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针对现有的推荐算法面对托攻击时鲁棒性差的情况,提出一种融合层次聚类和粒子群优化的鲁棒推荐算法.首先,根据用户评分矩阵,使用层次聚类将用户聚为两类,并根据平均类内距离进行类别判定,对攻击概貌进行标记;然后,基于矩阵分解技术,引入粒子群优化技术进行特征矩阵初始化,为模型训练提供初始最优解;最后,根据攻击概貌标识结果构造标记函数,降低对模型训练过程的影响,实现对目标用户的鲁棒推荐.在公共数据集上将本文提出的算法和其他算法进行了实验对比分析,结果显示提出的算法在鲁棒性方面有很大的提升,推荐精度也有提高.  相似文献   

在采用协同过滤技术的推荐系统中,恶意用户通过注入大量虚假概貌使系统的推荐结果产生偏离,达到其攻击目的。为了检测托攻击,根据用户的评分值或基于攻击时间的集中性假设,从不同视角提取攻击概貌的特征。但是,这些基于人工特征的检测方法严重依赖于特征工程的质量,而且人工提取的检测特征多限于特定类型的攻击,提取特征也需要较高的知识成本。针对这些问题,从用户评分项目的时间偏好信息入手,提出一种利用深度稀疏自动编码器自动提取检测特征的托攻击集成检测方法。利用小波变换将项目在不同时间间隔内的流行度设定为多个等级,对用户的评分数据预处理得到用户-项目时间流行度等级矩阵。然后,采用深度稀疏自动编码器对用户-项目时间流行度等级矩阵自动进行特征提取,得到用户评分模式的低层特征表达,消除了传统的人工特征工程。以SVM作为基分类器,在深度稀疏自动编码器的每层提取特征并进行攻击检测,生成最终的集成检测结果。在Netflix数据集上的实验表明,提出的检测方法对均值攻击、AoP攻击、偏移攻击、高级项目攻击、高级用户攻击具有较好的检测效果。  相似文献   

托攻击是当前推荐系统面临的严峻挑战之一。由于推荐系统的开放性,恶意用户可轻易对其注入精心设计的评分从而影响推荐结果,降低用户体验。基于属性优化结构化噪声矩阵补全技术,提出一种鲁棒的抗托攻击个性化推荐(SATPR)算法,将攻击评分视为评分矩阵中的结构化行噪声并采用L2,1范数进行噪声建模,同时引入用户与物品的属性特征以提高托攻击检测精度。实验表明,SATPR算法在托攻击下可取得比传统推荐算法更精确的个性化评分预测效果。  相似文献   

针对DDoS攻击检测中k-means算法对初始聚类中心敏感和要求输入聚类数目的缺点,提出了一种基于动态指数和初始聚类中心点选取的自适应聚类算法(Adaptive Clustering Algorithm),并使用该算法建立DDoS攻击检测模型。通过使用LLS_DDoS_1.0数据集对该模型进行测试并与k-means算法对比,实验结果表明,该算法提高了DDoS攻击的检测率,降低了误警率,验证了检测方法的有效性。  相似文献   

推荐系统托攻击检测算法监督学习过度依赖训练集,无监督算法依赖于攻击概貌之间相似性。本文提出一种半监督托攻击检测模型,对标记用户分类计算簇中心,给出中心用户相似度特征属性。对不同攻击选择合适的特征指标,把输入用户划分到不同的簇集中,通过簇集中输入用户全部评分项为最大值的均值与标记用户对该项均值差,确定攻击项。依据特征指标对不同簇集进行两次分类,进而确定攻击对象。实验证明,该检测算法对不同的托攻击有较高的检测准确率。  相似文献   

为了解决具有多种特征属性的多媒体数据(多视图数据)挖掘问题,在非负矩阵分解(NMF)算法的基础上,提出了一种多视图正则化矩阵分解算法(MRMF),该算法使用了多元非负矩阵分解技术,同时使用[L2,1]范数描述矩阵分解的损失函数,并采用多视图流形正则化对矩阵分解进行正则化约束。与现有的一些数据聚类或多视图聚类算法相比,提出的MRMF算法不易受到原始数据中噪声的影响,而且能够充分考虑到不同视图在聚类中所具有不同权重的问题,能够对多视图数据进行较为准确的聚类。MRMF算法的有效性在一些经典的公开数据集上进行了验证,并取得了较好的聚类精度。  相似文献   

针对传统谱聚类在构建关系矩阵时只考虑样本的全局特征而忽略样本的局部特征、在聚类划分时通常需要指定聚类个数、无法对交叉点进行正确划分等问题,提出了一种改进的基于局部主成分分析和连通图分解的谱聚类算法。首先自动学习挑选数据集的中心点,然后使用局部主成分分析得到数据集的关系矩阵,最后用连通图分解算法完成对关系矩阵的划分。实验结果表明提出的改进算法性能优于现有经典算法。  相似文献   

杨美姣  刘惊雷 《计算机科学》2018,45(1):55-61, 78
大规模的稀疏图数据在现实中大量出现,例如协同图、拉普拉斯矩阵等。非负矩阵分解(NMF)已经成为数据挖掘、信息检索和信号处理的一个非常重要的工具。随着数据量的不断增大,如何实现大规模数据的偏好聚类是一个重要的问题。采用两阶段的方法来实现大规模的偏好聚类,即首先利用Nystrm的近似采样方法,从大数据上获得数据的初始轮廓,获得部分用户-用户相似矩阵或电影-电影相似矩阵,从而可以将原始的高维空间降低到一个低维子空间;然后通过对低维相似矩阵进行凸的非负矩阵分解,从而得到聚类的中心和指示器,聚类的中心表示电影或用户的特征,指示器表示用户或电影特征的权重。该两阶段偏好聚类方法的优点是,初始数据轮廓的近似获取以及凸的非负矩阵分解,使得该方法具有较好的鲁棒性和抗噪性;另外,子空间的数据来源于真实的矩阵行列数据,使得偏好聚类结果具有良好的可解释性。采用Nystrm方法解决了大规模的数据无法在内存中存储的问题,从而大大节省了内存,提高了运行效率。最后在含有100000条电影的数据集上进行偏好聚类,结果表明了该聚类算法的有效性。  相似文献   

现有面向矩阵数据集的算法多数通过随机选取初始类中心得到聚类结果。为克服不同初始类中心对聚类结果的影响,针对分类型矩阵数据,提出一种新的初始聚类中心选择算法。根据属性值的频率定义矩阵对象的密度和矩阵对象间的距离,扩展最大最小距离算法,从而实现初始类中心的选择。在7个真实数据集上的实验结果表明,与初始类中心选择算法CAOICACD和BAIICACD相比,该算法均具有较优的聚类效果。  相似文献   

提出了一种利用蚁群聚类检测应用层分布式拒绝服务攻击的方法,根据合法用户和攻击用户在浏览行为上的差异,从合法用户的Web日志中提取用户会话并计算不同会话间的相似度,运用一种蚁群聚类算法自适应地建立检测模型,利用该模型对待检测会话进行攻击识别。实验结果表明该方法能够有效地检测出攻击行为,并具有较好的适应性。  相似文献   

检测托攻击的本质是对真实用户和虚假用户进行分类,现有的检测算法对于具有选择项的流行攻击、段攻击等攻击方式的检测鲁棒性较差。针对这一问题,通过分析真实用户和虚假用户的评分分布情况,结合ID3决策树提出基于用户评分离散度的托攻击检测Dispersion-C算法。算法通过用户评分极端评分比、去极端评分方差和用户评分标准差3个特征衡量用户评分离散度,并将其作为ID3决策树算法的分类特征,根据不同特征的信息增益选择特征作为分类属性,训练分类器。实验结果表明,Dispersion-C算法对各类托攻击均有良好的检测效果,具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering (CF) is a technique commonly used for personalized recommendation and Web service quality-of-service (QoS) prediction. However, CF is vulnerable to shilling attackers who inject fake user profiles into the system. In this paper, we first present the shilling attack problem on CF-based QoS recommender systems for Web services. Then, a robust CF recommendation approach is proposed from a user similarity perspective to enhance the resistance of the recommender systems to the shilling attack. In the approach, the generally used similarity measures are analyzed, and the DegSim (the degree of similarities with top k neighbors) with those measures is selected for grouping and weighting the users. Then, the weights are used to calculate the service similarities/differences and predictions.We analyzed and evaluated our algorithms using WS-DREAM and Movielens datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that shilling attacks influence the prediction of QoS values, and our proposed features and algorithms achieve a higher degree of robustness against shilling attacks than the typical CF algorithms.  相似文献   

The existing collaborative recommendation algorithms have poor robustness against shilling attacks. To address this problem, in this paper we propose a robust recommendation method based on suspicious users measurement and multidimensional trust. Firstly, we establish the relevance vector machine classifier according to the user profile features to identify and measure the suspicious users in the user rating database. Secondly, we mine the implicit trust relation among users based on the user-item rating data, and construct a reliable multidimensional trust model by integrating the user suspicion information. Finally, we combine the reliable multidimensional trust model, the neighbor model and matrix factorization model to devise a robust recommendation algorithm. The experimental results on the MovieLens dataset show that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods in terms of both recommendation accuracy and robustness.  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering (CF) technique is capable of generating personalized recommendations. However, the recommender systems utilizing CF as their key algorithms are vulnerable to shilling attacks which insert malicious user profiles into the systems to push or nuke the reputations of targeted items. There are only a small number of labeled users in most of the practical recommender systems, while a large number of users are unlabeled because it is expensive to obtain their identities. In this paper, Semi-SAD, a new semi-supervised learning based shilling attack detection algorithm is proposed to take advantage of both types of data. It first trains a naïve Bayes classifier on a small set of labeled users, and then incorporates unlabeled users with EM-λ to improve the initial naïve Bayes classifier. Experiments on MovieLens datasets are implemented to compare the efficiency of Semi-SAD with supervised learning based detector and unsupervised learning based detector. The results indicate that Semi-SAD can better detect various kinds of shilling attacks than others, especially against obfuscated and hybrid shilling attacks.  相似文献   

一种基于流行度分类特征的托攻击检测算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于协同过滤的推荐系统容易受到托攻击的危害, 如何检测托攻击成为推荐系统可靠性的关键. 针对现有托攻击检测手段使用基于评分的分类特征易受混淆技术干扰的局限, 本文从用户选择评分项目方式入手, 分析由此造成的用户概貌中已评分项目的流行度分布情况的不同, 提出用于区分正常用户与虚假用户基于流行度的分类特征, 进而得到基于流行度的托攻击检测算法. 实验表明该算法在托攻击检测中具有更强的检测性能与抗干扰性.  相似文献   

Recommender systems are emerging techniques guiding individuals with provided referrals by considering their past rating behaviors. By collecting multi-criteria preferences concentrating on distinguishing perspectives of the items, a new extension of traditional recommenders, multi-criteria recommender systems reveal how much a user likes an item and why user likes it; thus, they can improve predictive accuracy. However, these systems might be more vulnerable to malicious attacks than traditional ones, as they expose multiple dimensions of user opinions on items. Attackers might try to inject fake profiles into these systems to skew the recommendation results in favor of some particular items or to bring the system into discredit. Although several methods exist to defend systems against such attacks for traditional recommenders, achieving robust systems by capturing shill profiles remains elusive for multi-criteria rating-based ones. Therefore, in this study, we first consider a prominent and novel attack type, that is, the power-item attack model, and introduce its four distinct variants adapted for multi-criteria data collections. Then, we propose a classification method detecting shill profiles based on various generic and model-based user attributes, most of which are new features usually related to item popularity and distribution of rating values. The experiments conducted on three benchmark datasets conclude that the proposed method successfully detects attack profiles from genuine users even with a small selected size and attack size. The empirical outcomes also demonstrate that item popularity and user characteristics based on their rating profiles are highly beneficial features in capturing shilling attack profiles.  相似文献   

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