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Peritoneal dialysis, continuous hemofiltration (HF) and continuous hemodiafiltration (HDF) are the most convenient methods for blood purification in pediatric intensive care units. HF is based on the ultrafiltration process and removes not only water but also Na, K, bicarbonate, urea and creatinine with sieving coefficient close to 1. HDF is based on both ultrafiltration and diffusion processes and increases the removal of low molecular weight solutes (urea). These procedures are indicated in: 1) neonates presenting with oligo-anuric acute renal failure (ARF) or fluid overload withstanding diuretics or some metabolic diseases; 2) children presenting with ARF, fluid overload or some metabolic disorders, poisonings or shocks.  相似文献   

The teaching and reinforcing of advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ACPR) is an important part of the role of an intensive care nurse manager. This study highlights the need for a structured training programme, as well as regular updates in ACPR. Current research shows poor retention of CPR skills amongst nursing staff. A small study was undertaken amongst intensive care trained nurses at The Middlesex Hospital intensive care unit (ICU). 18 nurses took part in the study, and were each interviewed with regard to their knowledge of ACPR in December 1990. The period of time since last trained in ACPR ranged from 2 months-4 years. Those who had been recently updated in ACPR (up to 4 months prior to interview) scored higher than those who were updated more than 2 years ago. The results showed that most nurses interviewed were only able to answer correctly half the questions asked. These results indicate that the nurses in the study generally demonstrated a severe lack of knowledge of ACPR. This indicates the need for a structured training package in ACPR, followed by frequent reinforcement of ACPR knowledge and skills for nurses practising in an ICU environment.  相似文献   

This discussion about advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) reflects disappointment with the over 50% of out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) attempts that fail to achieve restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Hospital discharge rates are equally poor for in-hospital CPR attempts outside special care units. Early bystander CPR and early defibrillation (manual, semi-automatic or automatic) are the most effective methods for achieving ROSC from ventricular fibrillation (VF). Automated external defibrillation (AED), which is effective in the hands of first responders in the out-of-hospital setting, should also be used and evaluated in hospitals, inside and outside of special care units. The first countershock is most important. Biphasic waveforms seem to have advantages over monophasic ones. Tracheal intubation has obvious efficacy when the airway is threatened. Scientific documentation of specific types, doses, and timing of drug treatments (epinephrine, bicarbonate, lidocaine, bretylium) are weak. Clinical trials have failed so far to document anything statistically but a breakthrough effect. Interactions between catecholamines and buffers need further exploration. A major cause of unsuccessful attempts at ROSC is the underlying disease, which present ACLS guidelines do not consider adequately. Early thrombolysis and early coronary revascularization procedures should also be considered for selected victims of sudden cardiac death. Emergency cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) could be a breakthrough measure, but cannot be initiated rapidly enough in the field due to technical limitations. Open-chest CPR by ambulance physicians deserves further trials. In searches for causes of VF, neurocardiology gives clues for new directions. Fibrillation and defibrillation thresholds are influenced by the peripheral sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and impulses from the frontal cerebral cortex. CPR for cardiac arrest of the mother in advanced pregnancy requires modifications and outcome data. Until more recognizable critical factors for ROSC are identified, titrated sequencing of ACLS measures, based on physiologic rationale and sound judgement, rather than rigid standards, gives the best chance for achieving survival with good cerebral function.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to survey practical skills and theoretical knowledge in lifesaving first aid among health and rescue workers outside hospital. 45 police officers, 46 firemen, 57 nurses and 42 general practitioners participated. Unprepared, they were presented with a "patient" (resuscitation doll) without respiration or heart beat, and were asked to do what was necessary to revive the "patient". They were afterwards questioned about specific emergency medical situations, how they assessed their own achievement and when they last had training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Only 1% were able to perform satisfactory basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation of a cardiac arrest according to the accepted guidelines, and only 17% ventilated and compressed efficiently with a rhythm of 2:15 or 1:5. 50% believed they were efficient in lifesaving first aid. Those who had taken a course in first aid during the previous year achieved significantly better results than the rest. It is concluded that health and rescue workers outside hospital follow the European Resuscitation Council's guidelines for basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation to only a small degree, but that the situation can be improved by more regular training.  相似文献   

Resuscitation (CPR) courses stress acquisition of psychomotor skills. The number of mannequins may limit the 'hands-on' time available for each trainee to practise CPR and impede acquisition of skill. This may occur because expensive, sophisticated mannequins are favoured over individual, simple mannequins. In a blind, prospective, controlled study we compared one-rescuer CPR skills of 165 trainees in two cohorts using their own individual light-weight torso mannequins (Actar 911 and Laerdal Little Anne) and a control cohort with four to five trainees sharing a sophisticated mannequin (Laerdal Recording Resusci Anne). No major significant differences (p = 0.18) were found when using the 'Berden scoring system'. Both the Actar 911 and the Little Anne were compatible with the Recording Resusci Anne. Trainees preferred the individual mannequins. We conclude that the results indicate that the use of individual mannequins in conjunction with a sophisticated mannequin neither results in trainees learning incorrect skills nor in significant improvement. Further analysis of the actual training in lay person CPR training courses and evaluation of course didactics to optimize training time appear indicated.  相似文献   

Sleep deprivation is known to affect driving safety. Housestaff (HS) are routinely sleep-deprived when on call. We hypothesized that this would affect their driving. We therefore administered questionnaires regarding driving to 70 pediatric HS, who were on call every fourth night, and to 85 faculty members (FAC), who were rarely disturbed at night. HS were questioned about events during their residency, and FAC were questioned about events during the preceding three years. There was an 87% response rate for each group. HS slept 2.7 +/- 0.9 (SD) hours when on call vs 7.2 +/- 0.8 hours when not on call (p < 0.001). 44% of HS had fallen asleep when stopped at a light, vs 12.5% FAC (p < 0.001). 23% of HS had fallen asleep while driving vs. 8% FAC (ns). A total of 49% of HS had fallen asleep at the wheel; 90% of these events occurred post-call. In contrast, only 13% of FAC had fallen asleep at the wheel (p < 0.001). HS had received a total of 25 traffic citations for moving violations vs. 15 for FAC and were involved in 20 motor vehicle accidents vs. 11 for FAC. One traffic citation clearly resulted from HS falling asleep at the wheel vs. none for FAC. We conclude that HS frequently fall asleep when driving post-call. We speculate that current HS work schedules may place some HS at risk for injury to themselves and others. Further study, using prospectively objective measures is indicated.  相似文献   

The topics discussed in this session include a partial review of laboratory and clinical studies examining the effects of adrenergic agonists on restoration of spontaneous circulation after cardiac arrest, the effects of varying doses of epinephrine, and the effects of novel vasopressors, buffer agents (NaHCO3, THAM, 'Carbicarb') and anti-arrhythmics (lidocaine, bretylium, amiodarone) in refractory ventricular fibrillation. Novel therapeutic approaches include titrating electric countershocks against electrocardiographic power spectra and of preceding the first countershocks with single or multiple drug treatments. These approaches need to be investigated further in controlled animal and patient studies. Epidemiologic data from randomized clinical outcome studies can give clues, but cannot document pharmacologic mechanisms in the dynamically changing events during attempts to achieve restoration of spontaneous circulation from prolonged cardiac arrest. Also, rapid drug administration by the intraosseous route was compared with intratracheal and intravenous (i.v.) drug administration. Many studies on the above treatments have yielded conflicting results because of differences between healthy hearts of animals and sick hearts of patients, differences in arrest (no-flow) times and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (low-flow) times, different pharmacokinetics, different dose/response requirements, and different timing of drug administration during low-flow CPR versus during spontaneous circulation. The need to stabilize normotension and prevent rearrest by titrated novel drug administration, once spontaneous circulation has been restored, requires research. Most of the above topics require some re-evaluation in clinically realistic animal models and in cardiac arrest patients, especially by titration of old and new drug treatments against variables that can be monitored continuously during resuscitation.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Clinical competence certification is now required in some specialties in medicine. A Comprehensive Clinical Assessment (CCA) was created to test mastery of critical skills by students at the end of the 3rd year of medical school. METHODS: The CCA is a series of stations that test skills the faculty consider important for all medical students (eg, breast examination, electrocardiogram reading, chest pain assessment, ophthalmology photographs). The radiology station was designed to evaluate imaging skills believed to be taught and learned in the core 3rd-year rotations. RESULTS: External measures (National Board Examinations, grade point average, and overall score) of clinical performance of the 608 medical students who completed the CCA examination between 1991 and 1993 were found to be correlated with the radiology station scores. CONCLUSION: The radiology station in the CCA examination is a reproducible measure of clinical performance.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: As a first step in testing the utility of using trained "standardized examinees" (SEs) as a quality-assurance measure for the scoring process in a standardized-patient (SP) examination, to test whether medical residents could simulate students in an SP examination and perform consistently to specified levels under test conditions. METHOD: Fourth-year students from the Baltimore-Washington Consortium for SPs participated in a National Board of Medical Examiners Prototype Examination of clinical skills consisting of twelve 15-minute student-patient encounters in 1994-95. For this examination, internal medicine residents were trained to act as ordinary candidates and to achieve target scores by performing to a set level on specific checklist items used by SPs for recording interviewing, physical-examination, and communication skills. The "strong SEs" were trained to score 80% correct on six of the examination's 12 cases (study cases), and the "weak SEs" were trained to score 40% correct on the same six cases. The strong and weak SEs' checklist scores on the study cases were compared through independent, two-tailed t-tests. When there was less than 85% agreement on specific checklist items in each case between the SE training and the SP recording, videotapes of the cases were reviewed; in such cases an SE's performance was the final score agreed upon after review. RESULTS: Seven SEs took the SP examination and were not detected by the SPs. There was a total of 84 discrepancies between predicted and recorded checklist scores across 659 checklist items in 40 encounters scored by the SPs. After correcting the discrepancies based on videotape review, the estimated actual mean score was 77.3% for the strong SEs and 44.0% for the weak SEs, and was higher for the strong SEs in each study case. The overall fidelity of the SEs to their training was estimated to be 97%, and the overall SP accuracy was estimated to be 91%. The videotape review revealed 47 training-scoring discrepancies, most in the area of communication skills. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that SEs can be trained to specific performance levels and may be an effective internal control for a high-stakes SP examination. They may also provide a mechanism for refining scoring checklists and for exploring the validity of SP examinations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This article describes a training program in psychiatric aspects of medical practice. It is aimed at medical residents. METHODS: Six fundamental elements have been identified that contribute to the effectiveness of this program. 1) It directly confronts resistance to such training. 2) Practical skills are emphasized. 3) Learning is active. 4) Attention to group process during training is used. 5) Integration by on-site location of the psychiatrist and co-teaching with medical faculty is essential. 6) Teaching efforts are integrated with clinical service. RESULTS: All 112 medical housestaff participate in the program with a generally enthusiastic response. CONCLUSIONS: Successful educational programs for primary care residents require teaching collaboration between psychiatric and medical faculty and impart specific clinical skills while addressing perceived burdens of time and emotional reactions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We sought to evaluate the effects of intermittent transdermal nitroglycerin (TD-NTG) on the occurrence of ischemia during patch-off hours in patients with stable angina pectoris receiving a beta-adrenergic blocking agent or calcium antagonist, or both. BACKGROUND: The current recommendations for the use of intermittent TD-NTG may be associated with the occurrence of rebound ischemia. METHODS: This was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial with three study periods. Tolerability to TD-NTG was assessed in Period I. Seventy-two patients were assigned to receive either double-blind transdermal placebo or maximally tolerated TD-NTG for 2 weeks (Period II) and were then crossed over to the alternative treatment for another 2 weeks (Period III). The patients were instructed to apply medication daily at 8 AM, to remove it at 10 PM and to note symptoms and sublingual nitroglycerin (SL-NTG) use in a diary. The occurrence of ischemia was assessed from patient-perceived angina, symptom-limited exercise treadmill test (ETT) and 48-h ambulatory electrocardiographic (AECG) monitoring. RESULTS: Transdermal NTG (0.2 to 0.4 mg/h) significantly reduced the magnitude of ST segment depression at angina onset during ETT compared with placebo. Total angina frequency was not significantly different between TD-NTG (mean [+/-SD] 3.2 +/- 4.2) and placebo (3.3 +/- 5.2). During patch-off hours, angina frequency increased with TD-NTG (1.1 +/- 2.1) compared with placebo (0.7 +/- 1.6) (p = 0.03). Similar trends for an increase in ischemia after TD-NTG were also observed from AECG analyses. Specifically, ischemia frequency tended to be lower during patch-off hours for placebo than with TD-NTG (0.05 +/- 0.09 vs. 0.08 +/- 0.20 episodes/h, respectively, p = 0.08), even though frequency of ischemia tended to be higher during patch-on hours for placebo than with TD-NTG (0.12 +/- 0.19 vs. 0.07 +/- 0.15 episodes/h, respectively, p = 0.11). During placebo, ischemia frequency decreased 58% (patch-on to patch-off, p = 0.01) compared with a 14% increase with TD-NTG. These changes attenuate the usual circadian variation in ischemia. CONCLUSIONS: An increase in ischemia frequency during patch-off hours after use of intermittent TD-NTG was perceived by patients, and this subjective finding was supported by a corresponding trend for AECG ischemia to increase during these same hours.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: The benefit of Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) medications during cardiac resuscitation is uncertain. The objective of this study was to determine whether the use of these medications increased resuscitation from in-hospital cardiac arrest. METHODS: A prospective cohort of patients undergoing cardiac arrest in 1 of 5 academic hospitals was studied. Patient and arrest factors related to resuscitation outcome were recorded. We determined the association of the administration of ACLS drugs (epinephrine, atropine, bicarbonate, calcium, lidocaine, and bretylium) with survival at 1 hour after resuscitation. RESULTS: Seven hundred seventy-three patients underwent cardiac resuscitation, with 269 (34. 8%) surviving for 1 hour. Use of epinephrine, atropine, bicarbonate, calcium, and lidocaine was associated with a decreased chance of successful resuscitation (P <.001 for all except lidocaine, P <.01). While controlling for significant patient factors (age, gender, and previous cardiac or respiratory disease) and arrest factors (initial cardiac rhythm, and cause of arrest), multivariate logistic regression demonstrated a significant association between unsuccessful resuscitation and the use of epinephrine (odds ratio . 08 [95% confidence interval .04-.14]), atropine (.24 [.17-.35]), bicarbonate (.31 [.21-.44]), calcium (.32 [.18-.55]), and lidocaine (.48 [.33-.71]). Drug effects did not improve when patients were grouped by their initial cardiac rhythm. Cox proportional hazards models that controlled for significant confounders demonstrated that survivors were significantly less likely to receive epinephrine (P <. 001) or atropine (P <.001) throughout the arrest. CONCLUSION: We found no association between standard ACLS medications and improved resuscitation from in-hospital cardiac arrest. Randomized clinical trials are needed to determine whether other therapies can improve resuscitation from cardiac arrest when compared with the presently used ACLS drugs.  相似文献   

24 traumatically brain injured (TBI) adults (12 vocational training placement candidates [good workers] and 12 work adjustment candidates [poor workers]) participated in a reliability and validity study of a 1-hr job retention simulation. Each S received 3 parallel forms of the WPA and experienced 3 different administrators. Results indicate that the WPA could be reliably scored in vivo by administrators or at a later time by videotape raters. Client performance was stable across the 3 units or parallel forms irrespective of the order in which those units were presented. It is suggested that the WPA can be used to identify TBI clients in need of work adjustment training. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether basal levels of circulating cytokines and selectins exhibit a distinct profile in attack-free, non-colchicine taking familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) patients compared to normal healthy controls, and to determine the effect of colchicine treatment on these parameters. METHODS: Serum levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and soluble P-, E-, and L-selectin in attack-free, asymptomatic, non-colchicine using FMF patients (n = 11) and in normal controls (n = 10) were studied. Following 2 months of colchicine treatment the same parameters were evaluated again in the FMF patients. RESULTS: Before colchicine treatment the serum levels of all parameters except soluble P-selectin were significantly higher in FMF patients than in controls. After two months of treatment statistically significant decreases were observed in these parameters (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: A distinct profile of IL-6, IL-8, TNF-alpha, and soluble E- and L-selectin levels was observed in FMF patients, which could reflect the presence of sustained inflammation in attack-free FMF patients. The effect of colchicine on these parameters suggests its therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Over a 41-month period, 1,233 "Code Blues" were retrospectively reviewed. Twenty-five codes on infants and children < 16 years of age were eliminated from the study group. The adult survivors of 1,208 codes numbered 243 (20.1%). Clinical chart review revealed that 49 (4.0%) did not involve cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or intubation and were "non-codes." Of the remaining 1,159 codes, there were 194 (16.7%) survivors. Of these survivors, 102 (52.5%) were patients with respiratory distress or failure and required intubation only. No CPR was needed. Thus, only the remaining 92 survivors of the 1,057 codes were cardiac cases for which CPR was appropriate (8.7% survival). Ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation, promptly defibrillated, was the most important rhythm factor for survival. Underlying ischemic heart disease (acute myocardial infarction and chronic ischemic heart disease with arrhythmia) was the most common underlying disease entity among the survivors. CPR performed in the group of patients unlikely to survive was expensive.  相似文献   

This study compared the early cognitive and linguistic development of young children with cleft palate (N = 28) to that of noncleft children (N = 29). Measures included the Mental scale of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, the Minnesota Child Development Inventory, Mean Length of Utterance, and words acquired by 24 months. Children with cleft palate, although well within the normal range, performed significantly below the children in the control group on the Mental Scale of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, some subscales of the Minnesota Child Development Inventory, and words acquired by 24 months. Differences observed in the cognitive development of children with and without cleft palate were verbal as opposed to nonverbal (i.e., linguistic in nature) and were related to hearing status at 12 months and velopharyngeal adequacy.  相似文献   

电化学深度氧化法处理硝基苯废水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用钛基DSA类金属氧化物电极对含硝基苯类废水进行了电化学深度氧化处理,并用高效液相色谱分别对阴、阳极产物进行了分析.结果表明,硝基苯最终被深度氧化为CO2,H2O,有中间产物--埘硝基酚出现,无其他新物质生成.电解过程中阳极酸性持续增强,阴极显碱性,阳极降解效率高于阴极.根据实验结果推测出硝基苯去除机理为:在自由基作用下,按硝基苯→硝基酚类→苯酚类→二氧化碳、水的途径降解.  相似文献   

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