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This paper proposes a scene graph based visualization method that can verify time-varying continuous analysis simulation in a virtual reality (VR) environment by using the computer-aided engineering (CAE) data of structural analysis in product development. In previous research, the use of CAE analysis data has been problematic because of the lack of any interactive simulation controls for visualizing continuous simulation data. Moreover, the research on post-processing methods for real-time evaluation of CAE analysis data has not been sufficient. We therefore propose a scene graph based visualization method for representing continuous simulation data. The method can continuously visualize static analysis data independently of any timeline; it can also continuously visualize dynamic analysis data that varies in relation to the timeline. The visualization system for continuous simulation data, which includes CAE2VR Middleware that interfaces with various formats of CAE analysis data as well as functions for visualizing continuous simulation data and operational functions, enables users to verify simulation results with more realistic scenes.  相似文献   

The structure of data in computer-based files is information which may not be explicit in the files themselves, but is incorporated in part in the computer software designed to process the files. If a computer-processable file of data is to be processed using a “system” other than the one used to generate the file initially, conversion of the file to another format is normally necessary. A format, called FILEMATCH, is presented which for structures encountered in earth science data, incorporates the structural information in the files themselves, thus providing a medium for interchange of files among a variety of software systems.  相似文献   

In an iterative design process, there is a large amount of engineering data to be processed. Well-managed engineering data can ensure the competitiveness of companies in the competitive market. It has been recognized that a product data model is the basis for establishing engineering database. To fully support the complete product data representation in its life cycle, an international product data representation and exchange standard, STEP, is applied to model the representation of a product. In this paper, the architecture of an engineering data management (EDM) system is described, which consists of an integrated product database. There are six STEP-compatible data models constructed to demonstrate the integratibility of EDM system using common data modeling format. These data models are product definition, product structure, shape representation, engineering change, approval, and production scheduling. These data models are defined according to the integrated resources of STEP/ISO 10303 (Parts 41-44), which support a complete product information representation and a standard data format. Thus, application systems, such as CAD/CAM and MRP systems, can interact with the EDM system by accessing the database based on the STEP data exchange standard.  相似文献   

BqR‐Tree, the data structure presented in this paper is an improved R‐Tree data structure based on a quadtree spatial partitioning which improves the rendering speed of the usual R‐trees when view‐culling is implemented, especially in urban scenes. The city is split by means of a spatial quadtree partition and the block is adopted as the basic urban unit. One advantage of blocks is that they can be easily identified in any urban environment, regardless of the origins and structure of the input data. The aim of the structure is to accelerate the visualization of complex scenes containing not only static but dynamic elements. The usefulness of the structure has been tested with low structured data, which makes its application appropriate to almost all city data. The results of the tests show that when using the BqR‐Tree structure to perform walkthroughs and flights, rendering times vastly improve in comparison to the data structures which have yielded best results to date, with average improvements of around 30%.  相似文献   

This paper presents an interactive Java software platform which enables users to easily create advanced robotic applications together with Computer Vision processing. This novel tool is composed of two layers: (1) Easy Java Simulations (EJS), an open-source tool which provides support for creating applications with a full 2D/3D interactive graphical interface, and (2) EjsRL, a high-level Java library specifically designed for EJS which provides a complete functional framework for modeling and simulation of arbitrary serial-link manipulators, Computer Vision algorithms and remote operation. The combination of both components sets up a software architecture which contains a high number of functionalities in the same platform to develop complex simulations in Robotics and Computer Vision fields. In addition, the paper shows its successful application to virtual and remote laboratories, web-based resources that enhance the accessibility of experimental setups for education and research.  相似文献   

A sampled object representation (SOR) defines a graphical model using data obtained from a sampling process, which takes a collection of samples at discrete positions in space in order to capture certain geometrical and physical properties of one or more objects of interest. Examples of SORs include images, videos, volume datasets and point datasets. Unlike many commonly used data representations in computer graphics, SORs lack in geometrical, topological and semantic information, which is much needed for controlling deformation and animation. Hence it poses a significant scientific and technical challenge to develop deformation and animation methods that operate upon SORs. Such methods can enable computer graphics and computer animation to benefit enormously from the advances of digital imaging technology. In this state of the art report, we survey a wide range of techniques that have been developed for manipulating, deforming and animating SORs. We consider a collection of elementary operations for manipulating SORs, which can serve as building blocks of deformation and animation techniques. We examine a collection of techniques that are designed to transform the geometry shape of deformable objects in sampled representations and pay particular attention to their deployment in surgical simulation. We review a collection of techniques for animating digital characters in SORs, focusing on recent developments in volume animation.  相似文献   

Dynamic process simulators for plant-wide process simulation and multiobjective optimization tools can be used by industries as a means to cut costs and enhance profitability. Specifically, dynamic process simulators are useful in the process plant design phase, as they provide several benefits such as savings in time and costs. On the other hand, multiobjective optimization tools are useful in obtaining the best possible process designs when multiple conflicting objectives are to be optimized simultaneously. Here we concentrate on interactive multiobjective optimization. When multiobjective optimization methods are used in process design, they need an access to dynamic process simulators, hence it is desirable for them to coexist on the same software platform. However, such a co-existence is not common. Hence, users need to couple multiobjective optimization software and simulators, which may not be trivial. In this paper, we consider APROS, a dynamic process simulator and couple it with IND-NIMBUS, an interactive multiobjective optimization software. Specifically, we: (a) study the coupling of interactive multiobjective optimization with a dynamic process simulator; (b) bring out the importance of utilizing interactive multiobjective optimization; (c) propose an augmented interactive multiobjective optimization algorithm; and (d) apply an APROS-NIMBUS coupling for solving a dynamic optimization problem in a two-stage separation process.  相似文献   

A statistical computation, programming and graphics language is available at no cost under the GNU Public Licence. This programming environment is available in source code and binary code forms and is supported for a number of operating systems. The R language is similar to the S language and is a package that allows users to apply methods of data analysis, statistics and graphical rendering of results in an interactive windows-based environment. The R language is supported by a large development and user's group. Additional data analysis and statistical libraries have been contributed by many users and can be obtained from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).  相似文献   

The aim of the rapid world modeling project is to implement a system to visualize the topography of the entire world on consumer‐level hardware. This presents a significant problem in terms of both storage requirements and rendering speed. This paper presents the ‘Tiled Quad Tree’, a technique and format for the storage of digital terrain models, to work as part of an integrated system for the visualization of global terrain data. We show how this format efficiently stores and compresses elevation data, in a way that allows the data to be read very rapidly from hard disk or similar storage medium, to facilitate real‐time rendering. The results of compressing several distinct data sets are presented.  相似文献   

The use of surrogate models to replace expensive computations with computer simulations has been widely studied in engineering problems. However, often only limited simulation data is available when designing complex products due to the cost of obtaining this kind of data. This presents a challenge for building surrogate models because the information contained in the limited simulation data is incomplete. Therefore, a method for building surrogate models by integrating limited simulation data and engineering knowledge with evolutionary neural networks (eDaKnow) is presented. In eDaKnow, a neural network uses an evolutionary algorithm to integrate the simulation data and the monotonic engineering knowledge to learn its weights and structure synchronously. This method involves converting both limited simulation data and engineering knowledge into the respective fitness functions. Compared with the previous work of others, we propose a method to train the surrogate model by combining data and knowledge through evolutionary neural network. We take knowledge as fitness function to train the model, and use a network structure self-learning method, which means that there is no need to adjust the network structure manually. The empirical results show that: (1) eDaKnow can be used to integrate limited simulation data and monotonic knowledge into a neural network, (2) the prediction accuracy of the newly constructed surrogate model is increased significantly, and (3) the proposed eDaKnow outperforms other methods on relatively complex benchmark functions and engineering problems.  相似文献   

In this work we present an architecture for XML‐based mediator systems and a framework for helping systems developers in the construction of mediator‐services for the integration of heterogeneous data sources. A unique feature of our architecture is its capability to manage (proprietary) user's software tools and algorithms, modelled as Extended Value Added Services (EVASs), and integrated in the data flow. The mediator offers a view of the system as a single data source where EVASs are readily available for enhancing query processing. A Web‐based graphic interface has been developed to allow dynamic and flexible EVASs inter‐connection, thus creating complex distributed bioinformatics machines. The feasibility and usefulness of our ideas has been validated by the development of a mediator system (Bio‐Broker) and by a diverse set of applications aimed at combining gene expression data with genomic, sequence‐based and structural information, so as to provide a general, transparent and powerful solution that integrates data analysis tools and algorithms. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data reduction is increasingly being applied to scientific data for numerical simulations, scientific visualizations and data analyses. It is most often used to lower I/O and storage costs, and sometimes to lower in‐memory data size as well. With this paper, we consider five categories of data reduction techniques based on their information loss: (1) truly lossless, (2) near lossless, (3) lossy, (4) mesh reduction and (5) derived representations. We then survey available techniques in each of these categories, summarize their properties from a practical point of view and discuss relative merits within a category. We believe, in total, this work will enable simulation scientists and visualization/data analysis scientists to decide which data reduction techniques will be most helpful for their needs.  相似文献   

The introduction of digital twins is expected to fundamentally change the technology in transportation systems, as they appear to be a compelling concept for monitoring the entire life cycle of the transport system. The advent of widespread information technology, particularly the availability of real-time traffic data, provides the foundation for supplementing predominated (offline) microscopic simulation approaches with actual data to create a detailed real-time digital representation of the physical traffic. However, the use of actual traffic data in real-time motorway analysis has not yet been explored. The reason is that there are no supporting models and the applicability of real-time data in the context of microscopic simulations has yet to be recognized. Thus, this article focuses on microscopic motorway simulation with real-time data integration during system run-time. As a result, we propose a novel paradigm in motorway traffic modeling and demonstrate it using the continuously synchronized digital twin model of the Geneva motorway (DT-GM). We analyze the application of the microscopic simulator SUMO in modeling and simulating on-the-fly synchronized digital replicas of real traffic by leveraging fine-grained actual traffic data streams from motorway traffic counters as input to DT-GM. Thus, the detailed methodological process of developing DT-GM is presented, highlighting the calibration features of SUMO that enable (dynamic) continuous calibration of running simulation scenarios. By doing so, the actual traffic data are directly fused into the running DT-GM every minute so that DT-GM is continuously calibrated as the physical equivalent changes. Accordingly, DT-GM raises a technology dimension in motorway traffic simulation to the next level by enabling simulation-based control optimization during system run-time that was previously unattainable. It, thus, forms the foundation for further evolution of real-time predictive analytics as support for safety–critical decisions in traffic management. Simulation results provide a solid basis for the future real-time analysis of an extended Swiss motorway network.  相似文献   

In this paper, a sensor data validation/reconstruction methodology applicable to water networks and its implementation by means of a software tool are presented. The aim is to guarantee that the sensor data are reliable and complete in case that sensor faults occur. The availability of such dataset is of paramount importance in order to successfully use the sensor data for further tasks e.g. water billing, network efficiency assessment, leak localization and real-time operational control. The methodology presented here is based on a sequence of tests and on the combined use of spatial models (SM) and time series models (TSM) applied to the sensors used for real-time monitoring and control of the water network. Spatial models take advantage of the physical relations between different system variables (e.g. flow and level sensors in hydraulic systems) while time series models take advantage of the temporal redundancy of the measured variables (here by means of a Holt–Winters (HW) time series model). First, the data validation approach, based on several tests of different complexity, is described to detect potential invalid or missing data. Then, the reconstruction process is based on a set of spatial and time series models used to reconstruct the missing/invalid data with the model estimation providing the best fit. A software tool implementing the proposed data validation and reconstruction methodology is also described. Finally, results obtained applying the proposed methodology to a real case study based on the Catalonia regional water network is used to illustrate its performance.  相似文献   

Classical approaches for remote visualization and collaboration used in Computer-Aided Design and Engineering (CAD/E) applications are no longer appropriate due to the increasing amount of data generated, especially using standard networks. We introduce a lightweight and computing platform for scientific simulation, collaboration in engineering, 3D visualization and big data management. This ICT based platform provides scientists an “easy-to-integrate” generic tool, thus enabling worldwide collaboration and remote processing for any kind of data. The service-oriented architecture is based on the cloud computing paradigm and relies on standard internet technologies to be efficient on a large panel of networks and clients. In this paper, we discuss the need of innovations in (i) pre and post processing visualization services, (ii) 3D large scientific data set scalable compression and transmission methods, (iii) collaborative virtual environments, and (iv) collaboration in multi-domains of CAD/E. We propose our open platform for collaborative simulation and scientific big data analysis. This platform is now available as an open project with all core components licensed under LGPL V2.1. We provide two examples of usage of the platform in CAD/E for sustainability engineering from one academic application and one industrial case study. Firstly, we consider chemical process engineering showing the development of a domain specific service. With the rise of global warming issues and with growing importance granted to sustainable development, chemical process engineering has turned to think more and more environmentally. Indeed, the chemical engineer has now taken into account not only the engineering and economic criteria of the process, but also its environmental and social performances. Secondly, an example of natural hazards management illustrates the efficiency of our approach for remote collaboration that involves big data exchange and analysis between distant locations. Finally we underline the platform benefits and we open our platform through next activities in innovation techniques and inventive design.  相似文献   

Understanding relationships between people and organizations by reading newspaper articles is difficult to manage for humans due to the large amount of data. To address this problem, we present and evaluate a new visual analytics system, which offers interactive exploration and tagging of social networks extracted from newspapers. For the visual exploration of the network, we extract “interesting” neighbourhoods of nodes, using a new degree of interest (DOI) measure based on edges instead of nodes. It improves the seminal definition of DOI, which we find to produce the same “globally interesting” neighbourhoods in our use case, regardless of the query. Our approach allows answering different user queries appropriately, avoiding uniform search results. We propose a user‐driven pattern‐based classifier for discovery and tagging of non‐taxonomic semantic relations. Our approach does not require any a‐priori user knowledge, such as expertise in syntax or pattern creation. An evaluation shows that our classifier is capable of identifying known lexico‐syntactic patterns as well as various domain‐specific patters. Our classifier yields good results already with a small amount of training, and continuously improves through user feedback. We conduct a user study to evaluate whether our visual interactive system has an impact on how users tag relationships, as compared to traditional text‐based interfaces. Study results suggest that users of the visual system tend to tag more concisely, avoiding too abstract or overly specific relationship labels.  相似文献   

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