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The Labour government has outlined its plans to 'replace' the competitive internal market with a more collaborative system based on partnership. Agreement amongst purchasers and providers is to be based on co-operation rather than competition. Longer term agreements covering periods of 3-5 years are to replace annual contracts within this new environment. The aim of this paper is to explore the potential economic implications of these policy changes by drawing on the economics of co-operation and the transaction costs approach to longer term contracting. Issues surrounding the role of trust in contractual relationships are explored and the relevance of experience and evidence from non-health care sectors is considered in the context of the NHS. It is concluded that both theory and empirical evidence suggest that co-operation and trust can play a central role in the efficient organisation of contractual arrangements in circumstances similar to those under which the NHS operates. However, we warn against the expectation that the policy changes will produce automatically the scale of benefits predicted by the Labour government, especially as they will have to find a way of extracting reasonable performance from providers under a system of collaboration and long term agreements. They may find they need to tread a fine line between competition and co-operation in order to reap the benefits of both.  相似文献   

Medicare managed care enrollment has mushroomed in the past few years, tripling from 1993 to 1997. The payment rates have allowed plans to offer valuable extra benefits to beneficiaries at little or no additional cost; employers have provided inducements for their retirees to enroll; and many of the new Medicare beneficiaries are already in managed care plans when they enter the program. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 and other factors could cause enrollment trends to change in either direction. More kinds of plans, including physician service organizations and preferred provider organizations, may be more attractive; new educational efforts may make more beneficiaries aware of managed care plans; and employers may continue to move their retirees into managed care. On the other hand, lower than expected Medicare payment rates to the plans may reduce the additional benefits they offer; consumer dissatisfaction with managed care is growing; and employers are dropping retiree benefits altogether. The future of Medicare managed care is hard to predict.  相似文献   

The author offers insights into how the proliferation of competitive health care financing and service delivery systems based on managed care affects the financial support available to academic medical centers (AMCs), especially to their programs in graduate medical education (GME). The paper is based largely on case studies of AMCs conducted by the author in the summer of 1994 in the health care markets of San Diego, California, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, and Washington, D.C., complemented by a review of the literature. In sum, the investigator found consensus among all parties that in the current market, managed care plans neither are willing nor feel able to pay much, if any, premium for the services of AMCs, particularly when established, respected alternatives exist, as they typically do for most services in major urban markets. Relatively few short-term adverse effects on AMCs were found from the growth of competitive systems, but AMCs are nevertheless very concerned that managed care will put them at a disadvantage. They are thus seeking ways to position themselves for the future. The AMCs are concerned that at some point, the cost reductions they are making will hinder the fulfillment of their unique traditional mission, since they believe that the costs of their GME programs can be reduced only so far without harming residents' training. Many managed care plans, however, question the AMC mission, taking issue particularly with the training AMCs provide and its relevance to current needs for primary and ambulatory care. The investigators also found considerable support for pooled funding for GME among diverse parties, but no consensus on how this funding should be structured, who should receive it, or what it should support. Potential conflicts were also identified between national, state, and market objectives for provider supply and specialty distribution because these objectives can embody different criteria for assessing the handling and locations of specialists' training. In addition, the findings indicate that it could be unwise to consider AMC policy independent of workforce objectives; doing so could create conflicts about the kinds of physicians who should be trained. The author concludes with a list of approaches to future research that may be constructive.  相似文献   

MAAGs were introduced as a result of the 1989 White Paper 'Working for Patients', with the remit to direct, coordinate and monitor medical audit activities in general practice. They were funded through the new FHSA management budget and each MAAG was responsible to its own FHSA. They were accepted as a completely new institution as a part of the introduction of an innovative management structure in a reformed NHS. When viewed in an historical context, MAAGs can actually be seen as a part of an expanding culture of greater objectivity and critical analysis which has burgeoned in medical practice over the last two decades. Although MAAGs began with an educational role with uniprofessional medical audit, they have embraced multiprofessional clinical audit in primary care in the context of the wider aspects of quality in practice. The last 20 years have seen the development of clinical guidelines, evidence-based medicine and application of business management theory to clinical quality. All these have reflected the increasing demand for explicit standards of care which has also formed the basis of clinical audit and MAAG activity. MAAGs should be seen as an inevitable concomitant of this historical trend to improve the application of scientific rigour in medical practice. With the adoption of clinical effectiveness, incorporating all these themes, as one of the NHS Executive's six medium-term priority areas, MAAGs are uniquely placed to act as agents of change to enhance the quality of primary health care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Since World War II, the urban hospital emergency room has been a major source of medical care for inner-city poor families, many of whom receive Medicaid. Given the expensive and episodic nature of emergency room care, there has been renewed interest in enrolling Medicaid recipients into managed care plans to increase access to care and to reduce medical costs. Thus, the primary care physician, in many managed care plans, is expected to give prior approval for emergency room care in nonurgent situations. The goals of managed care may create tension between its requirements and historical patterns of inner-city families seeking care in an emergency room. In 1964, Alpert developed a typology that categorized inner-city families' patterns of seeking medical care in a pediatric emergency department (PED) by describing the relation between regular source of medical care and reliance on this source before the PED visit. In 1976, using the same typology, Alpert and Scherzer updated care-seeking patterns in Boston after the introduction of neighborhood health centers (NHCs) and Medicaid. In 1993, the typology is a method that can be used to assess the impact of managed care on PED utilization by inner-city families. This article compares the 1993 pattern of seeking PED care with that measured in 1964 and 1976. METHODS: In 1964, 1976, and 1993 families were interviewed as they sought care in a PED. Families were asked if they had a regular source of care, defined as the place where families take their child most often for either well or sick visits. A judgment was made as to whether or not the PED visit was coordinated with their regular source of care. Coordinated care was defined as having a regular source of care and attempting to contact the source before the PED visit. Uncoordinated care occurred when the family had a regular source and did not attempt contact, or had no regular source. RESULTS: In 1964, 63% of families reported a regular source of care compared with 89% in 1976 and 95% in 1993. The hospital was reported as the regular source of care by 57% of the respondents in 1964, by 31% in 1976, and 43% in 1993. Community-based sources (physicians and NHCs) were identified as a regular source of care by 43% in 1964, 69% in 1976, and 57% in 1993. In 1964, 55% of the families engaged in an uncoordinated pattern of seeking care compared with 64% in 1976 and 72% in 1993. CONCLUSIONS: Efforts to provide access to care through Medicaid, NHCs, and hospital-based primary care resulted in a greater percentage of families reporting a regular source of care; however, a majority of families continue to exhibit an uncoordinated pattern of seeking care. More families in 1993 did not contact their regular source before seeking care in the PED when compared with 1964 and 1976. For managed care plans to increase access and reduce costs, a shift in PED utilization patterns remains necessary. The primary care system must have the capacity to accommodate these changes and considerable patient education must occur if urgent care is to be provided outside the PED.  相似文献   

Provider choice and continuity for the treatment of depression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of specialist versus generalist providers regularly surfaces in health-care reform debates about costs and quality of care. By changing incentives to seek and deliver care, different payments systems can affect both the probability of initial specialty care and the duration of this patient-provider relationship. The authors compare provider selection (psychiatrist, nonphysician mental-health specialist, general medical provider) and duration of this relationship among depressed patients in prepaid and fee-for-service plans. Regarding initial care, depressed patients in prepaid plans are significantly less likely to see a psychiatrist and more likely to see a nonphysician mental-health specialist than patients in fee-for-service plans. Although the mix of providers differs, patient demographic and clinical characteristics have similar effects on specialty in both payment systems, ie, there are no differences in who gets specialty care by type of payment, but in how many get specialty care. The average duration of a patient-provider relationship is significantly shorter in prepaid plans. Durations are significantly shorter for patients of both psychiatrists and general medical providers in prepaid plans, but do not differ by payments type for nonphysician therapists. In both payments systems, patients of nonphysician providers end the relationship sooner than patients of psychiatrists or general medical providers. Although the authors find provider switching to be associated significantly with discontinuing antidepressant medication, there is no significant direct effect on patient health outcomes.  相似文献   

Legislation passed in the fall of 1996 required employers and insurers offering mental health benefits to raise dollar coverage limits on mental health services to the level of medical services. We analyze the benefit designs of 4,000 current behavioral health carve-out plans and contrast them to medical benefits. We find that almost 90 percent of all plans are inconsistent with the current legislation and need to be rewritten in the coming year. The restructuring of designs required by the Parity Act provides a unique opportunity because plans often are inconsistent and unnecessarily complex, a legacy of past attempts by employers to contain costs and control adverse selection and moral hazard in an unmanaged fee-for-service environment. Under managed care, the need for deductibles, limits, or other demand-side cost-sharing mechanisms may have diminished and restructuring outdated designs could benefit both enrollees and employers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Chiropractic care is increasing in the United States, and there are few data about the effect of cost sharing on the use of chiropractic services. This study calculates the effect of cost sharing on chiropractic use. METHODS: The authors analyzed data from the RAND Health Insurance Experiment, a randomized controlled trial of the effect of cost sharing on the use of health services. Families in six US sites were randomized to receive fee-for-service care that was free or required one of several levels of cost sharing, or to receive care from a health maintenance organization (HMO). Enrollees were followed for 3 or 5 years. All fee-for-service plans covered chiropractic services. Persons assigned to the HMO experimental group received free fee-for-service chiropractic care; persons in the HMO control group had 95% cost sharing for chiropractic services. The authors calculated the mean annual chiropractic expense per person in each of the fee-for-service plans, and also predicted their chiropractic expenditures using a two-equation model. Chiropractic use among persons receiving HMO and fee-for-service care were compared. RESULTS: Chiropractic care is very sensitive to price, with any level of coinsurance of 25% or greater decreasing chiropractic expenditures by approximately half. Access to free chiropractic care among HMO enrollees increased chiropractic use ninefold, whereas access to free medical care decreased fee-for-service chiropractic care by 80%. CONCLUSIONS: Chiropractic care is more sensitive to price than general medical care, outpatient medical care, or dental care, or and nearly as sensitive as outpatient mental health care. A substantial cross-price effect with medical care may exist.  相似文献   

The overactive bladder syndrome is a relatively new-term defined by the International Continence Society in 2002. Previous definitions were based on urodynamic diagnoses; however, the overactive bladder syndrome is a symptomatic diagnosis with urgency as the cornerstone symptom, thus allowing treatment to be initiated by primary care physicians before embarking on complex investigations. It affects millions of people worldwide and has considerable economic costs. Its aetiology is unknown but some people suggest that it may be a nerve-related problem while others suggest that it may be a muscle-related problem. The true cause probably lies somewhere between the two theories. With this in mind, treatment is aimed at relief of symptoms and improving quality of life. Conservative treatments combined with antimuscarinic drugs are the main treatment for overactive bladders. There are many antimuscarinics available, with several under development, which have different specificities for the muscarinic receptors. Other drugs have also been tried but with limited success.If conservative and oral medical treatments fail, the options include intravesical therapy, neuromodulation or major surgery. However, urodynamics are essential for patients referred for these treatments, which are mainly initiated by specialists rather than primary care physicians. The aim of this review is to give an overview of the overactive bladder and detrusor overactivity, their diagnosis and treatment options.  相似文献   

As more and more children enroll in managed care, states have responded to concerns expressed by their constituents by passing legislation and developing credentialing requirements to assist families with children in receiving appropriate care from managed care plans. Although most of the legislation and credentialing requirements apply to the population generally, a few provisions apply specifically to children. The legislation and credentialing requirements attempt to improve both access to medical care and the quality of care by enacting access-to-care and quality-of-care provisions, reducing the financial incentives for providers to offer inappropriate care, and providing families with more information about their choices and opportunities to redress their grievances. Although there is no empirical evidence, analysis of similar types of legislation suggests that certain approaches will be more successful than others; one obvious indicator of success is the ability of the regulatory agency to develop clear, unambiguous, enforceable rules. Existing legislation varies widely across states in terms of the issues addressed and the specificity of the laws. For the most part, this legislation has been piecemeal, addressing specific issues as they arise. In the long run, state legislatures may not have the time or the expertise to regulate the managed care industry, and other regulatory bodies may be better equipped to address concerns about managed care. If utilized, however, existing regulatory bodies, which historically monitored fee-for-service medicine, will need to be redesigned to monitor managed care.  相似文献   

Clinical governance has marked a significant shift towards involving clinicians in the assurances of both quality and accountability in healthcare delivery. The White Paper (Department of Health (DoH), 1997) stated that: 'The Government will require every NHS trust to embrace the concept of clinical governance, so that quality is at the core, both of their responsibilities as organizations, and of each of their staff as individual professionals.' In order to achieve this the Government will bring forward legislation to give NHS trusts a new duty for maintaining quality care. Under these arrangements, chief executives will carry ultimate responsibility for assuring the quality of the services provided by their NHS trust, just as they are already accountable for the proper use of resources. In 'A First Class Service Quality in the NHS' (DoH, 1998), clinical governance is defined as 'a framework through which NHS organizations are accountable for continuously improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish'. The principles of clinical governance apply to all those who provide or manage patient care services in the NHS. It requires staff to work in partnerships, breaking down boundaries by providing integrated care within health and social care teams (Wilson, 1996), and between practitioners and managers and between the NHS, patients and the public.  相似文献   

In this article the authors discuss the development, use and auditing of nursing care protocols, which have been implemented and form a guide for nurses caring for patients with fractured neck of femur in Southend Health Care NHS Trust. The development of these protocols occurred after an initial medical audit, which was followed by a far larger multidisciplinary audit, and both of these revealed there was need for changes in the clinical management of such patients; subsequently a large multidisciplinary working group worked together to develop care protocols/pathways to enable closure of the audit loop. The reasons for focusing on fractured neck of femur as a high priority condition are also discussed. All professional groups caring for these patients were involved in the multidisciplinary working group, which was formed to close the audit loop and to improve clinical practices by increasing the systemization and coordination of care. The development of the nursing protocols represented an extremely important part of this process, and the care of about 700 patients was examined during this work. The audit and associated subsequent work have resulted in direct improvements to both patient care and health outcomes, and the authors conclude that there is great value in developing multidisciplinary protocols, particularly those involving nurses, because they spend more time with patients whilst they are in hospital than any other professional group. The benefits of these nursing protocols have been multifold, in particular they have facilitated a clearer flow of patients through the hospital, increased awareness of responsibilities and reduced duplication of effort, and ensured patients receive the best possible care over the 24-hour period.  相似文献   

Obstetric risk assessment is an important component of comprehensive obstetric care. It is a tool used to evaluate the medical, psychosocial, familial, and environmental factors that increase the chance of an adverse outcome. Such outcomes may involve the mother, the infant, or both. Risk assessment collects and organizes data obtained from a pertinent history, physical examination, and laboratory assessment into an accurate and easily retrievable medical record. It can be used to adapt diagnostic or therapeutic management plans, arrange consultation or shared care with another specialist, or tailor anticipatory guidance and patient and family education.  相似文献   

All prisons provide healthcare services which aim to meet the needs of prisoners. The goal of the service is to give prisoners access to the same quality and range of health care as the NHS gives the general public. However, within the prison environment priorities centre around order, control and discipline and therefore an ethos of health care needs to be developed. Custody reduces the prisoner's opportunity for self-care and independent action as inmates have to consult nursing or medical staff for even the most simple remedies. Nursing staff in the prison service can play a significant part in primary health care, mental disorder and health promotion. Nurses have the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to deal with this diverse and vulnerable prison population and to promote a positive interface between custody and care.  相似文献   

Increasingly, patients are expecting to be more involved than they traditionally have been in medical and surgical decision making. The unilateral process of informed consent is evolving into one of informed collaborative choice. Hysterectomy is a procedure that is frequently performed when reasonable surgical and nonsurgical alternatives remain. When professional consensus as to the clear recommendation for hysterectomy is not present, patient choice is particularly important. Because more than 80% of health-care decisions, including those in which one of the choices is hysterectomy, are elective, gynecologists and other health care providers increasingly will need to develop more efficient and collaborative methods to integrate patient autonomy and choice into the decision-making process. There is mounting evidence that both clinical and nonclinical outcomes (satisfaction and cost) may be improved when properly informed consumers collaborate in making medical and surgical decisions. Legal liability for adverse outcomes may be decreased by increased patient participation in medical and surgical decision making. The era of managed care has created an agency problem stemming from the fact that consumers (patients) are concerned that necessary procedures and other treatments may be withheld because of cost considerations. Health plans and medical groups likely will be required to provide objective information about the options that consumers (patients) have when faced with choices, including decision making and hysterectomy. By incorporating patient expectations and preferences as part of the process of decision making, an ethically acceptable and effective method of "rationing by patient choice" may be feasible. Figure 3 is a graphic depiction of such a process of informed collaborative choice progressing from effective choices through efficient choices and then to the one providing the best value for an individual patient.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In an effort to improve care delivered to Medicare beneficiaries, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) has encouraged competitive Medicare risk plans to collaborate on quality improvement projects. PRO-West, a private, nonprofit quality improvement organization, fostered a collaboration of all Medicare risk plans in Washington State in order to assess and improve influenza immunization rates among seniors enrolled in managed care. METHODOLOGY: After the 1994-1995 influenza immunization season, immunization rates were determined for each participating plan from administrative data and medical record review. In the 1995-1996 season, these methods were supplemented with a telephone survey. The survey was used to identify perceived barriers to immunization and to estimate immunization rates. RESULTS: Immunization rates, as estimated by administrative data and medical record review, were similar for both years. The average immunization rate using administrative data for the 1995-1996 flu season was 60.6% (range, 42.8% to 72.3%). The estimated rate increased to 77.8% (95% confidence interval, 75.3% to 80.3%) when the telephone survey data were added. Medical record review contributed little additional information. CONCLUSIONS: Influenza immunization rates for seniors enrolled in Medicare risk plans in Washington State exceed those reported for fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries. Telephone surveys resulted in higher and probably more valid estimates of influenza immunization rates than did analysis of administrative data and medical records. Plans with lower rates can emulate "benchmark" plans that are explicit about the methods they use to achieve high coverage rates. Medicare risk health plans competing in the same markets can collaborate in quality assessment activities in an effective manner.  相似文献   

Evidence-based care and the expanded role of the nurse are inexorably linked. Facets of this are found in every specialist area of nursing. Children's nurses are no exception and they have proved their commitment to family-centred care over a period of many years. However, within the ranks of nurse educationalists now employed by the universities and not the NHS new tensions have emerged. The research-led ethos of the universities demands that nurses demonstrate expertise in the field of scientific enquiry. Although the philosophy of caring and research are not incongruent, there exists the potential that family empowerment may take a back seat to academic prowess. This article examines the background to this dilemma.  相似文献   

The Association of Metropolitan Authorities has recently proposed that responsibility for the NHS should pass from health authorities to local authorities. One of the fiercest debates at the outset of the NHS was whether the hospitals should be run by local authorities. In the end the minister for health, Aneurin Bevan, decided against local democracy and in favour of a national health service. His arguments included the fact that equality of treatment could not be guaranteed if facilities varied with local finances and that even the largest authorities were not big enough to pool risks and expertise. All these arguments still apply today, and the recent changes in community care provide an insight into how a market model of local authority control might work. The changes have been accompanied by a shift from public to private sector provision and the introduction of charges for services that the NHS once provided free. As important, the willingness and ability of local authorities to raise extra revenue from local taxes and charges affect the service they can provide, so leading to inequalities of provision. Local authorities have yet to make the case that they can preserve the fundamental principles and benefits of the NHS, including its reliance on central taxation and unified funding formulas.  相似文献   

A physical, cognitive, or mental disability presents significant challenges to an individual in gaining access to a coordinated program of preventive, primary, and secondary health care services. This article describes the health care needs of people with disabilities and discusses how the financial incentives in managed care may threaten access to the health care services they need to maintain their health and functional independence. We argue that despite the shortcomings of present models, managed care has the potential to improve the health care of people with disabilities. Moreover, as health plans become increasingly accountable to consumers (and begin to compete on the basis of quality), they will not be able to ignore the distinct health care needs of people with disabilities.  相似文献   

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