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We present results obtained with a new scintillation detector of secondary electrons for the variable pressure scanning electron microscope. A detector design is based on the positioning of a single crystal scintillator within a scintillator chamber separated from the specimen chamber by two apertures. This solution enables us to decrease the pressure to several Pa in the scintillator chamber while the pressure in the specimen chamber reaches values of about 1000 Pa (7.5 Torr). Due to decreased pressure, we can apply a potential of the order of several kV to the scintillator, which is necessary for the detection of secondary electrons. Simultaneously, the two apertures at appropriate potentials of the order of several hundreds of volts create an electrostatic lens that allows electrons to pass from the specimen chamber to the scintillator chamber. Results indicate a promising utilization of this detector for a wide range of specimen observations.  相似文献   

Dale E. Newbury 《Scanning》1996,18(7):474-482
The gaseous secondary electron detector (GSED) in the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) permits collection of electron signals from deep inside blind holes in both conducting and insulating materials. The placement of the GSED as the final pressure-limiting aperture of the ESEM creates a situation of apparent illumination along the line of sight of the observer. In principle, any point struck by the primary beam can be imaged. Image quality depends on the depth of the hole. In brass, features at the bottom of a 1.5 mm diameter hole that was 8 mm deep were successfully imaged.  相似文献   

Toth M  Phillips MR 《Scanning》2000,22(6):370-379
Generation of contrast in images obtained using the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) is explained by interpretation of images acquired using the gaseous secondary electron detector (GSED), ion current, and the Everhart-Thornley detector. We present a previously unreported contrast component in GSED and ion current images attributed to signal induction by changes in the concentration of positive ions in the ESEM chamber during image acquisition. Changes in positive ion concentration are caused by changes in electron emission from the sample during image acquisition and by a discrepancy between the drift velocities of negative and positive charge carriers in the imaging gas. The proposed signal generation mechanism is used to explain contrast reversal in images produced using the GSED and ion current signals and accounts for discrepancies in contrast observed, under some conditions, in these types of images. Combined with existing models of signal generation in the ESEM, the proposed model provides a basis for correct interpretation of ESEM images.  相似文献   

Toth M  Phillips MR 《Scanning》2000,22(5):319-325
We present experimental evidence for the existence of a space charge in the environmental scanning electron microscope. Space charge formation is attributed to differences in the mobilities of negative and positive charge carriers in the imaging gas. A model is proposed for the behavior of space charge during image acquisition. The effects of space charge on images acquired using the gaseous secondary electron detector, ion current, and backscattered electron signals are interpreted using the proposed model.  相似文献   

Accurate spatial measurements in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) require calibration of the magnification as a function of working distance and microscope operating conditions. This work presents the results of the calibration of an environmental SEM for the accurate spatial measurement of dimensions and areas in experiments, both for the measurement of strain in steel specimens under applied loads and the measurement of dimensional changes in timber with changes in relative humidity.  相似文献   

M. E. Taylor  S. A. Wight 《Scanning》1996,18(7):483-489
A device has been developed and used successfully on two models of the environmental scanning electron microscope that allows low-magnification imaging of about 30x, significantly better than the original 200x low-magnification imaging limit. This was achieved by using an additional aperture to limit the pressure at a point where it will not block the electron beam, and a larger aperture plate for the combination final aperture/secondary electron signal collection surface that also does not block the electron beam significantly.  相似文献   

Khursheed A  Karuppiah N  Koh SH 《Scanning》2001,23(3):204-210
A compact add-on objective lens for the scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been designed and tested. The lens is < 35 mm high and can be fitted on to the specimen stage as an easy-to-use attachment. Initial results show that it typically improves the spatial resolution of the SEM by a factor of three. The add-on unit is based upon a permanent magnet immersion lens design. Apart from the extra attachment to the specimen stage, the SEM with the add-on lens functions in the normal way. The in-lens unit can comfortably accommodate specimen heights up to 10 mm. The new add-on lens unit opens up the possibility of operating existing SEMs in the high-resolution in-lens mode. By using a deflector at the top of the add-on lens unit, it can also operate as a quantitative multichannel voltage contrast spectrometer, capable of recording the energy spectrum of the emitted secondary electrons. Initial experiments confirm that a significant amount of voltage contrast can be obtained.  相似文献   

郑东 《现代仪器》2005,11(2):41-42,40
本文介绍LEOSUPRA系列热场发射扫描电子显微镜的性能及特点 ,主要包括肖特基场发射电子源、电子光学系统以及检测器等。  相似文献   

Electron microscopy has been used for several years as a routine tool for the study of pharmaceutical formulations. However, it is usually desirable to obtain information on these systems in the wet state, and there are concerns regarding the interpretation of information provided by conventional electron microscopy where samples are subjected to preparation techniques which may include freezing, drying, fracturing, and coating. The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) has been used to analyse a number of pharmaceutical samples in their natural state. Results obtained from these samples, including biodegradable matrices, microparticulate systems (both degradable and non-biodegradable), and bioadhesive matrices, will be discussed and the merits and limitations of the ESEM will be highlighted.  相似文献   

Eric Doehne 《Scanning》1997,19(2):75-78
Spurious x-ray signals, which previously prevented high-resolution energy-dispersive x-ray analysis (EDS) in the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM), can be corrected using a simple method presented here. As the primary electron beam travels through the gas in the ESEM chamber, a significant fraction of the primary electrons is scattered during collisions with gas molecules. These scattered electrons form a broad skirt that surrounds the primary electron beam as it impacts the sample. The correction method assumes that changes in the width of the electron skirt with pressure are less important than changes in the skirt intensity; this method works as follows: The influence of the gas on the overall x-ray data is determined by acquiring EDS spectra at two pressures. Subtracting the two spectra provides us with a difference spectrum which is then used to correct the original data, using extrapolation, back to the x-ray spectrum expected under high-vacuum conditions. Low-noise data are required to resolve small spectral peaks; however, the principle should apply equally to x-ray maps and even to low-magnification images.  相似文献   

I Müllerová 《Scanning》2001,23(6):379-394
The modern trend towards low electron energies in scanning electron microscopy (SEM), characterised by lowering the acceleration voltages in low-voltage SEM (LVSEM) or by utilising a retarding-field optical element in low-energy SEM (LESEM), makes the energy range where new contrasts appear accessible. This range is further extended by a scanning low-energy electron microscope (SLEEM) fitted with a cathode lens that achieves nearly constant spatial resolution throughout the energy scale. This enables one to optimise freely the electron beam energy according to the given task. At low energies, there exist classes of image contrast that make particular specimen data visible most effectively or even exclusively within certain energy intervals or at certain energy values. Some contrasts are well understood and can presently be utilised for practical surface examinations, but others have not yet been reliably explained and therefore supplementary experiments are needed.  相似文献   

Griffin BJ 《Scanning》2000,22(4):234-242
An electron-based technique for the imaging of crystal defect distribution such as material growth histories in non- and poorly conductive materials has been identified in the variable pressure or environmental scanning electron microscope. Variations in lattice coherence at the meso-scale can be imaged in suitable materials. Termed charge contrast imaging (CCI), the technique provides images that correlate exactly with emitted light or cathodoluminescence in suitable materials. This correlation links cathodoluminescence and an electron emission. The specific operating conditions for observation of these images reflect a complex interaction between the electron beam, the positive ions generated by electron-gas interactions in the chamber, a biased detector, and the sample. The net result appears to be the suppression of all but very near surface electron emission from the sample, probably from of the order of a few nanometres. Consequently, CCI are also sensitive to very low levels of surface contaminants. Successful imaging of internal structures in a diverse range of materials indicate that the technique will become an important research tool.  相似文献   

Stokes DJ  Thiel BL  Donald AM 《Scanning》2000,22(6):357-365
We report an investigation into a dynamic contrast phenomenon in water-oil emulsions imaged in the environmental scanning electron microscope. Secondary electron contrast between oil and water phases is shown to change with scan rate, even inverting in extreme cases. This effect is attributed to the fact that charge carriers in liquids have intermediate mobilities compared with those in metallic conductors and solid insulators. Thus, increasing the electron energy flux density (via slower scan rates) results in the temporary accumulation of excess charge, which in turn gives rise to increased secondary electron emission. Excess charge dissipates between frames, however, such that classical charging of the specimen is not observed. The oils used here have conductivities lower than that of water, making them more susceptible to the effect. However, the material within the primary electron interaction volume is a conductive medium. We demonstrate that charging effects are not seen in regions of the oil where the interaction volume is in contact with the more conductive continuous water phase. Secondary electron emission from these regions therefore approximates to the intrinsic yield.  相似文献   

Jacka M  Zadrazil M  Lopour F 《Scanning》2003,25(5):243-246
A new design of secondary electron (SE) detector is described for use in low-vacuum scanning electron microscopes. Its distinguishing feature is a separate detector chamber, which can be maintained at a pressure independent of the pressure in the specimen chamber. The two chambers are separated by a perforated membrane or mesh across which an electric field is applied, making it relatively transparent to low-energy electrons but considerably less so to the gas molecules. The benefits of this arrangement are discussed. The final means of detecting the electrons can be a conventional scintillator and photomultiplier arrangement or any of the methods using the ambient gas as an amplifying medium. Images obtained with the detector show good SE contrast and low backscattered electron contribution.  相似文献   

Royall CP  Donald AM 《Scanning》2002,24(6):305-313
Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) modifies conventional SEM through the use of a partial gas pressure in the microscope specimen chamber. Like conventional SEM, it has the resolution to image structure on the submicron lengthscale, but can also tolerate hydrated specimens if water vapour is used in the specimen chamber. This ability to image aqueous specimens leaves ESEM uniquely placed to study in situ drying in polymer latexes. However, there are two key practical difficulties associated with in situ drying. First, the size of the latex particles: larger latex particles are typically around 500 nm in diameter. Although ESEM can resolve structure on this lengthscale without difficulty, the magnification required results in radiation damage of the specimen due to the electron beam. This means that a given region can be imaged only once during film formation, so the evolution of particular features cannot be followed. Second, the change from ambient temperature and pressure to the ESEM conditions of 7 degrees C and 7.5 torr (100 Pa) can subject the specimen to a very high evaporation rate, which can disrupt film formation. The inclusion of a drop of water in the specimen chamber is shown largely to alleviate this, enabling successful imaging of film formation in the lacquer. Instead of the polymer latex itself, this work concentrates on a matting lacquer with silica inclusions. The silica matting agent particles are 1-10 microm in size, allowing for a lower magnification to be used, massively reducing specimen damage. Furthermore, the contrast during drying is much enhanced in the presence of silica. The images reveal the silica as bright regions against a darker background of polymer and water. Film formation shows the transition from a uniform, featureless aqueous solution to a polymer film with silica particles present on the surface. The appearance of individual silica particles can be followed. The particles are generally revealed quite early, after a few minutes of drying time. As film formation progresses, these same particles appear larger and more distinct. Few new particles are revealed at longer film formation times.  相似文献   

Wight SA 《Scanning》2001,23(5):320-327
This work describes the comparison of experimental measurements of electron beam spread in the environmental scanning electron microscope with model predictions. Beam spreading is the result of primary electrons being scattered out of the focused beam by interaction with gas molecules in the low-vacuum specimen chamber. The scattered electrons form a skirt of electrons around the central probe. The intensity of the skirt depends on gas pressure in the chamber, beam-gas path length, beam energy, and gas composition. A model has been independently developed that, under a given set of conditions, predicts the radial intensity distribution of the scattered electrons. Experimental measurements of the intensity of the beam skirt were made under controlled conditions for comparison with model predictions of beam skirting. The model predicts the trends observed in the experimentally determined scattering intensities; however, there does appear to be a systematic deviation from the experimental measurements.  相似文献   

Wight SA  Zeissler CJ 《Scanning》2000,22(3):167-172
Phosphor imaging plate technology has made it possible to directly image the distribution of primary beam electrons and scattered electrons in the environmental scanning electron microscope. The phosphor plate is exposed under electron scattering conditions in the microscope chamber. When processed, the electron intensity distribution is displayed as a digital image. The image is a visual representation of the electron probe and skirt and may provide the basis for a more accurate model.  相似文献   

The investigation of the fracture behavior of polymers in the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) can provide information about the correlation between the microstructure of a specimen and the macroscopic stress-strain characteristic. As the mechanical properties of polymers change dramatically at the glass transition temperature, cooling of the specimens during the tensile tests can yield very valuable information about the influence of individual components of polymer blends on the fracture behavior of the material. A serious problem in this connection is the poor heat conductivity of polymers. A commercially available cooling platform, which can be mounted on the tensile stage used for the tests was substantially modified to both enhance the heat transfer between platform and specimen, and to minimize the temperature gradient along the specimen.The first experiments on modified polypropylene specimens already delivered some unexpected results. Fibril-like structures appeared at the crack tip that would not be expected at temperatures below the glass transition temperature of the polymer blend.  相似文献   

The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) represents one of the most exciting breakthroughs in electron microscopy since the invention of the electron microscope. Its ability to observe uncoated and hydrated samples enhances the possibility for investigating the wettability of surfaces at a microscopic level; by varying the relative vapour pressure or the temperature inside the chamber, it is possible to condense water drops on a micron scale. A large problem in measuring contact angles by ESEM is that the observation angle is not parallel or perpendicular to the surface; thus, the study of the droplets profile using the common algorithms such as spherical approximation or axisymmetric drop shape analysis (ADSA) is not possible, because only a spherical cap shape is commonly observed. In this paper we provide a useful mathematical model to calculate the real contact angle from the initial images. Initially, some simulated spherical caps with different contact and observation angles were created by an appropriate graphic package in order to test the mathematical model. Some real drops obtained by ESEM on wax and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) were then studied and the results compared with contact angles measured by common methods on the same materials.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for observing transverse swelling of cellulosic fibres in the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). The presence of liquid water in the ESEM specimen chamber allows the observation of in situ hydration without the need for coating, freezing, or drying of the sample. For reproducibility of the hydration and dehydration process, specialised mounting techniques are required and control of the conditions for condensation and evaporation of liquid water is necessary. The sensitivity of these cellulosic materials to the electron beam was investigated, showing that some damage mechanisms are enhanced by the continual presence of water vapour in the chamber. A discussion is presented of the effect of various experimental parameters on the extent and time of onset of the damage, and we outline steps to maximise the amount of useful experimental time for these fibres.  相似文献   

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