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Ceramic samples of the melilite-type La1+ x Sr1– x Ga3O7–δ ( x =−0.15 to 0.60) compound were prepared by conventional ceramic processing. Sintering characteristics and microstructural evolution were studied. A phase diagram study was performed to establish the solid solubility limits as a function of the La:Sr ratio. Structural investigations of the Dalton composition as well as strontium- and lanthanum-rich samples entailed X-ray, neutron, and electron diffraction techniques at ambient and elevated temperatures. The homogeneity region was remarkably broad ( x =−0.15 to 0.60) with no changes in space group observed. A small shrinkage of the unit cell was found with increased lanthanum content. Phase transitions at ambient and intermediate temperatures did not occur.  相似文献   

The vaporization of the samples of the compositions Ga2O3+ LaGaO3, LaGaO3+ La4Ga2O9, and La4Ga2O9+ La2O3 was investigated using Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry in the temperature range 1494–1937 K. The partial pressures of the gaseous species O2, Ga, GaO, Ga2O, and LaO were determined over the samples investigated. The equilibrium partial pressures were used for the calculation of the thermodynamic activities of the components at 1700 K. Gibbs energies of formation of LaGaO3( s ) and La4Ga2O9( s ) at 1700 K from the component oxides were derived from the thermodynamic activities as −46.4 ± 4.7 and −99.2 ± 7.9 kJ·mol−1, respectively. The results were compared with the literature data obtained using other methods.  相似文献   

Annealing studies were conducted on bulk La0.7Ca0.3MnO3−δ to determine the sensitivity of its structural and magnetic properties to oxygenation conditions. Standard bulk sintering conditions, thin-film annealing conditions for obtaining good magnetoresistive properties, and a reducing anneal, which corresponded to the onset of phase decomposition, were conducted. The main phase formed was a face-centered (fcc) pseudocubic double-perovskite structure, with cell parameters of a ∼ 2 a p∼ 0.772 nm, where a p is the single-perovskite cubic cell parameter. A minor superstructure—body-centered pseudotetragonal, with lattice parameters of c = 4 a p and a =√2 a p—was observed in samples with (3 −δ) < 3. A maximum of 20% of the superstructure was formed using the most-reducing conditions. The superstructure had a lower critical temperature than the main phase and depressed ferromagnetic order.  相似文献   

The metastable crystal structure of strontium- and magnesium-substituted LaGaO3 (LSGM) was studied at room and intermediate temperatures using powder X-ray diffractometry and Rietveld refinement analysis. With increased strontium and magnesium content, phase transitions were found to occur from orthorhombic (space group Pbnm ) to rhombohedral (space group R [Threemacr] c ) at the composition La0.825Sr0.175Ga0.825Mg0.175O2.825 and, eventually, to cubic (space group Pm [Threemacr] m ) at the composition La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.8. At 500°C in air and at constant strontium and magnesium content, a phase transformation from orthorhombic (space group Pbnm ) to cubic (space group Pm [Threemacr] m ) was observed. For the orthorhombic modification, thermal expansion coefficients were determined to be α a ,ortho = 10.81 × 10−6 K−1, α b ,ortho = 9.77 × 10−6 K−1, and α c ,ortho = 9.83 × 10−6 K−1 (25°–400°C), and for the cubic modification to be αcubic= 13.67 × 10−6 K−1 (500°–1000°C).  相似文献   

La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ perovskites were studied as potential materials for solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes. The phase relations in the LaFeO3–SrFeO3−δ–LaAlO3 system were investigated by X-ray powder diffraction analysis. The defect structure of the La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ perovskites was investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy and weight-loss analysis. Relations between the nonstoichiometry and the conductivity of the La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ perovskites were investigated. The incorporation of aluminum ( x ) into LaFe1− x AlxO3 was found to have no influence on the defect structure but to decrease the conductivity. The incorporation of strontium ( y ) into La1− y Sr y Fe1− x Al x O3−δ promotes the formation of anion vacancies and Fe4+ that lead to higher conductivity.  相似文献   

The reaction kinetics and mechanisms between 8 mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and 30 mol% Sr-doped lanthanum manganite (La0.65Sr0.30MnO3, LSM) with A-site deficiency for the application of planar solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) were investigated. The LSM/YSZ green tapes were cofired from 1200° to 1400°C for 1 to 48 h and then annealed at 1000°C for up to 1000 h. The results showed that the diffusion of manganese cations first caused the amorphization of YSZ, and then the formation of small La2Zr2O7 (LZ) or SrZrO3 (SZ) crystals if treated for a longer time at 1400°C. The ambipolar diffusion of the Mn–O pair, transported through the migration of oxygen vacancy, plays an important role in the formation of secondary phases. The diffusion of LSM to YSZ and substitution of Mn for Zr both result in the enhanced concentration of oxygen vacancy, leading to the formation of a void-free zone (VFZ). No additional reaction products in annealed LSM/YSZ specimens, treated at 1000°C for 1000 h, were detected. The interfacial reactions, detailed reaction kinetics, and mechanisms are reported.  相似文献   

Steady-state compressive creep rate of La0.5Sr0.5Fe0.5Co0.5O3−δ (LSFC) and La0.5Sr0.5CoO3−δ (LSC) is reported in the temperature region 900°–1050°C and stress range 5–28 MPa. The stress exponents for the two materials were 1.71±0.18 and 1.24±0.15, respectively. The activation energy for creep was considerably higher for LSC (619±56 kJ/mol) than for LSFC (392±28 kJ/mol). The grain size exponent for LSC was 1.28±0.14. Considerably higher creep rates were observed for both materials in N2 compared with air. Relaxation by creep of chemical-induced stresses in oxygen-permeable membranes is addressed, especially at low partial pressure of oxygen.  相似文献   

Porosity, grain growth, phase composition, and microstructural defects were studied in sintered YBa2 (Cu1−x)3O7−x ceramics for x values up to 0.3. The porosity of the samples, related to the sintering mechanism, was independent of iron concentration. A linear dependence of the grain size with the inverse of the iron concentration was found, strongly suggesting grain boundary segregation of iron. The solubility limit was estimated to be x = 0.18 at 950°C in O2. Beyond this limit, a new microstructural component was found consisting of YBa2(Cu1−xFex)3O7−δ, YBaCuFeO5 and Ba(Cu,Fe)O2. The transition from an orthorhombic twin to an orthorhombic tweed phase and a tetragonal phase was detected by polarized light microscopy.  相似文献   

Tin (Sn) substitution into the B-site and Nd/Sn cosubstitution into the A- and B-sites were investigated in a Ba 6−3 x Sm8+2 x Ti18O54solid solution ( x = 2/3). A small amount of tin substitution for titanium improved the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τf) but led to a decrease of the relative dielectric constant (ɛ) and the quality factor ( Qf ). The Ba6−3 x Sm8+2 x (Ti1− z Snz)18O54-based tungsten-bronze phase became unstable for compositions with a tin content of ≥10 mol%, where BaSm2O4and Sm2(Sn,Ti)2O7appeared, and finally, these phases became the major phases. On the other hand, Nd/Sn cosubstitution led to a good combination of high ɛ, high Qf , and near-zero τf. Excellent microwave dielectric properties were achieved in Ba6−3 x (Sm1− y Nd y )8+2 x (Ti1− z Sn z )18O54ceramics with y = 0.8 and z = 0.05 sintered at 1360°C for 3 h: ɛ= 82, Qf = 10 000 GHz, and calculated τf=+17 ppm/°C. The tolerance factor and electronegativity difference exhibited important effects on the microwave dielectric properties, especially the Qf value. A large tolerance factor and high electronegativity difference generally led to a higher Qf value.  相似文献   

Electrical properties of CeO2 thin films of different Y2O3 dopant concentration as prepared earlier were studied using impedance spectroscopy. The ionic conductivities of the films were found to be dominated by grain boundaries of high conductivity as compared with that of the bulk ceramic of the same dopant concentration sintered at 1500°C. The film grain-boundary conductivities were investigated with regard to grain size, grain-boundary impurity segregation, space charge at grain boundaries, and grain-boundary microstructures. Because of the large grain boundary and surface area in thin films, the impurity concentration is insufficient to form a continuous highly resistive Si-rich glassy phase at grain boundaries, such that the resistivity associated with space-charge layers becomes important. The grain-boundary resistance may originate from oxygen-vacancy-trapping near grain boundaries from space-charge layers. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy coupled with a trans-boundary profile of electron energy loss spectroscopy gives strong credence to the space-charged layers. Since the conductivities of the films were observed to be independent of crystallographic texture, the interface misorientation contribution to the grain-boundary resistance is considered to be negligible with respect to those of the impurity layer and space-charge layers.  相似文献   

The (YBa2Cu3)1−xNaxO7–δ system in the range of x = 0–0.8 was investigated. Experimental data suggest that the sodium doping with x 0.26 does not affect the critical transition temperature Tc, and the crystal structure maintains the orthorhombic lattice with a slightly smaller unit cell. However, sodium doping increases the sintering and grain growth kinetics, resulting in a higher superconducting phase volume and an enhanced Meissner effect. It also lowers the processing temperaturel. The experimental data also suggest that the sodium atoms diffuse into the superconducting YBa2Cu3O7−δ crystallites, which stabilizes the orthorhombic phase. The transition temperature (ortho-rhombic to tetragonal) in sodium-doped materials increases with the increasing concentration of sodium.  相似文献   

Intermediate-stage sintering of lanthanum strontium manganite (LSM, where Sr=0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20) was shown in dilatometry studies to be accelerated when subjected to alternating flows of air and nitrogen. The extent of rate enhancement decreased with increased Sr content, and decreased with increased temperature, which coincides with diminished oxygen nonstoichiometry. Shrinkage rates were further shown to be sensitive to the difference in oxygen content in the alternating gas flows. Baseline air sintering rates were measured using stepwise isothermal dilatometry, from which kinetic parameters were calculated using the Makipirtti–Meng model. Activation energies for sintering in air were determined to be 255 ± 26, 258 ± 28, 308 ± 32, 373 ± 37, and 417 ± 41 kJ/mol for Sr=0.0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20, respectively. A diffusion-based model is proposed that is consistent with trends in accelerated shrinkage versus temperature. Transient cation vacancy gradients, which lead to higher cation mobility, were calculated from established oxygen diffusivities and oxygen nonstoichiometry as a function of temperature and time. A potential application of this approach is the processing of LSM-based cathode-side contact pastes in solid oxide fuel cells.  相似文献   

Purified air is passed over a specimen of YBa2Cu3O7– x at 890°C; the vaporized substances are condensed in a pure alumina tube, then subjected to inductively controlled plasma analysis. Vapor pressure values of 2.5 × 10−5 Pa for BaO( g ), 1.2 × 10−4 Pa for Cu( g ), and 2.2 × 10−5 Pa for CuO( g ) are obtained under 2.1 × 104 Pa (0.21 bar) of oxygen pressure. No Y vapor is detected at this temperature.  相似文献   

New high-stability red-shade ceramic pigments based on pyrochlore solid solutions Y2Sn2− x Cr x O7−δ ( x = 0–1, 0 < δ= 0–1/2 x ) were developed employing conventional solid-state reaction synthesis. The relationship between their optical properties and microstructure was analyzed by X-ray diffractometry and ultraviolet–visible-light spectroscopy. Decomposition of the structure with formation of the perovskite YCrO3 observed for chromium substitutions x ≥ 5 was attributed mainly to high concentration of defects. The structural and optical parameters of the materials were found to correlate with the concentration of a species with higher oxidation state than Cr(III), such as Cr(IV) or Cr(V).  相似文献   

The effect of the addition of V2O5 on the structure, sintering and dielectric properties of M -phase (Li1+ x − y Nb1− x −3 y Ti x +4 y )O3 ceramics has been investigated. Homogeneous substitution of V5+ for Nb5+ was obtained in LiNb0.6(1− x )V0.6 x Ti0.5O3 for x ≤ 0.02. The addition of V2O5 led to a large reduction in the sintering temperature and samples with x = 0.02 could be fully densified at 900°C. The substitution of vanadia had a relatively minor adverse effect on the microwave dielectric properties of the M -phase system and the x = 0.02 ceramics had [alt epsilon]r= 66, Q × f = 3800 at 5.6 GHz, and τf= 11 ppm/°C. Preliminary investigations suggest that silver metallization does not diffuse into the V2O5-doped M -phase ceramics at 900°C, making these materials potential candidates for low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) applications.  相似文献   

Mechanical stress–strain behavior of LaCoO3, La0.8Ca0.2CoO3, and La0.7Ca0.3CoO3 was studied under compression at 25° and 300°C. A hysteresis in the stress–strain relationship due to reorientation of ferroelastic domains (deformation twins) was observed, and a remanent strain is measured after unloading. The cohersive stress, defined as the maximum in effective elastic compliance during first loading, increases with substitution of Ca for La and decreases with increasing temperature. Domain reorientation was confirmed by X-ray diffraction of surfaces parallel and perpendicular to the loading direction. LaCoO3 can be regarded as a soft ferroelastic material while the 30% Ca-substituted material is a hard ferroelastic. The hysteresis of the stress–strain relationship was clearly dependent on both composition and temperature.  相似文献   

The superplastic behavior of YBa2Cu3O7− x ceramic superconductors was studied. Large compressive deformation over 100% strain was measured in the temperature range of 775°–875°C, with a strain rate of 1 × 10−5 to 1 × 10−3/s, and a grain size of 0.5–1.4 μm. The nature of the deformation was investigated in terms of three deformation parameters: the stress exponent ( n ), the grain size exponent ( p ), and the activation energy ( Q ). The measured values of these parameters were n = 2 ± 0.3, p = 2.7 ± 0.7, and Q = 745 ± 100 kJ/mol. With the aid of the deformation map, the deformation mechanism was identified as grain boundary sliding accommodated by grain boundary diffusion. The conclusion is consistent with the microstructural observations made by SEM and TEM: the invariance of equiaxed grain shape, the absence of significant dislocation activity, no grain boundary second phases, and no significant texture development.  相似文献   

La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.115Co0.085O3−δ (LSGMC) powders were prepared by polymeric precursor synthesis, using either polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) or citric acid (CA) as complexing agents. The powders were synthesized using different ratios between the complexing agent and the cations dissolved in solution. The obtained polymer gel precursors were dried and calcined at temperatures between 1000° and 1450°C. Single-phase LSGMC powders were obtained at a firing temperature of 1450°C, using PVA and a molar ratio between the hydroxylic groups and the total cations of 3:1. Phase-pure LSGMC powders were used to sinter (1490°C, 2 h) thick pellets. The functional properties of LSGMC pellets were assessed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The electrical conductivity values and the apparent activation energies in different transport regimes were in agreement with literature data. The same LSGMC powders were deposited by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) on a green membrane containing lanthanum-doped ceria (La0.4Ce0.6O2− x , LDC), a binder, and carbon powders. The LSGMC/LDC bi-layer obtained by EPD was cofired at 1490°C for 2 h. A dense and crack-free 8-μm-thick LSGMC film supported on a porous skeleton of LDC was obtained. The combined use of proper powder synthesis and film processing routes has thus proven to be a viable way for manufacturing anode-supported LSGMC films.  相似文献   

Solid-state sintering was used to make YBa2Cu3O7−δ superconducting bulk materials. Corrosion of the YBa2Cu3O7−δ superconductor material was investigated in a humid environment. The superconducting materials exhibited significant corrosion after 4 h at 80° and 100% relative humidity. A grain-boundary phase was formed, and the percent superconducting phase in the material decreased by approximately 60%. The transition temperature (Tc) decreased with corrosion time. After 2 h of corrosion, Tc decreased from 87 to 81 K.  相似文献   

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