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Abstract The demand for stable isotopes in physical and chemical research and in medical diagnostics is growing, and the gas centrifuge process is able to provide large quantities of stable isotopes. A set of diffusion equations describing separation in a gas centrifuge for a multi component mixture is established. These equations involve general diffusion coefficients. Using the radial averaging method and the simplified diffusion transport vector for a multi component isotopic mixture, nonlinear partial differential equations are transformed to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. An iteration method for the solution is presented. The relationship between the separation factor and the mass difference, γ ij = γ Mj o ?Mi , is shown to be in agreement with both the computational and the experimental results with very high precision. 相似文献
将加盐精馏和萃取精馏结合起来的加盐萃取精馏新方法,由醋酸甲酯-水体系的汽液平衡试验结果表明,盐的加入破坏了共沸点组成,加盐萃取精馏比单纯的加盐精馏和萃取精馏工艺更优. 相似文献
在实际建设和发展过程中,绝大多数的气化炉都使用煤为基础性的燃料,同时还使用氧气作为主要的气化剂。我国工业建设和发展的过程中,需要大力推动化工工业的发展,并在此过程中不断对其应有的油气工程产业进行完善,使得其逐渐向着煤炭方面进行发展。在这种状况下,就能够促进我国现代化化工产业的发展,并加强化工产业的转型,以促进其配套生产的空分装置在一定程度上得到转型。在逐渐发展的过程中对空分装置的研究,以及其安全运行过程中的管理措施就成为化工行业乃至整体工业领域关注的重点问题之一。 相似文献
联合采用最优化技术与数值分析方法,可以有效地解决化学工程中的无解析解表达式的模型方程组中待定参数的估值问题。本文以一组由偏微分方程、常微分方程、代数方程等不同类型方程构成的复杂方程组为例,剖析了这一方法。分析结果表明,这一方法更能准确、迅速地获得所需要的模型参数,而且具有普遍意义。 相似文献
We investigate the reactant diffusion within a porous catalytic pellet including the heat of reaction. The Lane–Emden boundary value problem with an Arrhenius reaction rate is used to model the reactant concentration. We combine the Volterra integral form with the Adomian decomposition method to solve the equivalent Fredholm–Volterra integral equation. We then estimate the reactant concentration at the center of the catalytic pellet and the iterated Shanks transform is used to improve the accuracy of the approximations. The objective error analysis formulas are used to demonstrate a high accuracy and rapid rate of convergence, which does not depend on a priori knowledge of the exact solution or comparison with an alternate approximation method. Thus low-stage approximations by the Adomian decomposition method are validated for parametric simulations of the reactant concentration profiles and the effectiveness factor profiles. Our approach demonstrates enhancements over previous investigations, and is readily extensible to more general diffusion reaction models in catalytic reactor engineering. 相似文献
丙炔醇-丁炔二醇-水溶液的渗透汽化分离研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用PDMS复合膜从实际的丙炔醇-丁炔二醇-水溶液中渗透汽化分离丙炔醇。实验证明,膜渗透汽化可以实现丙炔醇的选择性分离,对水的分离因子可达3.78;丁炔二醇被膜完全截留;丙炔醇通量对温度具有敏感性,通量随着温度的增加上升得很快,丙炔醇通量在25℃时为45.28g/(m2.h),在60℃时为243.24g/(m2.h),显示了PDMS膜从这个体系中分离丙炔醇具有某种优势;对实验数据进行线性回归,证明丙炔醇通量和温度的关系可以用Arrhenius公式表征。为工业上用PDMS膜渗透汽化分离提纯丙炔醇提供参考。 相似文献
Ho-Ming Yeh 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2002,189(10):1360-1367
Effects of inclined angle and plate spacing on the degree of separation in batch-type flat-plate thermal diffusion columns, with operating expense and fixed charge kept unchanged, are discussed. It was found that the degree ofseparation increases when the inclined angle increases or when the platespacing decreases. However, decreasing the plate spacing will lead to decreasingthe amount of solution to be treated in the column, while increasing the inclined angle will enlarge the operating time for reaching the steady state. 相似文献
A methodology is proposed to relate the diffusion coefficient of small penetrant molecules in polymers to temperature, strain, and penetrant concentration. The approach used is based on well-known free volume theories. It is assumed that the transport kinetics is governed by the constant redistribution of the free volume, caused by the segmental motions of the polymeric chains. An expression for the diffusion coefficient is inferred from the temperature, strain, and penetrant concentration dependence of the free volume. The stress dependence of solubility is predicted from the Hildebrand theory. It is shown that the resulting constitutive equations exhibit many features desirable for joint durability studies. Finally, a non-Fickian driving force arising from differential swelling is included in the governing equations. 相似文献
Ho-Ming Yeh 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2013,200(10):1360-1367
Effects of inclined angle and plate spacing on the degree of separation in batch-type flat-plate thermal diffusion columns, with operating expense and fixed charge kept unchanged, are discussed. It was found that the degree ofseparation increases when the inclined angle increases or when the platespacing decreases. However, decreasing the plate spacing will lead to decreasingthe amount of solution to be treated in the column, while increasing the inclined angle will enlarge the operating time for reaching the steady state. 相似文献
K. W. LAY 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1970,53(7):369-373
The diffusion of oxygen in UO2+α was measured between 600° and 1100°C. Samples with initial O/U values 2.08 and 2.04 were reduced in hydrogen; reduction was monitored continuously by electrical conductivity measurements. The relation between total conductivity and average O/U ratio was derived, and the diffusion coefficients were obtained. The validity of the electrical conductivity vs O/U relation was checked by measuring weight loss during reduction. Diffusion-controlled kinetics were confirmed by oxygen gradient measurements. The oxygen chemical diffusion coefficient is given by D = 0.5 exp - This equation agrees with previously determined values of the oxygen chemical diffusion coefficient of UO2+α . 相似文献
彩钼铅矿化学分选的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文论述了以化工冶金技术分离富集彩钼铅矿中铅和钼的化学分选新工岂,研究了以饱和硫化钠液浸钼分铅的工艺条件及以氯化铵为试剂在氧化酸性环境下沉钼富集的工艺条件,并提出综合利用的无废工艺及铅、钼进一步深度转化高效益化工产品的方向。 相似文献
表面活性剂在化学分离中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
化学分离在工业中广泛应用,表面活性剂在其中发挥着重要的作用。主要阐述在泡沫浮选、萃取和膜分离3个方面的应用前景。通过对于分离机理以及影响因素的分析说明表面活性剂在分离中的作用,并探索表面活性剂在分离中的应用前景。 相似文献
Abstract A study on the enrichment of heavy water in a vapor-phase thermal-diffusion column has been conducted. With the combination of the effects of distillation, vapor-phase thermal diffusion, and partial condensation, considerable improvement in the degree of enrichment has been achieved in a vapor-phase column rather than in a liquid-phase column. It was also found that even the part of enrichment contributed only by vapor-phase thermal-diffusion effect is much higher than that obtained by liquid-phase thermal diffusion. 相似文献
利用分子动力学(MD)模拟验证了含醇溶液的无限稀释扩散系数模型和不同浓度溶液的扩散系数模型.选用的溶质分别为甲醇、乙醇、丙醇、异丙醇、正丁醇和甘油,温度为293.15K,压力为0.1MPa.计算结果表明:Dullien和Asfour方程适用于计算甲醇和乙醇溶液的扩散系数DAB;而对于其它醇溶液的扩散系数,Leffler和Cullinan方程较适用. 相似文献