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Exposure of vertebrate embryos to ethanol causes cyclopia, but little is known about the underlying mechanisms of this effect. Here we show that cyclopia can be induced in the zebrafish by a short ethanol treatment during early gastrula stages and is accompanied by loss of gene expression characteristic of the ventral aspects of the fore- and midbrain. Interestingly, defects in the expression of ventral brain markers are linked to impaired migration of the prechordal plate mesoderm indicating that the correct position of the prechordal plate mesoderm under the anterior neural plate in the zebrafish embryo is required for specification of the anterior neural midline. Ethanol-induced cyclopia does not, however, impair the induction of anterior neuroectodermal structures in general. Finally, as genes like goosecoid and islet-1 are expressed in prechordal plate cells in a temporal pattern similar to control embryos despite the ectopic position of expressing cells, it appears that regulation of prechordal plate-specific gene expression is largely independent of the final position of the prechordal plate.  相似文献   

Ventral midline cells at different rostrocaudal levels of the central nervous system exhibit distinct properties but share the ability to pattern the dorsoventral axis of the neural tube. We show here that ventral midline cells acquire distinct identities in response to the different signaling activities of underlying mesoderm. Signals from prechordal mesoderm control the differentiation of rostral diencephalic ventral midline cells, whereas notochord induces floor plate cells caudally. Sonic hedgehog (SHH) is expressed throughout axial mesoderm and is required for the induction of both rostral diencephalic ventral midline cells and floor plate. However, prechordal mesoderm also expresses BMP7 whose function is required coordinately with SHH to induce rostral diencephalic ventral midline cells. BMP7 acts directly on neural cells, modifying their response to SHH so that they differentiate into rostral diencephalic ventral midline cells rather than floor plate cells. Our results suggest a model whereby axial mesoderm both induces the differentiation of overlying neural cells and controls the rostrocaudal character of the ventral midline of the neural tube.  相似文献   

Precocial stimulation in 123 2-wk-old Rhode Island Red * White Rock male chicks-described behaviorally as free mount, tread, posterior contact, waggle, peck, and seize-was developed through hand-training experience and androgen treatment. Crystalline progesterone was then implanted in various forebrain or midbrain regions. Results indicate that progesterone inhibited copulatory behavior when placed in the periventricular areas of the preoptic-hypothalamic continuum. Progesterone implants in the preoptic lateral forebrain bundle region also suppressed precocial copulation. Forebrain implants of cholesterol did not result in copulatory inhibition. The suppression of copulatory behavior was not accompanied by loss of weight or deficits in general activity or comb growth. Data indicate that brain regions responsible for progesterone-induced copulatory inhibition are similar in neuroanatomical distribution to those involved in testosterone-induced copulatory activation. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine whether a visible Wolffian ridge, distinct from the lateral fold, can be identified in chick embryos. Ectoderm thickness was measured in stage 11-17 chick embryos. There was a general trend, from thin ectoderm in the midline, to an ectodermal thickening over the somites, intermediate mesoderm, and lateral plate. Other embryos were cut from the yolk, pinned out, and photographed. The lateral fold was then eliminated, and the embryo was rephotographed. The photographs reveal a definite opaic zone, distinct from the lateral fold, in stage 11-18 chick embryos. Furthermore, there is a direct correlation between the opacity of this cellular band and the limb-forming potential of grafted wing, flank, and leg regions (see Stephens et al., '89). At stages 11-14, the wing, flank, and leg exhibit a uniform opacity, and a uniform capacity for limb formation when grafted to a host celom. From stage 15 to stage 18, the opacity in the flank diminishes, and its limb-forming capability disappears. This study demonstrates the presence of an opaic zone, which we have called the limb-forming zone (LFZ) along the lateral side of early chick embryos, which is independent of the lateral fold, is not as extensive as the lateral plate, and is not simply associated with ectodermal thickening, but which is directly correlated with limb-forming potential in the lateral plate.  相似文献   

This review starts from the classical standpoint that there are at least two separable processes acting with respect to axis formation and tissue specification in the early Xenopus embryo: a UV-insensitive event establishing a postgastrula embryo consisting of three concentric germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm, all of a ventral character; and a UV-sensitive event producing tissue of a dorsal type, including somites, notochord and neural tissue, and concomitantly establishing the dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. The experimental evidence suggesting the molecular basis of the dorsal and ventral pathways is reviewed.  相似文献   

The rostro-medial neostriatum/hyperstriatum ventrale (MNH) and the neostriatum dorsocaudale (Ndc) are forebrain regions which play a role in auditory filial imprinting. Both regions receive a distinct dopaminergic input from the mesencephalon and we were interested to investigate if the dopaminergic system, which is known to play a role in associative learning processes and neuronal plasticity is involved in auditory imprinting. Using ligand autoradiography we studied the distribution and density of dopamine receptors (D1 and D2 type) in the forebrain of socially isolated chicks during the first postnatal week and compared these data with the values of age-matched imprinted chicks. D1- and D2-receptors were present in the chick forebrain on the day of hatching and they showed in general, the same distribution until postnatal day 7. Between days 0 and 2 the D2-receptor density increased significantly in the lobus parolfactorius and paleostriatum augmentatum while for D1-receptor density no significant changes were detectable. The receptor densities in the investigated forebrain regions did not differ significantly between imprinted and control chicks. These results suggest that auditory imprinting does not induce alterations of dopamine receptor density, however, more subtle changes can not be excluded. The presented detailed data about the developmental profile of dopamine receptors within distinct brain regions is a further step towards a more specific interpretation of behavioral effects of dopamine receptor agonists or antagonists at different postnatal ages.  相似文献   

Patterning the vertebrate neuraxis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Neuraxial patterning is a continuous process that extends over a protracted period of development. During gastrulation a crude anteroposterior pattern, detectable by molecular markers, is conferred on the neuroectoderm by signals from the endomesoderm that are largely inseparable from those of neural induction itself. This coarse-grained pattern is subsequently reinforced and refined by diverse, locally acting mechanisms. Segmentation and long-range signaling from organizing centers are prominent among the emerging principles governing regional pattern.  相似文献   

Cortical neurons communicate with various cortical and subcortical targets by way of stereotyped axon projections through the white matter. Slice overlay experiments indicate that the initial growth of cortical axons toward the white matter is regulated by a diffusible chemorepulsive signal localized near the marginal zone. Semaphorin III is a major component of this diffusible signal, and cortical neurons transduce this signal by way of the neuropilin-1 receptor. These observations indicate that semaphorin-neuropilin interactions play a critical role in the initial patterning of projections in the developing cortex.  相似文献   

The levels of alanine, aspartate and glutamine transaminase increase considerably in some diseases. We measured the activity of these enzymes and of the transaminase of 3-hydroxykynurenine, an aminoacid, which acts as a UV lens filter. Alanine and glutamine transaminases (carboxypeptidase) were not detected in normal and cataractous human lenses, and aspartate transaminase was found only in the cortex of normal lenses. 3-hydroxykynurenine transaminase was not found in lenses from persons below thirty years of age, but was found in lenses at about fifty years of age, and in cataractous lenses. Transamination of 3-hydroxykynurenine leads to the formation of xanthurenic acid and its derivatives. These substances appear to be responsible for the increase of lens fluorescence during cataract development.  相似文献   

The otic, the lens and the nasal placodes have been examined in chick embryos between stages 10 and 18 of Hamburger and Hamilton. At the stage when each placode first becomes visible conspicuous differences have been seen in the surface morphology between those cells which will invaginate and form the placode and those which will remain on the surface of the head, forming the epidermis. The differences become more pronounced with increasing development. The placode cells possess many surface projections whilst the epidermal cells do not. These differences in surface morphology are related to other differences which are visible in TEM sections, the placode cells being highly columnar and extending the full depth of the placode, whilst the epidermal cells are cuboidal or even squamous. This modification in cell shape of the placode cells is correlated with the presence of longitudinally orientated microtubules. The mechanism of invagination is discussed and evidence is presented which supports the idea that there is a migration of cells into the placode from one side. Such a phenomenon would help to explain the asymmetrical structure of the placode, including the presence of the overhanging lip.  相似文献   

A female infant was found to have a congenital, firm, pea-sized tumour nasally in the lower left eyelid. A dermoid cyst was suspected, but microscopy showed structures simulating a lens. The tumour has been considered to have an origin in surface ectoderm induced to dip down into the mesoderm of the lid, there forming lenticular anlage structures. This so-called phakomatous choristoma has only been reported five times previously, all cases outside Europe.  相似文献   

The patterns of embryonic expression and the activities of Xenopus members of the hedgehog gene family are suggestive of role in neural induction and patterning. We report that these hedgehog polypeptides undergo autoproteolytic cleavage. Injection into embryos of mRNAs encoding Xenopus banded-hedgehog (X-bhh) or the amino-terminal domain (N) demonstrates that the direct inductive activities of X-bhh are encoded by N. In addition, both N and X-bhh pattern neural tissue by elevating expression of anterior neural genes. Unexpectedly, an internal deletion of X-bhh (delta N-C) was found to block the activity of X-bhh and N in explants and to reduce dorsoanterior structures in embryos. As elevated hedgehog activity increases the expression of anterior neural genes, and as delta N-C reduces dorsoanterior structures, these complementary data support a role for hedgehog in neural induction and anteroposterior patterning.  相似文献   

When young zebra finch males who have been reared in isolation court a female for the first time they develop a stable preference for females of this species (sexual imprinting). During this first courtship, two areas of the forebrain show a reversible enhancement of spine density, while in two other areas, spine density decreases irreversibly. Here we show that the same alterations can be induced by application of tetraethylammonium (TEA) to slices of adult, previously isolated males. TEA application induces an enhancement of spine density in two forebrain areas and leads to a decrease of spine density in two others. Although the exact mechanisms are unknown, our results indicate that potentiation phenomena are involved in the spine density changes induced by first courtship.  相似文献   

An area of the caudal forebrain of male zebra finches, the Archi-Neostriatum caudale (ANC), which is active during arousal (Bischof & Herrmann, 1986, 1988), shows rearing-dependent changes in neuron morphology (Rollenhagen & Bischof, 1991). We demonstrate here that rearing conditions also affect the shape of spines of one of the four ANC neuron types. This neuron type was examined in birds reared under five different conditions--in isolation (1), caged (2), in the aviary (3), and with social contact (4) or chasing (5) after an isolation period. Our results show that social experience determines the proportion of the three types of spines (thin, mushroom, and stubby) of the investigated neuron type. Rearing conditions and short social contact also affect the spine stem length of the thin spine type. Long-term isolation results in a reduction in number and elongation of shafts of thin spines, along with an increase of stubby-and mushroom-shaped spines. Short-term social contact or arousal enhances the number of mushroom-and thin-shaped spines and reduces the length of spine stems of thin spines. We suggest that isolation prevents the ANC neuron from reaching full development. The increase of mushroom and thin spine types due to social contact indicates that the stubby-shaped spines are replaced by, or transformed into, mushroom-shaped spines, and the mushroom-shaped spines are replaced by, or transformed into, thin spines. These results confirm and extend the experimental background for our hypothesis (Rollenhagen & Bischof, 1991) that social contact is necessary for development of normal morphology of ANC neurons.  相似文献   

The arborization pattern and postsynaptic targets of corticofugal axons in basal forebrain areas have been studied by the combination of anatomical tract-tracing and pre- and postembedding immunocytochemistry. The anterograde neuronal tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin was iontophoretically delivered into different neocortical (frontal, parietal, occipital), allocortical (piriform) and mesocortical (insular, prefrontal) areas in rats. To identify the transmitter phenotype in pre- or postsynaptic elements, the tracer staining was combined with immunolabeling for either glutamate or GABA, or with immunolabeling for choline acetyltransferase or parvalbumin. Tracer injections into medial and ventral prefrontal areas gave rise to dense terminal arborizations in extended basal forebrain areas, particularly in the horizontal limb of the diagonal band and the region ventral to it. Terminals were also found to a lesser extent in the ventral part of the substantia innominata and in ventral pallidal areas adjoining ventral striatal territories. Similarly, labeled fibers from the piriform and insular cortices were found to reach lateral and ventral parts of the substantia innominata, where terminal varicosities were evident. In contrast, descending fibers from neocortical areas were smooth, devoid of terminal varicosities, and restricted to the myelinated fascicles of the internal capsule en route to more caudal targets. Ultrastructural studies obtained indicated that corticofugal axon terminals in the basal forebrain areas form synaptic contact primarily with dendritic spines or small dendritic branches (89%); the remaining axon terminals established synapses with dendritic shafts. All tracer labeled axon terminals were immunonegative for GABA, and in the cases investigated, were found to contain glutamate immunoreactivity. In material stained for the anterograde tracer and choline acetyltransferase, a total of 63 Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin varicosities closely associated with cholinergic profiles were selected for electron microscopic analysis. From this material, 37 varicosities were identified as establishing asymmetric synaptic contacts with neurons that were immunonegative for choline acetyltransferase, including spines and small dendrites (87%) or dendritic shafts (13%). Unequivocal evidence for synaptic interactions between tracer labeled terminals and cholinergic profiles could not be obtained in the remaining cases. From material stained for the anterograde tracer and parvalbumin, 40% of the labeled terminals investigated were found to establish synapses with parvalbumin-positive elements; these contacts were on dendritic shafts and were of the asymmetrical type. The present data suggest that corticofugal axons innervate forebrain neurons that are primarily inhibitory and non-cholinergic; local forebrain axonal arborizations of these cells may represent a mechanism by which prefrontal cortical areas control basal forebrain cholinergic neurons outside the traditional boundaries of pallidal areas.  相似文献   

Mice, rats, and humans have two types of estrogen receptors, estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha) and estrogen receptor-beta (ERbeta). Estrogen receptor-alpha gene-disrupted (ERalpha-disrupted) mice bear two nonfunctional copies of the ERalpha gene. This mutation blocks the synthesis of full-length ERalpha, renders the animals infertile, and inhibits the induction of female sexual behaviors by estradiol and progesterone. It is likely that many of the processes contributing to the regulation of sexual receptivity by estradiol and progesterone are compromised in ERalpha-disrupted mice. However, given the importance of progesterone in the regulation of sexual receptivity and given the importance of progestin receptors (PRs) in mediating the responses of females to progesterone, we investigated the effects of ERalpha disruption on the induction of PRs by estradiol in the forebrain. We hypothesized that estradiol would induce PRs in wild-type mice but not in ERalpha-disrupted mice. Ovariectomized wild-type and ERalpha-disrupted mice were implanted with either estradiol-filled capsules or empty capsules for 5 d, after which their brains were processed for the immunocytochemical detection of PR. Estradiol increased the number of PR-immunoreactive cells in both wild-type and ERalpha-disrupted mice. The residual responsiveness of ERalpha-disrupted mice to estradiol could be accounted for by an ERbeta-dependent mechanism or another as yet unidentified estrogen receptor; however, because ERalpha-immunoreactivity and PCR product representing the 3' end of ERalpha mRNA were found in at least one PR-containing region of the ERalpha-disrupted mice, an ERalpha splice variant may also mediate the induction of PR-immunoreactivity in ERalpha-disrupted mice.  相似文献   

Midbrain development induced by FGF8 in the chick embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vertebrate midbrain development depends on an organizing centre located at the isthmus, a constriction in the embryonic mid/hindbrain region. Isthmic tissue grafts transform chick caudal forebrain into an ectopic midbrain that is the mirror image of the normal midbrain. Here we report that FGF8 protein has the same midbrain-inducing and polarizing effect as isthmic tissue. Moreover, FGF8 induces ectopic expression in the forebrain of genes normally expressed in the isthmus, suggesting that the ectopic midbrain forms under the influence of signals from a new 'isthmus-like' organizing centre induced in the forebrain. Because Fgf8 itself is expressed in the isthmus, our results identify FGF8 as an important signalling molecule in normal midbrain development.  相似文献   

The immunosuppressant drug cyclosporin A (CsA) is considered to be inherently protective in conditions of ischemia, e.g. in hepatic and cardiac tissue. However, investigations of effects of CsA on neuronal tissue have been contradictory, probably because the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is virtually impermeable to CsA. In the present study, we exploited the finding that the insertion of a syringe needle into brain parenchyma obviously disrupts the BBB and allows influx of CsA, and explored whether CsA, given as intraperitoneal injections daily for 1 week before and 1 week after forebrain ischemia of 7 or 10 min duration, ameliorates the damage incurred to the hippocampal CA 1 sector. In other experiments, the needle insertion and the first i.p. injection of CsA were made 30 min after the start of recirculation, with continued daily administration of CsA during the postinsult week. In animals which were injected with CsA in daily doses of 10 mg kg-1, but in which no needle was inserted, the drug failed to ameliorate CA1 damage, whether the ischemia had a duration of 7 or 10 min. Likewise, needle insertion had no effect on CA1 damage if CsA was not administered. In contrast, when CsA was given to animals with a needle insertion, CA1 damage was dramatically ameliorated, whether treatment was initiated 1 week before ischemia, or 30 min after the start of recirculation. The effect of CsA seemed larger than that of any other drug proposed to have an anti-ischemic effect in forebrain/global ischemia. Injection of tritiated CsA in one animal with BBB disruption lead to detectable radioactivity throughout the ventricular system, suggesting a generalised increase of the entry of CsA across the BBB. The results demonstrate that immunosuppressants of the type represented by CsA markedly ameliorate delayed neuronal damage after transient forebrain ischemia, provided that they can pass the BBB. It is discussed whether the effect of the drug is one involving calcineurin, a protein phosphatase, or if CsA counteracts a permeability transition of the inner mitochondrial membrane, assumed to occur in response to adverse conditions, e.g. gradual accumulation of Ca2+ in the mitochondria in the postischemic period.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) on expression of genes coding for PR isoforms in the forebrain of ovariectomized rats by RT-PCR analysis. In the hypothalamus the expression of both PR isoforms was induced by E2 and down-regulated by P4. In the preoptic area these changes were only observed in the PR-B isoform. In contrast, in the hippocampus PR induction by E2 was only observed for PR-A. In this region P4 did not modify the expression of any PR isoform. These results indicate that PR isoforms expression is differentially regulated by sex steroid hormones in distinct forebrain regions and suggest that the tissue-specific regulation of either PR-A or PR-B may be involved in the physiological actions of P4 upon the rat brain.  相似文献   

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