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在现代生产方式和商品经济高度发展的年代,空间展示艺术越来越被社会各界所关注,它是融会了社会科学和技术科学的一门综合艺术。为适应时代发展,现如今的空间展示艺术更加注重艺术与技术的结合,依据技术美学原理,用科学理性的思维进行构思设计,从新对美的形式与内容进行探讨研究和价值判断,提出设计过程中应该考虑到的各项性能,使设计达到形式与内容的完美统一。  相似文献   

如何在具有相对动态的展示空间中有效地传播信息,是当前展示设计的重点和难点.采用一致性验证的方法可以分析出"气韵生动"的艺术法则适用于现代展示设计.精神之气、空间的韵律美、信息的生动传播是营造"气韵生动"展示空间的途径,对解决在相对动态空间中有效传播信息提供了理论依据.运用传统艺术法则解决现代设计问题,必将影响未来设计的发展模式.  相似文献   

民族化和展示设计本来不是两个有必然联系的客体,但是,由于目前中国经济与文化逐渐走向纵深,有关展示设计的民族化问题便提到日程。在展示设计国际化大发展的时期,民族化的展示风格变得越来越重要。本文针对于当今展示设计的发展需求提出了自己的看法:那就是当代展示设计必须和民族文化方式联系在一起,才能在国际上发挥其最大的文化与实用功效,并且使之中国化。其实,展示设计在现代社会的交流活动中起着越来越大的作用,尽管各种各样的设计理念被相继提出,然而这中间最为重要还是民族化问题,对于在视觉形式与艺术手法上突破西方式的表现手段  相似文献   

本文从观念思考、空间的整体性、观者的参与性和互动性、材料的综合性运用几个方面阐述了装置艺术与展示设计的表现手法的相同性,在此基础上论述了装置艺术对展示设计的影响。探讨如何运用装置艺术的优势为展示设计注入生动活泼的设计元素,以及该如何发挥展示设计自身的条件把装置艺术融合进来,进而完善展示设计的表现效果。  相似文献   

文章围绕服装商业展示艺术风格设计在终端陈列中的应用展开系列论述.明确了在商品同质化的时代,展示设计已成为无言的促销师.各大商家开始意识到终端表现对品牌传播、销售业绩提升带来的种种好处.艺术风格各异的商业展示设计被越来越多的商家加以重视.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,社会进入了互联网络时代,信息的作用日益凸现,人们的信息需求越来越多样化和立体化,人们对信息产品的质量要求越来越高。置身于互联信息空间里,图书馆封闭的工作模式、传统的收藏观和简单的借还工作,不仅是一种对资源的浪费,  相似文献   

在全国电网快速发展的进程中,面对电网规划建设中越来越突出的用地和空间的矛盾,实现电网规划与城市规划两个规划的相互协调、有机结合,已经成为加快电网建设、推进电网快速发展的当务之急。笔者结合多年来电网规划工作,就如何加强电网规划工作管理,谈谈如何实现电网规划与城市总体规划的有效衔接。  相似文献   

房地产改革,造就了近些年的房地产热,在高烧不退的房地产市场下,各地楼市如雨后春笋般拔地而起。在房地产商的营销策略下,售楼处成为了一个房地产项目展示自己楼盘理念的窗口,也成了购房人了解一个楼盘风格的渠道。作为销售纽带——售楼处的设计成为了房地产行业中不可缺少的组成部分。由于售楼处的特殊地位和作用,在设计中便于引用新材料、新技术和新的设计理念,设计局限性小,有较大创意和创新空间,逐渐成为一个被认可的热门设计市场,售楼处的后期转型也逐渐成为一个楼盘考虑的重要课题。  相似文献   

模块化设计与常规设计不同,在分割、运输要求上均有其特点。本文根据模块化设计的思路,对项目模块化的基本方法、思路进行了概述,模块化分,模块拼装等做了简要的说明。模块化设计在未来的国际项目中将会越来越常态化,所以需要设计者对模块设计有基本的了解。本文以概略性的介绍为目的,向大家展示在该项目中模块化设计的基本内容。  相似文献   

简要地介绍了农用地分等、定级与估价的意义、理论与技术方案,展示了空间数据库、空间目标缓冲区、空间数据叠加等多方面GIS技术在农用地分等、定级与估价工作中的应用,并时其成果进行分析,认为利用GIS进行农用地分等、定级与估价工作充分发挥了其图形、属性一体化的优势,在一定程度上提高了这项工作的科学性、可靠性和客观性.  相似文献   

School psychologists commonly conduct interventions for individual students and evaluate their success through single-case research designs, most of which include a baseline observation period. However, concluding intervention effectiveness from a single-case design is problematic when pronounced baseline trend is evident. With positive baseline trend, interpretation of the measured mean difference between phases is ambiguous, and an invalid interpretation is probable. Although an adequate method for controlling baseline trend exists, it is rarely applied in published studies. This article seeks wider application of baseline trend control by describing a modified technique that blends more easily with visual analysis. A second goal of this article is to encourage better informed use of baseline trend control, by empirically demonstrating its need in published studies, and its impact on R2 effect sizes and on autocorrelation. Finally, baseline trend control is combined with elimination of autocorrelation, for results that can withstand the scrutiny of the broader research community. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

根据传统UPVC排水管在实际应用中存在的问题,通过调研,回访,设计,提出了芯层发泡PVC-U排水管在具有传统UPVC排水管优点的同时,还具有阻音好,耐热特性好,使用温域宽等特点,特别在高层建筑中使用更具优势,本文重点以其在设计应用中的有关技术问题进行了较系统的分析总结。  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA)-resistant cell lines are highly malignant. To inhibit the growth of the RA-resistant cells we used 4-HPR, a synthetic retinoid, which may act through alternative signal transduction pathways. 4-HPR induced cell growth inhibition and apoptosis in all RA-sensitive as well as -resistant cells, demonstrating a wider spectrum of potency over RA. 4-HPR induced tissue TGase activity. A tight correlation between the induction of tissue TGase, the inhibition of cell growth, and apoptosis was evident in all eight RA-sensitive cell lines. However, basal TGase differed in the different cells, suggesting inducibility rather than basal levels as the relevant parameter. In sharp contrast to the RA-sensitive cells, RA-resistant cells showed sporadic response to 4-HPR for tissue TGase. The wider spectrum of activity of 4-HPR in inhibiting cell growth and inducing apoptosis makes it a good candidate for the treatment of RA-resistant cancer cells.  相似文献   

社会的发展进步不断推动着基础建设领域的迅猛发展。高层建筑以其占地少,利用空间大,现代化气息强的优点逐渐受到各大城市的青睐。高层建筑对深基坑支护的设计施工提出了更高的要求。本文对岩土工程深基坑支护设计、具体支护设计与支护施工环节中出现的各种问题以及相关的解决策略进行重点论述研究。  相似文献   

The following issues are further addressed: (1) Is there considerable leakage of amino acids from the circulation into the space around microdialysis probes, or are amino acid concentrations naturally much higher in the interstitial space than is generally thought? (2) Do observed high interstitial concentrations or depletion of substances in the intracellular space by microdialysis affect release measurements upon spinal cord injury? Amino acid concentrations around microdialysis fibres in the spinal cord of rats were found to approach those in the circulation and to be much higher than interstitial concentrations previously estimated in the CNS. However, much lower concentrations of amino acids were derived in the hippocampus by analogous experiments. Considerable Evans Blue/albumin leaked from the circulation into the interstitial space in the spinal cord immediately after fibre insertion. However, this movement diminished considerably by 4 h later, demonstrating substantial resealing of the blood-brain barrier, at least to large molecules. There is either substantial damage-induced movement of amino acids from the circulation into the dialysis zone after insertion of a microdialysis probe, or there is much less impediment to movement of amino acids across the blood-brain barrier in the spinal cord than in the brain. At low flow rates through the fibre, adding concentrations of amino acids to the inside of the fibre equal to the concentrations around the fibre to prevent their depletion by removal through the microdialysis fibre did not affect increases in concentrations of amino acids in microdialysates following injury. Thus the high concentrations of amino acids present around microdialysis fibres following their insertion do not seem to disturb measurements of amino acid release upon spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

薛芙艳 《甘肃冶金》2016,(4):123-125
本文根据大空间体育建筑,结构竖向构件高度较大,屋盖平面内约束有限的特点,介绍结构设计要点及主要加强措施。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the diagnostic value of the relationship between subcutaneous tumors and the superficial fascia in the characterization of soft-tissue masses. DESIGN: MR studies of 64 soft tissue masses located in the subcutaneous space were reviewed. We established five grades of relationship between tumors and superficial fascia and analyzed the probability of the lesions in each group being malignant. Group 1 tumors did not contact the fascia; group 2 lesions contacted it slightly, with acute angles between the tumor and the fascia; group 3 lesions had wider contact with larger acute or right angles; group 4 tumors had even wider contact with obtuse angles with the fascia; and group 5 was composed of lesions that crossed the superficial fascia. RESULTS: The probability of a subcutaneous lesion that crosses the superficial fascia being malignant was 6.88 times greater than for lesions that did not cross the fascia. For lesions forming obtuse angles with the fascia the probability of malignancy was 6.3 times greater than that of tumors that did not present this sign. All histologically verified fascial infiltrations occurred in malignant lesions of groups 4 and 5. CONCLUSIONS: Malignant tumors of the subcutaneous compartment have a higher tendency to develop a close relationship with the fascia than benign lesions. Obtuse angles between superficial fascia and a subcutaneous mass or a lesion crossing the fascia strongly suggest malignancy.  相似文献   

随着图象数据库技术的不断发展,其应用领域越来越广泛.文章提出了在Visual C 中利用ADO技术开发服装图象数据库系统,并介绍了系统的设计思想、关键技术和系统实现方法.  相似文献   

利用MasterCAM灵活而又简练的C-hook功能,实现了任意轮廓的空间凸轮的设计和建模,解决了传统空间凸轮设计和建模中存在的效率低、精度差、劳动强度大等问题;进一步利用MasterCAM强大的CAM功能,则可实现空间凸轮的数字化制造.文章引入的任意轮廓空间凸轮的设计和制造理念,可以推广到更宽广的空间模型设计和制造领域.  相似文献   

主要论述宽孔距爆破的基本原理,同时对改善爆破效果的诸因素进行了分析,提出了这一爆破技术合理的孔网设计参数,可供有关爆破设计和现场施工参考。  相似文献   

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