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Auto-discovery is one of the key technologies that enables management systems to be quickly customized to the environments that they are intended to manage. As Internet services have grown in complexity in recent years, it is no longer sufficient to monitor and manage these services in isolation. Instead, it is critical that management systems discover dependencies that exist among Internet services, and use this knowledge for correlation of measurement resutls, so as to determine the root-causes of problems. While most existing management systems have focused on discovery of host, servers, and network elements in isolation, in this paper we describe auto-discovery techniques that discover relationships among services. Since new Internet services and service elements are being deployed at a rapid pace, it is essential that the discovery methodologies be implemented in an extensible manner, so that new discovery capabilities can be incrementally added to the management system. In this paper, we present an extensible architecture for auto-discovery and describe a prototype implementation of this architecture and associated auto-discovery techniques. We also highlight experiences from applying these techniques to discover real-world ISP systems. Although described in the context of ISP systems, the concepts described in this paper are applicable for the discovery of services and inter-service relationships in enterprise systems as well.  相似文献   

In diverse and self-governed multiple clouds context, the service management and discovery are greatly challenged by the dynamic and evolving features of services. How to manage the features of cloud services and support accurate and efficient service discovery has become an open problem in the area of cloud computing. This paper proposes a field model of multiple cloud services and corresponding service discovery method to address the issue. Different from existing researches, our approach is inspired by Bohr atom model. We use the abstraction of energy level and jumping mechanism to describe services status and variations, and thereby to support the service demarcation and discovery. The contributions of this paper are threefold. First, we propose the abstraction of service energy level to represent the status of services, and service jumping mechanism to investigate the dynamic and evolving features as the variations and re-demarcation of cloud services according to their energy levels. Second, we present user acceptable service region to describe the services satisfying users’ requests and corresponding service discovery method, which can significantly decrease services search scope and improve the speed and precision of service discovery. Third, a series of algorithms are designed to implement the generation of field model, user acceptable service regions, service jumping mechanism, and user-oriented service discovery.We have conducted an extensive experiments on QWS dataset to validate and evaluate our proposed models and algorithms. The results show that field model can well support the representation of dynamic and evolving aspects of services in multiple clouds context and the algorithms can improve the accuracy and efficiency of service discovery.  相似文献   

A key aspect of the service-oriented architecture approach for middleware is that services advertise themselves using directory or lookup services so that prospective clients can find them. The service location and discovery abstractions required to support this are not much different from those we use to conduct business with other people. As a result, we can gain insights into how distributed service discovery systems work by comparing them to everyday human-oriented service discovery approaches. Given that service discovery depends on discovery services, how does an application actually find a discovery service?.  相似文献   

Web services registries are a cornerstone for the emerging service-oriented architecture and constitute a critical resource for Web services. We systematically illustrate and evaluate current registries and compare different approaches regarding their architectures and data models in the context of two views: the human and Web service based views. We use these views to show the different requirements and to illustrate the different abstractions when comparing Web service registries. The human view on Web service registry architectures is illustrated with the help of a case study. The Web service view on Web services registry architectures is illustrated from a software-service point of view. The data model of Web service registries is described in detail from a machine based view. The corresponding human view is described from an abstract level. Web service publishing and discovery are compared from a human and a Web service based view. Finally, we present a working example that uses our methodology to compare different Web service registries and to explain the different views introduced in this paper. Recommended by: Dimitrios Georgakopoulos  相似文献   

随着Web服务技术的快速发展,如何请求和选择可信服务成为了非常重要的研究课题,即可信服务发现。本文提出了一种新的基于用户评价的Web服务发现方法.通过计算当前一段时间内多个用户对Web服务的反馈值,来判断Web服务所声明QoS的真实性,从而选择出更具可信度的Web服务。实验表明该方法具有有效性。  相似文献   

随着网络中服务和用户数目的增长,服务发现作为服务提供者和用户之间的中介,日益成为网络服务的主要研究方向之一.本文介绍了一种安全的服务发现架构,着重构建如何基于SLP协议提供服务的注册与查询机制,利用KDC作为认证中心实现服务的认证,保证服务的可靠性.  相似文献   

基于语义相似性的Web服务匹配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着互联网应用的不断丰富,如何高效而准确地发现用户所需的Web服务已成为重要的挑战。传统基于关键字和语义匹配的方法存在查全率低和效率低下的问题,无法满足实际应用。提出基于语义相似性的服务匹配算法,实现了基于层次本体的概念相似性计算,并改进了原有二分图最优匹配算法的不足。根据该算法实现了一个Web服务发现原型系统。经实验证明,该方法不仅具有较高的查全率,且算法效率是满足目前服务发现需要的。  相似文献   

Business services are customisable, interactive processes that providers have the potential to carry out together with clients that benefit from the effects. It is understood that business service transactions are best organised by means of virtual networks, where information technology allows for configuring multiple providers and processes on a per-request basis. Existing conceptual models for virtual service enterprises (VSEs) propose business service virtualisation for flexible and agile regulation and control of coordination between multiple providers and clients. In this paper, we present an approach for realising business service virtualisation based on software service technology. In particular, we propose a service-oriented software architecture for representing virtual business service processes as e-services. E-service models specify flexible business service interactions between multiple providers and clients of virtual service enterprises and allow for regulation and enforcement of their coordination. We demonstrate the utilisation of our e-service SOA in the context of an e-science scenario, where we show how to design e-service models for the use case of virtual polymorph prediction laboratories.  相似文献   

服务发现是面向服务的网络软件开发过程的关键阶段,同时也是影响服务组合效率的关键因素.针对当前服务发现自动化程度低下、准确性不高的现状,从两个方面提高服务组合效率:首先,提出一种自动组合服务发现模式,支持流程粒度的组合服务发现及复用;其次,在发现过程中设计了一种量化的相似性评估算法,综合考虑组合流程的静态结构与动态行为特征,以提高服务发现的准确率;最后,结合以上两方面形成一个基于流程相似性的自动服务发现框架(automatic service discovery framework based on business process similarity,简称AutoDisc).利用真实数据完成的评估实验结果表明,AutoDisc的准确性优于单纯考虑结构或行为的发现方法,在所给出的应用案例中,使服务组合效率提高75.5%,具有较好的可扩展性.  相似文献   

基于信誉的语义Web服务发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服务发现在语义Web领域是一个挑战性问题.一个关键问题是发现满足用户功能需求的最佳服务.同样重要的是,电子商务应用还要求发现满足QoS需求的最佳服务.由此提出一个基于信誉管理的分布式服务选择框架.它主要有以下特点:用一个结构化的覆盖网络作为分布式服务存储系统来提高系统的有效性和可扩展性; 提出一个QoS感知的语义Web服务发现方法,并给出基于用户反馈的分布式信誉度评估算法.最后用一个例子示范算法如何解决实际问题.  相似文献   

服务发现机制面临两个现实问题:一是服务数量剧增、服务类型多样,二是用户需求多变、业务流程日益复杂,这些都导致服务发现日趋困难.传统服务发现机制往往关注服务本身的属性和内在特征,而忽略了服务发现的宗旨就是为了满足用户的需求.本文将基于RGPS领域资产(Role-Goal-Process-Service)的服务聚合技术引入到服务发现机制中,提出一个新的服务发现框架,实现服务的聚合和抽象,解决服务资源的按需服务发现问题.最后,构建一个服务注册管理原型平台,利用仿真实验对所提出的方法进行了验证.  相似文献   

RESTful Web service composition with BPEL for REST   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Web服务是构建基于面向服务架构(SOA)的应用系统所需的主流分布式计算技术.作者此前提出了一种语义增强服务库,支持基于语义的服务注册、搜索和组装.讨论该服务库中所使用的一种基于语义的服务搜索与匹配方法.该算法不仅考虑了功能性属性而且引入了非功能性属性来进行服务匹配.算法利用所建立的本体对服务进行语义标注,并通过对OWL-S进行扩展,增加了非功能性属性支持.论文给出了服务的定义,详细介绍了服务搜索与匹配的步骤,并以一个服务的搜索为例对算法的使用进行了说明.最后把本文提出的算法与基于关键字匹配的服务搜索算法进行了比较分析,结果表明本文所提出的算法搜索更加准确.论文最后简介了基于该算法的语义库的基本架构及功能.  相似文献   

一种大规模网络上的服务组合流程搜索方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集中式的自动服务组合和非平凡服务发现能够根据给定的、具有特定输入输出的请求搜索出一系列满足要求的服务组合,是当前服务计算领域的研究热点.针对集中式结构带来的性能瓶颈和单点故障问题,提出了一种利用基于内容的分布式发布订阅技术实现大规模网络环境下的无中心自动服务组合方法,称之为流程搜索.基于内容的分布式发布订阅系统能够根据发布消息和订阅消息之间的内容匹配关系,将发布者提供的消息通过一系列中介节点转发给感兴趣的订阅者.它可以为服务接口之间的可互操作性判定以及查询路由提供支持.将服务模型映射为发布订阅的消息模型,并利用基于内容的路由设计形成分布式环境下的搜索算法,并基于PADRES系统开发了一个PreSee原型系统.模拟实验显示,无中心控制的方法相对于集中式的架构而言,可以有效降低系统延迟,提高整个系统的效率.  相似文献   

基于SOA(service-oriented architecture)的物联网(Internet of things,IoT)把设备的功能服务化,以一种统一和通用的接口向外界提供服务。由于物联网中设备的海量性、移动性和资源高度受限性,以及无线网络自身的不可靠性,设备服务与传统的Web服务相比具有不同的特点,现有的Web服务发现方法不能有效地满足物联网中服务发现的需求。从Web服务发现体系结构和匹配策略两个方面对典型的Web服务发现方法进行了分析;结合物联网中服务提供的特点,从可扩展性、资源有限性、异构性和环境的动态变化性四个方面,分析了将Web服务发现方法应用于物联网服务提供中所面临的问题,并讨论了可能的解决思路;探讨了物联网中服务发现需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

基于向量空间的Web服务发现模糊方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭敦陆  周傲英 《计算机应用》2006,26(9):2009-2012
Web服务已逐渐发展成为重要的分布式计算范式。在综合分析了现有的Web服务描述文档的基础上,提出了一种基于模糊集的服务特征项集选取算法以及Web服务向量空间的生成方法。利用生成的向量空间,对Web服务进行模糊聚类。基于此,文中给出了向量空间中进行Web服务发现的模糊方法。所提出的方法只需利用现有的Web服务描述信息,保证了服务发现的有效性。  相似文献   

Web服务是继SOA后的又一研究热点,存在于Internet上大量的Web服务必然会形成一个结构复杂、节点繁多,具有相互影响的复杂网络,目前国内外并没有提出完善的关于Web服务的复杂网络模型,对Web服务复杂网络特性的研究也处于发展阶段.提出以Web服务为节点,服务功能相似关系为边,构建复杂网络的模型和算法,并对构建的网络的特性展开研究.本文设计并实现了一个原型系统,利用Web服务的匹配关系构建了网络模型,并且证明该网络具有小世界特性和无标度特性.该方法的提出把对Web服务的研究从传统的SOA模型中引领到复杂网络模型中,对推动Web服务组合和发现等应用具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

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