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An extended Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) technique has been developed to measure the distributions of particle velocities and particle number rates over a whole pipe cross-section in a dilute pneumatic conveying system. The first extension concentrates on the transform matrix for predicting the laser beams’ cross point in a pipe according to the shift coordinate of the 3D computer-controlled traverse system on which the probes of the LDA system were mounted. The second focuses on the proper LDA sample rate for the measurement of gas–solid pipe flow with polydisperse particles. A suitable LDA sample rate should ensure that enough data is recorded in the measurement interval to precisely calculate the particle mean velocity or other statistical values at every sample point. The present study explores the methodology as well as the fundamentals of measurements, using a laser facility, of the cross-sectional distributions of solid phase. In the horizontal gas–solid pipe flow (glass beads less than 110 μm), the experimental data show that the cross-sectional flow patterns of the solid phase can be classified by annulus-like flow describing the axial particle velocity contours and stratified flow characterising particle number rate distribution over a cross-section. Thus, the cross-sectional flow pattern of the solid phase in a horizontal pipe may be annular or stratified dependent on whether the axial particle velocity or particle number rate is the phenomenon studied.  相似文献   

In this study, a new method has been developed to measure particle velocity distributions in the near wall region of a high shear mixer by using Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA). The velocities along the side of the granulator have been measured at different impeller speeds and it has been found that it is possible to obtain tangential and axial velocity data in the dense powder flow up to 4 mm in depth. Moreover, it has been found that the tangential velocity component increases slightly with distance from the wall in the near wall region, indicating a partial slip boundary condition for the solid phase at the vessel wall. It is also shown that the tangential velocity decreases with increased vertical distance to the impeller. The velocity fluctuations, represented by root mean square (rms) velocities, also decrease with increased vertical distance to the impeller and the tangential and axial rms components are found to be of the same order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The evolution of the velocity boundary layer during the initial phase of copper electrolysis under the influence of a magnetic field is studied by using particle image velocimetry and a novel laser Doppler velocity profile sensor. With this new sensor, time-resolved velocity measurements within 400 μm of a vertically aligned cathode in an aqueous 0.05 M CuSO4-solution are presented. In this way, the complex interaction of Lorentz force and opposing buoyancy-driven convection was studied by measuring the resulting velocity profile inside the concentration boundary layer with a spatial resolution of 15 μm. It is shown that the Lorentz force-driven convection only dominates the velocity boundary layer during the early phase of electrolysis and induces a linear velocity profile near the cathode. The linear relationship between the velocity gradient and Lorentz force is determined. With the onset of the opposing buoyancy-driven convection at the cathode, a duplex structure of the boundary layer appears. Its characteristic quantities, given by the horizontal distances, δmax and δv=0, where the velocity reaches the maximum and where it is equal to zero, remain nearly unchanged, while the maximum velocity, vmax, in spite of the counteracting Lorentz force, increases faster as compared to pure natural convection, depending on the current density.  相似文献   

Effects of turbulent mixing on the course of two fast parallel chemical reactions (neutralization of sodium hydroxide and hydrolysis of ethyl chloroacetate) carried out in a semibatch stirred tank reactor are experimentally investigated and numerically simulated. The flow pattern in the stirred tank is predicted using CFD and experimentally validated using Laser Doppler Anemometry. Mixing effects are modelled using three CFD based models. In the first and the second model the Beta probability distribution and the spiked distribution are used respectively; in the third model concentration fluctuations are neglected.  相似文献   

In this study, laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) measurements in the r‐z plane are obtained in two stirred tanks equipped with two downward pumping propellers in the turbulent and the transient flow domains. A new approach of the hydrodynamics generated by this system consists of determining the one‐dimensional energy spectrum and the autocorrelation coefficient function at different locations in each vessel. In the turbulent flow, the integral scales, the Taylor microscales, and the Kolmogorov microscale have been determined. The dissipation rate is obtained with two methods: from the semi‐empirical expression ϵ = A k3/2/D and from the frequency spectrum. Results show the influence of the rheological properties on the flow patterns, the influence of the blade passage frequency on the frequency spectrum, and the apparition of a low frequency characterizing the production of macro‐instabilities. Comparison of the turbulent characteristics with the values reported in the literature shows that our combination of propellers produces larger eddies than a Rushton turbine.  相似文献   

Flow patterns in conical and cylindrical hydrocyclones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Using a two beam, 300 mW laser Doppler velocimeter, the tangential and axial velocity fields were determined for the water flow in a 102-mm modular hydrocyclone. The body of the equipment could be changed to transform it into a conical or a flat bottom hydrocyclone. During the tests the pressure drop and the diameter of apex and vortex were varied and the axial and the tangential velocities and their turbulence intensity were measured. The results shows that the inlet pressure affects only the magnitude of the velocities, but does not change the flow pattern. The tangential velocity is similar in both types of hydrocylones while the axial velocity is different. In both hydrocyclones the axial velocity is a function of the radial position but, while it is a linear function of the vertical coordinate in the cylindrical hydrocyclone, this is not the case for the conical vessel.  相似文献   

规整填料内单相流的LDV实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To date, many models have been developed to calculate the flow field in the structured packing by the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique, but little experimental work has been carried out to serve the vali-dation of flow simulation. In this work, the velocity profiles of single-phase flow in structured packing are measured at the Reynolds numbers of 20.0, 55.7 and 520.1, using the laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV). The time-averaged and instantaneous velocities of three components are obtained simultaneously. The CFD simulation is also carried out to numerically predict the velocity distribution within the structured packing. Comparison shows that the flow pattern, velocity distribution and turbulent kinetic energy (for turbulent flow) on the horizontal plane predicted by CFD simulation are in good agreement with the LDV measured data. The values of the x-and z-velocity components are quantitatively well predicted over the plane in the center of the packing, but the predicted y-component is sig-nificantly smaller than the experimental data. It can be concluded that experimental measurement is important for further improvement of CFD model.  相似文献   

边角效应是方形或矩形截面的循环悬浮床内气固流动结构的重要特点之一。对于烟气脱硫循环悬浮床,减小边壁颗粒层厚度,使床内颗粒径向分布趋向均匀,会有利于气固接触反应,提高脱硫效率。在方形截面循环悬浮床冷态试验台架上,以空气为流化介质,平均粒径40μm的玻璃珠为循环物料,采用双光路光纤浓度测量系统测定了不同轴向高度截面上的径向颗粒浓度分布,分析了床内构件、表观气速和循环流率对边角效应的影响。研究结果对选择操作条件,尤其是合适的循环流率,以及进一步探索改善床内气固流动结构的方向有参考价值。  相似文献   

The accuracy of the estimation of turbulence power spectra from Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) signals in bubbly flows is studied. Special attention is paid to the influence of the gaps in the signal created by the bubbles. The performance of reconstruction and slotting techniques for the estimation of the power spectrum is determined by application to synthetic bubbly flow LDA signals, and checked by application to real data.Estimation of spectra of bubbly flow signals with reconstruction techniques is found to give poor results. In general, the application of reconstruction techniques to LDA signals gives bias in the spectrum due to the addition of noise and low-pass filtering. The nature of the filtering and noise for bubbly flow signals differs from that for single phase flows. For bubbly flow signals, the spectrum is reliable up to a cut-off frequency which is lower than the cut-off frequency for single-phase flow signals with similar data rates. In addition, slopes close to may appear for signals which in reality have flat spectra. For single phase flow, it is possible to correct for these artefacts. The work shows that it is not possible to create similar correction techniques for bubbly flow signals.The application of the slotting technique for estimation of power spectra of bubbly flow signals leads to much better results. Estimation of the spectrum beyond the mean data rate is well possible. The performance of several improvements of the slotting technique is discussed.  相似文献   

固-液导流简搅拌槽内流体流动和颗粒悬浮特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在直径0.8m的导流筒搅拌槽内,对单相液体的三维速度分布、固-液两相的固体颗粒浓度分布和离底悬浮特性进行了系统的实验研究.结果表明,导流筒内外的轴向液相速度远大于径向和切向速度,导流筒外壁附近存在一个与主体轴向流动方向相反的二次流区域;搅拌槽底部结构对固体颗粒的临界离底悬浮转速(NJS)有显著的影响,浅锥底的NJS比平底的低14%以上;NJS随固相浓度的增加而增加,但当浓度超过50%时,NJS略有降低;槽内固相浓度分布的均匀性随固相浓度的增加而得到改善.本研究结果对导流筒搅拌槽的优化设计具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

引言 早期的界面浓度分布观测多采用加入示踪剂的方法[1-4].但由于示踪剂的加入对传质会造成干扰,影响了测量的可靠性.  相似文献   

固-液导流筒搅拌槽内流体流动和颗粒悬浮特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在直径0.8 m的导流筒搅拌槽内,对单相液体的三维速度分布、固-液两相的固体颗粒浓度分布和离底悬浮特性进行了系统的实验研究. 结果表明,导流筒内外的轴向液相速度远大于径向和切向速度,导流筒外壁附近存在一个与主体轴向流动方向相反的二次流区域;搅拌槽底部结构对固体颗粒的临界离底悬浮转速(NJS)有显著的影响,浅锥底的NJS比平底的低14%以上;NJS随固相浓度的增加而增加,但当浓度超过50%时,NJS略有降低;槽内固相浓度分布的均匀性随固相浓度的增加而得到改善. 本研究结果对导流筒搅拌槽的优化设计具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Mass transfer across free interface of gas-liquid flow is of extensive importance and is encountered in most industrial applications. A close investigation of concentration distribution near the interface is helpful to understand mass transfer phenomena, to guide the development of transport theories, and to optimize the design of gas-liquid contact equipment. Laser holographic interference technique provides a precise and noncontact measurement method for measuring the tran…  相似文献   

对芦苇烧碱-蒽醌浆进行漆酶/介体体系脱木素处理结合过氧化氢漂序进行漂白。结果表明,分别利用三种介体HBT、VIO和NHA辅助漆酶脱木素,导致浆的白度均有不同程度的降低,降低的幅度与介体种类和用量有关。在相同浓度时,浆白度的降低幅度随介体的氧化还原电势的增大而增大。根据过氧化氢漂白的结果,可以认为LMS-QP最佳处理条件为使用介体NHA,用量为0.5%,漂白时间为2 h。对用2%VIO为介体脱木素后的浆残余木素分析表明,经过漆酶/介体体系处理浆料,浆残余木素中的羰基含量相对提高。  相似文献   

对棉浆和木浆三种掺混纺比例(棉浆与木浆的掺混纺比例为0∶100,50∶50,100∶0)的醋酸纤维素纤维的结构与性能进行了测试分析。采用光学显微镜观察、纤维图形分析软件计算、X射线衍射和强伸性能测试,对比分析了三种掺混纺比例纤维的截面形态、结晶度、取向度、断裂伸长率、断裂强度以及初始模量,为棉浆与木浆掺混纺醋酸纤维素纤维的广泛应用提供了理论依据。实验结果表明:三种掺混纺比例纤维的截面形态指标无显著差异,内部晶体基本结构相同,随着棉浆与木浆掺混纺比例的增加,结晶度、取向度以及强伸性能呈现出略微增大的趋势。  相似文献   

马尾松硫酸盐浆两段氧脱木素影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了马尾松硫酸盐浆段间不洗涤的第二段氧脱木素的影响因素。研究结果表明 ,在给定的第一段氧脱木素的条件下 ,第二段氧脱木素采用如下条件 :氧压 0 .4~ 0 .5MPa ;温度 80~ 90℃ ;时间 40~ 60min ;用碱量2 %~ 4%。可以在纸浆粘度不致于降低很大的前提下 ,纸浆的木素总脱出率较高。  相似文献   

德士古气化水煤浆管道设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对德士古气化工艺中水煤浆特性,简要探讨水煤浆管道设计中应考虑的一些主要问题并提出见解。  相似文献   

Riser outlet effects induced by an L-outlet and by abrupt T-outlets with different extension heights and outlet surface areas are studied experimentally and computationally.Experiments are carried out in a cold flow riser. The cold flow riser has a diameter of 0.1 m and a height of 8.765 m and is operated in the dilute flow regime with a superficial gas velocity of 2.48–7.43 m/s and a solids flux of 3.0 kg/m2/s. Particle velocities are measured using Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA).Vortex formation in the extension part of the riser is observed. The vortex circulates the solids along the wall opposite to the outlet, thus inducing a solids reflux. The flow pattern upstream the outlet is, however, hardly affected in the small diameter riser. The vortex position and length are affected by the extension height, but hardly by the outlet surface area and the superficial gas velocity. The use of an L-outlet significantly reduces the vortex formation.The experimental measurements are used to validate a 3D Eulerian–Eulerian and Kinetic Theory of Granular Flow (KTGF) based gas–solid flow model. In general, the calculated trends are qualitatively in agreement with the experimentally observed phenomena. The exact shape of the vortex is not always accurately predicted.  相似文献   

Chlorine dioxide is widely used for pulp bleaching because of its high delignification selectivity. However, efficient and clean chlorine dioxide bleaching is limited by the complexity of the lignin structure. Herein, the oxidation reactions of phenolic (vanillyl alcohol) and non-phenolic (veratryl alcohol) lignin model species were modulated using chlorine dioxide. The effects of chlorine dioxide concentration, reaction temperature, and reaction time on the consumption rate of the model species were also investigated. The optimal consumption rate for the phenolic species was obtained at a chlorine dioxide concentration of 30 mmol·L−1, a reaction temperature of 40 °C, and a reaction time of 10 min, resulting in the consumption of 96.3% of vanillyl alcohol. Its consumption remained essentially unchanged compared with that of traditional chlorine dioxide oxidation. However, the consumption rate of veratryl alcohol was significantly reduced from 78.0% to 17.3%. Additionally, the production of chlorobenzene via the chlorine dioxide oxidation of veratryl alcohol was inhibited. The structural changes in lignin before and after different treatments were analyzed. The overall structure of lignin remained stable during the optimization of the chlorine dioxide oxidation treatment. The signal intensities of several phenolic units were reduced. The effects of the selective oxidation of lignin by chlorine dioxide on the pulp properties were analyzed. Pulp viscosity significantly increased owing to the preferential oxidation of phenolic lignin by chlorine dioxide. The pollution load of bleached effluent was considerably reduced at similar pulp brightness levels. This study provides a new approach to chlorine dioxide bleaching. An efficient and clean bleaching process of the pulp was developed.  相似文献   

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