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机械部在全国机械行业推广应用缩微技术工作中取得成效机械部档案处殷 萍近几年来,根据机械行业的实际情况机械部在如何加快推广应用缩微技术方面,做了很多工作.由于部领导和办公厅、科技司领导的重视,现在取得了一定的进展.从1994年起机械工业部准备有计划的在...  相似文献   

单红彬  计俊 《缩微技术》1997,(4):6-8,40
我国公共图书馆的缩微事故已轰轰烈烈地开展了十多年,取得了有目共睹的成绩,为抢救和祖国的文化遗产做出了重大的贡献。今天,随着光盘技术的迅速发展,缩微技术受到了严峻的挑战,那么公共图书馆的缩微事业如何继续发展?本文就此做了简要的论述,同时,提出了“全国图书馆文献缩微复制中心”的存在是公共图书馆缩微事业继续发展的必要条件,并从该中心成立以来做出的成就及其在全国图书馆缩微事业中所处的地位、发挥的作用等方面  相似文献   

我国公共图书馆的缩微事业已轰轰烈烈地开展了十多年,取得了有目共睹的成绩,为抢救和保护祖国的文化遗产做出了重大的贡献。今天,随着光盘技术的迅速发展,缩微技术受到了严峻的挑战,那么公共图书馆的缩微事业如何继续发展?本文就此作了简要的论述,同时,提出了“全国图书馆文献缩微复制中心”的存在是公共图书馆缩微事业继续发展的必要条件,并从该中心成立以来做出的成就及其在全国图书馆缩微事业中所处的地位、发挥的作用等方面做了重点分析和论述。  相似文献   

对缩微技术在企业推广应用的探讨铁道部南口机车车辆机械工厂任永寿在改革开放浪潮的推动下,我国各行各业的很多单位建立起了自己的缩微系统,缩微技术正向科技管理和科技生产的深度和广度发展。在我们铁路工业系统三十多个大中型企业中,就有三分之一以上的单位购置了成...  相似文献   

本文是作者在中国档案学会缩微技术委员会暨中国缩微摄影技术协会学术委员会共同主办的96年会上的发言。该文简要阐述了缩微技术和光盘技术的产生、原理、发展、性能和用途,并从五个方面进行了比较;介绍了美国国家档案馆和加拿大国家档案馆的考察概况;提出了缩微技术有三个长处,是任何其它信息处理技术都不能相比的;这些长处决定了缩微品在档案界、图书馆界,特别是对再生性保护方面有广阔的前途。  相似文献   

从缩微品使用设备的发展谈缩微品利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缩微胶片的阅读需借助于专用设备才可实现。几十年来随着科学技术的发展,缩微胶片利用设备经历了单一阅读、阅读复印和数字扫描三个阶段,实现了缩微文献资源的开发和利用与社会发展同步进行。阐述公共图书馆缩微胶片使用设备的发展对缩微品利用的影响。  相似文献   

本文围绕国内外缩微技术的应用情况,缩微技术的发展前景以及我国缩微技术发展对策进行了讨论。  相似文献   

近些年来,光盘、扫描、数字化等新技术的发展应用对缩微技术带来了很大冲击,使缩微技术的应用和研究发生了较大的变化。本文拟就大陆近年来缩微技术应用和研究的一些热点问题做一介绍,以供两岸业内同仁参考。1应用概况从80年代以来,缩微技术在大陆科技情报、图书馆...  相似文献   

本文在分析我国缩微事业现状和发展前景的基础上,依据四川省缩微技术协会在成员单位之间开展技术服务的经验,提出了建立全国性"缩微技术服务区域协作体系"的设想,论述了建立该体系的必要性、可能性,并提出了具体的方案,对建立有中国特色的缩微技术服务行业,进而推动我国缩微事业的进一步发展进行了理论探索。  相似文献   

陈尘 《缩微技术》2002,(2):41-43
本文首先通过缩微工作中的两个事例,说明目前一些缩微制作单位的工作明显表现出专业理论知识的欠缺;然后从《中华人民共和国职业教育法》的高度论述缩微技术培训的重要性和必要性;接着就有关缩微技术培训的种种错误认识进行了讨论;最后介绍了北京缩微技术培训中心和中国缩协教育培训工作委员会等机构为加强缩微技术培训所做的工作。  相似文献   

When the levels of investment and performance of manufacturing industry are correlated, it is indeterminate whether the investment is driving the performance, the performance is driving the investment, or both. Econometric approaches to the problem of causality identification have been applied to a cross-sectional, longitudinal database from the UK clothing industry, 1979-1987. The Granger methodology shows evidence of bicausality in the relationship when profitability is the performance variable, but not when total factor productivity is employed. The study supports earlier impressions that advanced manufacturing technology did not give adequate returns over this period, although there are indications that the best contribution may have taken three years to materialise.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the technological innovation capabilities of the three Asian latecomers—namely Taiwan, China, and Korea—in the emergent solar photovoltaic industry. For this study, I deploy a new dataset of 75,540 solar photovoltaic patents taken out by Taiwan, China and Korea over the period of 31 years (1978–2008) and analyse the evolving technological innovation capabilities revealed in these patents using a set of four technology platforms that I constructed. This study demonstrates the patent portfolios of the three latecomers and explores what extent have the Taiwanese, Chinese, and Korean followers developed their technological innovation capabilities so as to surpass the US, German, and Japan and acquire the leading production positions; and how the variations of technological innovation capabilities among the major producers influence their business activities in the global solar photovoltaic industry. The results show the various strategies adopted by Taiwan, China, and Korea to develop their solar photovoltaic industries, reflect their different national innovation systems involved, and response to the current trends of technology development in the global solar photovoltaic industry.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate how increase in sales volume has evolved by improving overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) of machines, plant productivity and production cost through total productive maintenance (TPM) initiatives in a reputed tractors manufacturing industry in India. In the present scenario of global competitive market, the manufacturing industry needs to improve their operational performance for surviving and prospering. TPM is practised by industry as a business tool for rapid and continuous improvement in its manufacturing capabilities. OEE offers a powerful control tool to overcome production deficiencies and operational performance constrains. Productivity and manufacturing cost are also crucial operational measures to analyse the manufacturing performance. In this study, evaluation and analysis of the methodology adopted for improving sales volume through TPM initiatives was carried out using an interactive research approach. The industrial example on the application of OEE tool demonstrates that it has a remarkable potential to enhance the equipment effectiveness. The empirical findings of the study reveal that augmented OEE and productivity, and reduced production cost resulted to double the sales revenue and triple the profit within a period of three years. The industry also achieved notably tangible and intangible benefits with the TPM implementation.  相似文献   

D. H. Hall 《Scientometrics》1993,28(3):237-286
Petroleum production and exploration, used as petroleum industry indicators, and accumulation of petroleum-related geoscience literature, used as a science indicator, were compared by several means to gauge the degree of interaction between science and the industry in the period 1934–1990. Methods of comparison employed were: time domain correlations and crosscorrelation; correlations of spectra using coherence and crosspower spectra, and growth-modelling of the indicators. A fifty-year exploration cycle was found, beginning about 1945. Principal features of this cycle seem to coincide with prominent features in the time series for geoscience literature, and both of these variables are correlated with petroleum production. All three variables appear to have been determined ultimately by economic and political events which affected the petroleum industry. All of them show long-period cycles which coincide with the fourth Kondratiev cycle and the beginning of the fifth Kondratiev. The longest time series used (petroleum production in the United States, 1860–1990) shows long-period cycles matching the third, fourth and fifth Kondratiev cycles.  相似文献   

While digitization of music, particularly streaming services, has gained increasing popularity, it has also led to a steady decline in the revenues of recorded music industry. This is causing strong concern regarding a potential collapse of the music industry comparable to other print media industries such as newspaper and book publishing.However, recent changes in the music industry initiated by a resurgence of the live music industry are giving rise to some expectations for the survival and growth of the music industry. The parallel paths of increasing popularity of streaming services and a resurgence of live music suggest that these two dynamics are working together in a co-evolutionary way toward the sustainability of the music industry.This paper attempts to elucidate the co-evolutionary dynamism between the increasing popularity of streaming music and the resurgence of live music.An empirical analysis of monthly trends over the period of the last three decades in the US music industry by its sectors revealed that (i) the co-evolution between streaming and live music industries has functioned well over the last few years, (ii) the live music industry has incorporated a self-propagating function by assimilating innovations previously initiated by digital music, (iii) given the above co-evolution, the recent resurging trend in the music industry can be sustained, (iv) the advancement of digital innovations such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, fintech, virtual reality, big data, and social media by enabling such coevolution have transformed the live music industry into a “live-concert-streaming music industry” (LCSMI) that further enabling the participative creativity of its stakeholders. For these collaborative and cultural industries to function in harmony, trust between its participating stakeholders is very crucial.This analysis suggests the significance of a trust-based ICT-driven disruptive business model (IDBM) with a consolidated challenge for social demand (CCSD) for the development of cultural industries.  相似文献   

立足本地社区的开放式乡村振兴设计   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
王宝升 《包装工程》2018,39(2):95-101
目的面对当代中国社会大转型期的农村问题,探索设计在促进乡村振兴中的社会价值,以及乡村振兴设计的原则与方法。方法从基于乡村手工艺的文创产品设计、乡村土特产品牌设计、乡村生态旅游品牌设计3个方面,分析笔者参与的实证案例"新通道"设计与社会创新项目。结论在乡村振兴过程中,设计可以起到核心驱动作用;设计师必须立足于本地社区资源与文化,同时保持开放式协同创新思维,整合各方力量与资源,实现乡村的文化保存与产业振兴。  相似文献   

服务业作为现代经济发展水平的一个重要标志产业,其快速发展是经济发展、生产力提高和社会进步的必然结果。著名的"培基·克拉克定律"和"库茨涅兹法则"指出,一般情况下,由于经济发展及人们收入水平的提高,三次产业增加值的比重不断变化,第一产业比重不断下降,第二产业比重由快速上升逐步转为下降,第三产业则经历上升、徘徊、再上升的发展过程,最终将成为国民经济最大产业。可以说,标准化推动了工业的快速发展,那么标准化如何推动服务业的持续上升和发展呢?  相似文献   

Attempting to resolve the impasse in research on performancedifferences among strategic groups of firms, we propose theuse of ideas and models from organizational ecology. We demonstratethe potential of such and approach by applying ecological modelsto study the three organizational forms found in the modernAmerican brewing industry—the mass producer, the microbreweryand the brewpub. The analysis covers the period from 1975 to1990 and examines the life histories of 253 breweries. The findingssupport the use of an ecological model of resource-partitioningand of organization form-specific models of density. Specifically,we find that: (1) founding rates of microbreweries and brewpubsincrease with density and then decline; (2) mortality ratesof brewpubs decline with density; (3) mortality rates of microbreweriesdecline with industry concentration: and (4) mortality ratesof mass production breweries are highest for intermediate sizefirms. In general, the analysis yields new insight into thedynamics of the rapidly changing American brewing industry andits strategic groups.  相似文献   

我国蔬菜种业发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是世界第一大蔬菜生产国与消费国,蔬菜种业是确保现代蔬菜产业发展和蔬菜周年均衡供应的重要物质基础。实现蔬菜种业的可持续发展要靠科技创新。我国蔬菜种业发展进入了一个关键的时期。本文分析了我国蔬菜种业与种业科技的现状,对比了国外蔬菜种业发展的情况,针对我国蔬菜种业的主要问题,提出了我国蔬菜种业的发展战略、目标、任务、保障措施和政策建议。  相似文献   

孙守迁  闵歆  汤永川 《包装工程》2019,40(12):65-74
目的 数字创意产业作为战略性新兴产业之一,可以有效地推动传统制造业、文化创意产业和设计服务业的不断融合、渗透和变革,代表着新一轮科技革命和产业变革的方向,也是赢得未来竞争新优势的关键领域。方法 2019年是“十三五”规划期的第三年,在五年规划时间过半之际,随着对数字创意产业研究和探索的深入,相关行业人士对它有了更清晰和全面的认识,人们也逐步意识到其巨大的发展潜力。基于此背景,本文系统地阐述了数字创意产业的概况、各国现状、发展前景、机遇与挑战等内容。结论 数字创意产业将数字技术与设计创意充分结合,具有科技先进、绿色环保和跨界范围广等特点,非常值得人们深入研究和大力推广。  相似文献   

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