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Motor axons regenerating after transection of mixed nerve preferentially reinnervate distal muscle branches, a process termed preferential motor reinnervation (PMR). Motor axon collaterals appear to enter both cutaneous and muscle Schwann cell tubes on a random basis. Double-labeling studies suggest that PMR is generated by pruning collaterals from cutaneous pathways while maintaining those in motor pathways (the "pruning hypothesis"). If all collaterals projecting to muscle are saved, then stimulation of regenerative sprouting should increase specificity by increasing the number of motoneurons with at least one collateral in a muscle pathway. In the current experiments, collateral sprouting is stimulated by crushing the nerve proximal to the repair site before suture, a maneuver that also conditions the neuron and predegenerates the distal pathway. Control experiments are performed to separate these effects from those of collateral generation. Experiments were performed on the rat femoral nerve and evaluated by exposing its terminal cutaneous and muscle branches to HRP or Fluoro-Gold. Crush proximal to the repair site increased motor axon collaterals at least fivefold and significantly increased the percentage of correctly projecting motoneurons, consistent with the pruning hypothesis. Conditioning the nerve with distal crushes before repair had no effect on specificity. A graft model was used to separate the effects of collateral generation and distal stump predegeneration. Previous crush of the proximal femoral nerve significantly increased the specificity of fresh graft reinnervation. Stimulation of regenerative collateral sprouting thus increased PMR, confirming the pruning hypothesis. However, this effect was overshadowed by the dramatic specificity with which predegenerated grafts were reinnervated by fresh uncrushed proximal axons. These unexpected effects of predegeneration on specificity could involve a variety of possible mechanisms and warrant further study because of their mechanistic and clinical implications.  相似文献   

The incidence and clinical significance of hemidiaphragmatic paresis after supraclavicular block of the brachial plexus is unknown. Eight healthy volunteers received a supraclavicular block with a standard technique using 30 mL of 1.5% lidocaine. Respiratory function was assessed with ultrasound of the diaphragm, respiratory inductive plethysmography (RIP), and pulmonary function tests (PFT) every 20 min. Sensory block was assessed with pinprick and motor block with isometric force dynamometry every 20 min. Four of eight subjects demonstrated hemidiaphragmatic paresis on both ultrasound and RIP. No subject experienced changes in PFT values or subjective symptoms of respiratory difficulty. Motor and sensory blockade outlasted hemidiaphragmatic paresis. These results are contrasted to the often symptomatic, 100% incidence of hemidiaphragmatic paresis seen after interscalene block. In this study of healthy volunteers, supraclavicular block was associated with a 50% incidence (95% confidence interval 14-86) of hemidiaphragmatic paresis that was not accompanied by clinical evidence of respiratory compromise. Implications: Interscalene block is always associated with diaphragmatic paralysis and respiratory compromise. The significance of these side effects after supraclavicular block is unknown. Using sensitive measures of respiratory function, we determined that diaphragmatic paralysis occurs less often with the supraclavicular approach and is not associated with respiratory difficulties in healthy subjects.  相似文献   

The cytokine leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) stimulates myoblast proliferation in vitro and vivo and is neurotrophic for motor neurons. In experimentally reinnervated muscle, exogenous LIF application increases muscle mass through myofiber hypertrophy. The goal of this study was to evaluate possible sources of endogenous LIF in human muscle, and whether LIF immunoreactivity (-IR) was detectable in specific myofiber types and/or re-expressed in human denervated muscle. Our study shows that LIF-IR is constitutively detectable in type I myofibers of normal human muscle. In acute and chronically denervated and reinnervated human muscle, LIF-IR is found in all type I myofibers and in addition in some atrophic and almost all angulated atrophic type II myofibers.  相似文献   

Extracellular single-cell recordings were made from the cerebellar thalamus (89 neurones) and the VPLc (53 neurones) of three conscious monkeys. The animals were trained to perform wrist movement paradigms including: (a) visually triggered skilled, voluntary movements; (b) 100-ms duration torque pulse perturbations applied during a hold period (termed Pa perturbations); (c) 100-ms perturbations that commenced 100 ms after the visual trigger but during preparation before a skilled, voluntary movement (termed Pb perturbations); and (d) 100-ms perturbations during the skilled, voluntary movement (termed Pm perturbations). These Pb and Pm perturbations were used to identify central and peripheral influences on patterns of neuronal discharge in the ventrolateral thalamus. There was no systematic difference between the responses to Pb and Pm perturbations of neurones in the cerebellar thalamus and those in VPLc. The responses of VPLc and cerebellar thalamic neurones to Pa perturbations were considered to represent transduction of peripheral afferent input, and these responses were compared with the responses to the other types of perturbations. Up to 40% of neurones in cerebellar thalamus and VPLc responded to Pb and Pm perturbations in a similar pattern to that which followed Pa perturbations, and therefore most likely represented faithful transduction of peripheral input. However, the response of over half the neurones in VPLc and cerebellar thalamus to Pb or Pm perturbations differed from Pa perturbations in a manner suggesting that central influences had gated the peripheral input. The short-latency response in cerebellar thalamus which was modified by central influences is appropriately timed to contribute to the "intended" response to perturbations of motor cortical neurones.  相似文献   

Changes in contractile properties of cat peroneus longus motor units were studied 2, 5, and 8 wk after selective immobilization of this muscle, which was achieved by fixing the distal tendon of the peroneus longus to the fibula either at the muscle minimal physiological length ("short" length) or at the length for a 90 degree ankle joint ("neutral" length). In each muscle, 75-90% of the units [slow (S), fast resistant to fatigue (FR), fast intermediate (FI), and fast fatigable (FF)] were studied. Immobilization elicited a permanent decrease in tetanic force developed by single motor units, which was larger for resistant-to-fatigue units (S, FR). In most instances this decrease was not related to the immobilization length. In all units, twitch contraction and half-relaxation times underwent a transient increase, the extent and time course of which were influenced by immobilization length. The relationship between the frequency of motor units activation and the ratio of unfused to maximal tetanic force was studied. For fast units, there was a transient shift of the relation toward low frequencies after 2 and 5 wk of immobilization at neutral and short length, respectively.  相似文献   

Pharmacologically distinct calcium channels have been characterized in dissociated cutaneous sensory neurons and motoneurons of the larval lamprey spinal cord. To enable cell identification, sensory dorsal cells and motoneurons were selectively labeled with fluorescein-coupled dextran amine in the intact spinal cord in vitro before dissociation. Calcium channels present in sensory dorsal cells, motoneurons, and other spinal cord neurons were characterized with the use of whole cell voltage-clamp recordings and specific calcium channel agonist and antagonists. The results show that a transient low-voltage-activated (LVA) calcium current was present in a proportion of sensory dorsal cells but not in motoneurons, whereas high-voltage-activated (HVA) calcium currents were seen in all neurons recorded. The different components of HVA current were dissected pharmacologically and similar results were obtained for both dorsal cells and motoneurons. The N-type calcium channel antagonist omega-conotoxin-GVIA (omega-CgTx) blocked >70% of the HVA current. A large part of the omega-CgTx block was reversed after washout of the toxin. The L-type calcium channel antagonist nimodipine blocked approximately 15% of the total HVA current. The dihydropyridine agonist (+/-)-BayK 8644 markedly increased the amplitude of the calcium channel current. The BayK-potentiated current was not affected by omega-CgTx, indicating that the reversibility of the omega-CgTx effect is not due to a blockade of L-type channels. Simultaneous application of omega-CgTx and nimodipine left approximately 15% of the HVA calcium channel current, a small part of which was blocked by the P/Q-type channel antagonist omega-agatoxin-IVA. In the presence of the three antagonists, the persistent residual current (approximately 10%) was completely blocked by cadmium. Our results provide evidence for the existence of HVA calcium channels of the N, L, and P/Q types and other HVA calcium channels in lamprey sensory neurons and motoneurons. In addition, certain types of neurons express LVA calcium channels.  相似文献   

We investigated the regulation of COX-2 expression and activity by adenosine receptors in rat microglial cells. The selective adenosine A2a-receptor agonist CGS21680 and the non-selective adenosine A1- and A2-receptor agonist 5'-N-ethylcarboxiamidoadenosine (NECA) induced an increase in COX-2 mRNA levels and the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). The adenosine A1-receptor agonist cyclopentyladenosine (CPA) was less potent, and the adenosine A1-receptor-specific agonist N6-2-(-aminophenylo)ethyladenosine (APNEA) showed only marginal effects. Microglia expressed adenosine A1-, A2a-, and A3-, but not A2b-receptor mRNAs, whereas astroglial cells expressed adenosine A2b- but not A2a-receptor mRNA. The adenosine A2a-receptor selective antagonist (E)-8-(3,4-dimethoxystyryl)-1,3-dipropyl-7-methylxanthine (KF17837) inhibited both CGS21680-induced COX-2 expression and PGE2 release. CGS21680-increased PGE2 levels were inhibited by dexamethasone, by the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug meloxicam, and by the adenylyl cyclase inhibitor 9-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-9H-purine-6-amine (SQ22536). CGS21680 and NECA both increased intracellular cAMP levels in microglial cells. Dibutyryl cAMP as well as forskolin induced the release of PGE2. The results strongly suggest that adenosine A2a-receptor-induced intracellular signaling events cause an up-regulation of the COX-2 gene and the release of PGE2. Apparently, the cAMP second messenger system plays a crucial role in COX-2 gene regulation in rat microglial cells. The results are discussed with respect to neurodegenerative disorders of the CNS such as Alzheimer's disease, in which activated microglia are critically involved and COX inhibitors may be of therapeutic benefit.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To compare the costs and effectiveness of directly observed therapy (DOT) vs self-administered therapy (SAT) for the treatment of active tuberculosis. DESIGN: Decision analysis. SETTING: We used published rates for failure of therapy, relapse, and acquired multidrug resistance during the initial treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis cases using DOT or SAT. We estimated costs of tuberculosis treatment at an urban tuberculosis control program, a municipal hospital, and a hospital specializing in treating drug-resistant tuberculosis. OUTCOME MEASURES: The average cost per patient to cure drug-susceptible tuberculosis, including the cost of treating failures of initial treatment. RESULTS: The direct costs of initial therapy with DOT and SAT were similar ($1,206 vs $1,221 per patient, respectively), although DOT was more expensive when patient time costs were included. When the costs of relapse and failure were included in the model, DOT was less expensive than SAT, whether considering outpatient costs only ($1,405 vs $2,314 per patient treated), outpatient plus inpatient costs ($2,785 vs $10,529 per patient treated), or outpatient, inpatient, and patients' time costs ($3,999 vs $12,167 per patient treated). Threshold analysis demonstrated that DOT was less expensive than SAT through a wide range of cost estimates and clinical event rates. CONCLUSION: Despite its greater initial cost, DOT is a more cost-effective strategy than SAT because it achieves a higher cure rate after initial therapy, and thereby decreases treatment costs associated with failure of therapy and acquired drug resistance. This cost-effectiveness analysis supports the widespread implementation of DOT.  相似文献   

Cat muscle spindles were examined histochemically in serial transverse sections of tenuissimus muscles stained for ATPase, NADH-TR and ChE alternating sequentially. Motor nerve terminals on nuclear bag1, bag2 and nuclear chain intrafusal muscle fibers were identified in periodic sections stained for ChE. Intrafusal fiber regions that carried ChE-active areas were then examined in staining for NADH-TR. The motor endings on the three types of intrafusal fiber differed in their apparent histochemical content of both ChE and NADH-TR. The observations suggest that functional differences may exist among motor nerve terminals on the various intrafusal fiber types.  相似文献   

Nerve conduction measurements in normal subjects are assumed to be symmetric, but the normal limits of symmetry have not been determined. Full data on the limits of symmetry for commonly studied nerves are important in the clinical interpretation of nerve conduction data. We selected normal electrodiagnostic studies from archived electromyographic laboratory reports that included bilateral measurements of motor and sensory nerves. Symmetry of nerve conduction measures was confirmed, and only the median and ulnar sensory nerves had significant deviations from symmetry, supporting subclinical nerve damage in the most common dominant hand. The limits of symmetry were determined by calculating the 95th percentile for the differences between sides. For motor and sensory nerves, the range of 95th percentile limits was narrower for measures in upper extremity nerves compared to lower extremity nerves. Several reasons are offered for the wider limits of symmetry in lower extremity nerves.  相似文献   

The effect of bovine brain gangliosides was studied in rats lesioned by partial suction of the right somatosensory cortex and also in rats implanted with a piece of fetal brain tissue in this area. In both experiments a group of animals received 30 mg/kg i.p. of gangliosides daily for a period of 7 days after surgery. In lesioned rats, the untreated group showed a lower maintenance on a tight rope test at 7 as well as at 14 days, as compared with a sham-operated group (p < 0.05). In transplanted rats ganglioside treatment prevented the increase of the probability of falls from a horizontal bar at days 7 and 14 post-operations and the probability of slips on a vertical bar at day 7 (p < 0.05). Rats were killed at day 15 and brain coronal sections were obtained. Nuclear area and circularity were measured in a sample of cortical and grafted cells in a computer aid-image analyzer. Ganglioside protection on the normal size and shape of the nuclei in the ipsilateral cortex in lesioned as well as in transplanted rats (p < 0.01) was found. A higher nuclear area in ganglioside than in saline treated grafts was noted. Results suggest a protective action of the gangliosides against the lesion-induced motor dysfunction and secondary cortical cell degeneration.  相似文献   

The effects of denervated muscle and Schwann cells on collateral sprouting from peripheral nerve were studied in the peroneal and tibial nerves of 48 Sprague-Dawley rats. Three groups were prepared. In group MSW (muscle-Schwann cell-window), the peroneal nerves were transected 3 mm below the sciatic bifurcation. The proximal stumps were sealed in a blocked tube to prevent regeneration and the distal stumps were implanted into denervated muscle cells that were wrapped around the ipsilateral tibial nerve, which had a window of perineurium resected. Schwann cells from the ipsilateral sural nerve were implanted into the muscle. Group MS (muscle-Schwann cell) was similar to group MSW, except that the tibial nerve perineurium was kept intact. In group MW (muscle-window), the muscle was prepared without Schwann cells and the tibial nerve perineurium was windowed. S-100 immunostain was used to identify the Schwann cells surviving 1 week after transplantation. After 16 weeks of regeneration, horseradish peroxidase tracer was used to label motor neurons and sensory neurons reinnervating the peroneal nerve. Myelinated axons of the reinnervated peroneal nerves were quantified with the Bioquant OS/2 computer system (R&M Biometrics, Nashville, TN). A mean of 169 motor neurons in group MSW, 64 in group MW, and 26 in group MS reinnervated the peroneal nerve. In the dorsal root ganglion, the mean number of labeled sensory neurons was 1,283 in group MSW, 947 in group MS, and 615 in group MW. The mean number of myelinated axons in the reinnervated peroneal nerve was 1,659 in group MSW, 359 in group MS, and 348 in group MW. Reinnervated anterolateral compartment muscles in group MSW were significantly heavier than those in group MS or MW. This study demonstrates that the transplantation of denervated muscle and Schwann cells promotes motor and sensory nerve collateral sprouting through a perineurial window.  相似文献   

The male copulatory pattern uses muscles in the penis for erection and penile insertion, the lower trunk for pelvic thrusting, and the sex accessory organs for seminal emission. Organization of the nuclei controlling penile muscles is achieved through cell growth, dendritic arborization, and synaptogenesis, actions dependent on androgen but not estrogen. Testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) but not estradiol (E2), stimulate pelvic thrusting vigor by synchronizing discharge of motoneurons innervating pelvic muscles. Pelvic thrusting rhythmicity, regulated by spinal interneurons, is produced in female rabbits by E2 or T but not by DHT. Reflex contraction of the seminal vesicles, due to penile insertion, is facilitated by androgen presumably by its effect on preganglionic neurons of the hypogastric nerve, located in the dorsal commissural nucleus.  相似文献   

Histochemical staining for carbonic anhydrase and cholinesterase (CE) activities was used to analyze sensory and motor axon regeneration, respectively, during neuroma formation in transected and tube-encapsulated peripheral nerves. Median-ulnar and sciatic nerves in the rodent model permitted testing whether a 4 cm greater distance of the motor neuron soma from axotomy site or intrinsic differences between motor and sensory neurons influenced regeneration and neuroma formation 10, 30, and 90 days later. Ventral root radiculotomy confirmed that CE-stained axons were 97% alpha motor axons. Distance significantly delayed axon regeneration. When distance was negligible, sensory axons grew out sooner than motor axons, but motor axons regenerated to a greater quantity. These results indicate regeneration differences between axon subtypes and suggest more extensive branching of motor axons within the neuroma. Thus, both distance from injury site to soma and inherent motor and sensory differences should be considered in peripheral nerve repair strategies.  相似文献   

Denervated muscle fibers express enhanced levels of stress and apoptosis-associated proteins and undergo apoptosis. In experimentally denervated and reinnervated rat facial muscle, we now evaluate changes in the expression patterns of different isoforms of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-generating nitric oxide (NO), which mediates oxidative stress and apoptosis. Physiological expression of NOS corresponds to a constant sarcolemmal staining pattern for neuronal NOS (nNOS) and a patchy sarcolemmal and weak sarcoplasmic labeling for the endothelial NOS-isoform, with no expression for inducible NOS (iNOS). Denervated muscle displayed distinct downregulation of nNOS with preserved expression of dystrophin. Also, denervated and immediately reinnervated muscle fibers showed decreased expression of nNOS. However, muscle fibers reinnervated for 10 weeks revealed a restored physiological expression of nNOS. There were no changes in the expression of endothelial and inducible NOS. As NO is known to induce growth arrest and collapse of neuronal growth cones, downregulation of NOS may contribute to promotion of axonal regeneration by aiding formation of new endplates. NO is upregulated in reinnervated muscle fibers and thus prevents polyneural hyperinnervation by extrajunctional synapses. Furthermore, downregulation of NOS during denervation is compatible with the finding that low levels of NO contribute to apoptosis instead of necrosis in disease states of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The ability of capsaicin to excite and subsequently to desensitize a select group of small sensory neurons has made it a useful tool to study their function. For this reason, application of capsaicin to the skin has been used for a variety of painful syndromes. We examined whether intradermal injection of capsaicin produced morphological changes in cutaneous nerve fibers that would account for its analgesic properties by comparing cutaneous innervation in capsaicin-treated skin with psychophysical measures of sensation. At various times after capsaicin injection, nerve fibers were visualized immunohistochemically in skin biopsies and were quantified. In normal skin the epidermis is heavily innervated by nerve fibers immunoreactive for protein gene product (PGP) 9.5, whereas fibers immunoreactive for substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) are typically associated with blood vessels. There was nearly complete degeneration of epidermal nerve fibers and the subepidermal neural plexus in capsaicin-treated skin, as indicated by the loss of immunoreactivity for PGP 9.5 and CGRP. The effect of capsaicin on dermal nerve fibers immunoreactive for SP was less obvious. Capsaicin decreased sensitivity to pain produced by sharp mechanical stimuli and nearly eliminated heat-evoked pain within the injected area. Limited reinnervation of the epidermis and partial return of sensation occurred 3 weeks after treatment; reinnervation of the epidermis was approximately 25% of normal, and sensation improved to 50-75% of normal. These data show that sensory dysfunction after capsaicin application to the skin results from rapid degeneration of intracutaneous nerve fibers.  相似文献   

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