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讨论有需求约束的二维剪切矩形排样问题:将一张板材剪切成一组已知尺寸的毛坯,使排样价值(板材中包含的毛坯总价值)最大,约束条件是排样方式中包含每种毛坯数量都不能超过其需求量。采用普通条带多阶段排样方式,每次剪切都从板材上产生一根水平或者竖直的普通条带,条带中可以包含不同尺寸毛坯。引入分支限界与贪婪策略,以提高算法效率。实验结果表明,该算法可以有效提高排样价值。 相似文献
矩形毛料无约束二维剪切排样的递归算法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
将板材分成一系列的板块.对于每一板块,通过优化选择一个毛料放在其左下角,并确定剪切线的方向;沿着该毛料的上边界或右边界将剩余区域分成2个更小的板块以待进一步排样.实验结果表明:该算法的时间效率可满足实际应用的需要,与其他算法相比,所给出的排样方式材料利用率较高. 相似文献
提出一种带填充排样算法,实现矩形毛坯套裁排样。该算法首先用水平剪切线将板材分层,每层的宽度和板材宽度相同,高度和层最左端的主毛坯高度相同;通过调用两个递归过程确定最优排样方式,第一个过程确定每层左端的主毛坯,第二个过程确定层右端区域的毛坯排列方式。采用分支定界技术缩小搜索空间。实验计算结果说明所述算法比文献中最近报道的几种算法都有效。 相似文献
研究了卷板填充排样问题,提出了一种分层递归排样的优化算法。算法使用水平剪切线将卷板分层,每层的宽度和卷板宽度相同,高度和层最左端的主毛坯高度相同;通过调用递归过程确定卷板中层的排列,为各层选定主毛坯,并确定毛坯的排列方式;采用分支定界技术缩小搜索空间。实验结果说明该算法比文献中最近报道的几种算法都有效。 相似文献
彭文 《计算机工程与应用》2010,46(27):214-216
为了有效地解决有约束的矩形件优化排样问题,提出一种快速的求解算法;通过比较待排样矩形件的不同排样模式,选择最优排样方案。算法完全基于解析计算,虽不能寻找理论最优解,但相比于各种启发式算法大大提高了排样速度。实验结果表明,算法能够在较短的计算时间内获得满意的排样效果,是一种效率较高的有约束矩形件排样算法。 相似文献
A sequential value correction heuristic is presented for the two-dimensional cutting stock problem with three-staged homogenous patterns, considering both input-minimization and simplicity of the cutting process. The heuristic constructs many cutting plans iteratively and selects the best one as the solution. The patterns in each cutting plan are generated sequentially using simple recursive techniques. The values of the item types are corrected after the generation of each pattern to diversify the cutting plans. Computational results indicate that the proposed heuristic is more effective in input minimization than published algorithms and commercial stock cutting software packages that use three-staged general or exact patterns. 相似文献
Rita Macedo Cláudio Alves J.M. Valério de Carvalho 《Computers & Operations Research》2010,37(6):991-1001
We describe an exact model for the two-dimensional cutting stock problem with two stages and the guillotine constraint. It is an integer linear programming (ILP) arc-flow model, formulated as a minimum flow problem, which is an extension of a model proposed by Valério de Carvalho for the one dimensional case. In this paper, we explore the behavior of this model when it is solved with a commercial software, explicitly considering all its variables and constraints. We also derive a new family of cutting planes and a new lower bound, and consider some variants of the original problem. The model was tested on a set of real instances from the wood industry, with very good results. Furthermore the lower bounds provided by the linear programming relaxation of the model compare favorably with the lower bounds provided by models based on assignment variables. 相似文献
Francis J. Vasko Christopher L. Bartkowski 《International Transactions in Operational Research》2009,16(6):829-838
P. Y. Wang's classic bottom-up two-dimensional cutting stock algorithm generates cutting patterns by building rectangles both horizontally and vertically. This algorithm uses a parameter β 1 to tradeoff the number of rectangles generated by the algorithm and hence the quality of the cutting pattern solution obtained versus the amount of computer resources required. Several researchers have made relatively straightforward modifications to Wang's basic algorithm resulting in improved computational times. However, even with these modifications, Wang's approach tends to require large amounts of computer resources in order to optimally or near-optimally solve difficult two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problems. In this paper, we present an iterative approach that judiciously uses Wang's basic algorithm (with some previously defined modifications) to obtain optimal cutting patterns to difficult two-dimensional cutting stock problems in reasonable computer run times. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the problem of two-dimensional cutting of small rectangular items, each of which has its own deadline and size, from a large rectangular plate, whose length are more than one thousand times its width, so as to minimize the trim loss and the reduction of the times of clamping and changing speed are also concerned. This problem is different with the classical two-dimensional cutting problem. In view of the distinguishing features of the problem proposed, we put forward the definition of non-classical cutting, that is to say, put a series of items on the rectangular plates in their best layout, so as to enhance utility and efficiency at the same time. These objectives may be conflicting and a balance should be necessary, so we present a Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm (HHA), consisting of clustering, ordering, striping and integer programming etc. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm through the comparison with the algorithm we studied before. 相似文献
The dynamic space allocation problem (DSAP) presented in this paper considers the task of assigning items (resources) to locations during a multi-period planning horizon such that the cost of rearranging the items is minimized. Three tabu search heuristics are presented for this problem. The first heuristic is a simple basic tabu search heuristic. The second heuristic adds diversification and intensification strategies to the first, and the third heuristic is a probabilistic tabu search heuristic. To test the performances of the heuristics, a set of test problems from the literature is used in the analysis. The results show that the tabu search heuristics are efficient techniques for solving the DSAP. More importantly, the proposed tabu search heuristic with diversification/intensification strategies found new best solutions using less computation time for one-half of all the test problems. 相似文献
求解基于精确两阶段排样图的二维下料问题,用最小的板材成本,生产出所需要的全部毛坯。将顺序启发式算法和排样图生成算法相结合,顺序生成排样方案中的各个排样图;采用顺序价值修正策略,在生成每个排样图后修正其中所含各种毛坯的价值。经过多次迭代生成多个排样方案,从中选择最好者。实验计算时与商业软件和文献算法相比较,结果表明所述算法可以更为有效地减少板材消耗。 相似文献
The longest common subsequence problem is a classical string problem that concerns finding the common part of a set of strings. It has several important applications, for example, pattern recognition or computational biology. Most research efforts up to now have focused on solving this problem optimally. In comparison, only few works exist dealing with heuristic approaches. In this work we present a deterministic beam search algorithm. The results show that our algorithm outperforms the current state-of-the-art approaches not only in solution quality but often also in computation time. 相似文献
The Multi-facility Weber Problem (MWP) is concerned with locating I uncapacitated facilities in the plane to satisfy the demand of J customers with the minimum total transportation cost of a single commodity. It is a non-convex optimization problem and difficult to solve. In this work, we focus on the capacitated extensions of the MWP which are Capacitated MWP (CMWP) and multi-commodity CMWP (MCMWP). Both the CMWP and MCMWP impose capacity restrictions on facilities. Indeed, the MCMWP is a natural extension of the CMWP and considers the situation where K distinct commodities are shipped subject to limitations on the total amount of goods sent from facilities to the customers. Customer locations, demands and capacities for each commodity are known a priori. The transportation costs, which depend on the commodity type, are proportional to the distance between customers and facilities. We first introduce branch and bound algorithms for both the CMWP and the MCMWP then we propose beam search heuristics for these problems. According to our computational experiments on standard and randomly generated test instances, we can say that the new heuristics perform very well. 相似文献
This paper deals with the two-dimensional bin packing problem with conflicts (BPC-2D). Given a finite set of rectangular items, an unlimited number of rectangular bins and a conflict graph, the goal is to find a conflict-free packing of the items minimizing the number of bins used. In this paper, we propose a new framework based on a tree-decomposition for solving this problem. It proceeds by decomposing a BPC-2D instance into subproblems to be solved independently. Applying this decomposition method is not straightforward, since merging partial solutions is hard. Several heuristic strategies are proposed to make an effective use of the decomposition. Computational experiments show the practical effectiveness of our approach. 相似文献