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Microendoscopy has been an essential tool in exploring micro/nano mechanisms in vivo due to high‐quality imaging performance, compact size and flexible movement. The investigations into optical fibres, micro‐scanners and miniature lens have boosted efficiencies of remote light delivery to sample site and signal collection. Given the light interaction with materials in the fluorescence imaging regime, this paper reviews two classes of compact microendoscopy based on a single fibre: linear optical microendoscopy and nonlinear optical microendoscopy. Due to the fact that fluorescence occurs only in the focal volume, nonlinear optical microendoscopy can provide stronger optical sectioning ability than linear optical microendoscopy, and is a good candidate for deep tissue imaging. Moreover, one‐photon excited fluorescence microendoscopy as the linear optical microendoscopy suffers from severe photobleaching owing to the linear dependence of photobleaching rate on excitation laser power. On the contrary, nonlinear optical microendoscopy, including two‐photon excited fluorescence microendoscopy and second harmonic generation microendoscopy, has the capability to minimize or avoid the photobleaching effect at a high excitation power and generate high image contrast. The combination of various nonlinear signals gained by the nonlinear optical microendoscopy provides a comprehensive insight into biophenomena in internal organs. Fibre‐optical microendoscopy overcomes physical limitations of traditional microscopy and opens up a new path to achieve early cancer diagnosis and microsurgery in a minimally invasive and localized manner.  相似文献   

We report on a chromatic axial scanning method for two-photon excitation fluorescence imaging. Effective axial scanning is achieved by incorporating a Fresnel lens in the system, which has large chromatic aberration and can therefore focus the excitation beam to different axial positions depending on its wavelength. We experimentally demonstrated this technique and used it to image the cross-section of fluorescent microspheres.  相似文献   

Fibre-optic two-photon scanning fluorescence microscopy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two geometries of a novel two‐photon fluorescence microscope incorporating single‐mode fibre optics for the delivery of ultrashort‐pulsed illumination to a remote sample are characterized. First, a 785 nm single‐mode optical fibre is implemented in a scanning microscope, which demonstrates that an improvement in axial resolution is achieved due to the non‐linear response of the fibre to intense ultrashort‐pulsed light. Second, a 785 nm single‐mode optical fibre coupler is adapted, in which case spectral broadening and blue shifting of the ultrashort‐pulsed laser beam caused by the non‐linear response of the fibre to ultrashort‐pulsed illumination are experimentally characterized. An investigation into the impact of temporal broadening of the ultrashort‐pulsed beam on the systems is also considered. The coupling efficiency of both geometries for various illumination wavelengths is also presented. The introduction of the fibre coupler to the system has significant advantages, including an improved optical sectioning effect and a reduction in the number of bulk optical components resulting in a low‐cost, compact instrument. Sets of three‐dimensional images of fluorescent polymer microspheres and biological material confirm these features.  相似文献   

A computer-aided digital microscope for studying microstructures at wavelengths of the second optical harmonic and two-photon luminescence is designed. In contrast to commercial instruments, the microscope is intended to study the image dependence on the angle of incidence, azimuth, and angle of the radiation receipt, as well as the polarization characteristics in organic and inorganic structures. As examples, results of studying nonlinearly optical properties of peptide tubes and microstructures based on zinc oxide are given.  相似文献   

We demonstrate aberration correction in two-photon microscopy. Specimen-induced aberrations were measured with a modal wavefront sensor, implemented using a ferro-electric liquid crystal spatial light modulator (FLCSLM). Wavefront correction was performed using the same FLCSLM. Axial scanned ( x z ) images of fluorescently labelled polystyrene beads using an oil immersion lens show restored sectioning ability at a depth of 28 µm in an aqueous specimen.  相似文献   

In 1931, Maria G?ppert-Mayer published her doctoral dissertation on the theory of two-photon quantum transitions (two-photon absorption and emission) in atoms. This report describes and analyzes the theoretical and experimental work on nonlinear optics, in particular two-photon excitation processes, that occurred between 1931 and the experimental implementation of two-photon excitation microscopy by the group of Webb in 1990. In addition to Maria G?ppert-Mayer's theoretical work, the invention of the laser has a key role in the development of two-photon microscopy. Nonlinear effects were previously observed in different frequency domains (low-frequency electric and magnetic fields and magnetization), but the high electric field strength afforded by lasers was necessary to demonstrate many nonlinear effects in the optical frequency range. In 1978, the first high-resolution nonlinear microscope with depth resolution was described by the Oxford group. Sheppard and Kompfner published a study in Applied Optics describing microscopic imaging based on second-harmonic generation. In their report, they further proposed that other nonlinear optical effects, such as two-photon fluorescence, could also be applied. However, the developments in the field of nonlinear optical stalled due to a lack of a suitable laser source. This obstacle was removed with the advent of femtosecond lasers in the 1980s. In 1990, the seminal study of Denk, Strickler, and Webb on two-photon laser scanning fluorescence microscopy was published in Science. Their paper clearly demonstrated the capability of two-photon excitation microscopy for biology, and it served to convince a wide audience of scientists of the potential capability of the technique.  相似文献   

The effect of refractive index mismatch on the image quality in two-photon confocal fluorescence microscopy is investigated by experiment and numerical calculations. The results show a strong decrease in the image brightness using high-aperture objectives when the image plane is moved deeper into the sample. When exciting at 740 nm and recording the fluorescence around 460 nm in a glycerol-mounted sample using a lens of a numerical aperture of 1·4 (oil immersion), a 25% decrease in the intensity is observed at a depth of 9 μm. In an aqueous sample, the same decrease is observed at a depth of 3 μm. By reducing the numerical aperture to 1·0, the intensity decrease can be avoided at the expense of the overall resolution and signal intensity. The experiments are compared with the predictions of a theory that takes into account the vectorial character of light and the refraction of the wavefronts according to Fermat's principle. Advice is given concerning how the effects can be taken into account in practice.  相似文献   

Excitation saturation can dramatically alter the effective imaging point spread function (PSF) in two-photon fluorescence microscopy. The saturation-modified PSF can have important implications for resolution in fluorescence imaging as saturation leads to both an increased fluorescence observation volume and an altered spatial profile for the PSF. We introduce here a computational approach to accurately quantify molecular excitation profiles that represent the modified imaging PSF in two-photon microscopy under the influence of excitation saturation. An analytical model that accounts for pulsed laser excitation is developed to calculate the influence of saturation at any location within the excitation laser profile. The overall saturation modified molecular excitation profiles are then evaluated numerically. Our results demonstrate that saturation can play an important role in two-photon fluorescence microscopy even with relatively modest excitation levels.  相似文献   

Two-photon activation of photoactivatable green fluorescent protein (PA-GFP) provides a unique tool for probing cellular transport processes, because activation is strictly limited to the sub-femtoliter optical volume of the two-photon spot. We demonstrate two-photon activation of PA-GFP immobilized in a gel and freely diffusing within cells and recover a quadratic power dependence. Illumination at 820 nm allows simultaneous activation and fluorescence monitoring by two-photon excitation. Alternatively, we activate PA-GFP using two-photon excitation and monitor the fluorescence of the photoconverted product with one-photon excitation. We probe nucleocytoplasmic transport through the nuclear pore complex of COS-1 cells, by observing the time-dependent fluorescence at various locations within the cell after two-photon activation of PA-GFP in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm. Two-photon activation of a tandem construct of two PA-GFPs showed a markedly slower rate of crossing through the nuclear pore. Analysis based on a restricted diffusion model yields a nuclear pore radius of 4.5 nm, which is in good agreement with previously reported values. This application demonstrates the attractive features of two-photon photoactivation over traditional techniques, such as photobleaching, for studying transport processes in cells.  相似文献   

Wavelength division scanning for two-photon excitation fluorescence imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate wavelength division scanning for two‐photon excitation fluorescence imaging. Two‐photon imaging using lateral wavelength division scanning is demonstrated. In addition, we theoretically analyse the spatial and temporal properties of a femtosecond laser beam focused by a Fresnel lens and investigate the feasibility of axial scanning using wavelength division.  相似文献   

双光子三维微结构快速制备技术   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
建立了一种利用双光子聚合技术快速制备三维微结构的方法,并对加工分辨率进行了研究。通过对高速扫描原理的研究,提出了采用二维振镜与一维压电微移动台相结合,利用跳跃和扫描协同的运动模式,以段段扫描方式进行三维微结构加工的系统来提高其加工速度。实验制备千里马和具有木堆结构的三维光子晶体结构说明,采用上述扫描方式可使其加工速度较点点扫描方式提高10倍至1 000倍。实验结果表明,使用一定的激光功率时,其加工分辨率随曝光时间减小而显著提高,实验得到了50 nm的线宽分辨率,超过文献报道的100 nm的最高值。研究还表明,上述加工方法可实现激光三维微结构的快速制备并具有高分辨率加工的特点。  相似文献   

In this communication we present the development of a real time two-photon absorption microscope, based on parallel excitation with many foci. This pattern of foci is created by a two-dimensional microlens array. The fluorescence is detected by direct, non descanned detection on a CCD camera. Due to the parallel nature of both excitation and detection it is possible to speed up image acquisition significantly. This makes the instrument especially suitable for studying living specimens and/or real time processes. The optical design of the instrument is discussed and an imaging example is given. We specifically address the relation between the axial sectioning capability and the distance between the illumination foci at the sample.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of a finite-sized confocal pinhole on the performance of nonlinear optical microscopes based on two-photon excited fluorescence and second-harmonic generation. These techniques were implemented using a modified inverted commercial confocal microscope coupled to a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser. Both the transverse and axial resolutions are improved when the confocal pinhole is used, albeit at the expense of the signal level. Therefore, the routine use of a confocal pinhole of optimized size is recommended for two-photon microscopy wherever the fluorescence or harmonic signals are large.  相似文献   

The in-depth imaging properties of two-photon excitation microscopy were investigated and compared with those of confocal microscopy. Confocal imaging enabled the recording of images from dental biofilm down to a depth of 40 microm, while two-photon excitation images could be recorded at depths greater than 100 microm. Two-photon excitation point spread functions (PSFs) were recorded at depths ranging from 0 to 90 microm depth using 220-nm diameter fluorescent beads immersed in water. PSFs were measured using both a high numerical aperture oil immersion objective and a water immersion objective. The experiments carried out using the oil immersion objective showed a rapid degradation of both the axial and lateral resolution due to spherical aberrations. In addition, the detected fluorescence intensity rapidly decreased as a function of depth. The experiments carried out using the water immersion objective showed no significant degradation of both the axial and lateral resolution and the fluorescence intensity.  相似文献   

A scanning microscope utilizing two-photon excitation in combination with fluorescence lifetime contrast is presented. The microscope makes use of a tunable femtosecond titanium:sapphire laser enabling the two-photon excitation of a broad range of fluorescent molecules, including UV probes. Importantly, the penetration depth of the two-photon exciting (infra)red light is substantially greater than for the corresponding single-photon wavelength while photobleaching is significantly reduced. The time structure of the Ti:Sa laser can be employed in a straightforward way for the realization of fluorescence lifetime imaging. The fluorescence lifetime is sensitive to the local environment of the fluorescent molecule. This behaviour can be used for example to quantify concentrations of ions, such as pH and Ca2+, or pO2 and pCO2. In the set-up presented here the fluorescence lifetime imaging is accomplished by time-gated single photon counting. The performance and optical properties of the microscope are investigated by a number of test measurements on fluorescent test beads. Point-spread functions calculated from measurements on 230-nm beads using an iterative restoration procedure compare well with theoretical expectations. Lifetime imaging experiments on a test target containing two different types of test bead in a fluorescent buffer all with different lifetimes (2.15 ns, 2.56 ns and 3.34 ns) show excellent quantitative agreement with reference values obtained from time correlated single photon counting measurements. Moreover, the standard deviation in the results can be wholly ascribed to the photon statistics. Measurements of acridine orange stained biofilms are presented as an example of the potential of two-photon excitation combined with fluorescence lifetime contrast. Fluorescence lifetime and intensity images were recorded over the whole sample depth of 100 μm. Fluorescence intensity imaging is seriously hampered by the rapid decrease of the fluorescence signal as a function of the depth into the sample. Fluorescence lifetime imaging on the other hand is not affected by the decrease of the fluorescence intensity.  相似文献   

We present a beam-shaping technique for two-photon excitation (TPE) fluorescence microscopy. We show that by inserting a properly designed three-ring pupil filter in the illumination beam of the microscope, the effective optical sectioning capacity of such a system improves so that the point spread function gets a quasi-spherical shape. Such an improvement, which allows the acquisition of 3D images with isotropic quality, is obtained at the expense of only a small increase of the overall energy in the axial sidelobes. The performance of this technique is illustrated with a scanning TPE microscopy experiment in which the image of small beads is obtained. We demonstrate an effective narrowing of 12.5% in the axial extent of the point spread function, while keeping the 82% of the spot-fluorescence efficiency.  相似文献   

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