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Oleoyl-estrone given i.v.--incorporated in liposomes to mimic lipoprotein delivery--(Merlin-2) to normal weight rats, induces a dose-dependent weight loss. Analysis of body composition showed that body protein concentration was preserved and fat stores wasted. The respiratory quotient was consistent with the massive oxidation of body fat, since the diet contained practically no lipid. Appetite was affected by Merlin-2, and thus food intake showed a transient decrease. But oxygen consumption (and basal metabolic rates) was kept practically unchanged at the levels of the controls, i.e. higher than needed to oxidize the food ingested during the weight loss period. Brown adipose tissue uncoupling protein levels were proportionally preserved with a 2-week treatment, but it lost a substantial amount of lipid. In conclusion, Merlin-2 is a slimming agent with considerable potential given its powerful fat-wasting action, since it maintains thermogenesis despite lowered energy intake.  相似文献   

In previous studies we observed that inhibition of cyclic 3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) isozymes, namely isozyme PDE3, suppresses proliferation of rat renal glomerular mesangial cells in vitro and in vivo. To determine whether activation of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-protein kinase A (PKA) signaling pathway coupled to specific PDE isozymes modulates accelerated proliferation of renal epithelial cells, we investigated the effect of selective PDE isozyme inhibition on renal epithelial cell proliferation induced in rats by injection of folic acid (FA). In extracts from suspensions of renal cortical tubules, cAMP was metabolized predominantly by isozyme PDE4; activity of PDE3 was about three times lower. The increase in proliferative activity of renal cortical tissue from FA-injected rats, evaluated by immunostaining with Mib-1 antibody, was limited to tubular epithelial cells. Administration of the PDE3 inhibitors cilostazol or cilostamide together with the PDE4 inhibitor rolipram blocked mitogenic synthesis of DNA, as determined by (3H)-thymidine incorporation into renal cortical DNA, in FA-treated rats. FA injection caused an increase of more than 10-fold in proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in renal cortical tissue; administration of the potent PDE3 inhibitor lixazinone or, to a lesser degree, cilostazol suppressed these high PCNA levels, whereas rolipram alone had no effect. The results indicate that FA-stimulated in vivo proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells is down-regulated by activation of a cAMP-PKA signaling pathway linked to PDE3 isozymes. These observations are consistent with the notion that negative crosstalk between cAMP signaling and mitogen-stimulated signaling pathways regulates mitogenesis of renal cells of different terminal differentiation, including tubular epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We have compared the splenic responses following immunization with the T cell-independent (TI)-2 antigen native dextran B512 and with a thymus-dependent (TD) protein-dextran conjugate. Interestingly, primary immunization with native dextran induced germinal center (GC) formation in the spleen to the same extent as the protein-dextran conjugate. The GC were antigen-specific as characterized by the presence of peanut agglutinin (PNA)-positive areas that were also binding FITC-conjugated dextran. Dextran-binding B cells were also detected outside the GC as sites of antibody-producing cells. The secondary splenic response to native dextran was suppressed compared to the primary response, with almost no dextran-specific GC or extra-follicular sites with dextran-specific B cells present in the sections. This suppression could be reverted by using cholera toxin (CT) as an adjuvant for the dextran immunizations. Following native dextran immunization with CT adjuvant a secondary splenic GC response similar to a TD secondary splenic GC response was generated, with almost all the dextran-specific B cells located in the GC. Collectively, this indicates that the difference between TI and TD antigen responses is not due to different abilities in inducing GC development, rather the GC reaction is less productive for a TI antigen than for a TD antigen. CT can both increase secondary GC formation in particular for the TI form of dextran and ameliorate the GC reaction, as reflected by increased anti-dextran antibody levels.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that as large arteries become more rigid with age, the pattern of hypertension changes from diastolic to systolic. Thus, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) may lose its ability to reflect the increase in vascular resistance with age. To assess this, we studied the age-related changes in blood pressure pattern and its steady-state and pulsatile determinants. We performed an epidemiological analysis based on a national survey of 10,462 subjects from Argentina. A hemodynamic analysis (impedance cardiography) was then carried out in 636 consecutive hypertensive patients (age, 25 to 74 years). Whereas the rate of increment in the prevalence of mild to moderate hypertension (MMH) reached a plateau after the sixth decade, isolated and borderline systolic forms of hypertension began a steep and sustained rise. Among patients with MMH, DBP remained stable from the third to the seventh decade, whereas SBP maintained a sustained increase. Despite similar DBP, the systemic vascular resistance index increased 47% (P<.01) and the cardiac index decreased 27% (P<.01), whereas the ratio of stroke volume to pulse pressure, an index of arterial compliance, decreased 45% (P<.01). However, there were no significant differences between older patients with MMH and those with isolated systolic hypertension in the level of SBP, vascular resistance, stroke volume, and cardiac index. Compared with age-matched normotensive control subjects, the ratio of stroke volume to pulse pressure was much more reduced in isolated systolic hypertension (48%) than in MMH (30%). In summary, the present study, carried out in a large sample of hypertensive subjects with a wide age range, showed a simultaneous impairment in vascular resistance and arterial compliance associated with aging in different patterns of hypertension. The magnitude of these changes, with opposite effects on DBP but additive effects on SBP, suggests that a hemodynamic mechanism could determine the transition in the prevalence of diastolic hypertension toward a systolic pattern of hypertension with aging. Also, the results suggest that SBP, but not DBP, is a reliable indicator of the underlying hemodynamic abnormalities (high resistance and low arterial compliance) in the elderly.  相似文献   

Estracyt, a compound of nitrogen-mustard linked to oestradiol phosphate, is used in the treatment of human prostatic cancer. The metabolism of this compound has been studied in different tissues of the rat both in vivo and in vitro. The phosphate group in position 17 of the oestradiol moiety is rapidly split off from the compound. An oestrone-cytostatic compound was extractable from the liver half an hour after the injection of Estracyt. In addition the in vitro results showed that only the liver was able to convert the oestradiol-cytostatic compound to an oestrone-cytostatic one. When animals were killed 24 h after a 3-day period of Estracyt treatment, the dominating metabolite in the ventral prostate was an oestronecytostatic compound, but traces of free oestrone could also be demonstrated. No such compound, however, was found in liver, diaphragm or blood at this time. It is concluded that in vivo an oestrone-cytostatic compound seems to be preferentially retained in the ventral prostate after Estracyt injection whilst the metabolic conversion of the oestradiol-cytostatic compound into an oestrone-cytostatic one possibly occurs in the liver.  相似文献   

Liposomes with diameters of 200 to 400 nm containing phosphatidylserine (PS) or phosphatidylglycerol (PG) were injected intravenously into rats. Two hours after injection, 75% of the injected dose of PS liposomes was found in the liver and only 10% found in the spleen, while 35% of the PG liposomes was found in the liver and as much as 40% was found in the spleen. Cell-isolation experiments revealed the following remarkable difference in the intrahepatic distribution between the two liposome formulations: the PS liposomes distributed in about equal amounts to Kupffer cells and hepatocytes, despite their size (200-400 nm) exceeding that of the endothelial fenestrae (average 150 nm), whereas the PG liposomes were only taken up by the Kupffer cells and not at all by the hepatocytes. Double-label studies, using liposomes in which the lipid-moiety was radio labeled with [3H]cholesteryloleylether ([3H]CE) and the water phase with [14C]sucrose, showed that the liposomes were taken up as intact particles. These observations were confirmed through electron microscopy by determining the in situ localization of liposome-encapsulated colloidal gold particles in thin sections of liver and spleen. The differences in organ distribution are ascribed to differences in opsonization patterns of the two liposomal surfaces. For the difference in intrahepatic distribution, we offer the following two explanations: the exploitation of the blood cell-mediated forced sieving concept and the indication of a PS-specific pharmacological effect on the dimensions of the fenestrations.  相似文献   

Autochthonous neurogenic tumors of the rat induced by transplacental application of ethylnitrosourea were used for the first time to study their suitability as tumor models for experimental chemotherapy. Of 189 transplacentally treated rats, 87% developed neurogenic tumors. After the initial clinical diagnosis of a neurogenic tumor, additional malignant tumors often occurred. The mean number of neurogenic tumors from 62 untreated control rats increased from 1.0 per rat at the time of randomization to 1.2 as revealed by autopsy and 1.5 tumors by histological examinations. Out of all neurogenic tumors, tumors of the brain were observed in 31%, tumors of cranial nerves in 36% (90% tumors of trigeminal nerve), tumors of spinal cord in 21%, and tumors of peripheral nerves in 10%. The median survival time until natural death of 62 control rats was 228 days. Rats with tumors of peripheral nerves lived shortest, followed by rats with tumors of cranial nerves, tumors of the spinal cord, and brain tumors. Brain tumors were mainly astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas. The survival time of untreated rats from randomization to natural death was longest for those with brain tumors, followed by tumors of peripheral nerves, cranial nerves, and tumors of the spinal cord. There was great variation in survival time from a few days to more than 6 months. To study the responsiveness to chemotherapy, 62 rats received BCNU as a single intravenous dose of 9 and later 10 mg/kg. Sixty-two untreated control rats had a median survival time of 36 days (95% confidence interval 26-52 days), the treated rats 43.5 days (26-62 days). The difference was not statistically significant. BCNU produced a remission or a no change of neurologic symptoms in 60% (37 out of 62) in comparison to 39% (24 out of 62) in the control group (p less than 0.05). The advantages and disadvantages of the present models are discussed. Due to methodical problems and the marginal response to BCNU, autochthonous neurogenic tumors of the rat are not suitable as models for chemotherapeutic studies.  相似文献   

The distribution of angiotensin-(1-7) immunoreactive neurons was compared to those of vasopressin-(VP) and oxytocin-(OT) immunoreactive (IR) neurons in the hypothalamus of adult (mRen-2d)27 transgenic hypertensive and Sprague-Dawley rats. In both strains, angiotensin (Ang)-(1-7)-IR cells were found in the supraoptic nucleus (SON), and in the anterior (ap-), medial (mp-), and lateral (lp-) parvocellular, and posterior magnocellular (pm-) subdivisions of the paraventricular (PVN) nucleus. Three-dimensional reconstructions showed that cells immunoreactive to Ang-(1-7) and VP were specifically co-distributed in the SON and in the pmPVN. Double-labeling neurons for both peptides revealed that both Ang-(1-7) and VP were colocalized in a subpopulation of neurons in the pmPVN and SON. In combination with previous studies, our results suggest that Ang-(1-7) and VP are colocalized, co-released and may have a combined action at a common target. In addition, the introduction of the mouse submandibular renin (mRen-2d) transgene into Sprague-Dawley rats does not appear to have altered the fundamental organization of hypothalamic peptide systems involved in fluid homeostasis.  相似文献   

Estrogen deficiency is a major cause of bone loss in women but the mechanism is unclear. The ovariectomized (OVX) rat is a well recognized model for post-menopausal osteoporosis. In this study we have examined the effects of OVX and estrogen replacement in the OVX rat on the renal handling of calcium in response to alterations in the calcium load in the perfused rat. The interaction of estrogen administration and parathyroid hormone (PTH) was also examined in the OVX, parathyroidectomized (PTX) rat. Calcium or EDTA was infused into sham or OVX rats to obtain a range of filtered calcium loads. The excretion of calcium, was compared to the filtered load for the data from both perfusions indicating a lower calcium (P = 0.006) and sodium (P = 0.009) excretion in the OVX rat. A similar result was seen in the OVX rat replaced with 20 micrograms of estrogen valerate 48 and 24 hours prior to perfusion with calcium excretion being greater with estrogen administration (P = 0.005) compared to vehicle alone. This was not observed in the parathyroidectomized rat. Correlations between sodium and water reabsorption and calcium and sodium reabsorption during perfusion indicate that the results of OVX were due primarily to proximal tubule effects. Prior to the perfusion experiment PTH (sham vs. OVX pmol/liter, mean +/- SD; 20 +/- 6 vs. 18 +/- 4) and calcitriol (128 +/- 85 vs. 97 +/- 74) were similar in both groups, indicating that the results were not dependent on calcitropic hormone effects. It is concluded that, in the perfused rat, OVX results in decreased excretion of calcium and sodium as a result of estrogen effects on the renal proximal tubule, an effect dependent on PTH. This effect is opposite to that found in postmenopausal women, perhaps due to the high filtered load of calcium used in the experimental design and species differences in the relative importance of proximal versus distal calcium handling.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins, which are known to play an important role in the nociceptive transmission in the spinal cord, are produced by cyclooxygenase (COX). Two forms of COX have been identified, COX-1 (constitutive form) and COX-2 (a form highly inducible in response to inflammatory stimuli). COX-2 mRNA was reported to be expressed in the brain in normal rats in the absence of inflammation. We investigated the role of spinal COX-2 in the maintenance of thermal hyperalgesia induced by paw carageenan injection in the rat using NS-398, a selective COX-2 inhibitor. Intrathecally administered NS-398 attenuated the level of thermal hyperalgesia in a dose-dependent manner. This suggested that spinal COX-2 plays an important role in the maintenance of thermal hyperalgesia induced by paw carageenan injection.  相似文献   

Two cases of a continuous murmur following an acute pulmonary embolic episode are presented, and eight previously reported cases with an acquired postembolic continuous murmur (found in a review of the literature) are discussed. This finding is present in both chronic and acute pulmonary embolism and is suggestive of significant embolic obstruction. Although the continuous murmur is an unusual sign in patients with pulmonary embolism, its auscultation is often quite distinctive, and its appearance may lead to more definitive diagnostic studies when the presentation or associated clinical findings are nonspecific.  相似文献   

以ZrOCl_2·8H_2O、Mg(NO_3)_2·6H_2O为原料,分别以氨水、氨水+0.5 mol/L碳酸铵、氨水+0.5 mol/L碳酸氢铵为沉淀剂,采用化学共沉淀法制备ZrO_2(MgO)前驱体粉体.通过差热分析、X射线衍射、扫描电镜、红外光谱等对所得纳米粉体进行测定分析.结果表明:采用不同沉淀剂制得的ZrO2(MgO)纳米粉体平均晶粒尺寸都稍大于30 nm,用氨水+碳酸铵、氨水+碳酸氢铵为沉淀剂时,能够提高ZrO_2(MgO)纳米粉体的分散性能.  相似文献   

Recombinant human m-calpain was produced in a soluble form at a level of 20 mg/liter of Sf-9 cell culture by the coexpression of recombinant human m-calpain large (m80K) and small (30K) subunits using a baculovirus expression system. The expressed m-calpain was purified by sequential column chromatographies on DEAE-Toyopearl, gel-filtration, and Mono Q by the same method used to purify native m-calpain. The recombinant m-calpain had a specific activity of 691 U/mg and a Ka value (Ca2+ requirement for 50% caseinolysis activity) of 0.4 mM, which are essentially identical to those of native rabbit m-calpain. A mutant m-calpain large subunit, m-C105S-80K, where the active-site cysteine-105 is converted to serine by site-directed mutagenesis, was coexpressed with 30K in Sf-9 cells, purified, and characterized. m-C105S-calpain does not degrade casein nor an artificial tetra-peptide substrate, succinyl-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-MCA. Further, it shows no autolytic activity with Ca2+. This is the first report of the large-scale production of a fully active m-calpain species in the baculovirus system.  相似文献   

A modified endoscopic technique for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction using an autologous patellar tendon graft is described using the early results for 120 patients. A special technique using an oscillating hollow saw allows for the rapid and standardized harvest of cylindrical bone plugs, ensuring safe and adequate femoral press-fit fixation. The complications encountered included one fracture of a bone back on plugging in as well as two cases with revision procedures for interference screw fixation due to insufficient femoral anchorage. Within the framework of a prospective study, all 120 patients underwent a control arthroscopy after the first postoperative year showing viable and mechanically stable grafts in 64 (53.3%) of the patients. In 44 patients (36.7%), viable though somewhat lax grafts were found, whereas the remaining 12 patients (10%) only showed insufficient tissue residues. All of these cases were the result of a ventral misplacement of the femoral insertion site representing the primary complication of transtibial technique. The results of the control arthroscopies showed a highly significant correlation with the clinical results for the IKDC score obtained in a follow-up after an average 29 (18 to 36) months. The results for stability according to the IKDC rating scale showed a normal or near-normal knee function in 76.7%. With regard to the subjective results in the IKDC rating scale, 83.3% of the patients (n = 100) assessed their knee function as normal or almost normal. The location and positioning of the femoral and tibial tunnel were evaluated in an exact radiographic evaluation showing an "ideal position" of the graft in only 94 cases (78.3%). Statistically, a significant correlation of stability with the femoral fixation site could be shown.  相似文献   

Transient activation of COS-1 cell phospholipase-D (PLD) in response to the protein kinase C (PKC) agonist tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate (TPA) was demonstrated by monitoring the ethanol-dependent accumulation of phosphatidylethanol (PtdEth). Transfection of COS-1 cells with PKC-alpha (wild type and constitutively activated mutants) produced no detectable ptdEth on incubation of transfected cells in the presence of ethanol. However, the response of transfected cells to subsequent TPA stimulation was inhibited, consistent with a role for the PKC-alpha in the suppression of PLD activity.  相似文献   

Human (HepG2) and rat (MH1C1) hepatoblastoma cells were incubated with different concentrations of the hypolipidaemics cetaben, clofibrate and thyroxine. The enzymatic activities of catalase, peroxisomal bifunctional enzyme, succinate dehydrogenase, and 3-oxoacyl-CoA thiolase were measured. In order to determine the point of regulation of the enzymatic activities Northern and Slot blot experiments with probes for peroxisomal bifunctional enzyme, catalase and fatty acyl CoA oxidase were performed on total RNA. Catalase activity was enhanced in HepG2 cells treated with 3 mmol/l clofibric acid to 135% of control and the mRNA value to 2.6 fold, whereas in cetaben treated cells the enhancement (up to 119% of control) was less pronounced. In MH1C1 cells catalase activity was not changed by any of the drugs. The activity of the peroxisomal bifunctional enzyme was not affected in HepG2 cells by clofibric acid and cetaben, whereas the mRNA level was elevated to 2.3 fold by 10 micromol/l cetaben. At high concentrations of cetaben all enzyme activities were decreased in both cell lines due to its high cytotoxicity. Our data show that, due to the differences in the genomic organisation, the regulation of the enzyme activities is different in human and rat, but the results from the human and rat hepatoblastoma cells correlate with the findings in whole man and rat, so that a human in vitro system is more suitable for pharmacological tests. These results suggest that the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 may be a useful model system for studies of the influence of hypolipidaemics on the peroxisomal enzyme system.  相似文献   

Changes in medicine brought on by health care reform will increasingly pressure physicians and physicians-in-training to adopt business or trade strategies in the name of cost containment and of competition in the health care marketplace. These strategies run directly counter to the professional standards and are a potential threat to medicine's status as a profession. A challenge for this generation of students is not to let this emphasis on finances erode medicine's professionalism. Medical faculty must ensure that their students properly understand the nature of the relationships that permit medicine to enjoy the benefits of being a profession (rather than a trade) and that they learn the appropriate balance between financial and professional considerations. Faculty can and should place financial considerations in proper perspective. Students should learn the basic components of professionalism, how physicians in the past have not always met the full criteria for professionalism, how the current emphasis on cost containment could threaten medicine's status as a profession, appropriate goals for health care reform, the need to form new alliances to meet those goals, and criteria for forming appropriate alliances. Armed with this knowledge, the generation of physicians now in training can understand the delicate balance that must be maintained between financial exigencies and professional imperatives. They will then be prepared to participate in the reform process, embrace its positive aspects, and argue effectively against its negative ones.  相似文献   

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