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观察 《现代计算机》2008,(6):133-133
作为一名IT从业者(IT往往俗称“挨踢”),我经常奔波于各种大会小会,身体开始抗议,精神也疲倦。许多和我一样从事挨踢业的人都是这样,开完一个会又接着奔赴下一场会。另外,我个人非常喜欢听戏曲,因为戏里人生,百看不厌;戏外人生,五彩斑斓。久而久之,让我慢慢领悟到IT与戏曲间的一些异同点:  相似文献   

除了构件技术之外,当前还有一种经常映入眼帘和振动耳膜的技术就是面向服务的架构(SOA),而且,SOA现在几乎是受到了包括IBM、微软、BEA、甲骨文、惠普、SAP等所有巨头在内的整个业界的一致追捧。那么,构件和SOA 之间到底是什么关系呢? 构件的理念是将软件中可以重用到的系统模块封装起来,等到有新的类似需求时可以不必重复开发功能实现,而  相似文献   

通过具体例子详细介绍了Mashup概念和应用以及Mashup应用类型,讨论基于Web2.0技术的Mashup方案与传统集成方案的异同,并且指出了Mashup目前存在的问题。  相似文献   

前段时间我也凑热闹去看了一趟2010北京车展,果然蛊况空前,让人逛得腿酸脚软。站在熙熙攘攘的人群里,我突然进出一个奇怪的念头:谁还记得国内IT业最大的电脑展会?  相似文献   

虚与实是造型艺术表现形式的语言之一,文章通过对徽州砖雕的虚与实的构造关系所产生的特有的形体韵律美和存在的不同形态进行探索、分析和研究,旨在探讨徽州砖雕的感知形态和物质形态语义的表达,对其重新审视徽州砖雕艺术创作的本体语言有着重要意义。  相似文献   

尼康推出全新“尼康1”系列,旗下两款可换镜数码相机新品——J1&Vl,和4支对应系列的全新“尼康1'T卡口的尼克尔镜头。自此,尼康划时代的“全新影像系统”华丽亮相,前所未有的影像表现之门全面开启。这也标志着尼康作为数码影像业界的领军企业,再次开拓出全新领域,引领数码相机行业最为瞩目的时尚风潮。  相似文献   

本文通过对dBASEⅢ中的分类和索引操作的详尽分析,细致地阐述了这两种重要操作结果的异同,并指出了目前教科书和参考书中普遍存在的问题。  相似文献   

猪哥亮 《网友世界》2008,(3):167-167
《轩辕剑》作为一款经典RPG大作被两岸三地的玩家所称道,其与《仙剑》并称为中国的“双剑”,是国民游戏的典范。当《仙剑奇侠传四》逐渐尘埃落定,前者的最新作《轩辕剑外传·汉之云》再度燃起了市场的沸点,游戏尚未正式上架已引起全国轩迷的广泛关注。  相似文献   

上两期我们介绍了 PDA 的基本特性及几个典型的分支,并就以上两个主题与笔记本电脑进行了对比探讨。在这里,我们结合笔记本电脑主要谈 PDA 所面临的机遇以及发展动向。目前,尽管移动办公的需求越来越大,但 PDA 的大规模销量还未形成,它所占的比重还不如笔记本电脑,其原因也许是多方面的:与笔记本电脑相比,虽然它们都同属于移动办公领域,但  相似文献   

论文介绍了文本分类技术的研究进展及发展方向,给出了中英文文本分类系统构建的一般模型和过程,分析总结了中英文文本分类过程中的异同,并介绍了针对这些异同因素常用的处理方法。  相似文献   

近年来,随着建筑行业的兴盛,苏式砖雕以其特有的精致细腻,在砖雕大家庭独树一帜,如何更好的传承和发展苏式砖雕,是当前苏式砖雕艺人所面临的主要问题,文章从苏式砖雕的特点,苏式砖雕的传承方式等方面剖析了苏式砖雕的传承与再发展。  相似文献   

标志设计从出现到现在一直在不断的发展,尤其在设计趋于成熟的现代社会,经济全球化带来了中西方在不同的方面的和谐,但是因基于不同民族的传统文化和不同的审美趣味之上,中西方的标志设计仍有着细微的差别。文章旨在通过分析,找出现代标志设计的异同。  相似文献   

文章以广告符号在设计信息交流中的认知差异为启示,分析了设计师与消费者广告符号认知差异的理解、形成,并结合广告实例论述了广告符号认知差异的主要研究设计师与消费者广告符号的认知差异现象的理解、形成,结合实例分析差异生成的症结所在,总结出正确处理设计师与消费者广告符号认知差异的方法。  相似文献   

本文从时装广告的角度,分三个方面(人与自我,人与人,人与自然的关系)对中西方价值观念进行比较。通过一些时装广告的案例分析,总结出个人主义与集体主义的区别,两性及性观念的不同,以及对立与和谐的自然观等差异。从而为中国时装广告的跨文化传播提供理论上的支持。  相似文献   

设计形态离不开一定的物质形式来体现,其产品形态总是与其功能、材料、结构等要素分不开;美术分为纯美术和工艺美术两大系统,其作品的空灵与精神性支撑其存在的社会价值,而完成手段的具体性、形象性和切实技巧有是现实可行的。二者都是把握世界、改造世界的手段。  相似文献   

We study the set of the solutions of a fuzzy regression model as a metric space. For each metric, we define a similarity ratio in order to compare the spaces of solutions of a fuzzy regression model. We prove that the similarity ratios, that can be extracted from these different metrics, are all the same as in [4]. As an application, we use the similarity ratio to produce fuzzy classification of models. A numerical example, involving economic data, is given.The research reported in this paper was carried out in the framework of MathInd Project  相似文献   

This paper examines differences between two professional translations into English of the same Spanish newspaper article. Among other explanations for these differences, such as outright errors and free variation, we find a significant number of differences are due to differing beliefs on the part of the translators about the subject matter and about what the author wished to say. Furthermore, these differences are consistent with divergent global views of the translators about the likelihood of future events (earthquakes and tidal waves) and about (rational or irrational) reactions of people to such likelihood. We discuss the requirements for a pragmatics-based model of translation that would account for these differences.  相似文献   

This study examines cultural differences and similarities in design of university Web sites using Hofstede's model of cultural dimensions. Graphical elements on a sample of university home pages from Malaysia, Austria, the United States, Ecuador, Japan, Sweden, Greece and Denmark are compared using content analysis methods. The home pages were analyzed on the basis of two criteria: organization and graphical design. Element frequency scores were correlated with Hofstede's indexes and interpreted on the basis of the existing literature. The results suggest that similarities and differences in Web site design can be brought out through Hofstede's cultural model. Computed correlations between Hofstede's scores and frequency counts of interface elements were weaker than anticipated, but in most cases occurred in the hypothesized direction.  相似文献   

Research suggests that personality dictates specific Internet preferences. One area that remains relatively unexplored is the influence of personality on engagement with social networking sites (SNSs). The current study employs a ‘Uses and Gratifications’ framework to investigate whether personality, age, and sex predict motivations for using SNSs. The study explores both global and specific factors of personality using Eysenck's EPQ‐R short form (extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism) and Beck's SAS (sociotropy and autonomy). Principal component analysis identified ten distinct motivational components, which were then successfully predicted by individual differences through regression analyses. It is therefore suggested that individuals with different profiles vary in their motivations for using SNSs. Results support theoretical assumptions based on previous literature and personality dispositions.  相似文献   

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