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张志勤 《福建电脑》2008,24(11):55-56
初步研究了图像配准在景象匹配中的应用与发展,将景象匹配中的图像配准方法分为了两大类来分别进行研究。第一类主要涉及到特征点的提取和配对,第二类方法找具有仿射不变性的特征来直接匹配。两类方法各有优缺点,但总的来说,第二类方法目前的研究进展比较快,出现了一系列的方法,如:圆投影法、极坐标变换法、不变矩特征法等等。文中对各种算法的优缺点进行了分析,最后给出了以后的发展方向。  相似文献   

提出了基于傅立叶变换和遗传优化的遥感图像配准方法.利用对数极坐标形式下的傅立叶变换,计算两幅遥感图像之间的相似变换参数,并将所得到的变换参数进行遗传优化.实验表明算法取得了较好效果.  相似文献   

基于相位相关的图像配准算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种新的基于相位相关的图像配准方法:首先在参考图像中心处截取一个小区域图像,然后在待配准图像中寻找一个同样大小的区域,使得在对数极坐标表示下,这两个小区域图像的互功率谱经傅里叶反变换后是一个二维脉冲信号。所要寻找的小区域中心点在待配准图像中的位置即为所要估计的平移参数,二维脉冲信号中脉冲的位置与缩放因子和旋转角度有关,由此而得到图像配准参数。实验结果表明该方法具有很好的配准效果。  相似文献   

针对传统对数极坐标傅立叶变换(log-polar mapping based Fourier transform, LPMFT)在大尺度、大旋转及大平移变换情况下不能精确估计图像对之间的变换参数, 提出基于层次化及最小二乘的图像配准方法(multi-resolution analysis and least square optimization, MALSO): 首先, 使用小波变换将图像分解为多分层结构, 并将每层的低频部分作为待匹配图像; 其次, 在每层中, 引入窗口函数及自适应滤波函数以减少谱泄漏, 混叠及插值误差的影响; 最后, 构建一个代价函数, 并通过最小二乘法求解最优参数. 实验表明, 该方法既满足大尺度, 大旋转及大平移参数准确估计要求, 又比LPMFT对遮挡更具鲁棒性, 有一定的理论及应用价值.  相似文献   

为了有效解决不同传感器、不同视角和不同时相条件的图像配准问题,提出了一种基于直线极坐标参数在Hough空间求解图像变换参数的图像配准算法。先提取图像中直线极坐标特征参数,形成匹配特征空间;然后在Hough空间逐步求解RST图像变换的旋转、尺度和平移参数;最后利用实际图像对算法的性能进行了分析与验证。实验结果表明,该方法不需进行复杂的匹配空间搜索,具有适应性强、配准精度高的优点。  相似文献   

图像配准是信息融合处理中的重要环节。本文分析了图像配准的数学模型,并对小波变换进行了研究。基于小波理论,提出了一种高精度的图像配准方法。该方法利用小波变换将图像分成若干层次,按照互信息最大的原则对小波分解各层的近似分量求取其配准参数,最后通过迭代实现图像配准。实验结果表明,该方法配准精度高、可靠性好,较之传统的方法有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

基于对数极坐标映射(LPM),设计了图像数字水印技术中的模板匹配检测方法.该模板匹配检测方法的特点是:在图像数字水印的嵌入过程中,从对数极坐标域中切取一块模板匹配信息;计算该模板匹配信息与加入水印后的图像在LPM域中的相位谱的相关系数来进行水印的检测工作.这种方法不使用原始图像的全部信息,减少了相关性检验的计算时间,提高了工作效率.实验结果表明该方法对图像中数字水印具有较强的检测能力.  相似文献   

旋转、缩放、位移不变的小波域图像水印算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种基本上不受旋转、缩放、位移影响的小波域图像水印算法.该算法根据人类视觉系统的特性,将水印自适应地嵌入图像小波域的低频子带.为计算和校正旋转及缩放造成水印位置的移动,采用一种新的滤波方法.该滤波方法需要使用原始图像对数极坐标域中的一小方块信息来计算水印位置的平移.实验结果表明,该水印对旋转、缩放、平移和常规的图像处理具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

抗旋转攻击的小波域零水印算法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
王晅  何冰  赵杰  王楠 《计算机工程》2009,35(4):167-169
为提高基于小波变换的零水印算法抵抗图像旋转攻击的能力,提出一种抗旋转攻击的小波域零水印算法。对于旋转造成的几何攻击,可通过对数极坐标系将笛卡尔坐标系中的旋转变换转换为循环平移的性质,对于循环平移后的图像,在水印检测时可使用穷举遍历来检测测试图像是否包含水印信息。实验结果证明,该方法可以获得良好的图像视觉效果。  相似文献   

戴佳鹏 《信息与电脑》2023,(24):209-211
由于现有存储加密方法不能恢复完整的明文,为此提出面向敏感区域的密文数据库存储加密方法。首先,设计适合面向敏感区域的密文数据库,运用密文检索技术加密明文数据后上传至服务器。其次,初始化密钥,按照数据属性进行加密后与数据域绑定。最后,进行实验分析。实验结果表明,实验组的最大明文存储加密速度达到3 000 m/s,优于对照组,能够完整恢复出密文,具有较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

本文针对小波网络现有学习算法的不足,把Levenberg-Marquardt算法(简称LM算法)和最小二乘算法有机地结合在一起,提出了一种新的小波网络混合学习算法.在该混合算法中LM算法用来训练小波网络的非线性参数,而最小二乘算法用来训练线性参数.最后以辩识一个混沌系统为例进行了数值仿真,并与改进的BP算法和单纯LM算法进行了比较,结果说明了所提算法具有很好的收敛性能和收敛速度.  相似文献   

This research aims to present a general framework by which the most appropriate wavelet parameters including mother wavelet, vanishing moment, and decomposition level can be chosen for a joint wavelet transform and machine learning model. This study is organized in 2 parts: the first part presents an evolutionary Levenberg‐Marquardt neural network (ELMNN) model as the most effective machine learning configuration, and the second part describes how the wavelet transform can be effectively embedded with the developed ELMNN model. In this research, the rainfall and runoff time series data of 2 distinct watersheds at 2 different time scales (daily and monthly) were used to build the proposed hybrid wavelet transform and ELMNN model. The conclusions of this study showed that the Daubechies wavelet more than other wavelet families is capable to extract the informative features of hydrologic series. The vanishing moment and decomposition level of this mother wavelet should be selected based on the watershed behavior and the time resolution of rainfall and runoff time series, respectively. The verification results for both watersheds at daily and monthly time scales indicated root mean square error, peak value criterion, low value criterion, and Kling‐Gupta efficiency as about 0.017, 0.021, 0.023, and 0.91, respectively.  相似文献   

Industrial robots have become key components for manufacturing automations due to their larger workspaces and flexibility. However, low stiffness and high compliance of industrial robots may inevitably lead to vibration by self-excitation or periodic force dependent on workspace configuration. Therefore, the knowledge of the robot's modal properties should be accurately required to enhance the operation accuracy of industrial robots. To improve the identification accuracy of experimental modal parameters of field industrial robots, an improved subspace identification method is proposed to perform nonlinear iterative optimization for updating the state parameters of industrial robots. Experimental response measurement of a six-degrees-of-freedom industrial robot is carried out to obtain modal parameters under various poses. The identification results of the improved subspace modal method are preferable to that of the traditional method. Moreover, the reconstructed three-dimension working frequency space is presented to exactly characterize experimental modal frequencies throughout its workspace. The proposed method effectively improves the identification accuracy of modal parameters when compared with the traditional algorithms and the influence of robots' pose change on modal parameters is also investigated by experimental modal measurements.  相似文献   

Although there are many advanced systems to assist vessels with passing through narrow waterways, it continues to be a serious problem because of disturbance factors and geographic structure. By taking Istanbul Strait as a model for this study, we aimed to develop a decision support system and/or a guidance method to assist reciprocally passing vessels. The main purpose is to develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that uses the data of manually controlled vessels to generate predictions about the future locations of those vessels. If there is any possibility of collision, this system is aimed to warn the operators in the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) centre and to guide the personnel of the vessels. In this study, manually controlled and reciprocally passing vessels’ data were used (including coordinates, speed, and environmental conditions), neural networks were trained, and predictions were made about the locations of vessels three minutes after the initial point of evaluation (this duration was determined by considering the conditions of Istanbul Strait). With this purpose, we used data gathered from vessels and proved the success of the system, especially concerning predictions made during turnings, by determining the possibility of collision between two vessels three minutes after the data was gathered.  相似文献   

This paper presents an improved nonlinear system identification scheme using di?erential evolution (DE), neural network (NN) and Levenberg Marquardt algorithm (LM). With a view to achieve better convergence of NN weights optimization during the training, the DE and LM are used in a combined framework to train the NN. We present the convergence analysis of the DE and demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed improved system identification algorithm by exploiting the combined DE and LM training of the NN and suitably implementing it together with other system identification methods, namely NN and DE+NN on a number of examples including a practical case study. The identification results obtained through a series of simulation studies of these methods on different nonlinear systems demonstrate that the proposed DE and LM trained NN approach to nonlinear system identification can yield better identification results in terms of time of convergence and less identification error.  相似文献   

韩敏  穆大芸 《控制与决策》2011,26(10):1469-1472
回声状态网络(ESN)学习算法中可能存在解的奇异问题,在时间序列预测时易导致病态解问题,且伴随着具有较大幅值的输出权值,尤其是当训练样本个数小于输出权值维数时,ESN的解必为奇异的.鉴于此,考虑使用LM(Levenberg Marquardt)算法代替常用的线性回归方法,自适应选择LM参数,从而有效地控制输出权值的幅值,提高ESN的预测性能.通过Lorenz混沌时间序列进行预测研究,对大连月平均气温实际数据进行仿真研究,取得了较好的预测效果.  相似文献   

人工神经网络在汽液相平衡常数预测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汽液相平衡常数的计算在化工分离过程中至关重要 ,传统方法参数众多 ,计算过程复杂 ,耗用机时多。本文在文献数据的基础上 ,首先利用过程模拟软件DesignⅡ对汽液相平衡常数进行了计算 ,然后使用三层BP神经网络及L -M算法对汽液相平衡常数进行预测 ,并以其他多种算法作为对比。结果表明 ,预测数据与实验数据吻合相当好 ,L -M算法运算速度明显快于其他算法 ,总耗机时大大缩短  相似文献   

The present study applies a Hybrid method for identification of unknown parameters in a semi-empirical tire model, the so-called Magic Formula. Firstly, the Hybrid method used a Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a global search methodology with high exploration power. Secondly, the results of the Genetic Algorithm were used as starting values for the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm as a gradient-based method with high exploitation power. In this way the beneficial aspects of both methods are simultaneously exploited and their shortcomings are avoided. In order to establish the effectiveness of the proposed method, performance of the Hybrid method has been compared with other methods available in the literature. In addition, the use of GA as a Heuristic method for tire parameters identification has been discussed. Moreover, the extrapolation power of Magic Formula identified with Hybrid method has been properly investigated. Finally, the performance of the Hybrid method has been examined through tire parameter identification with priori known model. The results indicated that the Hybrid method has outstanding benefits such as high convergence speed, high accuracy, and null-sensitivity to the starting values of unknown parameters.  相似文献   

近年来,轨道电路分路不良已成为电务部门安全整治的严重问题之一。针对站内25Hz相敏轨道电路分路不良,建立预警指标体系,设计轨道电路分路不良BP神经网络预警模型,并进行故障危险性评价及预测预警。预警结果表明,采用BP神经网络进行轨道电路分路不良故障预警时,将预警指标进行数据的归一化处理后输入到已训练好的网络中,可以在较短的时间内得出可靠的预警结果。该预警方法较现场所采用的传统预警方法,即设置数条轨道电压警线判断分路不良发生与否而实现报警的方法效率高,对现场轨道电路故障维修具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

The Levenberg–Marquardt method is a popular method for both optimization problems and equilibrium problems in dynamical systems. In this article, we study the convergence properties of the Levenberg–Marquardt method with the standard matrix update scheme. In our global convergence proof, we relax the condition that update matrices be bounded, and only require that their norms increase at most linearly. Furthermore, we analyze its local convergence for the uniformly convex function. In this case, the Levenberg–Marquardt method has superlinear convergence, and the initial matrix can be chosen arbitrarily for the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) formula.  相似文献   

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