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A pulsatile total cavopulmonary shunt was successfully performed on a 5-year-old girl with hypoplastic right heart syndrome associated with abnormal systemic venous return; at the same time, modified mitral valve replacement was performed for mitral regurgitation. The right atrium, tricuspid valve and right ventricle were all extremely dimunitive. The diameter of the tricuspid valve was 50% of normal and the volume of the right ventricle was 8.6% of normal. In addition, there were severe subpumonary stenosis, a restrictive ventricular septal defect (VSD) and an atrial septal defect (ASD). The bilateral superior venae cavae (SVCs) and the hepatic vein drained to the left atrium, and the inferior vena cava was infrahepatically interrupted with a hemiazygos connection to the left superior vena cava. At the operation, each SVC was anastomosed end-to-side to each branch of the pulmonary artery (PA). The restrictive ventricular septal defect and stenotic subpulmonary lesion were left. The diameter of the ASD was reduced from 12 mm to 7 mm. The main PA was neither divided nor banded. The pulsatile blood flow from the left heart to the PA was regurated by a native restrictive VSD and stenotic subpulmonary lesion, and that from the right heart via the ASD was limited by reducing the size of the ASD. These described anatomic arrangements produced adequate antegrade pulsatile flow in the PA, which might prevent the development of pulmonary arteriovenous fistulae and, besides permit transfer of drainage of the hepatic vein from the left to the right atrium via the ASD in future.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the patterns of pulmonary venous flow in children with functional single ventricles to obtain a better understanding of the determinants of transpulmonary blood flow. Sixty-eight patients with functional single ventricles and aortopulmonary shunt (n = 34, group I), or superior cavopulmonary connection (n = 34, group II) underwent transesophageal Doppler echocardiographic assessment of flow in the left upper pulmonary vein before undergoing the next stage of surgery. Twelve patients from group II also underwent simultaneous evaluation of superior vena caval flow. Biphasic forward pulmonary venous flow was noted in 62 patients in sinus rhythm (S wave in systole, D wave in diastole); in 6 patients with junctional rhythm, significant early systolic reversal of flow was present. Both the S- and D-wave velocity-time integrals (VTI) were greater in group I than in group II (S(VTI) 9.9 +/- 4.2 vs 8.0 +/- 2.6, p = 0.02; D(VTI) 8.0 +/- 3.5 vs 4.2 +/- 2.6, p <0.001). In both groups, pulmonary venous flow was predominantly systolic; however, the proportion of flow during ventricular systole was significantly greater in group II than in group I (S(VTI)/D(VTI) group II: 2.4 +/- 1.5; group I 1.4 +/- 0.5, p = 0.001; percent systolic fraction of pulmonary venous flow group II = 67%, group I = 56%, p <0.001). Analysis of superior vena caval flow in group II revealed a single predominant wave with onset at early systole and peak in late systole at a mean of 150 ms after the pulmonary venous S-wave peak. Our data suggest that ventricular systole (i.e., atrial relaxation, atrioventricular valve descent) asserts great influence on transpulmonary blood flow in the functional single ventricle.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent reports have cited improving results for surgical management of isolated total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. Complex cases (with other cardiac anomalies) are less frequently reported and are associated with higher mortality. METHODS: Retrospective review identified 170 consecutive patients treated for total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage from 1982 to 1996: 44 cases were "complex" (with significant associated cardiac lesions) and 126 cases were "simple." RESULTS: Operative mortality for simple cases decreased from 26% to 8%, and mortality for complex cases remained constant at 52%. Age, size, and the presence of atrial isomerism were univariate predictors of mortality. Multivariable analysis identified only univentricular hearts and associated cardiac lesions as predictors of operative mortality. Pulmonary artery (n = 16) and arteriopulmonary (n = 7) shunting strategies for complex cases resulted in less than 30% long-term survival. CONCLUSIONS: Despite improvement in survival for simple cases, management of total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage with single-ventricle hearts or other associated cardiac lesions remains problematic.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A bidirectional cavopulmonary shunt has been performed for the high-risk Fontan patient. It is well known that in the presence of the bidirectional cavopulmonary shunt alone to secure pulmonary blood flow, the central pulmonary artery size decreases over time. We have performed pulsatile bidirectional cavopulmonary shunt (PBCPS), keeping pulmonary blood flow from the ventricle through the stenotic pulmonary valve, or a Blalock-Taussig shunt in patients who do not meet the criteria for the Fontan operation. METHODS: Eleven patients who underwent PBCPS between 1989 and 1993 were reviewed. We compared the results of cardiac catheterization immediately before PBCPS and during the postoperative observation period (310 +/- 257 days). RESULTS: Pulmonary blood flow and arterial oxygen saturation increased significantly after PBCPS (p = 0.01). Pulmonary artery area index showed a tendency to increase (p = 0.11). The mean number of risk factors for the Fontan procedure decreased significantly for 1.8 +/- 1.1 to 0.7 +/- 0.8 after PBCPS (p < 0.05). Overall, 5 of the 11 patients (45.5%) met the criteria for the Fontan procedure, and a fenestrated Fontan procedure was carried out in 4 of them. CONCLUSIONS: The PBCPS is useful for high-risk Fontan patients not only in the staged Fontan operation, but also as definitive palliation.  相似文献   

We report a two-year-old girl with asplenia, [A, L, L] DORV, pulmonary atresia, common AV valve, PDA, and TAPVC, who successfully underwent total cavo pulmonary connection (TCPC). Deep cyanosis was pointed out since birth. Cardiac catheterization performed on the sixth day after birth revealed a diminutive pulmonary artery tree of which PA index was 41 mm2/m2. Left modified Blalock-Taussig shunt was created at 27 days of age. The PA index increased to 282 mm2/mm2, but disparity in diameter between the left and the right pulmonary artery was yielded by PDA subsidence. Therefore additional contralateral B-T shunt was made at one year of age. Follow-up cardiac catheterization at 28 months of age showed well developed pulmonary artery; PA index of 460 mm2/m2, right pulmonary resistance (Rp) of 3.49 units, left Rp of 2.33 units, and estimated total Rp was 1.39. According to study, bidirectional Glenn procedure or TCPC was indicated. Considering necessity of urgent repair of common pulmonary vein obstruction, regurgitation of the common atrio-ventricular valve and pulmonary artery stenosis, TCPC was performed with concomitant repair of the associated lesions. Severe butterfly-figure stenosis of the central PA was augmented by anastomosing both the left SVC and the left-sided atrium. In conclusion, diminutive pulmonary artery could be adequately grown by phase-in Blalock-Taussig shunts. Pulmonary blood flow scintigraphy was thought to be useful for estimation of pulmonary resistance in such cases with different pulmonary resistance between right and left PA.  相似文献   

Three consecutive patients undergoing corrective operation for the infracardiac type of total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage (TAPVD) were found to have tree-shaped pulmonary veins. Preoperative angiocardiography revealed that in 2 patients the superior and inferior pulmonary veins drained separately, bilaterally, into the vertical vein. In the third patient the right pulmonary veins united to connect with the vertical vein, while the left superior and inferior pulmonary veins drained separately into the vertical vein. At operation inferior pulmonary veins connecting separately with the vertical vein were found to be located posterior to the pericardium. In the previous literature dealing with successful repair of infracardiac TAPVD, there is no mention of the tree-shaped pulmonary veins described in this report. As this particular type of pulmonary vein does not seem to be uncommon, its possible presence should be kept in mind during operation, as it may dictate the selection of surgical procedures.  相似文献   

Developmental venous anomalies (DVA) are considered as variant patterns of cerebral venous drainage. Although generally not rare in the cerebellum, DVA of the brain stem or of the cerebellum with drainage through the brain stem are exceptional findings. Because it is not clear whether DVA may sometimes be of clinical significance, we try to correlate the clinical findings of the patients with the course of the variant vessels. We reviewed the literature and report three additional cases. All patients were examined by MRI and digital subtraction angiography. In particular, we discuss the drainage route as compared with the established patterns of posterior fossa blood drainage, which is directed to the dural sinuses, the petrosal vein or the vein of Galen. In one of our patients suffering from trigeminal neuralgia, the close topical relation of the DVA and the trigeminal nucleus and trigeminal nerve entry zone suggests a causal relationship. In a second case the brain stem symptoms were due to haemorrhage of a concomitant cavernoma. It remains unclear if the occurrence of dysarthria and dysaesthesia in the third patient with brain stem DVA was purely coincidental. The only clinical symptom directly attributable to a DVA with transpontine drainage in our series was trigeminal neuralgia.  相似文献   

Cardiac fibromas in infants and children may present as intramural or intracavitary masses. Total or partial resection as well as transplantation have been reported as treatment for symptomatic patients. We report an infant, diagnosed prenatally, who underwent partial excision of a massive obstructive right ventricular fibroma and creation of a bidirectional cavopulmonary shunt. The palliative approach has allowed the child to be followed up with the option of transplantation should the tumor continue to increase in size.  相似文献   

Total cavopulmonary shunt was performed in 6 patients (pts) with single ventricle and common atrioventricular valve (CAVV) with left isomerism between 1978 and 1987. Four patients survived including 1 with CAVV-replacement and follow-up period ranged from 1.5 to 10 years. The first pt tolerated a pregnancy and re-replacement of CAVV. All 4 pts showed significant improvements in symptom. The arterial oxygen saturation was around 90% early postoperatively, but 2 pts developed pulmonary arteriovenous fistula with decreased arterial oxygen saturation. This operation can be indicated in left isomerism with low operative risk, and also may be applied in those with CAVV regurgitation although the risk becomes high. PAVF is a matter of concern in the late follow-up.  相似文献   

Prior to 1970, 35 patients of VSD with Pp/Ps of 0.8 or more were subjected to primary closure of the defect, resulting in 11 operative deaths. Since 1971, however, the surgical results have been much improved and 29 such patients were operated on without death. It has been considered the optimal time of elective closure of VSD with severe pulmonary hypertension is at the age of 1 to 3 years, however, if decrease in apical diastolic rumble and heart size are found, earlier operation less than one year of age is to be scheduled. Surgical indications and results of PDA, PDA with VSD, and ASD associated with severe pulmonary hypertension were also discussed.  相似文献   

To assess the metabolic consequences of the diversion of the pancreatic venous drainage to the systemic circulation, the pancreaticoduodenal and gastrosplenic veins were anastomosed to the inferior vena cava in nine normal dogs. This procedure maintained the integrity of the entire pancreas while shunting the hormonal output of the pancreas to the periphery. The metabolic effects were assessed from the sensitivity to insulin during a euglycemic hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp using an insulin infusion of 800 microU/kg per min. The studies were controlled by their duplication in seven dogs identically treated but with the pancreatic veins reanastomosed to the portal vein. No differences in systemic insulin levels or insulin sensitivity before and after surgery were seen under these circumstances. After diversion, however, basal insulin levels rose from 4.5 +/- 1.0 to 11.5 +/- 2.5 microU/ml. Basal glucose metabolic clearance rate (MCR) rose to 3.0 +/- 0.4 from 2.0 +/- 0.3 ml/kg per min. On insulin infusion, maximal stimulation of MCR within the 2-h infusion period was to 15.2 +/- 2.5 ml/kg per min preoperatively and to 7.2 +/- 0.8 ml/kg per min after diversion. Using ratios of MCR-to-insulin concentration as an index of insulin sensitivity, it was demonstrated that this index decreased by at least 50% after diversion. These data imply that portal venous drainage of the pancreas is an important factor in the determination of peripheral insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

VM Reddy  JR Liddicoat  FL Hanley 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,59(5):1120-5; discussion 1125-6
The performance of a primary bidirectional superior cavopulmonary shunt procedure in early infancy is attractive because it minimizes the number of operations needed before a Fontan procedure, avoids ventricular volume overload and its sequelae, and eliminates pulmonary artery distortion. However, concerns over elevated or labile pulmonary vascular resistance have limited its use in the first few months of life. Nine patients aged 1 to 4 months (5 patients, < 2 months) have undergone a primary bidirectional superior cavopulmonary shunt procedure between October 1992 and March 1994. Primary diagnoses were tricuspid atresia (n = 4), asplenia syndrome (n = 2), polysplenia syndrome (n = 1), double-outlet right ventricle (n = 1), and double-inlet left ventricle (n = 1). Associated lesions of immediate surgical importance were total anomalous pulmonary veins (n = 2), a restrictive atrial septum (n = 4), bilateral superior venae cavae (n = 5), and patent ductus arteriosus (n = 5). The surgical procedure consisted of unilateral (n = 4) or bilateral (n = 5) bidirectional superior cavopulmonary shunt and the repair of associated lesions. Of significance, in 4 of our first 5 patients a very limited additional source of pulmonary blood flow was provided because of a low arterial oxygen tension immediately after cardiopulmonary bypass. Pleural effusions developed in 2 of these 4 patients. In subsequent patients cardiopulmonary bypass was not used whenever possible or, if it was needed, use of an extra source of pulmonary blood flow was avoided.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A method to prevent co-elution of steroid sulfates with proteins in serum from the pre-column in column-switching HPLC was developed. The pre-column, a polymer-coated mixed function column, was used for ion-pair chromatography with 5 mM tetra-n-butylammonium (TBA) ion. As steroid sulfates, estriol 3-sulfate, dehydroepiandrosterone 3-sulfate and pregnenolone 3-sulfate were used. Human serum (25 microl) was diluted with mobile phases including 5, 100 and 500 mM TBA ion, and then injected directly into the pre-column. The peak areas of the steroid sulfates in serum samples were compared with those of the steroid standards without serum. When 25/microl of serum was diluted with mobile phase including 100 or 500 mM TBA ion, the steroid sulfates in serum were retained in the pre-column; however, the steroid sulfates from the same sample diluted with mobile phase containing 5 mM TBA ion were not retained in the pre-column. Addition of an excess amount of counter ion (TBA ion) into the serum sample made it possible to retain the steroid sulfates in the pre-column. This method was applied to column-switching HPLC for measurement of steroid sulfates in serum using a semi-microcolumn as the analytical column.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of portal-hepatic venous shunt through an enormous portal aneurysm complicated by pulmonary hypertension. A 66-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for hepatic encephalopathy. Chest roentgenography revealed pulmonary hypertension. Computed tomography and ultrasound examination demonstrated a shunt between the portal and hepatic veins through an enormous portal aneurysm. The diagnoses of portal-hepatic venous shunt and pulmonary hypertension were confirmed by hepatic venous catheterization and cardiac catheterization. Pulmonary hypertension might result from the effects of vasoconstrictive agents, which should be metabolized by the liver in normal subjects, passing through the intrahepatic shunt into the lung.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cholesteryl ester transfer (CET) is accelerated in patients with IDDM treated with conventional (subcutaneous) insulin therapy (CIT) and a number of other disorders associated with premature cardiovascular disease. We have shown that in IDDM this disturbance is closely linked to iatrogenic hyperinsulinemia (HI), because it was reversed when insulin was administered by the intraportal (i.p.) route. In this study, we sought to determine whether HI after successful pancreas-kidney transplantation (PKT) has the same adverse effect on CET. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: CET was measured by both mass and isotopic assays and compared in two groups of euglycemic non-insulin-requiring IDDM PKT patients with either systemically draining allografts and persistent HI or grafts with portal vein anastomoses that were normoinsulinemic (PK-P). A third group of eight nondiabetic kidney transplant (KT) patients receiving the same immunosuppressive drugs served as control subjects. RESULTS: CET in pancreas-kidney transplantation subjects with systemic venous drainage (PK-S) was increased (P < 0.001) to the same level we have reported previously in IDDM patients receiving CIT and was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than in those subjects with PK-P. CET in the PK-P group did not differ from that of the KT control patients. CONCLUSIONS: CET is affected by variations in systemic insulin levels in pancreas transplant patients with allografts that have differing venous drainage. Because high systemic insulin levels are linked to the activation of (ET, euglycemic HI IDDM pancreas allograft recipients may continue to be at high risk for macrovascular complications.  相似文献   

The 13C-urea breath test (13C-UBT) is a non-invasive method for detecting Helicobacter pylori. This study was performed to determine the cutoff value and evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of 13C-UBT in Taiwan. 13C-Urea (100 mg of 99% 13C-labeled urea) was dissolved in 50 ml sterile water for the test. The test meal for delaying gastric emptying was 100 ml fresh milk. Patients fasted for at least 6h. A baseline breath sample was collected 5 min after they had the test meal. Two other samples were collected at 15 and 30 min after the patients ingested the 13C-urea. The test was evaluated in 352 patients after routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, and the urease test, culture, and histopathology were taken as the gold standards for detecting H. pylori. According to the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, we chose values of 2.8 and 4.2 excess delta 13CO2 per mil as the cut-off values for 15 and 30 min, respectively, post 13C-urea. The sensitivity and specificity of 13C-UBT were 99% and 93% at 15 min, and 98% and 93% at 30 min post 13C-urea, respectively. The 13C-UBT breath test is an efficient non-invasive method of high sensitivity and high specificity for detecting H. pylori infection. We suggest that the use of fresh milk as the test meal and the detection of excess delta 13CO2 15 min after the ingestion of 13C-urea are suitable for the clinical use of 13C-UBT. This test is simple and rapid.  相似文献   

The correction of shunts resulting from partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage has become an accepted surgical procedure. Surgical complications, other than those that were purely postoperative, have been rare. The present report details the case histories of three patients with unusual complications resulting from this type of surgery. Unilateral pulmonary venous obstruction and repeated infections occurred in one patient. In another, obstruction of the superior vena cava resulted. In the third patient, an indaequate operation was performed when the site of partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage into the coronary sinus was not recognized initially at the time of surgery.  相似文献   

Allergen-specific lymphocyte proliferation was measured by flow cytometry in 16 children with atopic dermatitis (AD). 26 with bronchial asthma (BA) and 13 non-atopic controls. Although the level of mite-S.I.F. (stimulation index measured by flow cytometry) in the younger AD children (2-7 y) was significantly higher than that in the non-atopic subjects (189.6 +/- 70.7 vs 113.9 +/- 11.0, p < 0.02), there was no elevation in the younger BA children (122.6 +/- 23.4). It is therefore likely that the elevated mite-S.I.F. level is related to the development of the allergic cellular inflammation representing the pathology of AD, rather than the IgE-mediated allergic reaction as a mechanism of childhood BA. Because the level of mite-specific IgE antibody in the younger BA children is elevated (93.6 +/- 41.2 PRU/ml), the result also indicates that mite-specific peripheral T lymphocytes do not play a critical role in stimulating the mite-specific IgE synthesis. On the contrary, the older BA children (8-15 y) showed an elevated mite-S.I.F. level (176.0 +/- 54.6) significantly higher than that in the non-atopic subjects (114.6 +/- 13.9, p < 0.05) as well as that in the younger BA children (p < 0.05). Because other investigators have reported that the level of mite-specific lymphocyte proliferation is increased in the adult BA patients, the transition from childhood BA to adult-type BA may start at the age of about 8 y.  相似文献   

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