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Neuronal properties and topographic organization of the middle suprasylvian gyrus (cortical cytoarchitectonic field 7) were studied in three behaving cats with painlessly fixed heads. Two main neuronal types were found within this field. Type 1 neurons occupied the lateral part of the field and bordered representation of directionally selective neurons of the lateral suprasylvian visual area by vertical retinal meridian. Type 1 neurons had elongated and radially oriented receptive fields located in the lower part of contralateral visual field. Type 1 neurons preferred stimuli moving out or to the centre of gaze at a low or moderate speed, and many of them were depth selective. The responses were enhanced by attention, oriented to the presented stimulus. Medial part of the field 7 along the border with the area V3 was occupied by neurons with not elongated receptive fields (type 2). These neurons preferred moderate and high speeds of motion, and gratings of proper spatial frequency and orientation were effective stimuli for them. Border between representations of type 2 and type 1 neurons coincided with projection of horizontal retinal meridian. At the rostral and caudal borders of the field 7 abrupt changes of neuronal properties took place. Neurons which abutted field 7 anteriorly and posteriorly resembled hypercomplex cells and their small receptive fields were located in the central part of the visual field. Topographical considerations and receptive field properties allowed us to conclude that the medial part of the field 7 (included type 2 neurons) is functionally equivalent to the area V4 in the cortex of primates, while the lateral part (type 1 neurons) may correspond to the area V4T.  相似文献   

Previous reports have argued that single neurons in the ventral premotor cortex of rhesus monkeys (PMv, the ventrolateral part of Brodmann's area 6) typically show spatial response fields that are independent of gaze angle. We reinvestigated this issue for PMv and also explored the adjacent prearcuate cortex (PAv, areas 12 and 45). Two rhesus monkeys were operantly conditioned to press a switch and maintain fixation on a small visual stimulus (0.2 degree x 0.2 degree) while a second visual stimulus (1 degree x 1 degree or 2 degrees x 2 degrees) appeared at one of several possible locations on a video screen. When the second stimulus dimmed, after an unpredictable period of 0.4-1.2 s, the monkey had to quickly release the switch to receive liquid reinforcement. By presenting stimuli at fixed screen locations and varying the location of the fixation point, we could determine whether single neurons encode stimulus location in "absolute space" or any other coordinate system independent of gaze. For the vast majority of neurons in both PMv (90%) and PAv (94%), the apparent response to a stimulus at a given screen location varied significantly and dramatically with gaze angle. Thus, we found little evidence for gaze-independent activity in either PMv or PAv neurons. The present result in frontal cortex resembles that in posterior parietal cortex, where both retinal image location and eye position affect responsiveness to visual stimuli.  相似文献   

It is widely held that in human spatial vision the visual scene is initially processed through visual filters, each of which is responsive to narrow ranges of image spatial frequencies. The physiological basis of these filters are thought to be cortical neurons with receptive fields of different sizes. The grain of the neural representation of spatial vision is much finer than had been supposed. Using laser interferometry, which effectively bypasses the demodulation of the optics of the eye, we measured discrimination of, and adaptation to, high spatial frequency laser interference fringe patterns. Spatial frequency discrimination was good right up to the visual resolution limit (average Weber fractions of 0.13 at 50 c/deg). Both contrast and spatial frequency matches made after adapting to extremely fine interference fringes strongly suggested that there existed even finer, relatively unadapted, filters (mechanisms with small receptive fields). The smallest cortical receptive fields processing spatial information in human vision are so small that they can possess receptive field centers hardly wider than single cone photoreceptors.  相似文献   

In macaque ventral premotor cortex, we recorded the activity of neurons that responded to both visual and tactile stimuli. For these bimodal cells, the visual receptive field extended from the tactile receptive field into the adjacent space. Their tactile receptive fields were organized topographically, with the arms represented medially, the face represented in the middle, and the inside of the mouth represented laterally. For many neurons, both the visual and tactile responses were directionally selective, although many neurons also responded to stationary stimuli. In the awake monkeys, for 70% of bimodal neurons with a tactile response on the arm, the visual receptive field moved when the arm was moved. In contrast, for 0% the visual receptive field moved when the eye or head moved. Thus the visual receptive fields of most "arm + visual" cells were anchored to the arm, not to the eye or head. In the anesthetized monkey, the effect of arm position was similar. For 95% of bimodal neurons with a tactile response on the face, the visual receptive field moved as the head was rotated. In contrast, for 15% the visual receptive field moved with the eye and for 0% it moved with the arm. Thus the visual receptive fields of most "face + visual" cells were anchored to the head, not to the eye or arm. To construct a visual receptive field anchored to the arm, it is necessary to integrate the position of the arm, head, and eye. For arm + visual cells, the spontaneous activity, the magnitude of the visual response, and sometimes both were modulated by the position of the arm (37%), the head (75%), and the eye (58%). In contrast, to construct a visual receptive field that is anchored to the head, it is necessary to use the position of the eye, but not of the head or the arm. For face + visual cells, the spontaneous activity and/or response magnitude was modulated by the position of the eyes (88%), but not of the head or the arm (0%). Visual receptive fields anchored to the arm can encode stimulus location in "arm-centered" coordinates, and would be useful for guiding arm movements. Visual receptive fields anchored to the head can likewise encode stimuli in "head-centered" coordinates, useful for guiding head movements. Sixty-three percent of face + visual neurons responded during voluntary movements of the head. We suggest that "body-part-centered" coordinates provide a general solution to a problem of sensory-motor integration: sensory stimuli are located in a coordinate system anchored to a particular body part.  相似文献   

We propose a model for the neuronal implementation of selective visual attention based on temporal correlation among groups of neurons. Neurons in primary visual cortex respond to visual stimuli with a Poisson distributed spike train with an appropriate, stimulus-dependent mean firing rate. The spike trains of neurons whose receptive fields do not overlap with the "focus of attention" are distributed according to homogeneous (time-independent) Poisson process with no correlation between action potentials of different neurons. In contrast, spike trains of neurons with receptive fields within the focus of attention are distributed according to non-homogeneous (time-dependent) Poisson processes. Since the short-term average spike rates of all neurons with receptive fields in the focus of attention covary, correlations between these spike trains are introduced which are detected by inhibitory interneurons in V4. These cells, modeled as modified integrate-and-fire neurons, function as coincidence detectors and suppress the response of V4 cells associated with non-attended visual stimuli. The model reproduces quantitatively experimental data obtained in cortical area V4 of monkey by Moran and Desimone (1985).  相似文献   

The voluntary control of gaze implies the ability to make saccadic eye movements specified by abstract instructions, as well as the ability to repress unwanted orientating to sudden stimuli. Both of these abilities are challenged in the antisaccade task, because it requires subjects to look at an unmarked location opposite to a flashed stimulus, without glancing at it. Performance on this task depends on the frontal/prefrontal cortex and related structures, but the neuronal operations underlying antisaccades are not understood. It is not known, for example, how excited visual neurons that normally trigger a saccade to a target (a prosaccade) can activate oculomotor neurons directing gaze in the opposite direction. Visual neurons might, perhaps, alter their receptive fields depending on whether they receive a pro- or antisaccade instruction. If the receptive field is not altered, the antisaccade goal must be computed and imposed from the top down to the appropriate oculomotor neurons. Here we show, using recordings from the supplementary eye field (a frontal cortex oculomotor centre) in monkeys, that visual and movement neurons retain the same spatial selectivity across randomly mixed pro- and antisaccade trials. However, these neurons consistently fire more before antisaccades than prosaccades with the same trajectories, suggesting a mechanism through which voluntary antisaccade commands can override reflexive glances.  相似文献   

Recent neurophysiological studies in alert monkeys have revealed that the parietal association cortex plays a crucial role in depth perception and visually guided hand movement. The following five classes of parietal neurons covering various aspects of these functions have been identified: (1) depth-selective visual-fixation (VF) neurons of the inferior parietal lobule (IPL), representing egocentric distance; (2) depth-movement sensitive (DMS) neurons of V5A and the ventral intraparietal (VIP) area representing direction of linear movement in 3-D space; (3) depth-rotation-sensitive (RS) neurons of V5A and the posterior parietal (PP) area representing direction of rotary movement in space; (4) visually responsive manipulation-related neurons (visual-dominant or visual-and-motor type) of the anterior intraparietal (AIP) area, representing 3-D shape or orientation (or both) of objects for manipulation; and (5) axis-orientation-selective (AOS) and surface-orientation-selective (SOS) neurons in the caudal intraparietal sulcus (cIPS) sensitive to binocular disparity and representing the 3-D orientation of the longitudinal axes and flat surfaces, respectively. Some AOS and SOS neurons are selective in both orientation and shape. Thus the dorsal visual pathway is divided into at least two subsystems, V5A, PP and VIP areas for motion vision and V6, LIP and cIPS areas for coding position and 3-D features. The cIPS sends the signals of 3-D features of objects to the AIP area, which is reciprocally connected to the ventral premotor (F5) area and plays an essential role in matching hand orientation and shaping with 3-D objects for manipulation.  相似文献   

The progressive frontalization of both eyes in mammals causes overlap of the left and right visual fields, having as a consequence a region of binocular field with single vision and stereopsis. The horizontal separation of the eyes makes the retinal images of the objects lying in this binocular field have slight horizontal and vertical differences, termed disparities. Horizontal disparities are the main cue for stereopsis. In the past decades numerous physiological studies made on monkeys, which have in many aspects a similar visual system to humans, showed that a population of visual cells are capable of encoding the amplitude and sign of horizontal disparity. Such disparity detectors were found in cortical visual areas V1, V2, V3, V3A, VP, MT (V5) and MST of monkeys and in the superior colliculus of the cat and opossum. According to their disparity tuning function, these cells were first grouped into tuned excitatory, tuned inhibitory, near and far sub-groups. Subsequent studies added two more categories, tuned near and tuned far cells. Asymmetries between left and right receptive field position, on and off regions, and intra-receptive field wiring are believed to be the neural mechanisms of disparity detection. Because horizontal disparity alone is insufficient to compute reliable stereopsis, additional information about fixation distance and angle of gaze is required. Thus, while there is unequivocal evidence of cells capable of detecting horizontal disparities, it is not known how horizontal disparity is calibrated. Sensitivity to vertical disparity and information about the vergence angle or eye position may be the source of this additional information.  相似文献   

A single visual stimulus activates neurons in many different cortical areas. A major challenge in cortical physiology is to understand how the neural activity in these numerous active zones leads to a unified percept of the visual scene. The anatomical basis for these interactions is the dense network of connections that link the visual areas. Within this network, feedforward connections transmit signals from lower-order areas such as V1 or V2 to higher-order areas. In addition, there is a dense web of feedback connections which, despite their anatomical prominence, remain functionally mysterious. Here we show, using reversible inactivation of a higher-order area (monkey area V5/MT), that feedback connections serve to amplify and focus activity of neurons in lower-order areas, and that they are important in the differentiation of figure from ground, particularly in the case of stimuli of low visibility. More specifically, we show that feedback connections facilitate responses to objects moving within the classical receptive field; enhance suppression evoked by background stimuli in the surrounding region; and have the strongest effects for stimuli of low salience.  相似文献   

1. Previous studies in the cat have demonstrated that output neurons of the superior collicular as well as brain stem omnipause neurons have discharges that are best correlated, not with the trajectory of the eye in the head but, with the trajectory of the visual axis in space (gaze = eye-in-head + head-in-space) during rapid orienting coordinated eye and head movements. In this study, we describe the gaze-related activity of cat premotor "inhibitory burst neurons" (IBNs) identified on the basis of their position relative to the abducens nucleus. 2. The firing behavior of IBNs was studied during 1) saccades made with the head stationary, 2) active orienting combined eye-head gaze shifts, and 3) passive movements of the head on the body. IBN discharges were well correlated with the duration and amplitude of saccades made when the head was stationary. In both head-free paradigms, the behavior of cat IBNs differed from that of previously described primate "saccade bursters". The duration of their burst was better correlated with gaze than saccade duration, and the total number of spikes in a burst was well correlated with gaze amplitude and generally poorly correlated with saccade amplitude. The behavior of cat IBNs also differed from that of previously described primate "gaze bursters". The slope of the relationship between the total number of spikes and gaze amplitude observed during head-free gaze shifts was significantly lower than that observed during head-fixed saccades. 3. These studies suggest that cat IBNs do not fit into the categories of gaze-bursters or saccade-bursters that have been described in primate studies.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Responses of several neurons from area 17 in the rat visual cortex to illumination with round spots of growing size were recorded. The size and shape of receptive fields of the neurons were determined. When the spot was placed into the central part of the receptive fields of neurons situated along one vertical run, distribution analysis of excited, inhibited, and non-responding neurons here showed that microlocus of excitation was being formed in the middle layers of the visual cortex. As the spot became larger, the neuronal ensemble "grew" up to a certain critical size, beyond which the microlocus of excitation divided, and the mosaic of neuronal ensembles began to form reaching maximal clear-cutness of diffuse illumination of the eye.  相似文献   

The present study examines whether the direction of gaze can influence sound lateralization. For this purpose, dichotic stimuli with variable interaural level difference (ILD) were presented under different conditions of visual fixation. In experiment 1, subjects with their head fixed directed their gaze to a given target, simultaneously adjusting the ILD of continuous pure tone or noise stimuli so that their location was perceived in the median plane of the head. The auditory adjustments were significantly correlated with gaze direction. During eccentric fixation, the psychophysical adjustments to the median plane shifted slightly toward the direction of gaze. The magnitude of the shift was about 1-3 dB, over a range of fixation angles of 45 degrees to either side. The eye position effect, measured as a function of pure-tone frequency, was most pronounced at 2 kHz and showed a tendency to decrease at lower and higher frequencies. The effect still occurred, although weaker, even when the eyes were directed to eccentric positions in darkness and without a fixation target. In experiment 2, the adjustment method was replaced by a two-alternative forced-choice method. Subjects judged whether sound bursts, presented with variable ILDs, were perceived on the left or right of the median plane during fixation of targets in various directions. Corresponding to experiment 1, the psychometric functions shifted significantly with gaze direction. However, the shift was only about half as large as that found in experiment 1. The shift of the subjective auditory median plane in the direction of eccentric gaze, observed in both experiments, indicates that dichotic sound is localized slightly to the opposite side, i.e., to the left when the gaze is directed to the right and vice versa. The effect may be related to auditory neurons which exhibit spatially selective receptive fields that shift with eye position.  相似文献   

Experimental observations suggest that contour integration may take place in V1. However, there has yet to be a model of contour integration that uses only known V1 elements, operations, and connection patterns. This article introduces such a model, using orientation selective cells, local cortical circuits, and horizontal intracortical connections. The model is composed of recurrently connected excitatory neurons and inhibitory interneurons, receiving visual input via oriented receptive fields resembling those found in primary visual cortex. Intracortical interactions modify initial activity patterns from input, selectively amplifying the activities of edges that form smooth contours in the image. The neural activities produced by such interactions are oscillatory and edge segments within a contour oscillate in synchrony. It is shown analytically and empirically that the extent of contour enhancement and neural synchrony increases with the smoothness, length, and closure of contours, as observed in experiments on some of these phenomena. In addition, the model incorporates a feedback mechanism that allows higher visual centers selectively to enhance or suppress sensitivities to given contours, effectively segmenting one from another. The model makes the testable prediction that the horizontal cortical connections are more likely to target excitatory (or inhibitory) cells when the two linked cells have their preferred orientation aligned with (or orthogonal to) their relative receptive field center displacements.  相似文献   

Amblyopia is a developmental disorder of pattern vision. After surgical creation of esotropic strabismus in the first weeks of life or after wearing -10 diopter contact lenses in one eye to simulate anisometropia during the first months of life, macaques often develop amblyopia. We studied the response properties of visual cortex neurons in six amblyopic macaques; three monkeys were anisometropic, and three were strabismic. In all monkeys, cortical binocularity was reduced. In anisometropes, the amblyopic eye influenced a relatively small proportion of cortical neurons; in strabismics, the influence of the two eyes was more nearly equal. The severity of amblyopia was related to the relative strength of the input of the amblyopic eye to the cortex only for the more seriously affected amblyopes. Measurements of the spatial frequency tuning and contrast sensitivity of cortical neurons showed few differences between the eyes for the three less severe amblyopes (two strabismic and one anisometropic). In the three more severely affected animals (one strabismic and two anisometropic), the optimal spatial frequency and spatial resolution of cortical neurons driven by the amblyopic eye were substantially and significantly lower than for neurons driven by the nonamblyopic eye. There were no reliable differences in neuronal contrast sensitivity between the eyes. A sample of neurons recorded from cortex representing the peripheral visual field showed no interocular differences, suggesting that the effects of amblyopia were more pronounced in portions of the cortex subserving foveal vision. Qualitatively, abnormalities in both the eye dominance and spatial properties of visual cortex neurons were related on a case-by-case basis to the depth of amblyopia. Quantitative analysis suggests, however, that these abnormalities alone do not explain the full range of visual deficits in amblyopia. Studies of extrastriate cortical areas may uncover further abnormalities that explain these deficits.  相似文献   

Visual inputs to the brain are mapped in a retinocentric reference frame, but the motor system plans movements in a body-centered frame. This basic observation implies that the brain must transform target coordinates from one reference frame to another. Physiological studies revealed that the posterior parietal cortex may contribute a large part of such a transformation, but the question remains as to whether the premotor areas receive visual information, from the parietal cortex, readily coded in body-centered coordinates. To answer this question, we studied dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) neurons in two monkeys while they performed a conditional visuomotor task and maintained fixation at different gaze angles. Visual stimuli were presented on a video monitor, and the monkeys made limb movements on a panel of three touch pads located at the bottom of the monitor. A trial begins when the monkey puts its hand on the central pad. Then, later in the trial, a colored cue instructed a limb movement to the left touch pad if red or to the right one if green. The cues lasted for a variable delay, the instructed delay period, and their offset served as the go signal. The fixation spot was presented at the center of the screen or at one of four peripheral locations. Because the monkey's head was restrained, peripheral fixations caused a deviation of the eyes within the orbit, but for each fixation angle, the instructional cue was presented at nine locations with constant retinocentric coordinates. After the presentation of the instructional cue, 133 PMd cells displayed a phasic discharge (signal-related activity), 157 were tonically active during the instructed delay period (set-related or preparatory activity), and 104 were active after the go signal in relation to movement (movement-related activity). A large proportion of cells showed variations of the discharge rate in relation to limb movement direction, but only modest proportions were sensitive to the cue's location (signal, 43%; set, 34%; movement, 29%). More importantly, the activity of most neurons (signal, 74%; set, 79%; movement, 79%) varied significantly (analysis of variance, P < 0.05) with orbital eye position. A regression analysis showed that the neuronal activity varied linearly with eye position along the horizontal and vertical axes and can be approximated by a two-dimensional regression plane. These data provide evidence that eye position signals modulate the neuronal activity beyond sensory areas, including those involved in visually guided reaching limb movements. Further, they show that neuronal activity related to movement preparation and execution combines at least two directional parameters: arm movement direction and gaze direction in space. It is suggested that a substantial population of PMd cells codes limb movement direction in a head-centered reference frame.  相似文献   

The nocturnal, New World owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus) has a rod-dominated retina containing only a single cone type, supporting only the most rudimentary color vision. However, it does have well-developed magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) retinostriate pathways and striate cortical architecture [as defined by the pattern of staining for the activity-dependent marker cytochrome oxidase (CO)] similar to that seen in diurnal primates. We recorded from single neurons in anesthetized, paralyzed owl monkeys using drifting, luminance-modulated sinusoidal gratings, comparing receptive field properties of M and P neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus and in V1 neurons assigned to CO "blob," "edge," and "interblob" regions and across layers. Tested with achromatic stimuli, the receptive field properties of M and P neurons resembled those reported for other primates. The contrast sensitivity of P cells in the owl monkey was similar to that of P cells in the macaque, but the contrast sensitivities of M cells in the owl monkey were markedly lower than those in the macaque. We found no differences in eye dominance, orientation, or spatial frequency tuning, temporal frequency tuning, or contrast response for V1 neurons assigned to different CO compartments; we did find fewer direction-selective cells in blobs than in other compartments. We noticed laminar differences in some receptive field properties. Cells in the supragranular layers preferred higher spatial and lower temporal frequencies and had lower contrast sensitivity than did cells in the granular and infragranular layers. Our data suggest that the receptive field properties across functional compartments in V1 are quite homogeneous, inconsistent with the notion that CO blobs anatomically segregate signals from different functional "streams."  相似文献   

Extracellular records were taken from the areas 17, 18 and 19 of anaesthetized and immobilized cats. Of the 350 cells recorded in the cortical layers IV-VI, 22 responded with an antidromic action potential to electrical stimulation of the basal pontine region. Antidromic latencies ranged between 1.5-8.8 msec (mean and SD: 3.98 +/- 1.83 msec). The recording sites of these cells were in the cortical layer V. In the areas 17 and 18 of these cells were detected only in peripheral parts of the visual field representation. Some of these cells were tested with visual stimulation. They had complex receptive fields of large sizes, they received input from either eye, and their orientation selectively was relatively low. The sample of cells had neither a preference for a certain orientation nor for any particular degree of directional specifity nor for a certain range of movement velocity.  相似文献   

The modular organization of cortical pathways linking visual area 4 (V4) with occipital visual area 2 (V2) and inferotemporal posterior inferotemporal ventral area (PITv) was investigated through an analysis of the patterns of retrogradely labeled cell bodies after injections of tracers into V4 and PITv. Although cytochrome oxidase or other stains have failed to yield reliable independent anatomical markers for cortical modules beyond V1 and V2, V4 and PITv seem to have modular compartments with specific patterns of cortico-cortical connectivity. Tracer injections of V4 labeled cells in V2 (1) thin stripes exclusively, (2) interstripes exclusively, or (3) specific combinations of interstripe and thin stripe subcompartments. These labeling patterns suggest (1) that there is a complicated organization of inputs to V4, (2) that projections from V2 to V4 display a submodular selectivity, and (3) that projections from V2 to V4 display some degree of cross-stream convergence. Consistent with this framework, extensive regions of PITv provide feedback projections to interstripe-recipient portions of V4, whereas more restricted portions of PITv provide feedback to thin stripe-recipient portions of V4. Similarly, the feedforward projection from V4 to PITv often arose from multiple cell clusters across a wide expanse of V4. When distinguishable fluorescent tracers were injected into two PITv sites separated by 3-5 mm, a variety of projection patterns was observed in V4. In most cases, labeled cells were found in multiple, interdigitating, nonoverlapping clusters of 1-3 mm width, whereas in other cases the two labeled fields were highly intermixed. These results suggest that V4 and PITv contain functional modules that can be characterized by the specific patterns of segregated and convergent projections they receive from lower cortical areas. These specific patterns of intercortical input, in conjunction with intrinsic cortical circuitry, may endow extrastriate cortical neurons with new and more complex receptive field properties.  相似文献   

In the monkey, premotor neurons for vertical gaze are located in the mesencephalic reticular formation: the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle (riMLF) contains medium-lead burst neurons, and the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (iC) acts as integrator for the eye-velocity signals to eye-position signals. Both nuclei lie adjacent to each other and are similar in appearance at the transition zone in Nissl-stained sections, which makes a delineation of the functionally different nuclei difficult in human. For a neuropathologic analysis of degenerative changes in saccadic disorders of patients, the histologic identification of the riMLF and the iC is important. The aim of this study is to identify both nuclei in human by using parvalbumin as a histologic marker. First, in monkeys the premotor neurons in riMLF and iC were identified by trans-synaptic labelling after injections of tetanus toxin fragment C into vertical-pulling eye muscles. Premotor neurons were found in the riMLF mainly ipsilateral to the corresponding eye muscle motoneurons and on both sides within the iC, but here the labelled cell populations differed: the contralateral side contained more medium-sized cells compared with the mainly small-sized cell population on the ipsilateral side. Double labelling showed that almost all premotor neurons in the iC and all premotor neurons in the riMLF were parvalbumin-immunoreactive. The immunocytochemical staining of human brainstem sections revealed the riMLF as a cluster of medium-sized, elongated parvalbumin-positive cells, with a similar appearance and at a similar location as that in monkey: a wing-shaped nucleus dorsomedial to the red nucleus, rostral to the traversing tractus retroflexus, dorsally bordered by the thalamo-subthalamic paramedian artery. The adjacent iC could be distinguished easily by its more densely packed, round parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons. The exact identification of premotor neurons of the vertical system in the normal human brain provides a reference basis for the neuropathologic analysis of vertical gaze disorders at a cellular level.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Area 17 or the primary visual area forms the first link in the chain of cerebral analysis of a visual image. The neurones forming the primary visual cortex are characterized by the extreme precision of their connections, functional specialization and hierarchic organization. The spatial precision of the connections within the system for vision permit retinotopic representation in the visual cortex, so that each point of the retina is projected into a specific area of the cortex. The cortical neurones which analyze the characteristics of the image situated in a precise zone of the visual field are themselves organized into a basic functional unit known as a hypercolumn. Within each hypercolumn there are various columnar cell systems with receptive fields having similar characteristics. Thus, each hypercolumn is made up of multiple orientation columns, two ocular dominance columns and 'blob' regions. All these systems permit the analysis of different aspects of the image. The neurones belonging to the orientation columns are sensitive to the orientation, spatial frequency and movement of a visual stimulus; those of the 'blob' regions to colour, and the binocular neurones of the ocular dominance columns to depth. Within each column, the hierarchical pattern of neurone interconnections determines the successive appearance of cells with receptive fields having new properties.  相似文献   

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