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针对"汇编语言"课程双语教学的改革进行了探讨与实践,进一步明确了课程的培养目标,在课程内容的安排上强调了实践环节,对考核方式进行了改革和实践,注重实际编程和上机调试程序能力考核,提高了学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,教学效果良好。  相似文献   

针对"汇编语言"课程双语教学的改革进行了探讨与实践,进一步明确了课程的培养目标,在课程内容的安排上强调了实践环节,对考核方式进行了改革和实践,注重实际编程和上机调试程序能力考核,提高了学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,教学效果良好.  相似文献   

以居民用电量及电费计算为研究背景,创造性地提出了利用汇编语言实现32位二进制数转换为十进制的具体方法,并提供了相应的代码,对今后基于汇编语言进行更多位数的二、十进制转换具有抛砖引玉之意义。  相似文献   

汇编语言课程是计算机专业的一门基础课程,该课程与计算机硬件密切相关,课程难度较大。分析了目前汇编语言课程教学中存在的不足之处,从课程群的宏观角度出发明确课程的教学理念和目标,提出了汇编语言课程教学改革的方法并在教学实践中具体应用,取得了良好的教学效果,提高计算机专业学生软硬件应用能力。  相似文献   

引言此篇主要说明在设备不足的情况下,探索仪用固件的分析方法。本文以人们较熟悉的Z80汇编语言,模仿智能仪器的自动化功能。以FLUKE公司5101 B自动校准仪的程序列表和测试数据列表两功能,用Z80汇编语言描述,附CROMEMCO微型机系统文本与执行结果。所谓智能仪器实际上指装有微处理器有自动化功能的仪器。由于μp的机种很多,其采用的软件方法也五花八门。人们较感兴趣的是  相似文献   

数据采集与高级处理技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马胜前  蒋宏 《电测与仪表》2001,38(6):9-11,25
针对数据采集与数据处理的需要,本文介绍了如何用汇编语言程序进行数据采集,将数据转换成EXCEL所要求的输入文件格式,再用EXCEL进行数据处理,实现采集数据的表格化和图形化等高级处理,解决了汇编语言与EXCEL的接口问题,给出了实例。  相似文献   

"汇编语言"课程是高校计算机、电子信息等专业的核心专业课程。虽然其编程较为复杂、调试相对繁琐,但它能直接而有效地控制硬件,是其他语言所无法替代的。结合实际教学体会,就如何提高汇编语言课程教学效果进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

问:本人接触电脑已有一年多,现在已经学过Pascsl语言、电脑组成与原理、汇编语言和数据结构,几个月前我和几个同学合买了一台5X86电脑,目前对电脑实际操作入门了,但这一段时间上机总感觉无所事事,希望能为我指点迷津。 答:高高兴兴地把电脑搬回家,却不知该玩什么,我相信不少朋友都有这种经历。其实不要紧,学电脑主要是要熟悉机器,就算是玩游戏,也对电脑操作水平有提高。你是学生,如果平时写文章做作业都用电脑,我想一年半载下  相似文献   

赵丽  齐兴斌 《电力学报》2012,27(3):239-241
C语言是一种高级的面向过程开发的语言,汇编语言则是一种低级的面向机器硬件编程的语言。针对C语言和汇编语言的混合编程问题,研究了在C语言中嵌入汇编指令、C程序调用汇编子过程时应注意的一些技术问题,并给出了实例,使两种语言发挥各自的优势。  相似文献   

8.工厂菜单主菜单内容说明工厂菜单主菜单内容说明如表1所示。9.维修案例[例1]故障现象:TV不存台。分析与检修:上机架测试TV无台,重新搜台,发现有台但存不了。故先换一下U34(记忆IC),但故障依旧。通电测试发现各路电压均无异常。测量U34的电路I2C  相似文献   

This paper outlines the background of teaching needs that led to the development of an assembly language interpreter for teaching assembly language. The interpreter, called ZIP for Z80 interpreter program, is small enough to be used by a student on a modest sized Z80-based system. It greatly facilitates understanding the Z80 assembly language by allowing the student to learn it interactively. It can also be used as a debugging tool. An overview of the interpreter is given and its syntax and operation are discussed.  相似文献   

交流采样电参量测量模型仿真与DSP编程   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
介绍了三种交流采样电参量测量模型的特点;高级语言数字仿真的方法、意义、目的及结果;讨论高级语言仿真等方法转换为嵌入式CPU汇编语言遇到的主要问题和转换技术,简单分析DSP汇编语言实现电渗量测量实时算法的指令的优势。  相似文献   

A method is described for teaching structured programming techniques to students of assembly language programming. Structured programming, historically, has only been within the realm of high-level languages (Pascal, C, etc.), while a more loose approach-one lacking a formal syntax-has traditionally been applied to low-level programming in assembly language. Borrowing words and symbols from Pascal and C, a simple syntax was devised, called Pseudo Code, that uses three basic structures: linear, conditional, and loop. Upon learning that all the programs can be written using only these three structures, students become convinced of the reduced complexity brought by Pseudo Code. A method is adopted that proceeds from the problem definition to the assembly language program using Pseudo Code as an interim step. Using this method, students at the author's college have successfully developed software in assembly language that would have been too complex for them to attempt without coding their solutions in a structured form  相似文献   

The Electrical Engineering Department at the Virginia Military Institute (V.M.I.) has recently altered two existing courses (one required and one elective) to include major emphasis on microcomputers. After basic topics are covered the first (one-semester) course introduces the student to microcomputer architecture including machine language programming. The associated lab includes use of inexpensive turn-key microcomputers after initial work with IC chips. The second course provides a closer look at microcomputer applications, with lecture and/or lab work covering assembly language, interfacing, and the use of Basic and assembly language to monitor and control "real-world" variables and devices using A/D and D/A converters.  相似文献   

本文主要阐述钢板在线检测与故障诊断系统的设计。电子系统设计中采用了在系统可编程ISP技术,改变了传统的电路设计方法,能对在系统板上的硬件电路实现重构,使修改硬件像修改软件那样方便,并配合用汇编语言和MBASIC高级语言混合编程的方法实现了软件的设计。  相似文献   

已研制出的该检定系统,由包括HES-1数字式互感器校验仪、数据采集器、PC微机、宽行打印机的硬件和用BASIC语言和汇编语言编制,以菜单显示、人机对话工作的软件构成。具有对互感器自动检定、自动打印检定和检定结果通知书等功能。  相似文献   

彭颖 《江苏电器》2009,(5):39-41,56
基于CPLD器件与AT89C51单片机设计了一个综合系统,系统的硬件部分由单片机系统、时钟电路、通信电路、常用的外围电路(LED显示、模数转换等)和CPLD接口电路组成。软件部分采用硬件描述语言VHDL语言和汇编语言,可实现频率测量、采样控制和加法器等功能。  相似文献   

A versatile microassembler and assembler program is described that was developed to facilitate the preparation of symbolic microprograms and assembly language programs for use with the microprogrammable computer simulator ET (educational tool) previously reported by the authors (see ibid., vol.E-30, p.135, Aug. 1987). The microassembler program takes as input a microprogram source file written in symbolic form and produces files ready for loading into the simulator's control ROM and address ROM. In addition, a file containing the mnemonics and corresponding op-codes of each instruction in the instruction set of the machine being simulated by the microprogram is created. The assembler program uses this file together with a user-written symbolic assembly language source program and produces a file containing machine language object code ready for loading into the simulator's RAM. Both the microassembler and the assembler also produce list files that may be examined by the user. Students of computer architecture indicate that use of these tools, in conjunction with the ET simulator, greatly simplifies the task of learning how microprogrammed computers function  相似文献   

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