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In the Intervalizing Coloured Graphs problem, one must decide for a given graph G = (V, E) with a proper vertex colouring of G whether G is the subgraph of a properly coloured interval graph. For the case that the number of colors is fixed, we give an exact algorithm that uses \(2^{\mathcal {O}(n/\log n)}\) time. We also give an \(\mathcal {O}^{\ast }(2^{n})\) algorithm for the case that the number of colors is not fixed.  相似文献   

In this note, we give a proof that several vertex ordering problems can be solved in O (2 n ) time and O (2 n ) space, or in O (4 n ) time and polynomial space. The algorithms generalize algorithms for the Travelling Salesman Problem by Held and Karp (J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math. 10:196–210, 1962) and Gurevich and Shelah (SIAM J. Comput. 16:486–502, 1987). We survey a number of vertex ordering problems to which the results apply.  相似文献   

任意图支配集精确算法回顾   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
该文综述了任意图支配集精确算法分析和设计的新进展.支配集问题是经典NP完全问题,很多问题都能与它相联系.我们针对最小支配集、最大独立集、最小独立支配集、最小连通支配集、最小加权支配集问题提供了详尽算法描述和实例说明,以使文章自包含方便阅读.文中还讨论了诸如分支简化策略、复杂度分析、测度分析、记忆等技术.自Claude Berge首次准确阐述现代图支配概念后,经过很长一段时期的沉寂,关于指数时间精确算法设计的研究热情在过去五年中显著增涨.除回顾这些最新成果之外,作者还盼望国内研究团体能更加重视这个快速发展的研究领域.  相似文献   

Theory of Computing Systems - Given a sequence of integers, we want to find a longest increasing subsequence of the sequence. It is known that this problem can be solved in $Oleft (n log nright...  相似文献   

There is substantial literature dealing with fixed parameter algorithms for the dominating set problem on various families of graphs. In this paper, we give a k O(dk) n time algorithm for finding a dominating set of size at most k in a d-degenerated graph with n vertices. This proves that the dominating set problem is fixed-parameter tractable for degenerated graphs. For graphs that do not contain K h as a topological minor, we give an improved algorithm for the problem with running time (O(h)) hk n. For graphs which are K h -minor-free, the running time is further reduced to (O(log h)) hk/2 n. Fixed-parameter tractable algorithms that are linear in the number of vertices of the graph were previously known only for planar graphs. For the families of graphs discussed above, the problem of finding an induced cycle of a given length is also addressed. For every fixed H and k, we show that if an H-minor-free graph G with n vertices contains an induced cycle of size k, then such a cycle can be found in O(n) expected time as well as in O(nlog n) worst-case time. Some results are stated concerning the (im)possibility of establishing linear time algorithms for the more general family of degenerated graphs. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON), Banff, Alberta, Canada (2007), pp. 394–405. N. Alon research supported in part by a grant from the Israel Science Foundation, and by the Hermann Minkowski Minerva Center for Geometry at Tel Aviv University. This paper forms part of a Ph.D. thesis written by S. Gutner under the supervision of Prof. N. Alon and Prof. Y. Azar in Tel Aviv University.  相似文献   

We present a general framework for designing fast subexponential exact and parameterized algorithms on planar graphs. Our approach is based on geometric properties of planar branch decompositions obtained by Seymour and Thomas, combined with refined techniques of dynamic programming on planar graphs based on properties of non-crossing partitions. To exemplify our approach we show how to obtain an  $O(2^{6.903\sqrt{n}})We present a general framework for designing fast subexponential exact and parameterized algorithms on planar graphs. Our approach is based on geometric properties of planar branch decompositions obtained by Seymour and Thomas, combined with refined techniques of dynamic programming on planar graphs based on properties of non-crossing partitions. To exemplify our approach we show how to obtain an  O(26.903?n)O(2^{6.903\sqrt{n}}) time algorithm solving weighted Hamiltonian Cycle on an n-vertex planar graph. Similar technique solves Planar Graph Travelling Salesman Problem with n cities in time O(29.8594?n)O(2^{9.8594\sqrt{n}}) . Our approach can be used to design parameterized algorithms as well. For example, we give an algorithm that for a given k decides if a planar graph on n vertices has a cycle of length at least k in time O(213.6?kn+n3)O(2^{13.6\sqrt{k}}n+n^{3}) .  相似文献   

最长路径问题研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最长路径问题是著名的NP难问题,在生物信息学等领域中有着重要的应用.参数计算理论产生后,参数化形式的k-Path问题成了研究的热点.介绍了现有求解最长路径问题的几种算法,包括近似算法、参数化算法和特殊图的多项式时间算法;着重分析和比较了参数化算法中利用着色、分治和代数法研究k-Path问题的最新结果.最后,提出了该问题的进一步研究方向.  相似文献   

The maximum satisfiability problem (MAX-SAT) is stated as follows: Given a boolean formula in CNF, find a truth assignment that satisfies the maximum possible number of its clauses. MAX-SAT is MAX-SNP-complete and received much attention recently. One of the challenges posed by Alber, Gramm and Niedermeier in a recent survey paper asks: Can MAX-SAT be solved in less than 2n “steps”? Here, n is the number of distinct variables in the formula and a step may take polynomial time of the input. We answered this challenge positively by showing that a popular algorithm based on branch-and-bound is bounded by O(2n) in time, where n is the maximum number of occurrences of any variable in the input.When the input formula is in 2-CNF, that is, each clause has at most two literals, MAX-SAT becomes MAX-2-SAT and the decision version of MAX-2-SAT is still NP-complete. The best bound of the known algorithms for MAX-2-SAT is O(m2m/5), where m is the number of clauses. We propose an efficient decision algorithm for MAX-2-SAT whose time complexity is bound by O(n2n). This result is substantially better than the previously known results. Experimental results also show that our algorithm outperforms any algorithm we know on MAX-2-SAT.  相似文献   

The Induced Graph Matching problem asks to find \(k\) disjoint induced subgraphs isomorphic to a given graph  \(H\) in a given graph \(G\) such that there are no edges between vertices of different subgraphs. This problem generalizes the classical Independent Set and Induced Matching problems, among several other problems. We show that Induced Graph Matching is fixed-parameter tractable in \(k\) on claw-free graphs when \(H\) is a fixed connected graph, and even admits a polynomial kernel when  \(H\) is a complete graph. Both results rely on a new, strong, and generic algorithmic structure theorem for claw-free graphs. Complementing the above positive results, we prove \(\mathsf {W}[1]\) -hardness of Induced Graph Matching on graphs excluding \(K_{1,4}\) as an induced subgraph, for any fixed complete graph \(H\) . In particular, we show that Independent Set is \(\mathsf {W}[1]\) -hard on \(K_{1,4}\) -free graphs. Finally, we consider the complexity of Induced Graph Matching on a large subclass of claw-free graphs, namely on proper circular-arc graphs. We show that the problem is either polynomial-time solvable or \(\mathsf {NP}\) -complete, depending on the connectivity of \(H\) and the structure of \(G\) .  相似文献   

We study three complexity parameters that, for each vertex v, are an upper bound for the number of cliques that are sufficient to cover a subset S(v) of its neighbors. We call a graph k-perfectly groupable if S(v) consists of all neighbors, k-simplicial if S(v) consists of the neighbors with a higher number after assigning distinct numbers to all vertices, and k-perfectly orientable if S(v) consists of the endpoints of all outgoing edges from v for an orientation of all edges. These parameters measure in some sense how chordal-like a graph is—the last parameter was not previously considered in literature. The similarity to chordal graphs is used to construct simple polynomial-time approximation algorithms with constant approximation ratio for many NP-hard problems, when restricted to graphs for which at least one of the three complexity parameters is bounded by a constant. As applications we present approximation algorithms with constant approximation ratio for maximum weighted independent set, minimum (independent) dominating set, minimum vertex coloring, maximum weighted clique, and minimum clique partition for large classes of intersection graphs.  相似文献   

Graph homomorphism, also called H-coloring, is a natural generalization of graph coloring: There is a homomorphism from a graph G to a complete graph on k vertices if and only if G is k-colorable. During recent years the topic of exact (exponential-time) algorithms for NP-hard problems in general, and for graph coloring in particular, has led to extensive research. Consequently, it is natural to ask how the techniques developed for exact graph coloring algorithms can be extended to graph homomorphisms. By the celebrated result of Hell and Nesetril, for each fixed simple graph H, deciding whether a given simple graph G has a homomorphism to H is polynomial-time solvable if H is a bipartite graph, and NP-complete otherwise. The case where H is the cycle of length 5, is the first NP-hard case different from graph coloring. We show that for an odd integer , whether an input graph G with n vertices is homomorphic to the cycle of length k, can be decided in time . We extend the results obtained for cycles, which are graphs of treewidth two, to graphs of bounded treewidth as follows: if H is of treewidth at most t, then whether input graph G with n vertices is homomorphic to H can be decided in time .  相似文献   

Hierarchical graphs and clustered graphs are useful non-classical graph models for structured relational information. Hierarchical graphs are graphs with layering structures; clustered graphs are graphs with recursive clustering structures. Both have applications in CASE tools, software visualization and VLSI design. Drawing algorithms for hierarchical graphs have been well investigated. However, the problem of planar straight-line representation has not been solved completely. In this paper we answer the question: does every planar hierarchical graph admit a planar straight-line hierarchical drawing? We present an algorithm that constructs such drawings in linear time. Also, we answer a basic question for clustered graphs, that is, does every planar clustered graph admit a planar straight-line drawing with clusters drawn as convex polygons? We provide a method for such drawings based on our algorithm for hierarchical graphs.  相似文献   

牟廉明 《计算机工程》2007,33(17):208-210
引入了单源单汇线性有向k-部图,设计了该结构上的删除算法、合并算法和输出算法,在此基础上给出了判断有向图是否含有H回路的多项式时间算法和计算H回路数的多项式时间算法,给出了求解有向图的所有H回路算法,并通过实例验证了算法的有效性,解决了H回路的判定、计数和求解问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present optimal O(log n) time, O(n/log n) processor EREW PRAM parallel algorithms for finding the connected components, cut vertices, and bridges of a permutation graph. We also present an O(log n) time, O(n) processor, CREW PRAM model parallel algorithm for finding a Breadth First Search (BFS) spanning tree of a permutation graph rooted at vertex 1 and use the same to derive an efficient parallel algorithm for the All Pairs Shortest Path problem on permutation graphs.  相似文献   

提出2种针对3条源序列的近似LCS算法,近似因子均为1/|?|。其中,线性近似LCS算法的时空复杂度均为 , 为最长源序列的长度,适于解决大规模问题。递归近似LCS算法时空复杂度均为O(nlogn),适于要求高精度问题。同时,这2种算法都能用于解决多序列的LCS和CLCS问题。实验验证了这2种算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Algorithms for Finding Repeated Game Equilibria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes computational techniques for finding all equilibria in infinitely repeated games with discounting and perfect monitoring. It illustrates these techniques with a three player Cournot game. This is the first infinitely repeated three player game ever solved. The paper also presents the solution for the set of equilibria in a two country tariff war. In both games the set of equilibria is large even when the players are not patient.  相似文献   

In the longest common subsequence problem the task is to find the longest sequence of letters that can be found as a subsequence in all members of a given finite set of sequences. The problem is one of the fundamental problems in computer science with the task of finding a given pattern in a text as an important special case. It has applications in bioinformatics; problem-specific algorithms and facts about its complexity are known. Motivated by reports about good performance of evolutionary algorithms for some instances of this problem a theoretical analysis of a generic evolutionary algorithm is performed. The general algorithmic framework encompasses EAs as different as steady state GAs with uniform crossover and randomized hill-climbers. For all these algorithms it is proved that even rather simple special cases of the longest common subsequence problem can neither be solved to optimality nor approximately be solved up to an approximation factor arbitrarily close to 2.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an n^ O(k 1-1/d ) -time algorithm for solving the k -center problem in \reals d , under L fty - and L 2 -metrics. The algorithm extends to other metrics, and to the discrete k -center problem. We also describe a simple (1+ɛ) -approximation algorithm for the k -center problem, with running time O(nlog k) + (k/ɛ)^ O(k 1-1/d ) . Finally, we present an n^ O(k 1-1/d ) -time algorithm for solving the L -capacitated k -center problem, provided that L=Ω(n/k 1-1/d ) or L=O(1) . Received July 25, 2000; revised April 6, 2001.  相似文献   

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