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To study the incidence of and mortality from cancer among sewage workers a retrospective analysis was performed on a cohort of 656 men employed for at least one year at any one of 17 Swedish sewage plants during the years 1965-86. Assessment of exposure was done by classification of work tasks. Lower than expected total mortality (standardised mortality ratio (SMR) = 0.75, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.58-0.97) and cardiovascular mortality (SMR = 0.61, 95% CI 0.39-0.91) was found. This was interpreted as a result of the healthy worker effect. For all cancers combined the mortality (SMR = 1.08, 95% CI 0.68-1.67) and morbidity (SMR = 1.02, 95% CI 0.72-1.38) were comparable with those of the general population. There were increased incidences for brain tumours (SMR = 2.19, 95% CI 0.45-6.39), gastric cancers (SMR = 2.73, 95% CI, 1.00-5.94), and renal cancers (SMR = 1.68, 95% CI = 0.35-4.90). For lung cancer the risk was reduced (SMR = 0.70, 95% CI 0.15-2.05). Allowance for a latency period of 10 years from the start of exposure did not change the pattern. Logistic modelling was used to search for exposure-response relations. In a logistic model with the confounder age forced in, renal cancer had a significant positive relation with a weighted sum of employment times, where the weights describe the classification of exposure. No exposure-response relations were found for brain tumors or gastric cancers. The increased risks are based on small numbers of cases. A future follow up will add more conclusive power to the study. Specific exposures need to be identified to allow for a better dose-response analysis.  相似文献   

Results are presented to demonstrate and establish a methodology of comparison of pedobarograph (PBG) images. Dynamic PBG images were processed so that contours of equal pressure could be extracted. After normalization for size, position and orientation, a representative contour was selected from each image and compared with the representative contours from other images. The comparisons yielded dissimilarity coefficients. The dissimilarity coefficients obtained from intercomparisons of the contours from the 57 PBG images of unshod and 35 PBG images of shod footsteps used in this study were subjected to agglomerative cluster analysis. The results, involving many hundreds of intercomparisons, group together the images made by an individual subject and clearly separate the three subjects studied.  相似文献   

Baker's asthma has long been recognized as a serious disease among workers in the bakery industry and the number of cases with baker's asthma is steadily increasing. This paper presents a review of the available literature on baker's allergy with a special focus on the allergens involved, the epidemiologic research and issues on exposure assessment, evidence of exposure-response-relationships, and possible prevention strategies. A large number of potential allergens have been identified and are described here. At present little is known about the incidence of baker's allergy. On the other hand, a large number of cross-sectional studies have been performed, showing that sensitization and work-related symptoms are common among bakery workers. Only atopy and exposure level have consistently been reported as determinants of this occupational disease. Age, gender, and smoking habits do not seem to be associated with sensitization or work-related respiratory symptoms. Recently, immunochemical methods have been developed to measure specific allergens in the bakery industry, which have been used to unravel the role of allergen exposure in the development of baker's asthma. Clear exposure-response-relationships have been found. The implications of these recent findings for prevention strategies and standard setting are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare HIV incidence estimates from cross-sectional age-specific prevalence data with concurrent cohort estimates and to examine the sensitivity of the estimates to changes in age-categorization and survivorship assumptions. METHODS: Two previously described methods of estimating HIV incidence from cross-sectional prevalence data - the cumulative incidence and survival (CIS) and constant prevalence (CP) methods - are applied using data from a study of male factory workers in Harare, Zimbabwe. The methods are applied under two alternative groupings of the HIV prevalence data and under alternative survivorship assumptions: (a) Weibull distribution providing the best fit to the HIV prevalence data using the CIS method; (b) Weibull distribution matching data from an HIV natural history cohort study in Uganda; and (c) survivorship pattern as in (b) with survival periods reducing with increasing age at infection. Age-specific, age-standardized and cumulative HIV incidence estimates are calculated. The results are compared with concurrent longitudinal estimates from 3 years of follow-up of the Harare cohort (1993-1995). RESULTS: Age-standardized HIV incidence was estimated at 2.02 per 100 man years (95% CI, 1.57-2.47) in the cohort study. There was evidence of recent variability in HIV incidence in these data. Estimates from the cross-sectional methods ranged from 1.98 to 2.74 per 100 man years and were sensitive to changes in age-categorization of the HIV prevalence data and changes in survivorship assumptions. The cross-sectional estimates were higher at central ages and lower at older ages than the cohort estimates. The age-specific estimates from the CIS method were less sensitive to changes in age grouping than those from the CP method. CONCLUSIONS: HIV incidence remains high in Harare. Incidence estimates broadly consistent with cohort estimates can be obtained from single-round cross-sectional HIV prevalence data in established epidemics - even when the underlying assumption of stable endemic prevalence is not fully met. Estimates based on cross-sectional surveys should therefore be explored when reliable longitudinal estimates cannot be obtained. More data on post-HIV infection survivorship distributions in sub-Saharan Africa would facilitate the improvement of estimates of incidence based on cross-sectional surveys.  相似文献   

This study describes the work carried out at the Burn Unit of the Neves Bendinha Hospital, Luanuda, Angola, during the 3-year period July 1991 to June 1994. During this period we admitted 2569 burned patients to our burn unit, and 4661 were treated on an outpatient basis. The data from the patients were analysed to indicate the distribution according to age, sex, TBSA, cause of the lesion and mortality. Our study gives some epidemiological data on burns in an undeveloped country undergoing a war, outlining the specific problems compared to the reality in civilized countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this prospective study was to investigate the extent of change in bronchial responsiveness and the prognostic value of methacholine provocation in early sensitization to laboratory animals. Thirty eight laboratory technicians were studied during training (before first exposure) and after having been exposed to laboratory animals for a median 18 (range 5-33) months. On both occasions they were subjected to spirometry, bronchial methacholine challenge, skin-prick tests and blood sampling, and responded to questionnaires. Nine (24%) developed laboratory animal allergy (LAA), defined as animal work-related symptoms (n = 8), or specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) (n = 7) or both. In the LAA group, bronchial responsiveness was normal before employment, but had increased significantly at follow-up compared to technicians who had not developed LAA. Six of the nine LAA subjects had a more than threefold increase in bronchial responsiveness, and three of these reported chest symptoms. Spirometric values were not different between the groups prior to exposure or at follow-up, and had no prognostic value. However, a pre-employment level of total IgE > 100 kU.L-1 predicted the development of LAA (relative risk 2.8). Thus, early LAA was associated with increased bronchial responsiveness in most subjects. In contrast to total IgE, the level of pre-employment bronchial responsiveness or lung function did not influence the magnitude of change in responsiveness, nor predict sensitization.  相似文献   

Dysautonomia was diagnosed in 11 young (median age, 14-months), predominantly medium- to large-breed dogs from 1988 to 1995. Clinical signs caused by autonomic dysfunction of the urinary, alimentary, and ocular systems were most common. Dysuria, mydriasis, absence of pupillary light reflexes, decreased tear production, dry mucous membranes, weight loss, and decreased anal tone were present in over 75% of affected dogs. Ocular pharmacological testing with a dilute (0.1%) solution of pilocarpine was used to demonstrate iris sphincter receptor function in all dogs. A low-dose (0.0375 mg/kg s.c.) bethanechol test and pharmacological testing with phenylephrine and epinephrine also demonstrated cholinergic and adrenergic receptor function in 4 dogs. All dogs died or were euthanized as a results of autonomic dysfunction. Neuronal depletion, with associated gliosis and minimal inflammation were noted histologically in the autonomic ganglia of each dog. The pelvic, ciliary, celiac, cranial cervical, and cranial and caudal mesenteric ganglia were affected in all dogs. The cause of autonomic failure in these dogs was not determined.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tetranychus urticae (TU) is a macroscopic mite which is found infesting a large number of plants of economic interest. It has rarely been described as a cause of occupational allergic disease in agricultural workers. OBJECTIVE: To describe TU sensitization in greenhouse workers attending the outpatient allergy unit and its clinical associations, and to characterize the allergens involved. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-four consecutive carnation greenhouse workers with allergy-related symptoms, referred to our outpatient clinic during a 6-month period, were included. We made the diagnostic extract from carnation leaves heavily infested with TU. Skin-prick test, specific IgE measurement and bronchial provocation test with TU extract were carried out in all subjects. Allergen characterization was achieved by SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) and immunoblotting. RESULTS: Sixteen patients (66%) presented positive skin-prick test and specific IgE and were diagnosed allergic to TU. Fifteen patients suffered from bronchial asthma, 14 rhinitis and five urticaria. Twelve exhibited positive bronchial provocation test to the TU extract. On RAST-inhibition studies, there was no evidence of crossreactivity between TU extract and D. pteronyssinus. An allergen at 19 kDa was determined in the TU extract by SDS-PAGE immunoblotting studies. CONCLUSION: TU could be an important occupational allergen in greenhouse workers showing allergic symptomatology. There is no crossreactivity between this mite and the house dust mite D. pteronyssinus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the relation between exposure to acid anhydrides and the risk of developing immediate skin prick test responses to acid anhydride human serum albumin (AA-HSA) conjugates or work related respiratory symptoms; to assess whether these relations are modified by atopy or smoking. METHODS: A cohort of 506 workers exposed to phthalic (PA), maleic (MA), and trimellitic anhydride (TMA) was defined. Workers completed questionnaires relating to employment history, respiratory symptoms, and smoking habits. Skin prick tests were done with AA-HSA conjugates and common inhalant allergens. Exposure to acid anhydrides was measured at the time of the survey and a retrospective exposure assessment was done. RESULTS: Information was obtained from 401 (79%) workers. Thirty four (8.8%) had new work related respiratory symptoms that occurred for the first time while working with acid anhydrides and 12 (3.2%) were sensitised, with an immediate skin prick test reaction to AA-HSA conjugates. Sensitisation to acid anhydrides was associated with work related respiratory symptoms and with smoking at the time of exposure to acid anhydride. When all subjects were included and all three acid anhydrides were taken into account there was no consistent evidence for an exposure-response relation, but with the analysis restricted to a factory where only TMA was in use there was an increased prevalence of sensitisation to acid anhydrides and work related respiratory symptoms with increasing full shift exposure. This relation was apparent within the current occupational exposure standard of 40 micrograms.m-3 and was not modified significantly by smoking or atopy. CONCLUSIONS: Intensity of exposure and cigarette smoking may be risk factors for sensitisation to acid anhydrides. Exposure is also a risk factor for respiratory symptoms. As there was evidence for sensitisation to TMA at full shift exposures within the occupational exposure standard this standard should be reviewed.  相似文献   

51 cases of granulomatous hepatitis were seen among 1234 liver biopsies over a 10 year period. Tuberculosis was the commonest cause seen in 55 percent of cases. Other causes included leprosy, sarcoidosis, histoplasmosis, brucellosis, amoebic liver abscess, lymphoma and malignant granuloma. 12 percent of cases remained undiagnosed. Clinically these patients presented with pyrexia and hepatosplenomegaly. Jaundice was uncommon. Many showed elevated alkaline phosphatase levels, anaemia and raised ESR Granulomatous hepatitis of unknown aetiology with FUO was seen in 6 percent cases only.  相似文献   

Cockroaches have been increasingly recognized as an important source of indoor allergens. In this study we assessed the prevalence of cockroach sensitization among an outpatient population observed at our Department (155 patients with a mean age of 29 +/- 12 years), based on skin "prick" tests with four commercial cockroach extracts along with a common battery of standardized inhalant allergens. We found a positive wheal to at least one of these four extracts in 27 patients: 26 (96.2%) to Blatta orientalis, 10 (37%) both to Blatella germanica and 1 (3.7%) exclusively to Blatella germanica, with no significant concordance between them. We also observed in patients with cockroach positive skin "prick" test an association with atopy (p < 0.001) and with cutaneous reactivity to other indoor allergens, namely house dust mites (p = 0.02), danders (p = 0.01) and fungi (p = 0.01). These data confirm the higher risk of cockroach sensitization among the atopic population sensitized to indoor allergens. However, the heterogeneity of the positive cutaneous responses obtained in this study, possibly reflecting the incomplete standardization of cockroach extracts, questions the real prevalence and clinical significance of this particular sensitization.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To estimate the incidence of HIV and hepatitis C virus and risk factors for seroconversion among a cohort of injecting drug users. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Primary healthcare facility in central Sydney. SUBJECTS: Injecting drug users tested for HIV-1 antibody (n=1179) and antibodies to hepatitis C virus (n=1078) from February 1992 to October 1995. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence of HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus among seronegative subjects who injected drugs and underwent repeat testing. Demographic and behavioural risk factors for hepatitis seroconversion. RESULTS: Incidence of HIV-1 among 426 initially seronegative injecting drug users was 0.17/100 person years (two seroconversions) compared with an incidence of hepatitis C virus of 20.9/100 person years (31 seroconversions) among 152 injecting drug users initially negative for hepatitis C virus. Incidence of hepatitis C virus among injecting drug users aged less than 20 years was 75.6/100 person years. Independent risk factors for hepatitis C virus seroconversion were age less than 20 years and a history of imprisonment. CONCLUSIONS: In a setting where prevention measures have contributed to the maintenance of low prevalence and incidence of HIV-1, transmission of hepatitis C virus continues at extremely high levels, particularly among young injecting drug users.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate awareness and knowledge of cigarette filter ventilation in a national probability sample of smokers of Ultra-light, Light, and regular cigarettes. DESIGN: Random-digit-dialling and computer-assisted telephone interviewing was used on a probability sample of daily cigarette smokers (ages 18 and above). SUBJECTS AND SETTING: 218 Smokers of Ultra-light cigarettes, 360 smokers of Light cigarettes, and 210 smokers of Regular cigarettes living in the continental United States. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Percentage of respondents indicating knowledge of the presence of filter vents and the consequences of behavioural blocking of vents. RESULTS: Many smokers had not heard about or seen the filter holes: 43% (95% CI = 36 to 50%) of smokers of Ultra-lights, 39% (95% CI = 34 to 44%) of smokers of Lights, and 47% (95% CI = 40 to 54%) of smokers of Regulars. About two in three smokers either did not know of the existence of rings of small holes on the filters of some cigarettes, or did not know that blocking increases tar yields: 69% (95% CI = 63 to 75%) of Ultra-lights, 66% (95% CI = 61 to 71%) of Lights, and 69% (95% CI = 63 to 75%) of Regulars. CONCLUSIONS: Smokers are generally unaware of the presence and function of filter vents-a major design feature subject to behavioural blocking by smokers and now present on most cigarettes in the United States. Smokers and policy-makers need to be informed about the presence of filter vents and how vent blocking increases tar and nicotine yields from ostensibly very low-yield cigarettes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the blood benzene levels resulting from environmental and occupational benzene exposure. METHODS: Benzene in venous blood was measured in 243 nonoccupationally exposed subjects ("normal" people) and in 167 workers occupationally exposed to benzene. All exposed workers gave blood samples at the end of the work shift and on the following morning before resuming work. Blood benzene was assayed by gas chromatography (GC)-mass spectrometry. Occupational benzene exposure was monitored by environmental personal samplers and measured by GC analysis. RESULTS: The mean occupational benzene exposure for all 167 workers studied was 186 ng/l (58 ppb; range 5 1535 ng/l, 2-500 ppb). Overall, the mean blood benzene level of all workers was 420 ng/1 at the end of the shift and 287 ng/l on the morning thereafter. The blood benzene levels measured the morning after turned out to be significantly lower (t=3.6; P < 0.0001) than those measured at the end of the shift. The mean blood benzene level of the 243 "normal" subjects was 165 ng/l, which was significantly lower than that measured in the workers on the morning thereafter (t=5.8: P < 0.0000001). The mean blood benzene concentration was significantly higher in smokers than in nonsmokers in both the general population (264 versus 123 ng/l) and in the exposed workers. In the group of nonsmoking workers, whose workplace exposure to benzene was lower than 100 ng/l, blood benzene levels were similar (210-202 ng/l) to those measured in the nonsmoking general population (165 ng/l). End-of-shift blood benzene correlated significantly with environmental exposure (y=0.91x + 251; r=0.581; n=162; P < 0.00001). Finally, there was also a significant correlation between blood benzene measured at the end of the shift and that determined on the morning thereafter (y=0.45x + 109; r=0.572; n=156; P < 0.00001). Conclusion: Nonsmoking workers occupationally exposed to benzene at environmental levels lower than 100 ng/l (mean 35 ng/l) and the nonsmoking general population exposed to ubiquitous benzene pollution have similar blood benzene concentrations. This suggests that it is impossible to distinguish between occupational and environmental exposure when the benzene level in the workplace is less than 100 ng/l.  相似文献   

A cohort mortality study was carried out among workers of a plant producing hard metals using cobalt as a binder. This study was aimed at assessing possible lung cancer risks in relation with cobalt exposure. Seven hundred nine male workers with at least 1 year of employment were included in the cohort and followed for mortality from 1956 to 1989. Job histories were provided by the administration of the plant, whereas smoking habits were collected from medical records and by interview. The causes of deaths were ascertained from hospital and general practitioner records. The observed numbers of deaths (obs) were compared with the expected based on national rates with adjustment for age, sex, and calendar time (standardized mortality ratio; SMR). The overall mortality did not differ from that expected (obs = 75, SMR = 1.05), whereas mortality due to lung cancer was in significant excess (obs = 10, SMR = 2.13). This excess was higher among workers employed in the areas with the highest exposure (obs = 6, SMR = 5.03). No trend was observed, however, with duration of employment or time since first employment. Smoking data were available for 81% of the workers and 69% of the deceased and showed that smoking alone does not account for these lung cancer excesses, yet, because of the small numbers involved, no firm conclusion should be drawn from this study.  相似文献   

Neonatal arm circumference (NAC) and other attributes of the newborn and its household were analysed as potential predictors of child death in a cohort of 1367 newborn children representing the majority of births in a rural area of Burkina Faso from 1992 to 1994. During 3872 person years observed 264 children died, resulting in an average mortality rate of 6.8% per year. 90 mm was chosen as the best cut-off to differentiate low NAC associated with high mortality from normal NAC. The hazard ratio of children with low NAC (15.7%) compared to others was 1.7 (P < 0.001) in Cox regression. Kaplan-Meier curves of cumulative survival showed that this higher risk lasted throughout the first two years of life. Multivariate Cox regression comparing NAC with other variables known or suspected to influence child survival yielded a model including mother's death, twin birth, affiliation to a particular health centre, home delivery and birth during the rainy or harvest season as other significant risk factors beside NAC. Protective factors were mother's participation in antenatal care despite considerable distance to the health centre, medium household size (5-7 members) and household cash crop production. We propose a simple risk score for rapid household screening in rural Burkina Faso and comparable settings elsewhere for identifying households at risk of experiencing child death. As much of the other variables' contribution to the explanation of survival pattern is absorbed by NAC in more parsimonious models, even simpler screening strategies based on NAC make sense. In the study area risk households will be offered periodical home visits by the local nurse promoting immunization, treatment of illness and strengthening the mothers' competence to recognize and manage frequent health problems of their children as part of a 'Shared Care' concept.  相似文献   

This study was performed to assess the relationship between the level and extent of prostatic capsular invasion (PCI) by cancer and the clinical and pathological features and prognosis of early-stage prostate cancer. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the clinical (age, stage, grade, prostate specific antigen [PSA] level) and pathological (tumor volume, stage, grade, surgical margins) features of 688 patients treated with radical prostatectomy to determine the pathological features and probability of recurrence associated with various levels of PCI. Radical prostatectomy specimens were serially sectioned and examined by whole-mount technique. Progression-free probabilities (PFP) after radical prostatectomy were determined by Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards regression analysis. Progression was defined as a rising serum PSA < or = 0.4 ng/mL or clinical evidence of recurrent cancer. Increasing clinical stage, Gleason grade in the biopsy specimen, and pretreatment serum PSA levels were each associated with increasing levels of PCI (P < .001). In the radical prostatectomy specimen, increasing levels of PCI were significantly associated with increasing tumor volume (P < .001), Gleason grade (P < .0001), seminal vesicle involvement (SVI, P < .001) and lymph node metastases (+LN, P < .001). None of 138 patients without capsular invasion had SVI or lymph node metastases (+LN), and all remained free of progression, even though some had large volume (up to 6.26 cm3) or poorly differentiated (Gleason sum up to 8) cancers. Invasion into the capsule (n = 271) was occasionally associated with SVI (6%) or +LN (3%) and a significantly (log-rank test) lower PFP of 87% at 5 years. Focal and extensive extraprostatic extension (EPE) were associated with progressively increased risk of SVI and +LN and lower PFP (73% and 42%, respectively). In a multivariate analysis, the level of PCI was an independent prognostic factor (P < .001). There is a strong association between the level of invasion of cancer into or through the prostatic capsule and the volume, grade, pathological stage, and rate of recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Prostate cancer does not appear to metastasize in the absence of invasion into the capsule regardless of the volume or grade of the intracapsular tumor. Subclassification of patients according to the levels of PCI provides valuable prognostic information.  相似文献   

All patients (n = 46) treated with implant-supported overdentures at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Dental and Medical Health Centre, Halmstad, Sweden, from 1986 to 1993 were studied. The clinical examination was completed in 1994. The material was divided into two subgroups: Group A had been initially treatment planned for an implant-supported overdenture, and Group B had been planned for fixed prostheses but because of loss of implants before loading, treatment with a fixed prosthesis was not possible. The authors present their experience and patient reactions to overdenture therapy in two defined groups of patients. The implant failure rate before loading for Group A (n = 12) was 15% (six implants out of 39), and the rate before loading for Group B (n = 29) was 43.6% (68 implants out of 156). After prosthodontic treatment in Group A, the implant success rate after loading was 87.9%, and the overdenture stability was 84.6%. In group B, 17 implants placed in the maxillae were lost after overdenture therapy, which resulted in an implant success rate of 79.3%. A total of eight overdentures, all of which had been placed in the maxillae, were lost, resulting in an overdenture stability of 73.3%. In this study "change of retentive clips" was the predominant prosthodontic complication related to the overdentures, especially in Group B. Most of these complications (62%) occurred in patients with clinical signs of bruxism. Patient reactions to treatment with an overdenture were positive regarding esthetics for both groups. More negative views were recorded in Group B than in Group A in response to function and retention of the overdenture.  相似文献   

The BCL7A gene, which maps to human chromosome 12q24.13, was cloned through its direct involvement with MYC and IGH in a three-way translocation in a Burkitt lymphoma cell line. Here, we describe the identification of two related human genes, BCL7B and BCL7C, which share 90% identity to the amino-terminal 51 amino acids of human BCL7A, as well as 41% identity in the same region to Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Brugia malayi EST sequences. This degree of relatedness in the amino-terminal domain suggests we have defined a new gene family of unknown function. There was little sequence conservation between the family members outside this conserved domain and no identified protein motifs could be deduced. Human BCL7B and BCL7C mapped to chromosome 7q11.23, and 16p11, respectively. No chromosomal rearrangements affecting BCL7B or BCL7C were detected in lymphoid malignancies. BCL7B did, however, map within the region of 7q11.23 which is commonly deleted in the congenital disorder, Williams syndrome.  相似文献   

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