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辛峰  於建华 《广东通信技术》2008,28(3):62-65,79
近年来,网络新技术层出不穷,有对等网络、VoIP等。IPv4网络是一个"尽力而为"的网络,主要提供数据业务服务,对P2P流等非传统数据业务的应用则显出很多无奈,QoS是无保证的。P2P网络"带宽吞噬"特性造成了网络带宽的巨大消耗。因此对网络流量进行识别是解决问题的关键。本文首先介绍了流量识别的相关技术,其中介绍了连接相关的数据结构和哈希函数以及不同数据包的处理方法;然后针对互联网流量提出一种网络业务流量识别框架图,介绍了流量识别的技术和流量识别的两种方法;最后根据本文提出的流量识别技术和方法进行了实验测试,并且给出了结果。  相似文献   

针对网络中P2P流量难以识别和控制的问题,在对P2P流量识别技术进行研究对比后,提出了一种基于应用层签名的P2P流量识别和控制的方法。分析并提取了风行、爱奇艺、优酷3种主流P2P流媒体及一些常用P2P应用软件的应用层签名,并通过实验验证了基于应用层签名的P2P流量识别方法对流量识别的高精确性以及对流量控制的有效性。  相似文献   

张玲  李君  孙雁飞 《电信快报》2009,(10):27-29,33
随着因特网的普及,流量识别技术也在快速发展。文章首先讨论几种常见网络流量识别方法,比较其优缺点,然后提出使用快速净荷匹配算法过滤应用层净荷的流量识别方法.从而达到快速准确流量识别的目的。主要介绍了该流量识别方法的设计思路和实现流程。最后通过实验,验证了其可行性。  相似文献   

网络上主要流量的动态性恶化了已存在的流量识别的方法,这些动态性的流量有P2P和多媒体流量等。为了识别这些流量,我们需要具有高效的准确性的识别方法。本文将特征识别和会话行为映射方法相结合,以进行精确的流量识别。创新点在于,对包进行基于优先级的特征匹配,而不是通常的特征匹配。并对没有识别出的流量采用会话行为映射的方法进行识别。  相似文献   

在互联网产生的早期阶段对其进行准确有效的识别,对于网络管理和网络安全来说都有着极其重要的意义。鉴于此,近年来越来越多的研究致力于仅仅基于流量早期的数个数据包,建立有效的机器学习模型对其进行识别。本文力图基于柔性神经树(FNT)构建有效的互联网流量早期识别模型。两个开放数据集和一个实验室采集的数据集用于实验研究,并将FNT与8种经典算法进行对比。实验结果表明,FNT在大多数情况下,其识别率和误报率指标优于其他算法,这说明FNT是一种有效的流量早期识别模型。  相似文献   

Skype流量识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对P2P流量特征和Skype通信机制进行了分析,在此基础上提出了基于流统计特征的分层Skype流量识别策略及PC to PC和PC to Phone的Skype通话流量的区分;制定了详细的基于流统计特征的Skype流量识别算法,并实现了实验系统对算法进行验证。  相似文献   

针对运营商进入3G,4G时代所面临的流量增长与收入不符的现状,本文指出流量识别,流量经营是当前运维3G,4G无线网的关键。基于现有3G网络的话单平台,文中提出一种简易、可行的流量识别技术,联合其他业务平台对虚拟社交网络进行"用户画像",以此来指导流量经营,最后结合实际应用案例进行说明,为电信运营商建立有效的流量经营模式提供了参考。  相似文献   

随着移动通信业的快速发展和人们对信息获取需求的日益强烈,家庭环境中接入网络的设备日益增多,在带宽有限的前提下网络过载和拥塞就变得难以避免。文章针对家庭用户中最常用的几类应用,用抓包软件Wireshark对这几类应用进行定时重复抓包,分析总结抓包结果得到各类应用的基本特征;采用入侵检测系统Snort对网络流量进行实时监控,识别目前网络上用户正在进行的应用;最后将识别功能拓展到家庭网关,通过Socket编程,实现家庭网关和后台的信息交流。实验结果表明,该方法能够对家庭成员的网络活动进行较为准确的识别。  相似文献   

立足移动互联网时代众多流量客户行为日益碎片化、瞬态化、个性化的发展背景,构建流量贬损客户管理系统,针对不同类型流量贬损客户进行针对性的精准定位、精准修复,实现常态化动态管理,是在大数据管理时代充分利用支撑系统提高服务管理能力的有益实践.  相似文献   

范耘程 《电子测试》2022,(24):70-72
当下网络科技的快速发展,引起了人们对于隐私安全意识的加强,对于加密流量的使用也在逐步提升。与此同时,现有的加密流量技术例如Shadowsocks、SOCKS5、VMess等,也给网络安全管理大大增加了难度。如何在信息量巨大的网络数据中精准识别VPN加密流量,成为当今科学的一大热点问题。为此,本文在研究了VPN加密特性和协议原理的基础上,运用了深度学习算法对VPN的不同加密协议进行了识别区分。  相似文献   

基于Apriori算法的流量识别特征自动提取方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了一种基于Apriori算法自动提取协议识别特征的方法,该方法可以自动提取2种最常用的协议识别特征--特征字符串和包长特征,提取特征的效率较传统方法有很大的提高.通过识别率、准确率、正误识别率和负误识别率等指标验证了所提取特征的准确性和完整性,并根据结果反馈指导特征提取的过程,保证了提取特征的可靠性.  相似文献   

For addressing the problem of mobile data traffic offloading,network service cost minimization problem model was proposed,which considered the cost of base stations and the consumption of access points under the SDN architecture.Due to the defects of convergence speed and privacy security in the traffic offloading algorithm based on dual decomposition,the traffic offloading algorithm based on proximal Jacobian ADMM was proposed and an implementation scheme to ensure the privacy and security was designed.Meanwhile,the simulation results show that the algorithm based on the proximal Jacobian ADMM is superior to the dual decomposition algorithm in terms of convergence speed.  相似文献   

In order to solve the data center link congestion problem,based on the characteristics of the flow distribution and flow types,a flow identification and scheduling scheme based on optical interconnect structure,named HCFD (host-controller flow detection),was proposed to identify the elephant flow which has a large impact on the network performance,and use the SDN controller to make forward strategy,and schedule the network traffic reasonably.The implementation of the scheme was to use the Netfilter framework in Linux kernel protocol on the host side to mark the flow that exceeds the threshold amount.Then,the classification model was used in the controller side to classify the marked flow.Finally,the appropriate forwarding strategy was developed based on the above results.With the advantage of the photoelectric network,mechanisms of flow depth fusion and switching could be realized.The scheme which integrates the advantage of the existing research results,was expected to identify elephant flow more accurately and comprehensively.It can effectively alleviate the network congestion,make full use of network bandwidth,reduce end-to-end delay and packet loss rate.  相似文献   

准确识别对等网络(P2P)流量对网络流量控制有着重要意义。针对P2P流量提出一种高准确度的识别方法。该方法通过统计报文首部ASCII码出现的频率,提取出一个256维的统计特征,结合数据流量的传输层特征,使用决策树算法对流量进行分类识别。在识别过程中提出数据分块的思想,提高了识别的正确率并且能够统计P2P流量流经的端口。仿真测试结果表明,该方法可以在多种流量混杂的情况下识别出P2P流量,且具有较高的准确度。  相似文献   

In the European manufacturing industry, production batches are decreasing, resulting in an increase in required changeovers. Companies are pushed to respond quickly and cost-efficient to changing markets. One way for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) to become more agile, is to incorporate industrial robots in their production processes; larger enterprises already use this versatile piece of equipment for large batch sizes. To do so, a new perspective and approach is required, tailored to dynamic manufacturing systems in which production systems and components can be easily reconfigured, altered, swapped or replaced. A modular system architecture was developed within project SInBot upon which challenges in dynamic cooperation between robots and humans were projected. The developed system uses decentralized control and distributed intelligence, linked through an extensible, flexible, and fault-tolerant communication architecture. The rapidly growing complexity of traditional systems is compared to its decentralized counterpart to illustrate some of the many advantages of this new system architecture. A manufacturing scenario analogue is discussed and the approach to verify the performance of inner-system components, as well as the benefits of this approach. Key challenges that are encountered in implementing the cooperation into the current industrial environments are identified and projected upon the verification system.  相似文献   

The proposed multi-granular optical cross-connect (MG-OXC) architecture and heuristic algorithm significantly reduce the number of used ports and hence the cost of an existing network, and also help in reducing the blocking probability of dynamic connection requests.  相似文献   

The existing encryption schemes were usua11y poor of index construction and maintenance,which was difficu1t to meet the retrieva1 requirements for distributed ciphertext.Aiming at the above shortage of existing schemes,a structure of separab1e ciphertext inverted index was proposed for improving the performance of para11e1 constructing cryptograph index,simp1ifying the data maintenance process,and increasing the compatibi1ity with the traditiona1 NoSQL system.The method of centra1ized inverted index was adopted to improve the retrieva1 efficiency of distributed retrieva1 system.Then,the proposed scheme was proved to meet the wide1y adopted IND-CKA security standard.Fina11y,Cassandra was combined to eva1uate the severa1 performance parameters,and the experimenta1 resu1ts show proposed architecture has good app1icabi1ity to the distributed and massive encrypted data environment.  相似文献   

A new efficient modular division algorithm suitable for systolic implementation and its systolic architecture is proposed in this article. With a new exit condition of while loop and a new updating method of a control variable, the new algorithm reduces the average of iteration numbers by more than 14.3% compared to the algorithm proposed by Chen, Bai and Chen. Based on the new algorithm, we design a fast systolic architecture with an optimised core computing cell. Compared to the architecture proposed by Chen, Bai and Chen, our systolic architecture has reduced the critical path delay by about 18% and the total computational time for one modular division by almost 30%, with the cost of about 1% more cells. Moreover, by the addition of a flag signal and three logic gates, the proposed systolic architecture can also perform Montgomery modular multiplication and a fast unified modular divider/multiplier is realised.  相似文献   

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