcohol. In general, the addition of lactic acid bacteria to dough with yeasts did not significantly modify the head-space flavor fraction. Doughs with both yeasts and lactic acid bacteria produced more ethanol than expected from the proportion of each yeast. WhenC. boidinii was inoculated in higher concentration (70%) thanS, cerevisiae several components not detected in the other samples could be identified: isoamyl acetate,n-butanol, amyl acetate andn-pentanol.
Mikroflora der Sauerteiges von Weizenbrot XIV. Veränderungen der flüchtigen Verbindungen während der Gärung von Teigen mit reinen Mikroorganismen und ihren Mischungen
Zusammenfassung Es wurden Weizenteige mitS. cerevisiae, C. boidinii, L. plantarum und S. faecium, einzeln und in bis dreizehn Kombinationen, hergestellt und die Veränderungen der kurzkettigen (C3–C6), flüchtigen organischen Säuren während der Gärung und die Gaszusammensetzung im Kopfraum auf Alkohole, Ester und Carbonyl-Verbindungen der fermentierten Teige untersucht. Die Milchsäurebakterien, wenn einzel benutzt, bildeten keine (C3–C6) flüchtigen organischen Säuren, aber wenn sie zu hefehaltigen Teigen zugegeben wurden, verursachten sie eine Zunahme des Gehaltes an Propion- und Isobuttersäure und eine Abnahme des Gehaltes an Isovaleriansäure.n-Butter- undn-Valeriansäure waren in kleinen Mengen anwesend und veränderten sich nicht während der Gärung. Das Kopfraumgas von Teigen mit Milchsäurebakterien enthielt sehr kleine Mengen von flüchtigen Aromaverbindungen; Diacetyl war der wichtigste Bestandteil. Hefen ergaben eine ähnliche qualitative Zusammensetzung des Gases im Kopfraum, aber quantitativ unterschiedlich.S. cerevisiae bildete größere Mengen von allen Verbindungen alsC. bodinii. Der Gehalt an Ethylalkohol war am höchsten, gefolgt von Acetaldehyd,n-Propanol, Hexanal und Isobutylalkohol. Im Allgemeinen verursachte die Zugabe von Milchsäurebakterien zum Hefeteig keine tiefgreifende Veränderung der Aromafraktion im Kopfraum. Teige mit Hefen und Milchsäurebakterien bildeten mehr Ethylalkohol als erwartet. WennC. bodinii in höheren Mengen (70%) alsS. cerevisiae eingeimpft wurde, so konnten manche Bestandteile in den Proben nicht identifiziert werden: Isoamylacetate,n-Butanol, Amylacetat undn-Pentanol.

The effect of the addition of yellow pepper flour on bread physico-chemical and sensorial properties was addressed in this study. In particular, vegetable flour concentration was set at 25%; in order to optimize the bread sensorial properties, yellow pepper flour was separately hydrated at three different water content levels. Texture analysis were carried out on both dough and bread samples to evaluate their firmness. Furthermore, tomographic analysis was performed on the same samples in order to provide a more detailed view of their texture. Estimation of the glycemic response, determination of the carotenoids content and sensory analysis of the fortified bread were also determined. Results highlighted that the highest glycemic index was achieved in bread sample having the highest water content and that showed the worst results in terms of texture. Among the studied samples, bread with medium hydration level showed good structural characteristic, double anti-oxidant content compared to the control bread (CTRL S) and the highest sensorial quality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ozone gas could be used as a fumigant during grain and flour storage. Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of exposure to ozone and the effects of blending ozone‐treated flour with control flour on flour functionality and bread‐making quality. RESULTS: Ozone treatment oxidized lipids, increased brightness and reduced the yellow hue of flour, and increased peak viscosity and setback viscosity of flour. Bread made from flour treated with ozone at 1500 mg kg?1 for 4.5 min and bread made from flour blended with 100 g kg?1 ozonated flour had good crust color and a whiter crumb and had more crumb cells, which resulted in a greater specific volume of the bread when compared with control flour. Flour functionality declined as ozone exposure increased beyond 9 min and as the concentration of ozonated flour increased beyond 200 g kg?1. CONCLUSION: Bread made from flour exposed to ozone for 4.5 min or flour that contained 100 g kg?1 fully ozonated flour had greater specific loaf volume and whiter crumb compared to bread made with control flour. Exposure of flour to ozone for longer times (9–45 min) and higher blends (200–1000 g kg?1) deteriorated quality of bread. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

 Immunochemical methods are recommended for the quantitation of small amounts of gluten in food produced for those with coeliac disease. A major problem, however, is the reduced extractability of gliadin, the toxic factor of gluten, with aqueous alcohol, when foods have been heat-processed. A combined extraction/HPLC procedure was used to study the extractability of all gluten protein types from wheat flour and bread under both non-reducing and reducing conditions. Gliadin isolated from wheat flour was used as a reference protein for quantitation. The results indicate that the extractability of gliadin from bread with 60% ethanol under non-reducing conditions is strongly reduced. α- and γ-gliadins are much more affected than ω-gliadins, and less gliadin was extracted from the crust than from the crumb. For a complete extraction of gliadins from bread, reducing conditions and increased temperature are required. However, glutenin subunits are coextracted with the gliadins. This extract can be used for the quantitation of total gluten proteins by RP-HPLC. The recovery of gliadin added to flour before dough-mixing and bread-making is 98%. Received: 16 February 1998  相似文献   

 Immunochemical methods are recommended for the quantitation of small amounts of gluten in food produced for those with coeliac disease. A major problem, however, is the reduced extractability of gliadin, the toxic factor of gluten, with aqueous alcohol, when foods have been heat-processed. A combined extraction/HPLC procedure was used to study the extractability of all gluten protein types from wheat flour and bread under both non-reducing and reducing conditions. Gliadin isolated from wheat flour was used as a reference protein for quantitation. The results indicate that the extractability of gliadin from bread with 60% ethanol under non-reducing conditions is strongly reduced. α- and γ-gliadins are much more affected than ω-gliadins, and less gliadin was extracted from the crust than from the crumb. For a complete extraction of gliadins from bread, reducing conditions and increased temperature are required. However, glutenin subunits are coextracted with the gliadins. This extract can be used for the quantitation of total gluten proteins by RP-HPLC. The recovery of gliadin added to flour before dough-mixing and bread-making is 98%. Received: 16 February 1998  相似文献   

探讨不同添加量的谷朊粉对面包基础粉蛋白质的品质、流变特性及面包烘焙品质的影响。结果表明:谷朊粉可以明显增加面包基础粉的湿面筋含量、沉淀值和蛋白质含量,强化其流变学特性,有效改善面包烘焙品质,增大面包比容和高径比并改善其弹性和硬度。当谷朊粉添加量为10%时,面包烘焙品质最好。  相似文献   

Whole wheat flour has been developed as fiber-rich food for healthy bowel function. In this study, whole waxy wheat flour (WWF) was characterized and applied for breadmaking with the hope that breads made from WWF would improve the quality based on the superior properties of the waxy flour in retardation of bread staling. WWF had significantly higher protein, ash and dietary fiber contents (13.5%, 1.6% and 15.3%, respectively), but lower lipid content (0.8%) than commercial white flour (CWF). Amounts of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber in WWF were 4.1% and 11.2% (% total weight), respectively. WWF had lower pasting temperature and viscosities than CWF. Dough made from WWF increased water absorption and showed lower stability during mixing than that from CWF. The high amount of dietary fiber diluted the gluten protein in dough during mixing to form weak and inextensible dough. Bread made from whole waxy wheat flour had significantly low specific volume and big gal cell distribution as compared to that from CWF. Also, dark-brown color and bitter taste are weak points of whole waxy wheat bread. However, the WWF bread was significantly softer than CWF bread during storage. The qualities of breads were also improved using partial WWF substitution (10%, 30% or 50%) for CWF. As a result, whole waxy wheat flour can be used for breadmaking to improve nutritious quality of bread for health benefits.  相似文献   

为研究小麦粉在不同粒度下其面团及馒头品质的变化,通过控制研磨条件得到基本组分相同而粒度不同的6种粒度不同的小麦粉(分别全部穿过150 μm、137 μm、123 μm、112 μm、100 μm、88 μm,以下简称S150、S137、S123、S112、S100、S88),对其色泽、基本理化特性、面团水分分布、发酵特性及馒头各项指标进行分析,从而探究粒度对面团特性及馒头品质的影响。结果表明:当小麦粉粒度减小时,其水分在粒度S112时较低,灰分、脂肪含量无显著性(p<0.05)变化,粒度组成中D50从120.84 μm降至73.64 μm、湿面筋含量显著性(p<0.05)降低,L*值、破损淀粉含量显著性(p<0.05)增加;面团内深层结合水和自由水含量逐渐降低而弱结合水含量逐渐增加。在粒度为S123时,面团最大膨胀高度、漏气时间、产气量和持气率达到最大。随着小麦粉粒度减小,馒头的比容、L*值、弹性、内聚性、回复性整体呈先增加后降低趋势,硬度、胶着性、咀嚼性呈先降低后升高,宽高比在粒度为S112时最小。综上所述,粒度在S123~S112小麦粉适合制作馒头。  相似文献   

为研究清楚小麦新品种普冰9946的品质特性及其馒头加工工艺参数,采用普冰9946小麦粉加水量、揉面时间、酵母添加量、硬脂酰乳酸钠(SSL)、单硬脂酸甘油酯(GMS)以及小麦胚芽粉添加量制作馒头单因素实验的最佳值,通过正交实验来确定最佳的因素组合。结果表明,普冰9946小麦粉制作馒头的最佳工艺参数为:加水量为小麦粉质量的54%,揉面时间为4min,酵母添加量为小麦粉质量的1%。添加剂最优组合为SSL添加量为0.12%,GMS添加量为0.4%,小麦胚芽粉添加量为2%,该工艺条件下制作的馒头感官评分为93分,且风味、口感俱佳。   相似文献   

小麦粉品质指标与面包感官品质的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择11个不同品种的小麦粉进行品质特性测定,用实验室方法制作吐司面包并进行质量评价。通过对小麦粉品质特性与吐司面包感官评分间的相关性分析,及对小麦粉品质特性与吐司面包总评分的回归分析,得出小麦粉的湿面筋、稳定时间、弱化度、拉伸面积、延伸度、最大拉伸阻力均对吐司面包的总评分有显著影响,吐司面包总评分与这些品质指标间的回归方程为:吐司面包总评分=-248.26+6.389×湿面筋+0.755×稳定时间+1.243×弱化度-0.283×拉伸面积+0.236×延伸度+0.078×最大拉伸阻力,面包总评分与方程预测得分间的相关系数达到0.962 4,呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

采用一次发酵法制作馒头,研究了全麦粉含量为51%的全麦馒头的制作工艺.结果表明:加水量为105—110 mL,和面时间为2—2.5 min,发酵时间为45 ~ 60 min,醒发时间为15—20 min时,全麦馒头有较好的感官品质.  相似文献   

The use of bran and whole grain flour changes dough rheology and causes difficulties in manufacturing bakery products. The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of substituting refined wheat flour (WF) by wheat bran (WB; 5%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%) or whole grain wheat flour (WGWF; 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%) on dough rheological properties and pan bread quality characteristics. The addition of WB and WGWF increased water absorption and resistance to extension and decreased stability, extensibility and peak viscosity. Effects with WB were more pronounced. The presence of WB or WGWF increased crumb moisture content, firmness and hardness and decreased specific volume of pan bread. It is important to set new farinographic and extensographic standards when using WB and WGWF, allowing for a correct correlation between rheology and quality characteristics of bakery products, as the same standards used for WF are not valid.  相似文献   

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