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超细颗粒在声场流化床中的流化特性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在内径为130mm的声场流化床中,以原生纳米级SiO2超细颗粒为物料,在声压水平为0~140dB、声波频率为0~500Hz范围内系统地考察了声波对超细颗粒流化特性的影响。结果表明:当声波频率为100~150Hz、声压大于130dB时,声波可以有效地消除节涌、抑制沟流、降低临界流化速度,显著地改善纳米SiO2颗粒的流化质量。在频率一定的情况下,声压越高,超细颗粒的临界流化速度越低,流化质量越好。当频率低于100Hz或高于150Hz时,随着频率的进一步降低或增加,超细颗粒的临界流化速度都增大,甚至又出现节涌和沟流。声波的效果减弱甚至消失。  相似文献   

The thermal transient behaviour of three-phase fluidized beds have been investigated for a liquid viscosity ranging from 35 to 75 mPa · s. For the operating conditions used in this study, a 6 mm glass particle bed was found to have a thermal response similar to that of a fixed bed. The transient responses, which were not significantly affected by gas sparging, were, however, faster for heating than for cooling. This result has been analyzed from a model assuming liquid plug flow through stationary particles using combined free and forced convection correlations for heat transfer around the particles. Different correlations are then proposed to predict the contribution of natural convection to the liquid-to-particle heat transfer in heating and cooling modes. The effect of gas sparging was found to strongly affect The 2.0 mm particle bed responses but only moderately the 3.9 mm bed responses. These responses were analyzed using axial dispersion models for the liquid and solid phases. For the 3.9 mm particle bed, the axial dispersion coefficient of the solids, EZS, was found to be of the same order of magnitude as that of the liquid coefficient, EZL. However, the value of Ezs for the 2 mm particle bed was found to be five times that of EZL.  相似文献   

分批模拟连续带液操作流化床的传热研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分批模拟连续干燥实验,建立了相应的热量和质量传递模型;对流化床带液操作时气体与粒子之间的传热系数,粒子之间的传热系数进行了研究,得到了带液操作流化床中流化气速、平均粒径和湿粒子含率对传热系数的影响关联式。对理解气相法聚乙烯冷凝模式操作中的传热提供了帮助。  相似文献   

研究了稻草及不同温度热解半焦颗粒在内径100 mm、高1000 mm的有机玻璃流化床中的流化特性. 结果表明,稻草颗粒无法单独流化,而其热解半焦颗粒可单独流化;半焦颗粒的最小流化速度随粒径增大而增大,与床层高度无关,筛分粒径为0.45~0.9, 0.18~0.45, 0.125~0.18 mm的半焦颗粒的最小流化速度分别为0.19, 0.16, 0.14 m/s;300~550℃温度范围内稻草热解半焦颗粒的流化特性无明显区别;半焦与稻草颗粒混合流化时,稻草颗粒不大于20%(w)时床层有较好的流化质量,混合颗粒的最小流化速度都随混合颗粒中稻草含量增大而增大.  相似文献   

Very few experimental data are available on the heat transfer between bubble and emulsion phases; no data are available at high temperatures. The effects of bed particle type and size, bubble size, and bed temperature on the heat transfer coefficient were examined in this experimental and modelling study. The heat transfer coefficient was found to increase to a maximum, and then decrease as the bubble mass increased in the bubble mass range investigated. Increase in bed temperature led to a significant decrease in the heat transfer coefficient. The simple mathematical model developed earlier was extended to include operation at high temperature.  相似文献   

污泥颗粒与河砂混合流化特性的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在内径f105 mm、高800 mm的冷态流化床实验装置上进行了污泥颗粒与河砂混合流化特性的实验研究,获得了污泥颗粒水分、污泥颗粒与河砂的质量比对混合物料的流化特性的影响规律. 实验结果表明,污泥颗粒的水分、污泥颗粒与河砂的质量比会影响混合物料的最小流化速度,也影响污泥颗粒与河砂混合的均匀程度. 污泥颗粒的质量比越大,混合物料的最小流化速度越大;污泥颗粒的水分含量越高,混合物料的最小流化速度也越大;污泥颗粒与河砂的质量比越接近1:1,越容易实现充分混合. 在对实验数据进行分析处理的基础上,提出了污泥颗粒与河砂混合物料的最小流化速度经验方程,为流化床污泥颗粒干燥工艺提供基础数据和设计依据.  相似文献   

气固循环流化床颗粒浓度波动信号的预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合重构相空间方法与人工神经网络法,建立了混沌时间序列预测模型. 应用此模型对f100 mm?16 m的上行气固循环流化床系统中的FCC固体颗粒局部颗粒浓度波动信号进行了预测. 结果表明:循环流化床的颗粒浓度波动信号只能被短期预测,其长期行为是不可预测的,这从另一个角度说明气固循环流化床系统是一混沌系统.  相似文献   

综合考虑二氧化硅(Si O2)微粉和聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)的优良特性,在PTFE粉末中添加不同含量的Si O2,对其进行填充改性,采用糊膏挤出方式,制备不同Si O2含量的复合型PTFE/Si O2惰性固体颗粒,考察了Si O2含量对PTFE密度、硬度和摩擦磨损性能的影响,并将复合固体颗粒应用于汽–液–固三相循环流化床换热器,进一步研究不同Si O2含量下复合固体颗粒的传热性能。结果表明,在PTFE中添加Si O2能显著提高PTFE的密度和硬度,降低PTFE的摩擦系数和磨痕宽度;在Si O2质量分数为12%时,将制成的复合固体颗粒应用于循环流化床换热器中,能够使其膜传热系数相比添加纯PTFE颗粒的增加4.7%,强化传热效果最好;适宜加入流化床换热器的复合固体颗粒体积分数为4%。  相似文献   

三相流化床间歇操作中颗粒的混合与离析行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在直径41 mm、高1500 mm的间歇操作三相流化床中对双组分固体颗粒的轴向浓度分布、混合和离析行为进行了实验研究. 实验所用固体混合物为密度相近、直径不同的大孔吸附树脂(H-103)与橡胶球. 采用多个百叶窗式金属网及床层膨胀法测量颗粒固含率及流化床气含率沿床层轴向的变化情况,借用描述液-固两相流化床的沉降-分散模型描述气-液-固三相流化床,并采用了Fan等的离析速度与床层高呈线性关系的假定. 实验结果证明,沉降-分散模型可以用来描述气-液-固三相流化床中的固体浓度分布,Fan等的假设是成立的.  相似文献   

针对油砂直接流化焦化工艺,建立了一套大型冷模提升管循环流化床装置. 粒度测试结果表明,该脱油油砂颗粒属宽筛分混合颗粒,且细颗粒含量较多,粒度分布宽(1~>2000 mm). 在不同操作条件下,采用多点压力密度测量仪测定了提升管内压力梯度和截面平均固含率沿提升管轴向的分布. 实验结果表明,脱油油砂颗粒在提升管内截面的平均固含率随表观气速增大而减小,随颗粒循环强度增大而增大;固含率沿提升管轴向的分布为C型,即上下两端较浓、中间较稀,且沿提升管自上而下分为3个区域:颗粒约束返混区(>12 m)、充分发展区(4~12 m)和颗粒加速区(<4 m);在相同操作条件下,脱油油砂颗粒在提升管内截面的平均固含率高于FCC颗粒,加速段与约束返混段长度大于FCC颗粒;确定了脱油油砂颗粒在提升管内截面平均固含率的影响参数为ep', Fr及Hr/Dr;通过实验数据回归得到提升管内截面平均固含率轴向分布的经验模型,计算与实验值吻合较好.  相似文献   

A liquid‐fluidized bed of inert particles was used to separate a pure object from a mixture. One (binary solid‐liquid‐fluidized bed) or two (tertiary solid‐liquid‐fluidized bed) types of objects with relatively large‐sized particles were immersed in an inert‐particle bed, and the bed behavior was observed for different liquid velocities. The void fraction and apparent density of the inert‐particle suspension were predicted by considering the effect of the change in object position for different liquid velocities. The prediction method, which considers the change in the minimum fluidization velocity, accurately expressed the changes in the void fraction and the apparent density of the bed with the position of the objects in the bed. Using this method, the liquid velocity required to separate a certain kind of object from a mixture can be predicted.  相似文献   

Knowledge of both dense bed expansion and freeboard solids inventory are required for the determination of bed height in fluidized beds of fine particles, e.g., Fluidized Catalytic Cracking (FCC) catalysts. A more accurate estimation of the solids inventory in the freeboard is achieved based on a modified model for the freeboard particle concentration profile. Using the experimentally determined dense bed expansion and the modified freeboard model, a more practical method with improved accuracy is provided to determine the bed height both in laboratory and industrial fluidized beds of FCC particles. The bed height in a fluidized bed can exhibit different trends as the superficial gas velocity increases, depending on the different characteristics of the dense bed expansion and solids entrainment in the freeboard. The factors that influence the bed height are discussed, showing the complexity of bed height and demonstrating that it is not realistic to determine the bed height by a generalized model that can accurately predict the dense bed expansion and freeboard solids inventory simultaneously. Moreover, a method to determine the bed height, based on axial pressure fluctuation profiles, is proposed in this study for laboratory fluidized beds, which provides improved accuracy compared to observation alone or determining the turning points in the axial pressure profiles, especially in high‐velocity fluidized beds.  相似文献   

The rate of interphase mass transfer between the bubble and emulsion phases of a bubbling fluidized bed is of primary importance in all models for fluidized bed reactors. Many experimental studies have been reported, however, all these investigations have been carried out in fluidized beds operated at room temperature. In this work, the effect of the bed temperature on the interphase mass transfer is reported. Single bubbles containing argon – used as a tracer – were injected into an incipiently fluidized bed maintained at the required temperature. The change in argon concentration in the bubble was measured using a suction probe connected to a mass spectrometer. The effects of bed particle type and size, bubble size, and bed temperature on the mass transfer coefficient were examined experimentally. The interphase mass transfer coefficient was found to decrease with the increase in bed temperature and bubble size, and increase slightly with increase in particle size. Experimental data obtained in this study were compared with some frequently used correlations for estimation of the mass transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

连续进出料鼓泡流化床颗粒停留时间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对双流化床气化或双床热解气化工艺中鼓泡床反应器的设计,采用脉冲法研究了Geldart B类固体颗粒在连续颗粒进料和出料的矩形流化床内的停留时间分布(RTD),考察了气速、床料高度、粒径、物料流率等操作参数对RTD的影响. 结果表明,物料流率、床料高度、粒径是影响颗粒RTD的主要因素,而气速则是次要因素. 随物料流率和粒径增加,鼓泡床内颗粒流动向平推流靠近;随床料高度增加,物料在床内的混合更加充分,颗粒流动向全混流靠近. 根据实验结果,推荐采用比理想平推流时间低9%~18%计算平均颗粒停留时间.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic characteristics, viz. bed pressure drop and gas holdup, have been studied for ternary mixtures of homogeneous regular particles in a co-current three-phase fluidized bed. For this, a series of experiments have been carried out in a 5-cm diameter column with air as the gas phase, water as the liquid phase, and ternary mixtures of glass beads (1.54, 1.3, and 1.1 mm) as the solid phase. The dependence of bed pressure drop on the average particle diameter, superficial gas velocity, and initial static bed height has been discussed. Based on the dimensional and statistical analyses, correlations have been developed with the system parameters, for both bed pressure drop and gas holdup. Experimental values of bed pressure drop and gas holdup have been found to agree well with those calculated from developed correlations.  相似文献   


Drying curves obtained in a pilot-scale fluidized bed dryer using biological source solids (sawdust, soya and fish meal) were used to estimate the parameters involved in heat and mass transfer phenomenas: heat transfer coefficient and moisture diffusivity coefficient. Parameters involved in mass transfer were estimated from drying models based on diffusional mechanisms and others that in addition consider internal and external resistance to the mass transfer. The estimate ef ective diffusivity coefficient was between 2x10-11 to lx10 (m2/s) for the considered products. Heat transfer coefficient was estimated from drying data points in the constant drying rate period when the external resistance to the mass transfer controls the process.  相似文献   

Fluidized beds are widely used in many industries because they are effective for both mixing and drying. The distinct element method (DEM) has recently received more attention for investigating the phenomena of multiphase flow because the technique is effective in gathering detailed information on complex phenomena without physically disturbing the flows. However, most studies have focused on the aerodynamics of the particles. In this study, a combined computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-DEM model, which allows prediction of gas and particle temperature profiles and heat transfer coefficients in a two-dimensional fluidized bed, was developed. The predicted results were compared with the experimental results at the superficial gas velocities of 2.04, 2.22, and 2.41 m/s and at the controlled inlet temperature of 343 K. Based on the comparison between the predicted and experimental results, it was found that the developed model performed adequately in predicting the gas temperature profiles, and the predicted particle temperature profiles were higher than the experimental data. The predicted heat transfer coefficient was slightly higher than the experimental data. However, the predicted and experimental results had a similar trend in which the heat transfer coefficient increased as a function of an increase in superficial gas velocity. In addition, the minimum fluidization velocity predicted by the developed model agreed well with the experimental data. Such predictions can provide essential information on temperature and heat transfer coefficients inside the fluidized bed for design and scale-up.  相似文献   

为探索微小型热生物传感器中反应器内部的传热特性,研究了恒壁温(60℃)条件下,低流量(5,3和1 mL·min-1)和微细颗粒直径(平均直径分别为1,0.75和0.45 mm)对固定床内部温度分布的影响,并结合二维均相传热理论模型,获得了有效径向导热系数和有效壁面传热系数等重要参数。研究结果表明,即使在流量非常小(如1 mL·min-1)的情况下,固定床入口段温度分布也很不均匀,存在明显的"入口段效应",但随着床层的增高,这种效应快速减弱;实验所采用树脂颗粒的导热系数很低,颗粒直径越小,接触热阻和流动阻力也越大,导致其有效传热参数越小,不利于热生物传感器中微量反应热信号的检测;在相同Rep时,本研究的有效径向导热系数明显小于文献值,而有效壁面传热参数与多数文献值比较接近。  相似文献   

三相循环流化床蒸发器强化传热的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用汽-液-固三相循环流化床新型蒸发器蒸发麦草浆黑液,讨论了热通量、流速和粒子体积分数对三相流沸腾传热系数的影响。试验表明,三相流沸腾传热系数随热通量、黑液流速和粒子体积分数的增加而增大。且对黑液这种高粘度流体使用该蒸发器,其三相流沸腾传热系数比汽液两相流沸腾传热系数提高约20%~30%。  相似文献   

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